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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 486 KB, 2560x1440, 1592086254942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15367928 No.15367928 [Reply] [Original]

Grandma passes you the anime soup, you eatin'?

>> No.15367934

hell yeah

>> No.15367944

>Gigi: Spicy “anime” soup w/ shrimp & bacon
>“Me and my son used to watch a lot of anime together, and one day my son turn to me and said 'Mom, can we make that soup that's in the anime?'"
Wholesome heckin chungus moment.

>> No.15367949

>Grandma passes you her left tit, you eatin'?

>> No.15367956

>he's seen it

>> No.15367962
File: 35 KB, 612x408, harpoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the harpoons!

>> No.15367963
File: 159 KB, 1665x943, Spider Show Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all fairness, every recent anime show has awesome looking food in it every few episodes.

>> No.15367973

do streaming websites have sneaky watermarks to get you banned or anything? i wanna make a webm of OP

>> No.15367975

Are happy families reddit now?

>> No.15367978

Not even just recent stuff. Food autism by artists is an anime staple going back to even shit like Ranma and Dragon Ball.

They'd have to go and file a custom takedown notice, which most of them don't give enough of a shit.

>> No.15367980

right, but I mean like if you screencap something or record it is it fine?

>> No.15367985

Being happy and having fun is hella Reddit. Where do you think we are?

>> No.15367990

More or less. Guy Fieri and the Food Network or one of their representatives would have to personally file a takedown notice and all that would do is ban the image, but it's not like they'd get a big siren and warning sign that you were "stealing" a video and posted it.

>> No.15367994

nah I meant more in the sense of like those websites where it shows your ip within the image or whatever

>> No.15367996

A hobby board and not /r9k/?

>> No.15367998
File: 328 KB, 1024x768, Lina Naga Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose so. I know Slayers went nuts with it in the 90's.

>> No.15368016

Oh, fuck no. That never happens, even on

We're on 4chan; a place where you don't take anyone seriously unless you want pointless ulcers and hemorrhoids galore.

>> No.15368018

okay thanks, I'll make a webm of it with audio and without

>> No.15368348

wow it's really like i'm back on 2012 4chan

>> No.15368371


>> No.15368535

Yo OP, got a link to the video? Looks wholesome.

>> No.15368540


>> No.15368624

I will post clips tomorrow if this thread is still up

>> No.15368707

Thanks m8. I want to see Guenevere making her family favorite.

>> No.15368711

Go back to Africa baboon. We're sick of your crime rates.

>> No.15368716

Where’s the fuckin file bitch

>> No.15368722

Unexpectedly based

>> No.15368745

I'd say go back to /pol/, but I know why it's leaking atm. I am suprised however, if you're on a Kazakh goat appraising forum such as this, surely you'd approve of the anime soup making grammy

>> No.15368748

I have never not wanted a soup so badly in my life.

>> No.15368764

Stay mad, seething weeabo.

>> No.15368769

hiding in the closit behind a broom stick

>> No.15368805

Consider a chowdah, new england clam

>> No.15368820

My grandma has been dead for like 30 years, if she passed me anything I'd get freaked out thinking some ghost was rattling chains at me.

>> No.15368885
File: 481 KB, 900x1200, 1379925411742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gorillas are an endangered species, anon. you're not allowed to shoot them.

>> No.15368887


>> No.15368894

im gonna eat the fuck out of her big cans, and i mean suck on her big titties all day

>> No.15368896

She's making the soup from her son's favorite anime you soulless monster

>> No.15369147

Happy anything is reddit.

>> No.15369168

You know what's reddit also? Asking passive aggressive questions from a position of happy family privilege.

>> No.15369177

obviously. 4chan families are the ones where the dad is a bitter schizophrenic who rants about the jews every day and drinks himself to death

>> No.15369182
File: 75 KB, 800x765, 7645AA33-268B-4A68-8884-0A1387456227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15369186

take your meds, schizo.

>> No.15369190

Reddit detected.

>> No.15369204

getting small dick vibes from you, "u/anon"".

>> No.15369209


>> No.15369276

it was just a little jab at nu4chan's culture of cynicism and far-right conspiracies, no need to take it personally schizo-kun

>> No.15369288

>"culture of cynicism and far-right conspiracies"
Holy mokka press batman, are you saying this site is being frequented by malicious meaniebirds and resentful rascals?