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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 245 KB, 1043x1227, Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15540033 No.15540033 [Reply] [Original]

I get allergic reactions from the following foods:
(when raw)
Snow peas

and the following cooked foods

I get throat swelling, painful bumps in my mouth, heartburn, and my face turns red

Why? Allergies are much more common in children born since the late 90's than they were before. Is it vaccines? Perhaps the chickenpox vaccine? I like all these food, but eating them is increasingly difficult

>> No.15540078

Allergies are nothing to fuck with.
You eat the stuff, your body decides to try to kill itself.

Your immune system gets better and better at suicide everytime it practices.

Why so common in children of the 80's and 90's?
Probably a lack of playing in the dirt, and not enough parasites.
Helminthic therapy sounds fucking weird, but some people with allergies say it helps.

>> No.15540083

Hahaha fucking genelet. Get fucked. *Deeply snorts the spring breeze*

>> No.15540085

it's because faggots like you used to die in childhood you fucking genetic dead end. should you get the chance the breed, (you won't) don't.

>> No.15540087

I played in the dirt all the time as a kid and still ended up with food issues later on. I've actually been able to get rid of some of them by maintaining a strict diet for a while though. I think I have a nightshade sensitivity which apparently isn't that uncommon and eating those foods for so long weakened my digestive system which caused issues with other foods until I cut them out and it was able to start healing.

People constantly eating so much unhealthy junk food could be causing similar issues and if they just maintained a healthy diet for a while they might find their issues going away too.

>> No.15540088

Your lips look like a sex worker I patronize. Sarah?

>> No.15540100

>people used to die because they couldn't eat some vegetables
I dunno about that. Sometimes I also wonder if the globalization of the food supply has increased the rate of food allergies because of people suddenly having access to something they didn't start introducing into their diet more slowly and kind of evolved with, like how most people without European heritage are lactose intolerant and can't suddenly start drinking a lot of milk when it's available.

>> No.15540122

you sure about that European heritage bit? im south Asian and have been drinking milk and consooming dairy for ages without issue
(none of my grandparents or great grandparents were European)

>> No.15540127

god you're stupid and allergic to everything under the sun, must suck being such an utter failure.
"people" died all the time from anaphylaxis you smoothbrained mongoloid.

>> No.15540149

You is a faggot though so unless babies start plopping out of dudes bussies you needn't bother your mind with plans of hygenic breeding

>> No.15540158

Getting called a faggot doesn't sting when you know the dude on the other end can literally be killed by vegetables.

>> No.15540175

Yea and the whining of some mo whose computer chair is a herpetic dick isn't too interesting to the rest of us

>> No.15540186
File: 18 KB, 310x214, 310px-Worldwide_prevalence_of_lactose_intolerance_in_recent_populations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's not that 100% of everyone without European heritage is lactose intolerant but it's a lot higher. But even lactose intolerant people are supposed to be able to drink small amounts of milk without having noticeable issues, the difference is when consuming more than 10g or so of lactose in one sitting.

>> No.15540187

Its cause of the rise of formula over breast milk, more than vaccines, as you arent exposed to those food when very young.

>> No.15540192

niggas can't drink milk or eat ice cream? that's mega fucked up (i heard raw garlic can kill the bacteria that allows people to process lactose)

>> No.15540196

no need to be so hard on yourself, guy.
I agree it's pretty fuckin homosexual to be allergic to the salad bar, but you don't need to get so worked up about your incessant cocklust.

>> No.15540221

At the buffet all I can get is dressing bitch you think that's a happy life?

>> No.15540287

>played in the dirt
>still ended up with food issues
Best guess to the "why" is that you got an infection and ate something with a certain protein about the same time, and your immune system learned to get triggered by that certain protein.

Not much you can do about it now, but it may be comforting to know that most people stop complaining about their allergies shortly after burial.

>> No.15540318

lotta incel rage in this thread

>> No.15540320

I'd let you suck it

>> No.15540394

>Allergies are much more common in children born since the late 90's than they were before. Is it vaccines?
This is due to the food supply becoming increasingly globalised and local food distribution chains becoming more centralised and efficient.

Because of this you get a lot more exposure to non-native pollen and other allergens with your food, either through surface contamination as it gets handled and moved through warehouses or from the food itself being imported and getting caked in it wherever it grows.

>> No.15540808

none of these foods were known in north/west Europe 500 years ago

>> No.15540848

This and the fact that chilren drastically reduce the rates of allergies when the allergen is first presented to them WITH their mothers breastmilk. This combination prevents their body from getting all autistica about the allergen. So the worst you could do is either not give your infant and allergens till later ge and of course not breast feeding, which will also incrase allergies to conventional usually non allergenic foods.

When you count how many chilren where raied by "business women" feeding formular and processed shit to their children, you wouldn't be surprised by those findings.

>> No.15541014

Allergies are more common in children born since the late 90's for the same reason that gayness and trannyism is more common....because it's popular in that age group to be retarded and unable to function like a healthy adult.

>> No.15541279

Countries with border that isn't geographical, and also border a third world country?
They have started researching why their children is fucked with Asthma, Excema and various diseases... While the Soviet children on the other side doesn't, despite being mostly the same genetic stock and living on a similar habitat.

I assume with the research, you can't do anything for yourself, as you are already into your 20s or even older. Treatment for auto immune diseases is still experimental.
But it might impact your children. Assuming the science is distributed and heed.

>> No.15541284

Stop washing your hands so much and go outside more

>> No.15541285

That girl picks her nose

>> No.15541312

Everyone does

>> No.15541321

yeah, but not everyone eats what you find in there

>> No.15541322

Everyone has

>> No.15541330

I read something a while back about how parents for decades were told to feeding babies certain foods to avoid developing allergies to them. Now they're thinking that's actually counter productive, and that you should feed them everything to prevent allergies.

>> No.15541331

Sure, but not as grown ups

>> No.15541338

I'm 26, have a good paying job, and eat my boogers daily

>> No.15541343


>> No.15541351

Why not?

>> No.15541354


>> No.15541427

>Why? Allergies are much more common in children born since the late 90's than they were before. Is it vaccines? Perhaps the chickenpox vaccine? I like all these food, but eating them is increasingly difficult
The allergy that is more common today is peanut allergy and it's linked to mycotoxins (mold) from the dirt and sitting moisture shells during the time frame between picking and to processing at longer distances, ie time to grow mold. Your mold allergy can come from your house initially.
Mechanical separation of peels, such as in storebought guac or mango salsa and things like that can explain some packaged food allergies. The saps in peels, like in OJ in cartons, are in just higher amounts than is natural to consume. Eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes are both from the nightshade family and known to be toxic to some people due to belladona content. Famous quarterback Brady avoids nightshades and all sugar.

It is nothing to do with vaccines, unless you are allergic to thimerosol or eggs. The thing that makes people think of vaccines is that their already overactive immune response reacts to vaccines with great inflammation.

>> No.15541516
File: 15 KB, 210x251, cof .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have oral allergy syndrome nigga. It’s related to hay fever and the raw proteins or something.


>> No.15541527

genetic inferiority

>> No.15541609

>i heard raw garlic can kill the bacteria that allows people to process lactose
Lactase is the enzyme, and people who are lactose intolerant don't produce it. There's no bacteria that produces it.

>> No.15541619

Many lactose intolerant people don't experience issues drinking raw milk, so that might play a factor.

>> No.15541739

are you a beautiful lady?

>> No.15542549

I've got you beat pal. I've been a drunk for 20 years who has just suddenly become allergic to alcohol.

And tuna too for some reason.

>> No.15543483

My only known food allergy is cranberries, but at least I can still drink zombies.