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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15629489 No.15629489 [Reply] [Original]

Is there even anything hotter than this? It claims to only be 100kish scoville but I've had hot sauces bragging over 1m scoville that pale in comparison to the blinding heat of Beyond Insanity.

>> No.15629560 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15629575

It's really retarded that this site is so garbage that your post will be deleted and you will be warned but this is literally the only response OP should get

>> No.15629591
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The source is probably one of the worst I've tried.
I'd compare the feeling to dragging a glowing hot razorblade across your tongue.

>> No.15629599
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my mixtape

>> No.15629660

Why are you guys like this

>> No.15629674
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Did someone say hot sauce?

>> No.15629684


>> No.15629696

Did I miss something? Why is hot sauce associated with soy men? If you dont like it fine but I was hoping at least a few of you would enjoy it and have recommendations. I really want to know what's hotter than beyond insanity.

>> No.15629732
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>> No.15629739
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>> No.15629750

There is nothing more soy then discussing scoville units. The only thing more soy is if you make a spicy IPA and ask how many units are in it

>> No.15629753
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Anyone else like this stuff? I forgot to bring it up in the last thread.

>> No.15629764

>real mexican style
What the fuck does this mean? Does the hot sauce behead you?

>> No.15629767

Because hot sauce and hot sauce obsession os one of those things soyboys have adopted as part of their personality, like beards, glasses, feminism, funko pops, medium rare steaks, ipas, sous vide etc

>> No.15629771

It means it ain’t for white boyz like you ese

>> No.15629839

So any thread about it gets bombarded with soy memes then? I'm disappointed. For some reason I hoped this board was more interested in food itself and not the associations with the food. I'm not a soyfag I just really like seeing how hot of shit I can handle. My goal is to go to a thai or indian restaurant and have the hottest dish they usually refuse to give to white bois

>> No.15629848

Thai restaurants will never give you the hottest shit once they see you. Only takeout will they do that

>> No.15629855

>Only takeout will they do that
Do you have to order with a fake Thai accent?

>> No.15629870

You knew what would happen when you started this thread

>> No.15629877

How hot really is the hottest thai food? I can eat ghost pepper and carolina reaper shit no problem. Do they have some magic secret pepper that is somehow hotter?

>> No.15629883

I really didnt but I'm not surprised either

>> No.15629886

That's why it's soy, you aren't interested in food you just want to fuel your masochistic ego by circlejerking about le hot sawce with infinite Scoville or whatever

>> No.15629895


>> No.15629896

>I hoped this board was more interested in food itself and not the associations with the foo
You’re going to be disappointed, newfriend.

>> No.15629901

>you arent interested in food
Why the generalization? Hot sauce is an additive. Would a "what's the best bbq sauce" thread result in the same autistic screeching?

>> No.15629902

Does anyone have a soyjak thanos gauntlet pic? I wanted to edit one where the gems are replaced with hot sauce bottles

>> No.15629912
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>> No.15629937

I feel like a Jewish tranny posting on/pol/ for the first time. I had no idea something so widely used as hot sauce was such a polarizing topic

>> No.15629959

Nobody is telling you to not like hot sauce, you still don't understand why you are soy and it's hilarious, so little self awareness

>> No.15629965

I don't understand the appeal of extremely high scoville hot sauces. After a certain point all you're doing is masking the existing flavour of whatever you put it on with the overpowering hot sauce. Seems like a waste to me. Less powerful hot sauces which actually have some flavour like El Yucateco or Marie Sharp's make more sense to me.

>> No.15629983

It appeals to limp wristed men because it's the one thing that they can claim makes them seem like actual men

>> No.15629993

>everyone who likes something that sőyboys like is soy themselves
Why did you give them this power? I hate IPAs but I know plenty of guys that like them that are the antithesis of soy. Go outside more. Meet more people.

>> No.15630005

>everyone who likes something that sőyboys like is soy themselves
This, but unironically

>> No.15630007
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Tried this. It's about a 4/10 for heat. I expected the traditional smokey chipotle flavor and hated it at first, then I realized it's actually almost entirely a garlic flavor. Put it on some shrimp alfredo pasta I made and it was absolutely perfect.

>> No.15630026
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This shit is about 8.5/10 for heat but doesnt live up to the "one drop and you will die" hype if you have any experience with hot food. Has a pretty strong flavor from the pepper X but it tastes better than some of the mostly extract sauces like beyond insanity. I enjoy it on burgers and it's fun to mix into other sauces to heat them up. It's particularly good in sweet barbecue sauces.

>> No.15630032

I'll post the same thing again :
>Nobody is telling you to not like hot sauce, you still don't understand why you are soy and it's hilarious, so little self awareness

You STILL don't get it lmao

>> No.15630042
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I just want to talk about hot sauce man

>> No.15630053

Go back to redd it then

>> No.15630079
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>> No.15630083
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>go to farmers market
>old black guy selling wing sauce in mason jars
>go to buy the extra hot one, cause I like my wings really hot
>the guy warns me like a million times that it’s really spicy, I may want to try one of the less hot ones
>go ahead and buy the extra hot one, I’m not a pussy when it comes to spicy stuff
>go home, eventually make some chicken wings and toss them in the sauce
>mfw it isn’t even really spicy, maybe comparable to hot Buffalo sauce you’d get at a restaurant, I was hoping for some extra extra hot meme sauce
>the sauce was really fucking good though, next time I’m back there I’ll ask if he has a secret hotter sauce he doesn’t normally give to white boys.

>> No.15630089

you can't

>> No.15630093
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>> No.15630126
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For me it’s Frank’s Extra Hot

>> No.15630289

>For some reason I hoped this board was more interested in food itself and not the associations with the food
Turn back now, this has become a place for shitposting that is tangentially related to food.

>> No.15630319

The whole appeal of it is that's supposed to be the hottest sauce on the market that doesn't contain capsaicin extract, which isn't exactly the tastiest ingredient. To be honest, at that kind of heat level, flavour stops being a concern

>> No.15630340

Yes. If you like things that are søy, you are søy. That's exactly how it works.
Learn something sometime.

>> No.15630346

I think even the hottest ones should still have a decent flavor. That's my main criticism of the Da Bomb sauces is yeah they're blinding hot but they really don't taste that good objectively speaking. Can you recommend any good california reaper sauces?

>> No.15630353
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>> No.15630361

You can say soy here bro

>> No.15630384

imagine not being able to say soy on a cooking board

>> No.15630395
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for me it's this or cholula

>> No.15630404

Do you have a beard?

>> No.15630415

yeah, infact I just trimmed it a little
I hate the soyface though

>> No.15630424

What's the heat like? What kind of foods does that go well with?

>> No.15630426

It's not very spicy at all. That's why even I like it

>> No.15630430

Goes good with pasta

>> No.15630437

Yo I grow about a hundred pepper plants every year and make a bunch of different fermented hot sauces. Because I'm 'mr hot sauce' people buy me hot sauce related shit as gifts, but in reality I couldn't give a shit I am into technical gardening and fermentation not hot sauce itself.

Anyway. Having been bought a lot of super hot sauces, challenge pepper products etc, the major different between consumer grade ghost/reaper/scorpion stuff and the stupid shit is it is usually no more than 4% by weight.

The same rings true for jalapeno sauces, scotch bonnet sauces, habanero sauces etc. The biggest ingredient is water, then vinegar, maybe fruit puree, tomato, regular peppers, carrot, sugar, salt and so on follow by 4% of what gives it a kick.

I make a 15% salt habanero mash and bottle it after fermentation with 30% lime juice. It is hotter than all the regular reaper and ghost pepper sauces I've got in the cupboard by a long way.

In relation to thai food etc I've had dishes which have a couple of handfuls of peppers hanging out in them. Every bite contains one or two. They aren't super hots, but they are certainly hot, typically 20x as hot a a jalapeno and maybe 2-3 times less hot than a scotch bonnet. Eating the equivilent of a handful of scotch bonnets for dinner is no joke.

>> No.15630440

ITT: white incel losers who think mayo is spicy and don't touch bell peppers

>> No.15630450

Pretty sure it’s just like one guy doing it

>> No.15630454

Interesting. That explains why I've had some habanero hot sauces that were horrifyingly hot and some ghost pepper ones that were disappointing. They dont really disclose the actual percentages of contents. Do you sell your sauces publicly or is it more of a word of mouth thing?

>> No.15630499

>My goal is to go to a thai or indian restaurant and have the hottest dish they usually refuse to give to white bois

I think this is an American thing rather than a white thing. Last year (pre-Covid) we had a black American guy visit us, he would go on and on about how he loved hot food and how English people aren't used to heat.
We took him out for a fairly normal curry and all ordered Vindaloo, the American literally started crying because it was too hot for him. It was pretty embarrassing honestly.

>> No.15630526

Vindaloo is top of my bucket list for hottest foods I've never had but despite being able to eat things that literally make my friends vomit from the heat I'm concerned it could still whoop my ass. What exactly is in that shit that makes it so hot?

>> No.15630543
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>For me it’s Frank’s Extra Hot

>> No.15630583

Usually a dessert spoon of cayenne desu

>> No.15630830

oh no they posted soys! Your life is over! you got owned!!!

just ignore them holy fuck.

>> No.15630927

Is there a hot sauce that actually tastes good and not just like vinegar and fire?

>> No.15631018

not that spicy, goes great with chicken and noodle dishes

>> No.15631107


Imagine being this needy for (You)s holy shit.

>> No.15631160
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>Is there even anything hotter than this?

>> No.15631170
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I am erect

>> No.15631202

i have a bottle of that shit and indeed it is way hotter than most other hotsauces. I think the hotsauces that advertise 1mil+ scoville dont have any idea how hot their sauces actually are and they just make shit up to sell sauce to the hype nerds. Da bomb is great to spice up dishes though, you need a couple of drops and your dish is spicy as intented.

>> No.15631232

I've not opened it up yet, still trying to finish off the other one they do that's half as spicy.
Fucking tasty but you can't use it more than a few drops at a time.

>> No.15631327

Just so you all know the Scoville scale is absolute bullshit.

>> No.15631346

What's the one you opened called? I'd like to build my way up. I've had, I think it was 40% capsaicin extract years ago as a "I'm sick of this fucking sinus infection" nuclear option and I'll never forget how just enough to blacken the tip of a toothpick was orders of magnitude hotter than anything I ever had in my life.

>> No.15631668
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>What's the one you opened called?
God Slayer.
It's the hottest I've had that's got extract in it, Fiery Fool is the hottest I've had that's pure chillies.

>> No.15631681
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>> No.15631690
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>> No.15631694
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the king. not that hot but extremely flavorful

>> No.15631698


>> No.15631723
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It appears my superiority has led to some controversy

>> No.15631729
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>> No.15631755
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>> No.15631785

People that like chillies don't go after oleoresin shit.
That's wannabe thrillseeker shit for people that don't realize they'll have massive hemorroids afterwards. Just shoot yourself in the knees that'll amount to the same.

>> No.15631789 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15631790

Cholula is the best hot sauce you can get without going to some autistic specialty store. Cholula > Tapatio > Valentina.

>> No.15632053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15632063

>if I don’t like something I call it soy
Ok then

>> No.15632150

The XXX was a tasty mustard hot sauce.
Apollo is a bit hotter but tastes far worse.

>> No.15632312

Swedish Win

>> No.15632369
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hot sauce

>> No.15632831

LMAO I'm a soy boy redditor for liking hot sauce? Look in the mirror, faggot. I bet you posted that soy meme because you can't handle the heat. You're jealous of me and the fact that I can handle hotter foods than you. Does that make me more of a man and you less of one? Of course it doesn't, but in your eyes it does. That's why you posted that meme, because of your inferiority complex. In your own warped view of reality, if somebody is better at you than something it must be because they're soy boy losers and you're the cool guy who is above trying to be good. In reality you're just pathetic and no meme you post will change that. Get a fucking grip, man.

>> No.15632850

Me and a buddy each put half an eye dropper on our tongues. Horrible experience, would not recommend.

>> No.15632873

To clarify, it was da' bomb ground zero

>> No.15632961

yes, you are a soyboy redditor for liking hotsauce and an irl faggot to boot. Hit me with another block of text I dont give a shit about, hot sauce boy

>> No.15632969
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>that's not enough scoville units for me

>> No.15632988

"Hurr durr IPAs" is the hottest beer take of 2011, grandpa. Hipsters have long since moved on to other things.

>> No.15632991

What no pussy does to a nigga

>> No.15632992

Copy pasta, anon...

>> No.15632995

the gayest most soy hipster trend to date is 'speakeasy' style establishments

>> No.15632996

Quit pretending to be black.

>> No.15633001

gargle my spicy unwashed nutsack

>> No.15633019

Oh my god this is brutal dude. I really think this website might not be for you if you're going to let a single teenage neckbeard get under your skin that much

>> No.15633038

Nigga chill

>> No.15633127
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These n*ggers are pretty tasty.

>> No.15633158
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i impulse bought a bottle of this when i was wandering around nyc back in 2019. it's got this strong funk to it that comes through even if i put it in soups.

>> No.15633407

We currently have two threads running with soys talking about their favorite IPAs

>> No.15633412

>>15631755 extremely based

>> No.15634017
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