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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15709509 No.15709509 [Reply] [Original]

tell me the truth. do you toss good?

>> No.15709514

Unneeded but yes.

>> No.15709527

The call me tosser.

>> No.15709537


>> No.15709551

Tosser. Salad Tosser

>> No.15709887

bend over and see for yourself

>> No.15710159

nope, too afraid to spill shit

>> No.15710178

Where's that nikocado image

>> No.15710191

I've gotten better, only lose an occasional onion piece now

>> No.15710198

Salad? Yes.

>> No.15710254

was always afraid of it and just used spatula/tongs but about a week ago I started practicing it for fun and I think I'm okay at it

>> No.15710858

i think its utterly pointless. just a cheap cooking trick for losers

>> No.15710893

it spreads the food out really uniformly, allowing you to get the thinnest layer possible which increases the food surface area in contact with the pan. it is not utter pointless.

>> No.15710931

you do that by shaking the pan back and forth. no retarded flipping required

>> No.15710945

that's a lot of cope, why so insecure buddy?

>> No.15710997

no cope only facts bro

>> No.15711013

Idk I feel it's faster sometimes, plus I just find it fun to do so why not.

>> No.15711249

>t. wristlet

>> No.15711272

Just stirring is impractical if you have a very hot pan. Rice or noodles won't cook evenly if you don't toss it.

>> No.15711278

I can tell you can't cook just from this.

>> No.15711291

>shake pan back and forth
>top layer still cold

>> No.15711300

With a wok I toss like a god. With a steel frying pan I toss like a retard

>> No.15711322

Usually, though I occasionally smash the stovetop.

>> No.15711423

>never worked a saute station

>> No.15711432

I can slowly stir pretty well

>> No.15711449

yes cos i dont do one little gay trick, i cant cook. the absolute state of ck

>> No.15711642

>utterly pointless
It's best use is for cooling. If you've gotten the pan too hot, cooling the contents by evaporation in the air can prevent an imminent over-browning.

>> No.15711700

only when i don't think about it

>> No.15712045
File: 60 KB, 970x582, c53ce111-be7d-4b7f-b53d-bd3582a5f9c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit parents
>shitty ass cookware
>stir frying some veggies for lunch
>go to flip
>pan flies off the handle and the veggies go everywhere
The pan was so shitty I was able to roll it up with my hands like some sort of a superhuman. Idiot parents.

>> No.15712367

Its not a trick you fucking retard, it's the most efficient way of distributing heat.

>> No.15712558

>shake pan for one second
>heats distributed
wow that was hard

>> No.15712773
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I too hate over-browning