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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.19 MB, 3530x2440, fast-food-items-like-hot-dogs-hamburgers-fries-and-royalty-free-image-180258510-1559769444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15922385 No.15922385 [Reply] [Original]

Processed food

What is the problem with processed food?

People here appears not to like it.

>> No.15922487

If you eat nothing else, your gut biome will go weird and you will be very smelly.
It's also expensive and generally bland tasting.

>> No.15922709

>People here appear not to like it

People here are mostly 300+ lb NEETs that eat nothing but mcdonald's and chicken tenders. Don't let the retards screeching about eating healthy fool you, they're simply LARPing as someone not pathetic.

>> No.15922721

I don't have a problem with it, I wouldn't have food without it. Everything I eat is frozen. Not fat though.

>> No.15922802

Everything you eat is processed in one or more ways.

>> No.15922838

Big Corn contaminates everything with corn byproducts in order to sap your precious bodily fluids.

>> No.15922850

So why /ck/ says processed food sucks?

>> No.15922862

/ck/ is for fast food and ja/ck/ threads

>> No.15922956

What threads say it sucks? Most threads are fast food, ramen noodles, pizza, etc. I'm just saying everything we eat is processed in some way.

>> No.15922966
File: 2.28 MB, 640x360, buffet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low nutritional value, full of lab-ingredients for longer shelf life or to fool your tongue into thinking it tastes good, also has lab-ingredients for mouthfeel.

It's just garbage. Pretty sure I have a webm of a dog pissing on fast food someone tried to give it, but it might have sound and I can't find it right now

>> No.15922972

>People here appears not to like it.
Are you joking? Every thread on this board is about some processed Amerifat junk food.

>> No.15922978

Thats WAY more complicated than the real answer:
>Some people actually take care of themselves on here
Stop trying to rationalize fatty

>> No.15922989

Landwhale detected

>> No.15923007

I love it but I can't have it anymore. High fat low fiber gave me an intestinal infection with a few days in the hospital to get through it. It was horrible. Your diet needs balance. Being obeast can creep up on you sooner than you think. I had to change ways.

>> No.15923049

Basically true, although it's pretty minimal at a pick your own apple place.

>> No.15923060

Most of my diet throughout my life has been processed and so has everyone else. Very few can claim to have escaped it in a significant way.

But do I really need to explain why "natural" food would be preferable? Imagine eating at the level of process as the Amish. If you lack the imagination/intellect then there is little I can say to inspire you.

I would prefer it simply at face value, not much more is needed to convince me. There could be data that says it is less healthy, and I would still choose it over the alternative. Why? Same reason you might prefer to play a game on an original system vs. emulator. Most emulators are flawed, yes, but even if it were perfect 1:1, if you had the choice, you'd pick the real deal. Even at the cost of nicities like save states.

If the video game analogy doesn't work for you then be creative and try to defend it anyways.

>> No.15923762

You couldnt be farther from the truth

>> No.15923937

Oh dear! No one will read that blog sweatie

>> No.15924090

Because you can make better, cheaper, healthier, and more satisfying food without the gay side effects from fast food. Simple as.

>> No.15925119

People will find anything to make themselves feel better than others. They likely know someone with that diet and associates their bad qualities as resulting from the food.

>> No.15925123

processed food encompasses fast food, but is not strictly fast food

grocery stores are mostly processed food

>> No.15925124

imagine being this rat

>> No.15925161

you just don't like being healthy and having a body weight you're actually comfortable with
eating less processed food is cheaper, healthier and tastes better. The only downside is you have to cook, so I can see why so many people on /ck/ are against it

>> No.15925177

its a bird

>> No.15925581

That's some terrible reading comprehension

>> No.15925649

For me it's the sodium mainly. I started to actually take notice to how much sodium I was consuming in a day, and it's rather shocking how fast it can add up if you even just add something like canned soup, bagged bread, a snack like potato chips or something once or twice a day, you're half way to your recommended limit.
Plus all the other preservatives and shit that gets thrown in.
I'm at the age now where I need to start basically watching my health and stop pretending I can eat what ever the fuck I want and be fine, so I guess that may have been it.

I save my processed food intake for restaurant food mainly now.

>> No.15925654

Its a cooking board you neanderthal. You take the cooking out of cooking.

>> No.15925666

It's food and cooking

>> No.15925675

The problem, it lacks of almost all of the good stuff in regular food like vitamins, minerals, fiber, good fats and antioxidants. But you get lot's of bad stuff instead like salt, fat and simple carbohydrates.

>> No.15925815

Same issue for me. It started when I noticed there's tons of sodium in flour tortillas which seems like a weird way to get half your RDA of sodium. They don't even taste salty, wtf?