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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15936510 No.15936510 [Reply] [Original]

>job is literally just ask people waht they want, move plates around, and have a good attitude
>The only low skill job where performance directly affects how much money you make
>Yet they still fuck it up constantly anywhere that charges less than $30 for a meal
Why is it like this?

>> No.15936601


>> No.15936616 [DELETED] 

we hate women, wagies, sex-havers, and nonwhites. It's part of the culture on here.
This thread is now about shitting on all these subhumans.
Give 'em your best, white brothers of anime and vidya

>> No.15936625
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I don't tip out of principle.

>> No.15936632

welcome to people being incompetent
>pay minimum wage
>minimum service

>> No.15936634

you wish lol

trump supporters everyone

>> No.15936644

Kek, spotted the seething libcuck tranny.
>thinking I even want to have sex with digusting modern women
Nice try. I am happy to never have sex when they're so far below me morally, ethically, and spiritually.

>> No.15936650

only the autistic think that customer service is low skill

>> No.15936652

have sex incel

>> No.15936653

but it's not minimum wage, it's like you're actually losing out on a $5 tip because you took 15 minutes to refill a cup

>> No.15936656

>I am happy to never have sex
why are you lying on the internet? You're a regular human being, not a snowflake, you want to have sex. And even if women were on a level with you morally (lol), ethically (lol), and spiritually (lol), you wouldn't get any because you're a retarded incel. YWNFAW

>> No.15936657

that's just women for you. They are so dumb compared to us

>> No.15936665

Sex is degenerate. It's simply a Jewish designed to breed out whiteness

>> No.15936669

I'm so glad I'm not a waiter anymore that was awful
Now I do nothing all day at home and get paid way more

>> No.15936671

>hi, are you ready to order
>write down what they say
>give what your wrote down to chef
>take plates to them
>take plates away, give bill
>scrub down table
>repeat a few times an hour
hardest job on the planet dude

>> No.15936695

Waiting is an easy job. It’s fun if you’re outgoing and well paid at a nice restaurant. I have an office job during the day but still wait tables a few nights a week for extra money and to get out of the house. It’s always amusing to me that servers make 4chan seethe so much. Btw 95% of people tip decently, so it really doesn’t matter if you get the occasional weirdo who doesn’t tip on principle.

>> No.15936732

things trump supporters say

>> No.15936977

The rare double wagie

>> No.15937002

Very nicely said.

>> No.15937709

office job != wagie

>> No.15937828
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*blocks your path*

>> No.15937847

have you ever worked in a kitchen

>> No.15937890

It's a job that naturally is for retards but the cuck memes around it ("you have to tip 25% no matter what, it's a hard job!!!!") have attracted even more retarded people.

>> No.15937896

>have you ever worked at a cash register, no, then how do you know it isn't difficult to operate oen???

>> No.15937905

This is some heavy projecting, only autistic people think talking to other people is a big deal.

>> No.15937919

>costs more per unit per year including mandatory maintenance contract and upgrades than hiring waitstaff
The future is now, amirite?

>> No.15937934

I can tell you've never had a job

>> No.15937952

I can tell you are a whiny loser who thinks every retarded task you do is hard and expects to be stroked off for it. I'm literally at my job right now.

>> No.15937963

u r such an idiot
im serious

>> No.15937973


Don't forget cleaning up the tables after really disasters.

Years ago, there was a 24 hour diner near the college and I used to go there to drink coffee while doing my math homework.

One night at the end of the semester, the colleges motorcycle club had a big party not far away. Toward the end of the party, there was a wine chugging contest.

After the party was over, I was one of the more sober ones there -- I hadn't been feeling real well and didn't drink much -- so I was tasked with riding the motorcycles home for members who were too drunk to ride.

I saved the hardest to ride motorcycle for last. That motorcycle was hopped up so much that it was tough to ride in the daylight while stone cold sober.

So I took it home about 3 am. One of the people in that apartment told me about their adventures at the 24 hour diner after the party.

Remember that this was the end of the semester and so there were a number of formals that night. About eight motorcycle club members went in to get some coffee. When one member (who had pretty much stomped everyone in the wine chugging contest) took a sip of coffee, he immediately started puking. It got not only his table, but the tables around him.

They headed for the door. As they passed the cashier, one of them tossed a pretty fair bit of money on the counter. There was a line at the door and about that time, the one throwing up let go again and another member put his hands over his mouth to try to minimize the mess. A stream of puke came out covering one girl in a nice evening gown from head to foot.

So after that, I went to the diner for a bite to eat. When talking to the waitresses, I asked about that. When I said that I was at the party, that waitress, who I had known for years, got mad and wouldn't talk to me.

It was twenty years before she would talk to me again.

>> No.15937985

>per unit
Which is why it replaces more than one person

>> No.15937990

I just want to know why I'm expected to tip them over the cook. The person making the food is literally the reason I'm there, and they have a way harder job. Plus I don't get why I'm expected to tip off a fucking percentage. It doesn't matter if I get the cheap burger or the steak, you're still just picking up a plate and bringing it to me either way.

>> No.15937997


There have been times when I wanted to tip the cook.

>> No.15938337

This but not ironically.

>> No.15938418

>Don't forget cleaning up the tables after really disasters.
It's a wagie job, just walk out and get another one

>> No.15939743

>Working in the kitchen
Don't hurt your back moving the goalposts faggot.
Also anon didn't say not hard, he said low skill. Waiting staff is the quintessential low skill job, only high end restaurants need actually qualified personnel, anything else can make do with part time-tier low wagers.
Of course now having a position that requires subservience and not throwing a hissy fit every time the customer makes idiotic demands passes as a skill but such low standards are quite a recent development.

>> No.15941017

>job is literally just draw pictures all day
>other, stronger men do the actual physical labor
>yet they still want $90k a year for their childhood activity "job"

>> No.15941020

Get a better insult. Trump's not in office anymore. Nobody cares

>> No.15941054

things trump supporters say

dude, he lost, fair and square and YWNFAW

>> No.15941160

>low skill job
Obviously you've never been a waiter.

>> No.15941173

patience of a saint

>> No.15941302

>he lost
No amigo, the integrity of the American election system is lost in one of the most blatant cases of election fraud in recent history. But please keep taking your pills and continue to destroy yourself physically and spiritually while the rest of us civilized folk laugh at vermin like yourself.

>> No.15941452

that's a lot of wasted floor space

>> No.15941475
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Imagine going to a restaurant and buying stuff for the employees and giving them hundreds of dollars on top of it.

>> No.15941511

seriously, what the fuck is wrong with americans

>> No.15942329

Desk slave. Same thing, really.

>> No.15942693
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Remember these are the people that tell you to have sex
Take your meds tranny

>> No.15942736

Clearly you were served by niggers or bitter, fat third wave feminists. Everytime I get food and either type is working there, my food and my order get screwed up. However, if a bunch of fat white guys are working, they get my food and my order done perfectly and without all the angry looks and incoherent screeching.

>> No.15942745

would, would, wouldn't, probably would, would then gtfo, would, wouldn't, wouldn't, crazy would, would, would, maybe, wouldn't, wouldn't, wouldn't, would, would, no, then the rest of those dudes are too bony or retarded looking to be good twink bottoms. Like, Russian-conscript stringy. I don't know why they dedovshchina'd so many ugly slav twinks.

>> No.15942787

virgin vibes

>> No.15942798

I guarantee I've already had more orgasms than you ever will. Four times a day for twenty years. How can you possibly catch up?

>> No.15942800

This is a word used by fat, disgusting hogbeasts and their beta, orbiting simps. The truth is that there are no Incels and women who are getting no dick (unless they lower themselves and fuck niggers) are just pissed off and coping over the Chads' rejection of them. ...because why would a Chad, indeed any Chad want a used up pig monster with a floppy, loose pussy and no soul? As a person who is commonly called an incel online, I can refute this incel'dom by pointing to my two white children. So, cope and seethe harder, you nasty bitches. Cope and seethe.
Also...Tits or GTFO.
...You will never be a woman.

>> No.15942805

Lol, waitresses make like 5x minimum wage after tips

>> No.15942808

*one FOIA request has been deposited into your FBI profile*

>> No.15942809

This is a word used by fat, disgusting hogbeasts and their beta, orbiting simps. The truth is that there are no Incels and women who are getting no dick (unless they lower themselves and fuck niggers) are just pissed off and coping over the Chads' rejection of them. ...because why would a Chad, indeed any Chad want a used up pig monster with a floppy, loose pussy and no soul? As a person who is commonly called an incel online, I can refute this incel'dom by pointing to my two white children. So, cope and seethe harder, you nasty bitches. Cope and seethe.
Also...Tits or GTFO.
...You will never be a woman.

>> No.15942833

Imagine being stupid enough to think that THE VOTE actually decides the presidency in America when it's the ELECTORAL COLLEGE that decides everything and the ELECTORS are not required to vote the way the people want and can legally vote any damn way they choose to vote. KEK

>> No.15942848
File: 871 KB, 800x578, op is a fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>job is literally shitpost, troll, and bait.
>can't tell his ass from a whole in the ground.

>> No.15942855

I would most of the women shown here desu.

>> No.15942863

Hey, dumbass, there's been like two rogue electors in the last decade. Bet you thought you were being smart right there. That's adorable.

>> No.15942868

>Obviously you've never been a waiter.
Why do people say this? All the laziest most incompetent people I know have had jobs as waiters and none of them ever claimed it was a hard job or required any amount of skill. Only cucks online who fall for women’s inane complaining try and claim it’s hard.
Women will make any job, or non-job, sound difficult. It’s just how they communicate. The find minuscule inconveniences and magnify them to epic proportions so they can bitch to their friends(or beta orbiters) and receive validation.

>> No.15942869

Fag thinks he's clever. Kys, nigger.

>> No.15942873

Shut the fuck up, retard woman.

>> No.15942875

So you're fine with 40% of elections being undemocratic. God bless America.

>> No.15942879

Extremely based and cunt pilled.

>> No.15942885

Dude weed amirite?

>> No.15942886

A lot of states have it written into their constitution to rubber-stamp their electorate.

>> No.15942890

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15942891

We live in an upside down world where these doctors who work 80 hours a week and often take overnight shifts and spend 10 years studying like crazy think the guys washing dishes are the real heroes.
Doctors are often the most oversocialized retards on the planet.

>> No.15942894

waitress job isn't related to kitchens. Those retards wouldn't be able to handle the cooking part at all if they bitch about the easiest job in a restaurant.

>> No.15942904

you got BTFO'd, shut up and go back to r*ddit

>> No.15942917

Wasn't BTFO by anybody, I'm just passing through you fucking retard

>> No.15942942

The people who say waiting tables is a hard job are mentally ill. For people with mental illness, it actually is a hard job. They can’t into basic human interaction without monumental effort to suppress their retardation and not chimp out on customers over simple misunderstandings.
They are expected to do things like show up on time, do their job, and occasionally work a bit of overtime if things are really busy. For many of the dregs of society that make up the food service industry, just waking up before 3pm to get ready for their shift is a Herculean task.

>> No.15942954

you *really* need to go back

>> No.15942988

>Virgin or Chad

>> No.15943032
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Try harder next time

>> No.15943493
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>tfw too mentally ill to work social jobs like waiter but all the restaraunts force me to be one every time

>> No.15943504
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>> No.15944385

A number of years ago, some friends of mine, including my younger brother, went into a pancake place to eat.

After looking through the menu, my younger brother decided that he didn't like what was on it and ordered pizza. Naturally, they didn't serve pizza.

At some point he disappeared. A little while later, he came walking back inside with a pizza he had gotten from the pizza restaurant next door.

The waitresses ran over and told him that he couldn't bring outside food in. He said "OK" and went back out.

A little while later I needed a refill on my coffee and couldn't find any waitresses. The only employee of the pancake place in the building was the cook and he had no idea where the waitresses were.

At some point I looked out the window. All the waitresses were sitting on the tailgate of my younger brother's pickup eating pizza and drinking beer with him.

>> No.15944433

What a chad
You suck tho

>> No.15944438

Only one pizza for everybody? I doubt this is true.

>> No.15944442


It wasn't a busy night and there were only two or three waitresses. They each got a slice or two.

>> No.15944447

Can I take $500 on "things that never happened"

>> No.15944468

This, but without a lick of irony.

>> No.15944482

face to face interactions with customers is probably the easiest subset of any part of any job ive ever held

>> No.15944545


what do you tip out of?

>> No.15944720
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>> No.15945601

Why is this thread on /ck/???

>> No.15945626

>when my dad was my age you could buy a 4 room house, feed 3+ kids and your husband, own a car and still have a savings account while investing in stocks on just a waitress/waitor salary

I hate modern america

>> No.15946503

That’s what happens when you flood the labour market with women and immigrants.

>> No.15946581

It would be worse if you didn't. China would have already obliterated your economy by now. You would be simply incapable of even trying to compete.

>> No.15946588

Try to order food in a first world country for a change.

>> No.15947797


>> No.15948116

>kicking a nazi out as soon as they walk in
Reddit is composed solely of power fantasies and make believe

>> No.15948280

It's probably that boomer copypasta about a buy with a iron cross sitting at the bar and the bartender telling him to leave because "If you let one Nazi in soon they all takeover".

>> No.15948348

i've never had a restaurant order fucked up before
only fast food drive-thru

>> No.15949554

>i've never had a restaurant order fucked up before
>only fast food drive-thru

I can't eat cheese -- it makes me puke uncontrollably if there is very much at all. Even a tiny amount can make me feel ill for hours.

So at Mexican restaurant, I've had to send the food back many times at both restaurants and fast food places when they put cheese on it in spite of my telling them to fix it without cheese in the order.

But the biggest screwup of all was at one restaurant when I asked questions about several items on the menu as part of deciding what I wanted to order. I was extremely surprised when the waitress brought out every single item I had asked about.

I don't know what she was thinking.

Oddly enough, this was the same time that I mentioned earlier when my younger brother went out and got a pizza and the waitresses went out and ate pizza and drank beer with him.

>> No.15950734
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>t. Bar manager
Female servers are the most repugnant, self entitled useless human beings on the planet. Get your fucking dick grabbers out of my garnish tray you cunts you don't need constant cherries and oranges to function.

>> No.15950768

They were cognizant of the fact that they were inconveniencing people and were showing gratitude by making a meaningful gesture. They probably used to be bartenders in med school because they were drinking negroni's so they understand what a dick move they were making. Fuckin go outside.

>> No.15950812
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Sex with woman?
Are you faggot?

>> No.15950828

soulless place

>> No.15951260

What an original thread OP. Faggot.

>> No.15952150

What happened to the redpilled post?