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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16129326 No.16129326 [Reply] [Original]

Why has steak become so expensive? Even the cheapest place possible, Walnut Mart, wants $9 a steak. The fuck is going on ?

>> No.16129332

I think we're about to go into another lockdown/terror scale/widespread shortage phase. Like any week now.

>> No.16129374


>> No.16129380

Thank Biden for inflation. Everything across the board, from meat to produce to cotton balls and property is going up by 4% on average

>> No.16129396

$20 chuck roasts
$20 tiny ass slab of ribs
pork seems to be cheap tho, kinda.

>> No.16129461

Inflation isn't bidens fault, it happens naturally and because of corona it happens to be more severe than what happens every year. Your imports are dropping because other countries aren't harvesting or shipping as much, in addition to export taxes for chinks having skyrocketed, which leads to high supply, high demand, high costs.
Amerifats really are fucking dumb ...

>> No.16129466

growing middle class in asia are emulating western lifestyle, combined with white guilt lefties who thinks it's our fault.

>> No.16129485

How much did it use to cost? Two huge steaks like that would easily be like 80 bucks here in Switzerland.

>> No.16129489
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>Walnut Mart

>> No.16130139

I only eat deer I kill myself. Cheaper, healthier, tastes better.

>> No.16130423

Prices have failed to reflect the social costs of consumption for decades and we're starting to see the effects but it's too late

>> No.16130430

Then how do you explain the chickfila sauce shortage?

>> No.16130438

Honestly hope it goes higher so it can price out normies

>> No.16130443


Loose monetary policy doesn't necessarily lead to inflation, but coupled with a supply-side shock leading to shortages of critical links in the supply chain? That absolutely does.

It's like no one remembers 70s stagflation triggered by loose monetary policy combined with an oil embargo lead to fuel shortages with a domino effect on other industries.

Right now we have over a year of supply-side shocks across every industry and have been helicoptering in money, it would be a miracle if we escape a repeat of the 70s.

>> No.16130454


>> No.16130455
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>want a 1lb local ribeye
and that's the cheapest I could find

>> No.16130827

its misery man

>> No.16130849

You're all about to learn the real reason cattle mutilation incidents happen. Broke dumbasses going out to farms to steal "meat" because they can't afford it.

>> No.16130918

democrats, supply chain shortages, inflation, small businesses being closed, etc. its all related.

>> No.16130941
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Meat will become an expense luxury item within your lifetime. The elites have decided to phase it out. Enjoy it while you can.

>> No.16130958

What could be

>> No.16130987
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You deserve it for giving lobsters human rights.
Fast forward 25 years later from when I was a wee' tot' of 8 years and the cheapest cuts of steak have went from 7USD during peace to 9USD after terrorism, economic crisis, pandic, and Biden inflation. Honestly it's not that much more.

>> No.16130988

For a while there I was getting $5 big ass ribeyes.

I guess that's the difference between Trump and Biden.

>> No.16130989
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Those steaks actually don't look too bad for $9. I try to buy wagyu beef whenever possible but at these prices it's starting to strain my wallet.

>> No.16130990

Not too recently ribeye was $6 a pound

>> No.16131002

you vill eat ze bugs

>> No.16131005


Chinese demand, and Biden is their friend in America.

>> No.16131116

>print $5 trillion dollars dollars a year
>why is everything so expensive
here in Canada I haven't noticed an increase in prices but since cans of soup were already $5 each, perhaps they decided to give us a break this time around

>> No.16131127

Steak should be taxed into oblivion so I support this

>> No.16131152
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>it happens naturally
pic related is natural?
>and because of corona it
You think corona wasn't planned?

>> No.16131246

buy wholesale meat. Grass finished pasture raised organic beef is 9$ per lb for a whole beef. Including all the expensive cuts.

>> No.16131395

christ americans are stupid

>> No.16131415
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refute what I said then, schlomo

>> No.16131421

You went to walmart out of laziness just like everybody else.

The local grocers disappeared.

Now Walmart dictates the price. Google food deserts.

>> No.16131423

based povich

>> No.16131454

Despite my local town only having a population of 13,000, there are 4 groceries stores. We're the local shopping hub. Not that guy by the way. People go to Walmart not just because of convenience, but because they have fresher produce and the meat is less likely to be spoiled. Two of the other places grind their own shit but I've caught one switching labels.

Bigger stores mean more quality control because you can get your ass canned if you ruin brand image, smaller places can mean greedy manager turns off the fridge for a few hours to save on electricity.

>> No.16131462

>The local grocers disappeared.

In the nearest town to me with a WalMart, the only local grocery store has closed its doors. I don't think that they ever intend to reopen.

>> No.16131470

you've been living in fairlytale land because american economic policy is exactly that, because there's zero way anyone else could ever enforce anything on them as they run the show, but after the last year plus it's too egregious for it not to show up

>> No.16131474

I would kill you.

>> No.16131480

this, the policy of every american politician is 'don't be the guy who makes americans finally have to pay what things actually cost'. it's not sustainable in a global market though, particularly after the shitshow that was the last year, and we're starting to see it.

>> No.16131484

>it happens naturally
Only a retarded faggot would describe the central banking system as "natural"

>> No.16131485

wagyu's are such garbage if cooked wrong.

>> No.16131494

>laughs in vegetarian
i eat meat at every opportunity, but yeah, get ready to eat more vegetarian meals, bros
the sooner you learn, the better off you will be

vegetarian(ish) meals that don't seem too depressing:

* black bean quesadillas
* cheese enchiladas
* vegetable soup
* beans and cornbread (pork necks and ham hocks are affordable)
* refried bean burritos (lard will likely remain inexpensive until there's a war or something)
* crackers and peanut butter
* probably can still "enjoy" SPAM for the foreseeable future (I "like" it but less than bacon and sausage obviously)
* granola bars
* mashed potatoes and gravy
* red beans and rice (pork necks and ham hocks) with andouille (optional)
* black beans and rice with the trimmin's (think Chipotle bowls)
* vegetable curries
* tortilla chips and salsa
* spaghetti with marinara (optional: 2-4 oz. of ground meat, whatever you can spare, a little goes a long ways, you'd be surprised)
* bread and butter, garlic bread, toast and jam, etc.
* might want to learn how to make hummus and falafel starting from dried chickpeas and going from there
* baked potatoes with various fillings

relatively inexpensive shit to enjoy that's probably going to get really expensive soon so it enjoy it in your oatmeal or whatever while you can:

* milk (already expensive)
* cream
* cheese
* cream cheese
* sour cream
* eggs
* butter
* alcohol

as meat prices increase but are still affordable consider making:

* meatballs and meatloaf with breadcrumbs as an extender
* stuffed bell peppers with rice as an extender
* both raw and smoked sausages (bratwurst, italian, kielbasa, andouille)
* canned meat
* macaroni and cheese with diced hot dogs
* whole chickens maybe? (they've went up in prices in recent years; i was buying them for $4/bird back in 2006-8 RIP little cluckers)

reaching comment limit so stopping here

>> No.16131495

c a p i t a l i s m

>> No.16131512

>smaller places can mean greedy manager turns off the fridge for a few hours to save on electricity.
lmao where do you live? Zimbabwe?

>> No.16131532

bigger store means employees have no heart for the store

or maybe american corporate slaves do

>> No.16131539
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just steal it

>> No.16131600

don't underestimate the number of twats and bootlickers

i was about to throw away some trash in a dumpster (illegal) and this dude came up to me and was like "do you work here?" and i'm like "ugh.......yeah" and he's like "bullshit" and i go "yeah i do" and he was like "i don't know you, who is your shift manager?" and i asked "what do you care?" and he was like "this is a private fucking dumpster man, i can call the cops and cause you a whole bunch of fucking trouble"

i hadn't actually removed any trash from my truck at that point, so i just let him have his stupid victory and left. i think about murdering him often. i wonder what color his liver is.

>> No.16131631

>vegetarian(ish) meals that don't seem too depressing:
I've got some news for you bucko

>> No.16132286

>gas, corn, electricity, and cold storage prices going up
>not expecting beef to go up with it
It's like costs get pushed further and further onto the customer. :o

>> No.16132313

My understanding of the price increase for beef specifically was that grains, and corn futures have exploded, and that packing companies (mainly Tyson) don't have enough people manning machines (due to them taking advantage of enhanced unemployment) to meet demand and they're doing it to increase their margin, and there are enough cattle, just that the packing companies are a racket.
Ranchers aren't making the profit.

I normally try to get my steak under $3/lb so I've been buying lower quality roasts and cutting them into steaks. Sub-optimal, but better than nothing. And I don't have a discerning palate anyways.

>> No.16132316

if anything deflation is the natural default in an actual complete free market as things improve

>> No.16132318

>because of corona
thanks biden and friends

>> No.16132326

You would've been absolutely just in him being part of the trash you were dumping in there.

>> No.16132367

>(due to them taking advantage of enhanced unemployment)
just call it what it is
come on
let's hear it

>> No.16132374

i know i regret it

>> No.16132398

we pay just the same, but earn 1/8 of your salaries in average
don't complain pls ( ._.)

>> No.16132439

Mom&Pop stores may have more heart than corporations but heart ain't gonna pay your rent, put food on the table, etc.

>> No.16132489

>how come i can't throw away truckloads of my own trash in someone else's garbage receptacle
>wtf dude i don't want to pay to throw it away
I didn't know "nigger" was a spirit animal.

>> No.16133403

>i don't want to pay to throw it away
Do you people live in places where there are no transfer stations?

>> No.16133407



>> No.16133454

Steak is overrated, epic moneywaster cuts that normie boomers buy to flex and feel wealthy because they think it is the pinnacle of cuisine

>> No.16133461

>social costs
who gives a shit about that?

>> No.16133467

The supply chain is fucked. Prices will only go up from now on. In a month there won't be any beef left. Pork and chicken is next to go.

>> No.16134010

It's because of african american looters. When every other steak gets stolen, the produce manager has to double the price of the steaks to cover their costs. So every time you purchase a steak you're basically paying for a negro to eat a steak for free.

>> No.16134050

Steak has been this expensive for a quite few years now. Farmers and ranchers would like you to believe that prices has gone up mainly due to the cost of doing business--maybe feed has gotten more expensive, supply chain costs gone up, etc. While that's somewhat true, it doesn't paint the whole picture. If it did, there would be similar trends in other commodities like pork and poultry, and yet the prices for those have stayed relatively unchanged when compared against beef. (The only outlier in that category would be bacon, since that's always in higher demand than other cuts of pork.)

So why is beef outpacing the price inflation of other meats? It's mostly a combination of better marketing by the beef industry and food porn on social media. Flank, skirt, oxtail used to be bargains. That's not the case anymore since social media disseminated cooking knowledge and recipes to the masses. We're inundated with hipsters chewing a brisket in slow-mo and beardos wielding tomahawks like cavemen. If they can do it, so can you!

So now everybody wants to be a chef at home, and that has driven up the prices on almost all cuts of beef across the board. This has also led to an increase in demand at the retail level. And those retailers are more than happy to pass the "value-added" non-bulk costs onto you as the end-consumer.

2019 USDA stats show the US produced 27.2 billion pounds of beef, and exported only 3.0 billion pounds worldwide. China imports most of its beef from Oceania and South America, and its overall demand on US beef is so small that the USDA didn't even list it as an export destination. The 4 largest destinations for US beef are South Korea, Japan, Mexico, and Canada, with SK and JP importing a total of 1.5 billion pounds. So between those 2 Asian countries, that's about roughly half of all US exports, but only about 5.5% of all US production. For the most part, the vast majority of beef that we produce is consumed domestically.

>> No.16134052

Walmart has never had good steak prices ever. They never have $4.99 per pound ribeyes on sale like everyone else

>> No.16134062

Pardon my question's irrelevance, but how does one become so knowledgeable on rhis topic?

>> No.16134085

My local butcher has rib eyes from a ranch down the highway for $7.99/lb.

>> No.16134091

He was in FFA

>> No.16134098

it’s artificial too, brazil is clearing the rainforests just for beef

>> No.16134099

67 posts and finally someone with an above average IQ.

>> No.16134123

Steak is not cuisine, steak is ingredient.

>> No.16134131

like i said the accountants have carefully priced in factor of niggers stealing steak and other produce so they are never at a loss. it is you who pays for niggers to eat steak one way or another. call it niggerflation if you like.

>> No.16134137
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Yea, it's not Biden's fault, he just ran up oil prices for one and that just made prices for things go up across the board, then factor the fed is printing dollars and will continue to do so. Look at the misery index, he's gonna be worse than Carter.

>> No.16134181

You have it completely backwards. Steak is very cheap thanks to powerful subsidies. When the government ends those subsidies (and they will eventually), then you'll see what the true cost of beef is.

>> No.16134187

Everyone is on EBT NIGGUH.

>> No.16134227
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Americans through a mix of production and subsidies fail to realize they pay less for food than any society in human history while also eating the most of any society in human history, and by a fairly large amount. Of course poorfags are 1000x more likely to bemoan about it to make it seem otherwise but it's almost but not quite a throwaway expense to someone with an average income

>> No.16134281

I work procurement and sourcing so I get to see how the industry uses social media to manipulate people's desires.

>> No.16134285

That recent oil pipeline hack might be to blame for this since gas prices are going up

>> No.16134326

>$328 billion company
>Isn't able to take a $9 hit
Walmart wagie here, its mostly white folks who steal, the company can more than afford to lose a steak or two to some petty thieves, and the managers dont even give a shit unless its a TV or something similar

>> No.16134357

>mostly white folks who steal
yeah that's completely false you stupid fucking lying nigger. all of the items on sale already have a nigger tax priced in.

>> No.16134387

Not even black dipshit try again, the amount of white trash who have tried to steal shit far outnumbers the amount of black folk who have tried in my time working there, also people very rarely try and steal food its almost always something more expensive and non-perishable

>> No.16134401



Name some of them.

Where I live there are many times more cattle than people and I can't think of what subsidies you claim.

>> No.16134405

ok so you're a fucking lying nigger spic

>> No.16134421
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>> No.16134427

>white people are stealing steaks from walmart. you are such a lying nigger piece of shit.

>> No.16134430
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>> No.16134435

Its white trash pieces of shit like you who steal most often ya know

>> No.16134468


>> No.16134475

>Woolworths Beef Porterhouse Steak 300g
>$51.67 / 1KG
I hate this fuckin' country.

>> No.16134491

>Officer please have pity, I am unable to Sneed

>> No.16134528

>>laughs in vegetarian
Every time I look into vegetarian communities I see that they're full of vegans. Full of "vegetarians" who buy vegan cheese instead of cheese. They want to fuck over actual vegetarians. If you want to take away my cheese then I might as well go back to eating chicken.

>> No.16134628

inhale my farts faggots
i know what i was doing was wrong
the point is the wagecuck was ready to enforce something for a company that is ready to throw him under the bus at even the slightest transgression

>> No.16134664


>> No.16134692

Romanian here. I can buy a whole cow for 500 $. Amerilard and canadian prices are insane.

>> No.16134747

>Romanian here

>> No.16134775

thats easy to explain romanibro. You see the meat americans eat, cannot be bought in europe. Thats why many steak recipes are almost impossible to reproduce here because you need american grade of meat. I ve read bunch of expat niggers crying, that they cannot cook with our meat. They call it chewy and disgusting because they are acustomed to highly marbled tender steak.
The beef situation in eastern europe isnt bad tho. Since commies fell, the quality has gone up a lot, we are just acustomed to work with whole cow, not just prime steak. I dont think many american housewifes would be able to cook with beef front legs, cow cheeks, hind legs or stomach
And i dont mean this as an insult to ameribros. Eat what you can afford.

>> No.16134780

redpill me on venison, I've never eaten any myself and people who have tell me it's not very good.

>> No.16134782

>he says, in a country that's 60% white and 13% black

>> No.16134785

personaly i like my cow older. 16months +. So veal is like beef without the beef taste. Its a meat of vegetarians, homosexuals and children. It has only two uses. Veal in cream sauce or veal schnitzel.

>> No.16134788

It's not all meat that's expensive, just steaks. I just bought some ground meat for $2 a pound, and chicken thighs/drumsticks for 77 cents at my local kroger where the steaks were $10 a pound. This isn't about the sustainability of meat or even inflation, the demand for steaks has just risen.

>> No.16134791

that's nice and all but I was asking about venison/deer meat, not veal.

>> No.16134792

>I just bought some ground meat for $2 a pound
how old are? i hope you at least watched them grind it...

>> No.16134796

>The fuck is going on ?
less demand for steak = smaller herds = higher prices.

>> No.16134801

i am sorry, i cant read. Venison is cool but there are many parts so gamey, they are hardly edibel. Like deer ribs. I like normal venison, but be careful, it has lot of purines and venison heavy diet isnt good.
If you like lamb or sheep, you will like venison

>> No.16134812


>> No.16134837

Probably just taking advantage of fats

>> No.16134842
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Local butcher doesnt use gloves when handling food. Is this normal?

>> No.16134852

yes. i have never seen butcher use gloves

>> No.16134858

well now it's going up anyways and it's going to be way worse than any pigouvian tax

>> No.16134860

20% of USD was printed between the beginning of 2020 and now. Expect things to get worse, unless you’re heavily in debt, in which case your debt got cheaper.

>> No.16134863

There's nothing on his hands that won't come off when you cook it.
You're eating the insides of a dead animal, you know. Unless the guy's straight up fingering his asshole and then sticking his finger deep in the meat it can't get any dirtier.

>> No.16134871

>the meat it can't get any dirtier.
well done fag spotted

>> No.16134906

My debt only got cheaper if my wages keep up with inflation
> lol

>> No.16134923

Even when you get it rare you're still presumably searing the outside, ie the only part he's touching.

>> No.16134934

That’s not true— your debt got cheaper and your job paid less unless it kept up. So be wary of raises less than inflation, kids.

>> No.16134945

>Make fun of Canada for years
>Get a taste of your own medicine
Oh how the mighty has fallen!

>> No.16134952

All things considered that price is not outrageous in itself, 8-15 for ribeye is about normal. Consider the question of price a result of supply and demand, when I was born there were half as many Americans and everything was cheaper as a result. More people = more demand, less supply per capita. Solution is simple.... gas chambers.

>> No.16134960

U fuckin' wot, m8? I've had high quality beef in the US, and while good it wasn't anything out of this world.
I'm willing to bet the steaks I buy from my local farmer is just as good as any american prime cut.

>> No.16134969

>I'm willing to bet the steaks I buy from my local farmer
because you are retarded and blind

>> No.16134973
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>Isn't Biden's fault

>> No.16134977

Where do you live? Here decent steak is ~$8-9/#. The cheap stuff is $4-5

>> No.16134980

>because of corona it happens to be more severe
So because of the massive global scam that Biden completely supports and shills for?

>> No.16134990
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>It's because of african american looters. When every other steak gets stolen, the produce manager has to double the price of the steaks to cover their costs.

no, what happens is the either lock up the item or stop selling it. at my store, highly stolen items like lump crab meat don't even get put on the shelves; they stay in the refrigerator in the back and are only available if you order online or if the person stocking meat is feeling nice enough to grab some for you

>> No.16134993

also, people stealing things like fresh meat isn't really the theft concern you think it is; the main concern are the things people can easily sell to flip on ebay/etc like crab meat. you really can't do that with a steak

>> No.16135005

I will never understand the high prices attached to steak. I guess the market supply and demand sets the prices accordingly, but the confusing thing to me is the demand. Why exactly is this prized so much? True, a good cut of rib eye is lovely, but not that lovely. You've already exceeded the price of what I consider to be superior options.
It really is a food for simpletons, the people who insist it must be rare with nothing but salt and pepper. That is the most simple of simple palates, and the preferred choice for all non-thinking carnivorous animal like crocodiles, lions, wolves, and sharks.

>> No.16135023

well steaks are easy to prepare and not as fatty as other cuts. No brainer really

>> No.16135025

I usually go for the hanger skirt. Half price of rib eyes, and just as tasty.

>> No.16135030

It is not supply and demand. Raising cattle is resource intensive as fuck. A lot of it is government subsidized. I love steak, but just buy a half side annually from some family friends.
Importing beef should be illegal and corn subskdies need to stop.

>> No.16135036

>not as fatty as other cuts

I have learned to appreciate ranch (shoulder) Cheap and lean

>> No.16135038

Agreed, and you can char the shit out of it and leave it rare/bleu in the middle and it does give off ribeye vibes while eating across the heavy train. A great steak with horseradish too.

>> No.16135045

>not as fatty as other cuts
compare steak to ox tongue, rib or front legs and it is less fatty.

>> No.16135047

Had to look that cut up, as it doesn't really have a translation in my language, but it seems to be what we call "minute steaks". I usually cut those into strips and either marinade or use them in noodle soups.

>> No.16135051

I think I'll drop by my butcher and get some today. The weather is good enough for some grilling.

>> No.16135063


There's no such thing as "white trash".

Every white person is better than all niggers.

>> No.16135064

I have no idea what you're talking about. I buy beef, pork, lamb and chicken from a local farmer who slaughter and butcher his own stock. All grassfed and no antibiotics used as the animals are raised. The farmhands take them out behind and shoot them instead of sending them off to the slaughterhouse, so they die stressfree.

>> No.16135066

based, how was that song? no federal judge can make them white?

>> No.16135071

and i believe you its excelent, but i doubt he kills 10 cows and sells only 4 cuts of steak. What breed does he use? because most of eastern europe uses milk/meat cows. And i dont believe you he has as marbled steak as americans but feel free to provem e wrong with a photo, i will gladly admitt to be wrong. Its not only about taste but also chewiness and consistency and its a fact americans have extremely high standard for their cuts

>> No.16135074
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>cheapest steak

>> No.16135097

>because most of eastern europe uses milk/meat cows
As opposed to mud and vegetable cattle?
The farm have black angus, limousin and belgian blues. I don't have any pictures of the steaks I buy, but if if the thread is alive, and I drop by the place to pick up steaks, I can post pics.
>and its a fact americans have extremely high standard for their cuts
Denmark use the american grade system too, you know.

>> No.16135108

You're not wrong, but being better than a nigger doesn't mean they're not worse than someone who isn't trash.

>> No.16135117

>black angus
in that case you might be right. Thats a real meat cow and not a milk/meat. Idk about denmark so i cant say. Ik that brits have some quality cuts in stores but i am not sure about their standarts either

>> No.16135170

I was wrong. We use the EUROP classification.
So only the marbeling in the meat would be an acceptable result when comparing.

>> No.16135200

Where do you live where transfer stations will accept truckloads of trash for free?

>> No.16135226
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inflation. it's only going to get worse.

>> No.16135235

Haven't noticed considering i dont shop in nigger tier stores and actually buy from a respectable butcher that doesnt jew me over. I think i paid 6.99 for my tbones

>> No.16135326

Everybody wants rib eyes so the prices sky rocket. What happened to the other pieces of beef.

>> No.16135521

>I know I was doing something wrong but I got cucked by a wagie enforcing the social contract
In a perfect world you'd be executed for violating the NAP.

>> No.16135543

Why are slavshits incessantly trying to convince everyone else that their gypsy infested shitholes are utopias? You always compare yourself to Americans too.

>> No.16135550


>> No.16135554

we were discussing differences between our and US meat so the comparsion is logical. The quality of meat has gone up since communism fell too. Which part do you find objectionable?

>> No.16135572
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>we are just acustomed to work with whole cow, not just prime steak
that's because every part of an american cow is prime steak. euroshit cows fuck off

>> No.16135580

highly doubt it. prime cut isn't even that common in america.

>> No.16135588

maybe. You would hardly use belly of euro cow as a steak becase it would be really tough.

>> No.16135591

when /pol/ visits /ck/

>> No.16135592

that's why god invented bbq

>> No.16135601

I replied to the wrong post. I meant to reply to the idiot bragging about spending $500 for a cow "unlike Americans".

>> No.16135603

ngmi faggot

>> No.16135643

gleacher? that u?

>> No.16135746
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The more expensive steak becomes the better. Shit meat in the first place

>> No.16136062

thats $35 in Canada... if not more.

>> No.16136069

>christ americans are stupid
What about all the idiots who are going to exit into USD when the market crashes again?

>> No.16136142

I buy wholesale beef and I get a dozen eggs a day for free anyways.

>> No.16136170

the steaks are high

>> No.16136177

>what is an economic inflationary environment?
Your lack of awareness is only matched by your faggotry, mate.

>> No.16136217

Oh please fuck off with that Canadian overprice bullshit. I don't know why you guys have such a hard on about this shit but it ain't true. Canada prices are about the same as American prices considering the currency value. If you live in the middle of buttfucknowhere, it ain't our problem your shitty grocery store charges trice the amount for fucking ramens, bitch.

>> No.16136554

the theft isn't priced into that ONE item that is popular for niggers to steal. and of course the store would lock up the MOST stolen items. but the two conditions aren't mutually exclusive. the cost of reparations via nigger theft is priced into ALL of the items.

>> No.16136746

>every part of an american cow is prime steak.
ah yes, all the american steaks I see all over Europe.. lmao take your shitty corn-fed, hillbilly-fucked cows out of here

>> No.16136753
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>> No.16137004

It's a huge pain in the ass for employees when assholes dump trash in their dumpster. The wagies are the ones who now have to climb in the dumpster and push everything down or just save their garbage for next week now because the owners aren't gonna okay you spending five times what regular trash pickup costs for the week to have them come specially. Stop being a lazy piece of shit and dump your trash in a wildlife preserve like the rest of us.

>> No.16137603

It is his fault. Corona is a fucking joke and the world has been taken over by some fucked up crypto-kike cult that destroyed all western economies for something with a sub 1% fatality rate where not having lock downs doesn't even improve rates compared to having them.

>> No.16137671

Anyone else get desperate enough to hunt and trap? I've been getting rabbits and squirrels. I don't tell my friends tho cause I don't want them to think I'm weird.

>> No.16137793

>absolute state of american education

>> No.16137842

>Stop being a lazy piece of shit and dump your trash in a wildlife preserve like the rest of us.

>> No.16137920

>oh no the facts are against me!
>I know, I'll pretend I watch arabs fuck my wife
You're probably from Portland or something faggot.

>> No.16137951

Walshart is a scam for meat. Go to a place like stater bros for cheaper meat

>> No.16138101

I'm really curious about this. I've eaten two squirrels in the last three weeks. I live in the city and I learned how to process via watching youtube videos. So far (after visiting my doctor) I am in good health. So is dumping trash irrelevant? If I'm not sick yet, what does that mean?

>> No.16138262

vegetarianism is for human cattle

>> No.16138294

See the 11.97 in the price/lb? That's what those two would have cost prior to corona.

>> No.16138317

>laughs in X

did you just blow in from a youtube comment section, ya cringelord?

>> No.16138392

The current amount of beef production can't be sustained through grass-feeding, so farmers use grains to raise more cattle. The government makes this cheap with corn and grain subsidies. Beyond that, there's low-interest farming loans, emergency relief funds, and below-market grazing fees.

>> No.16138396

>doesn't know they sell like 16oz bottles of Chick Fil A sauce from fucking Walmart now

Lmao why are Trumptards so fucking dumb?

>> No.16138427

>unironic boomer
Kill yourself.

>> No.16138660


Grass feeding certainly isn't enough.

The crop subsidies we have today are in the form of subsidized crop insurance. If you make your crop, then you don't get anything from the insurance. If you crop fails, you at least make something to help keep in business.

As for grazing fees, that is true in some places where there is a lot of federal land around. In much of the country, there is little or no federal land on which to graze.

I was out at a feedlot today that can handle more than 50,000 head of cattle at a time. I would wager that few, if any, of the cattle in the feedyard had ever grazed on federal land.

One big waste is the CRP program. But you don't get subsidies for grain grown in the CRP program. Rather, there is no grain grown in the CRP program. You get paid to not grow grain. What it does do is reduce the supply and so increase the prices, but it doesn't subsidize those who are actually growing the grain.

>> No.16138681

I pay $20 for one of these in Canada

>> No.16138711


I forgot to mention it in my other response to this, but I have heard different farmers say the same thing -- if you want to make a crops unprofitable, all you have to do is subsidize it.

Capitalism and the Free Market are far more efficient than central planning by the government can ever hope to be.

>> No.16138736

>all you have to do is subsidize it
Is this a major issue with subsidies and one of the reasons I said it'll have to go someday. The other reason (besides the environmental effects of agriculture) is the negative effects on other economies. I know a lot of people on this board are nationalists, but countries have to pay attention to their global standing, and flooding the global markets with cheap produce is devastating to farmers in countries that can't afford to pay them billions.

>> No.16138746


That won't make any difference. Many countries subsidize their farmers. I don't know if there are any who cut it out completely.

>> No.16138755
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>inflation cannot exist without Central Banking!!!!!!

OK dumbass

>> No.16138790

>Many countries subsidize their farmers
But they can't afford to subsidize enough to make their own local produce competitive to American produce. Countries have actually tried to get America to subsidize less, but America refused.

>> No.16138971

>t. doesn’t understand what fiat or central banking is

>> No.16139117

retard alert

>> No.16139146

we really should too, farmers are mostly big business cunts who are just using gaming the system to get that money. even "family farms" are doing this. those type of people have no qualms about bilking the government out of all money possible and then have the gall to call themselves republican capitalists.

>> No.16139162
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>> No.16139633

Don't eat pork unless it's from a local farm. Even cows are treated better for the majority of their lives than pigs are

>> No.16139647

I really don't give a shit about this debate but wasn't the huge money printing started under Trump?

>> No.16139648


>> No.16139681

Good post faggot, If I was doing a psyop to make 4chan associate Trump with annoying retards I would hire you lickety-split

>> No.16139692

Oh, was defending China Biden not a joke? Sorry, didn't mean to make fun of a legitimate retard. Please don't cancel me, nigger.

>> No.16139730

If that's what you call "making fun" you must be great at parties. I don't give a fuck about Biden I hope his crazy dog bites his nuts off but your post was objectively garbage

>> No.16139733

Yeah you're right, I'll try to conform better to the standards of a dead board on fucking 4chan.


>> No.16139736

no one understands what central banking is. no one is supposed to understand.

>> No.16139757

>Why has steak become so expensive?
You mean 45 years ago ?

>> No.16140102
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>> No.16140366
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>standards of a dead board on fucking 4chan.
woah. listen here, you. no need to be a big meanie.