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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16141345 No.16141345 [Reply] [Original]

One of these days I saw a fasting thread here and I was wondering: people of /ck/ who fast, what is your routine? When you aren't fasting, just eat normally? You guys ever had side effects?

>> No.16141359


I do keto and fasting for a couple of months at a time. It's good for losing weight but you have a lot less energy, physically and mentaly

>> No.16141388

This. I lost about 30 lbs in two months, but trying to do my job that is normally a cakewalk has become incredibly exhausting. And I don't sleep well either because I am pretty hungry by the time I go to bed. I'm trying to stick with it until I lose another 30-50, but it's hard.

>> No.16141401

I lost 14 Kg in 4 months , sometimes it's hard but is worth it

>> No.16141404

if or keto isn't how she got that body. she got by injecting anabolic steroids into her ass

>> No.16141407

I do 24s and 48s. Once I get into a real fasting routine, like sticking to it for a week or two, I don't really have a desire to eat more often. Your eating schedule isn't defined as 'normal' or 'abnormal'. It's all hormonal and you can train yourself to eat 6 times per day or 1 time every other day or anything in between, it's all up to your lifestyle and your desires. It's like how different cultures and different people take their meals at different times and in different cadences.

There aren't any real side effects. With extended fasting, once I am ketone adjusted it won't feel great to eat a bunch of carbs all at once - pizza hits me like a freight train. Shitting is more of an adventure. Rather than a standard "X AM every day, gotta shit" routine, for me I don't go at all until an hour so after breaking my fast. Then it's a comedy movie-tier dash to the toilet. So shitting is less routine and more timing based.

If you want to do extended fasting, you absolutely must drink snake juice (electrolyte water). You need electrolytes just to function and you're not passively replenishing through eating. It's not anything crazy, just a very small amount of table salt, baking soda, and potassium chloride (NoSalt) dissolved in water.

>> No.16141424

I don't even know if it counts as actual fasting but I was on omad from august 2020 until about a month ago, lost a bunch of weight and everything went absolutely fine. Only hard part was getting used to the meal schedule but that didn't even last a week.

>> No.16141447

I stopped eating breakfast, already lost 10 pounds.
Don't even miss it anymore. The thought of eating a plate of food in the morning grosses me out now.

>> No.16141460

cute girl, except the man feet

>> No.16141656
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Been doing omad since Monday
Does it get easier

>> No.16141744

I got on every other day fasting for a few months, lost around 25 lb. went off of it and binged, gained 15 back. Now every time I try to fast I get incredibly painful and debilitating headaches

I want to get back to where I was then not binge, but I can’t even go back to my previously easy fasting. Any tips?

>> No.16141808

Back when I did keto, I use to fill a thermos with coffee and mix in some heavy cream. That was my breakfast and normally satisfied me throughout lunch, too. At first, I'd start to feel hungry in the middle of the afternoon. So I'd nibble on a few almonds or some cheese/deli meat if I did feel hungry. Then I'd have a decent sized dinner. Overtime, the coffee and cream was enough to last me until dinner. So I'd end up unintentionally fasting for 20-24hrs depending on when dinner was.

Side effect wise...I remember feeling really hungry and tired at first. But with time, I adjusted. Whenever I did eat carbs, I felt a little sick. Alcohol also hit way harder. Normally 1 low abv beer or low calorie cocktail was all I could handle.

>> No.16141854

Black coffee until 1pm.
Decent sized lunch
Light Dinner
A few snacks of almonds, yogurt or some fruit in between.

>> No.16141885

Yes, I'm 12 years deep into OMAD and food actually repulses me before about 4pm. Like he very idea of eating breakfast in the morning makes me gag.

>> No.16141908

Where the peepee?

>> No.16141911

Yes. I did OMAD for a few months and after about 3 weeks I stopped feeling hungry since my body finally got used to its usual caloric intake once a day. Balanced out my blood levels and lost about 30 lbs. I have since gone back to two meals a day because I like communal dinners with my family, but I still do intermittent fasting, ensuring all calories are consumed within 8 hours of a day. I haven't really paid much mind to diet in the last two years, really just eating whatever the fuck and my blood levels and weight still remain the same. If I were to do more rigorous exercise I'd probably shed a lot more weight but also be very hungry all the time.

>> No.16143337

Many people mention cutting breakfast. I wonder if trading dinner for some fruit instead would be OK. Is there a reason for eliminating specifically breakfast?

When you start fasting, is the routine important? I notice that lately I am eating more due to habit than because of hunger. If I start skipping meals in irregular periods, would it be bad?

>> No.16143411

I skip breakfast and lunch and start eating around 5pm, ending around 11 pm. During that time I eat whatever I want but count calories so I don't go over my limit (3000 calories). It's massively satisfying to eat two huge meals + beers at night. I don't have trouble staying in shape but this is still my preferred eating schedule - I've never been a breakfast person anyways though.

>> No.16143425

what was your starting weight? weight lost means nothing without that

>> No.16143442

Doing OMAD is a great way to lose weight. You can tack keto onto it like this guy does >>16141359, but I wouldn't do it unless as a last-ditch resort to pushing through a persistent weight loss plateau. Keto makes you feel like absolute shit. I did keto+OMAD for about two months to lose weight, and the brain fog was intense. I was finding mistakes in my work for months after coming off it that I had no idea I was making at the time.

>> No.16143559

Fasting not only makes your body feel cleansed (it's literally cleaning out all of the nasty shit that lingers in your body from mass-produced foods), but it's also like a hot bath for the soul. Humans have been doing it for millennia to reach physical and spiritual illumination, and these people were not retards.

For me it's the exact opposite. Energetic, productive and an eye like a hawk until the moment food hits my gut, then it's lounge time and my head gets cloudy. Raw fruits in very small amounts is the only food that doesn't do that.

>> No.16143658
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My idea of personal heaven: Every single shit she takes for the rest of her life goes directly from her anus to my mouth. My lips puckered around her slightly stained adorable little butthole patiently awaiting the treat to issue forth and slide into my mouth. The first couple appetizers are just farts that echo in my mouth and come out my nose which serve just to tease me. The moment then arrives and the first hint of my delectable treat slowly emerges with a nice shiny slime of fecal matter from her innermost bowels. It slides into my mouth and I cry tears of joy as it plays its delicious symphony across my taste buds. She giggles as it fully emerges and pushes down my throat and into my tummy. I have got my reward and while she wipes her fragile hole I lay back and weep in ecstasy. She leads me to my cage where I patiently await my next treat. “Please eat and become full” I whisper, “I need my treats.”

>> No.16143930

what's wrong with her legs?

>> No.16144403

Why would I fast, so I can burn off all my fat stores and make it harder to gain weight exercising? No thank you.

>> No.16144981
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>> No.16145052

I do sunday afternoon through wednesday morning and then wednesday afternoon through friday morning. I do Keto in Addition sometimes
I feeling ok Most of the time

>> No.16145129

I try to fast when I get to the point where eating doesn't feel very enjoyable. Being hungry helps me enjoy food. My longest was 3 days but typically I just do 1, with plain tea/coffee/water. Used to do it pretty often (weekly) but now it's more like once a month, if that, because it's hard to fast when your spouse is a voracious eater. Intermittent fasting is hard to track, I probably inadvertently do it sometimes, no routine. I used to eat like a healthy poor (frozen veg, beans, potato), now I eat a lot more trash (pizza, fried chicken, soda), but I am still the same weight (18.7 BMI), probably due to quantity.

>> No.16145500

I hope all your dreams come true you sick fuck

>> No.16146106

Will it do anything if I fast every other day?

>> No.16146376

OMAD + Low/zero carb = fit king

>> No.16146379

For how long have you been doing this?

>> No.16146591


This is the truth. There are many benefits but anyone telling you that you'll have "laser focus" is straight up lying or doesn't have to use their use their brain or perform at any capacity.

I've been going on and off of keto/if with a few extended fasts (3-7 days). It's a strong tool for losing weight and maintaining good health but there are drawbacks while doing it.

>> No.16146602

6 weeks = 6 k

>> No.16148271

Just make sure you are doing a minimum of 16 hours fast / 8 hours feed, but if you can do 20/4 it would be even better. Most people just cut out breakfast because if you go to bed hungry you won't feel hungry in the morning and just continue like that until you eat lunch.

>> No.16148303

I have no idea if this is a good idea or not but usually on sunday i just dont eat until 5 or so in the afternoon
I think it makes me feel better but i also have crohns disease so maybe its not enough to help a normal person

>> No.16148560

really ugly hands and feet

>> No.16148827

I find it easier to sleep

>> No.16149335

random fasting is really where it's at. Just don't eat when you aren't hungry.

>> No.16149370

I'm currently fasting and I'm on ck. My mind is going crazy, I dream about food.

>> No.16149524

I do OMAD. I eat one 1500-1800 calorie meal around 3pm. Drink black coffee and water if I get hungry. That's it.

I've lost about 3 inches in my waist (pants fit way better) but I lift so the weight loss is kinda negligible.

>> No.16149560
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im about a week into 16/8... already down a pound...it only marginally sucks

>> No.16149608
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Been on keto for 3 days and already lost 1.3 kilos.
I have eaten only steak and bone broth with egg mixed in.
Also I feel way less sleepy when on keto and my muscles become firmer.
I also don't get hungry before noon but thats just an incidentally developed thing, not keto related.
Too bad I'll have to break it tomorrow because I'll be making noodles from scratch with a friend.

>> No.16150222

12 day fast it's my go to, works well with an inactive lifestyle