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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16143949 No.16143949 [Reply] [Original]

"If you’re not at high risk for heart disease, recent research suggests you’re probably fine to eat up to two eggs per day. That’s more than the American Heart Association’s recommendation, which is one egg per day."

Seriously, just two eggs a day? I researched this just to make sure and the result is always the same. Eat 2/3 eggs only per day. Why

>> No.16143973

what do you mean JUST two? how many are you planning on eating dog

>> No.16144001

I eat between two and five eggs throughout the course of a day. Cooked in grease from the bacon or sausage I also made for breakfast.

>> No.16144010

I'm going to eat four.

>> No.16144021
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The government want you to be weak and compliant

>> No.16144069

Almost all egg studies are funded by the egg board of America. So do with that what you may.
I personally don’t follow literal propaganda from private entities

>> No.16144088

why would they deter you from eating more eggs?

>> No.16144093

I go through 5 dozen eggs a week and have been for the last decade or so. All my doctor checkups and blood work comes back fine.

>> No.16144097
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ever since my attempt to eat the 12 egg omelette at Beth's cafe I have been disgusted by these little guys.

>> No.16144100

>the eggman

>> No.16144102

I guess the cholesterol, but then again as long as you aren't guzzling down a lot of high cholesterol foods then eggs are fine and are a lot better in cholesterol than say pork belly/tenderloin, bacon, and certain cuts of beef.

>> No.16144108

You ate 60 eggs a week? What the hell dude?

>> No.16144110


>> No.16144124

Omlettes are gross and the worst way to cook eggs

>> No.16144136

I've finished it.

I lift weights and eggs are a pretty cheap/easy source of protein. Also, omelettes are just too damn good; I literally just finished one for dinner.

>> No.16144186

I eat about 8 eggs 3 times a week as my post-lifting brotein. This is based and will never have any consequences to my health.

>> No.16144212
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Fucking 'ell m8, you are Gaston.

>> No.16144220

Dietary cholesterol has no impact on serum cholesterol. We've known that since the early 1950's.

>> No.16144229

I find it hard to believe that eating that much of anything is healthy but hey you do you bud.

>> No.16144232

I regularly eat 8 eat omlettes and science is 90% fake anyway

>> No.16144257

For context the abomination on the left is the Belgian health minister. The retro chad on the right is fit enough to need the amount of nutrients a dozen eggs in a day can provide.

I wish I was making this up. I really do.

>> No.16144268

Damn, Lincoln was ripped as fuck.

>> No.16144270

Retard you don't need more than two eggs a day, just boil them and serve them with potatoes and little butter then that's 50% of your daily nutrients.

>> No.16144275

Retards don't know how to boil an egg, that's the only way to eat them.

>> No.16144287

>American Heart Association
Isn't that just some random private group that was founded to help shill canola oil or grains or something? Burgerland is full of that kinda shit, the food pyramid being another example. Literally just ignore diet advice from there, I mean take a good look at them.

>> No.16144304
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The same people who tell you to eat only 2-3 eggs are telling you this

>pic rel

the diet of an easy to control barely healthy but able to work asset, that won't fight back but is easily distrought, when limiting their access to the top part of the pyramid >>>/pol/

>no pun intended

i eat at least 3 to 4 eggs a day and it didn't impact my health negatively - yet

>> No.16144308

To be fair, she did study medicine at VUB and had a career as a physician before entering politics. Of course, once you're in politics, none of that shit really matters anymore.

>> No.16144314

Lincoln actually was ripped AF, he was an accomplished wrestler. Doubt he rocked the cheetah print, though

>> No.16144316
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>> No.16144318

The same people telling you that eggs are unhealthy are the same ones telling you that you can only eat 3oz of red meat per day, that you need to need to eat only low-sodium foods, and that you need to switch to a legume-based milk substitute.

A plant is not a protein, a pet is not a child, and a butthole is not a vagina.

>> No.16144325

Okay so what is the correct food pyramid then?

>> No.16144329

If you're gonna eat eggs at least get them from your friendly local chicken farmer or build your own chicken house, or even if you're really busy just get the cage-free free-range cruelty-free organic brown eggs (I know most of the time this means jack shit when it comes to eggs) but I can say it does taste better than the usual mass produced corporate egg, and don't even get me started on Japans eggs with those bright orange yolks because they feed them so good.

>> No.16144332

In all honesty, Eggs are one of the few things I will feed a preteen girl until such time they are compliant.

>> No.16144339
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its oil innit?

do you guys fry your eggs with a lid on, sunny side up? or do you like it crispy cross burned?

>also eggs aren't going to kill ya

>> No.16144341

I eat lots of carbs, but I also get a lot of protein and fat. The whole thing all hinges on quality. Yea lots of carbs but they're all good carbs, very whole grain complex carbs. Don't run around eating white bread or white flour, eat the good stuff like daves killer bread and buckwheat and oats and quinoa. chickpeas too. so fucking good.

>> No.16144342

There is no "correct" food pyramid. The food pyramid is a meme that was funded by food production associations.

>> No.16144357
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Sucks that when you go into your local supermarket chain 99% of the bread they have are factory processed "bread" filled with sugar.

>> No.16144371

stop going to the prepackaged bread isle you fucking idiot. my local grocery stores have inbuilt bakeries or just go to a proper baker

>> No.16144395
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I remember someone telling me he was having a hard time building muscle/getting stronger, and was only eating 2 eggs. He was shocked and couldn't compute when I told him that I was eating 6 eggs cooked in bacon fat for breakfast.

>> No.16144405

The best is to just understand that nutrition science is mostly worthless and people don't know shit.
Your best bet is to eat simple whole foods that people successfully lived off of for a long time. Shit that a caveman would eat, like meat, is a good bet. Dairy, animal fats, fruits, vegetables, grains (just don't only eat the heavily refined ones). When given the choice between something normal like whole milk and a "reduced-fat" or "no-sugar" version, take the normal food.
Don't eat more than you want to (sounds obvious but a lot of kids got taught to clean their plate), eat slowly enough that you don't overshoot your hunger. That and avoiding processed junk and takeout gets you 90% of the way there desu

>> No.16144412

Meat, dairy 80%+ of diet. Don't be fooled. Hate all bread. It's the devils skin.

>> No.16144413

I know what you mean. daves killer bread is one of the few exceptions for me though, but still may piss you off due to some amount of sugar added if I remember correctly. Doesn't taste sweet to me though, but worse breads did taste sweet.

>> No.16144420

I think this would cause health problems, and you need fiber.

>> No.16144429

I raise my own hens who have ample greenspace to roam and are regularly supplemented with fresh fruits. There is absolutely no difference between the taste of their eggs and the cheapest supermarket eggs, this meme needs to die.

>"The commercial guys when they want a darker yolk, they use marigold petals, the powder from it. You can also use dehydrated alfalfa if you don’t want to go that route because you’re getting the dry foliage that still has the pigments in it," says Jacob. "So, typically a diet high in dehydrated alfalfa will give you darker yolks."
Farmers know that people like darker yolks, because humans evolved to look for foods with a variety of bright colors, and thus supplement feeds with extracts that produce this effect. Darker yolks are thus not an indicator of good hen health.

>> No.16144432

If I don't eat a MINIMUM of 4 eggs per day I will violently shit myself in anger.

>> No.16144444

Animal protein, dark leafy vegatables, legumes at least once a day for fiber and sodium, beer for caloric needs.

>> No.16144453

>To be fair, she did study criminology at ASU before embezzling from the children's fund
that fat cunt has no place in healthcare.

>> No.16144456
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checked and based
>fat hunk of meat and lots of greens

>> No.16144458

>I raise my own hens who have ample greenspace to roam and are regularly supplemented with fresh fruits. There is absolutely no difference between the taste of their eggs and the cheapest supermarket eggs, this meme needs to die.

I almost believed you but this is hardcore bullshit and countless people have done blindfolded tests and successfully chosen the better tasting eggs over the shitty corporate ones many many times.

ask your doctor if you might have a choline deficiency.

>> No.16144471
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>Animal protein, dark leafy vegatables, legumes at least once a day for fiber and sodium, beer for caloric needs.
fucking based

>> No.16144479

this is my ideology

>> No.16144487

You 100% need fibre. Either that guy poops bricks every day or is he is a liar.

>> No.16144492
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Get over it dude. Nutrition wise I fully expect there to be a a difference, but they taste the same.

>> No.16144496

I ate two dozen eggs a week when I was lifting a lot and my blood work was always fine

>> No.16144520

blood rest is also important

>> No.16144530
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Imagine being so bad at raising chickens your eggs taste as bad as wallmart eggs

>> No.16144543

"Normal Plasma Cholesterol in an 88-Year-Old Man Who Eats 25 Eggs a Day"
>Dietary cholesterol has an important effect on the cholesterol level in the blood of chickens and rabbits, but many controlled experiments have shown that dietary cholesterol has a limited effect in humans.
>Ancel Keys, Ph.D.
>University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,

>> No.16144555

your intestinal biome adapts quickly - you don't get constipated.

>> No.16144568

Why is bread so addictive anyway?

>> No.16144570

They don’t even taste nice, idk why their used in anything other than baked goods

>> No.16144575

>imagine being such a shitty chicken that your eggs taste just like those of another chicken
Almost like they're the same product from the same animal. I'll bet you a hundred dollars the eggs your mother shits out her front butt every month taste the same as the ones shit out of a 14 y/o gypsy with fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.16144581

>You merely adopted the egg. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see another protein until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!

>> No.16144583
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The only issue after a certain amount would be the high cholesterol from the white's/clear.
This issue is resolved easily by removing the White's/Clear and throwing them in the trash.
I reckon you could eat a dozen chicken yolks a day and still be very healthy.

Oh and by the way

>> No.16144606

You never need to add sodium into your diet.
Never ever!
95% chance you're already consuming too much without adding any.
Also leafy greens are a meme.
They'll stop your body from absorbing nutrients and they'll give you kidney stones.

>> No.16144615

I never go out of my way to consume any fiber and I shit normally every one/two day's

>> No.16144622

>Almost like they're the same product from the same animal
Then why is africa a shithole country?

>> No.16144623

they're not, they're reinforcing the idea that just a few a day is fine for you. imagine how horrible they must actually be

>> No.16144636
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Sure kid

>> No.16144646

The blacks taste the same as the jews, NEXT.

>> No.16144648
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>> No.16144657

Salt is poison

>> No.16144664

People really believe shit like frosted corn flakes are better for you than eggs. Lmao stay gay and small you fucking brainwashed goy

>> No.16144727

I'm 120 lbs soaking wet but occasionally I'll eat 9-12 eggs a day.

>> No.16144870


>> No.16144876

Normal by what fucking standards? I never trust the big egg corps. Eggs might be cool but egg corps studies are so fucking biased it's not even funny.

>> No.16144881

I eat about 2 a day, and have for years, I used to eat more than that.

I don't give a fuck what the government says.

>> No.16145017
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That's it. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.

>> No.16145185

Nicely organized fellow /fit/izen
I recommend working on lats
Mirin delts tho

>> No.16145326

You reverse it. Eat mostly fats and meats, consume some vegetables and little to no carbs/grains.

>> No.16145338
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>Americans are so retarded they put fucking candy at the top of their food pyramid

>> No.16145376

can I eat mostly veggies, some meat and fat plus lil bit of carb?

>> No.16145389

What about lots of eggs, a good amount of vegetables, meat once a day or every other day, and little to no grains?

>> No.16145398

maybe it's the frying

>> No.16145401

they sell them by the dozen why would I eat just two

>> No.16145417

meat is extremely good for you, why limit it?

>> No.16145425

I'm poor and stretching out wholesale meat. When I get a whole pig Ill eat meat daily probably

>> No.16145429

so you can squirt the other 10 out of your huge flapping vagina you nigger bitch

>> No.16145436

try eating more eggs and then maybe you could get some pussy too

>> No.16145457

Are you telling me eggs can cure the ugly?

>> No.16145480

couldn't hurt

>> No.16145489

low test

>> No.16145503

what of it pussyboy

>> No.16145535

>Hate all bread. It's the devils skin.
Hunter-gatherers ate bread and people always hold them up as the pinnacle of human health.

>> No.16145560

>Hunter-gatherers ate bread
they picked bread off breadbushes?

>> No.16145585

Carbs are a really easy and fast source of energy for your body. When you eat simple carbs your body uses those to power itself and store the fats. Once it gets so used to the carbs it would rather make you crave more carbs than work on processing fats for energy. Look up internal starvation to understand why obese people eat so much and get so fat.

>> No.16145624

Because it's an odd week, in even weeks research will say they are healthy.

>> No.16145662

It's bullshit. You can eat half a dozen eggs a day and you're perfectly fine. They're eggs, not poison. Refined sugar IS poison.

The American Heart Association is a non-profit funded by processed food conglomerates and big pharma. They literally promote sales of sugar, breakfast cereals, and statins. They were wrong about trans fats, they were wrong about dietary cholesterol, they were wrong about dietary sodium, they were wrong about sugar, they were wrong about processed grains, they were wrong about low-fat diets, and they were wrong about statins. Holy shit. Insanity.

>> No.16145674

Grains are just seeds, which grow naturally. They made bread from wild grains and tubers, thousands of years before agriculture started.


>> No.16145685

There is a difference but it’s not worth the cost imo

>> No.16145690


>> No.16145694

>That’s more than the American Heart Association’s recommendation
They're a literal corporate mouthppiece, anon.

>> No.16145721

>Look up internal starvation to understand why obese people eat so much and get so fat.
>first result is a low carb blog saying you can get fat on a big calorie deficit
Eh. I think the main problem is that processed food is typically digested quickly but doesn't provide much more nutrition than pure calories, and most people are eating too much processed food. Even if you eat enough calories including the right amount of macronutrients, if you're low in vitamins and minerals you might start overeating because your body is trying to make up those deficiencies but the food can't provide enough without going way over your calorie limit.

I've also seen studies showing that stress and not getting enough sleep can lead to overeating too, and those are also common problems affecting a lot of people these days.

>> No.16145734

that food pyramid is very outdated

>> No.16145736

There is no evidence that dietary cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, the reason why they give limits to dietary cholesterol intake is just purely arbitrary, because their conviction is that it matters somehow

>> No.16146206
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>the reason why they give limits to dietary cholesterol intake is just purely arbitrary, because their conviction is that it matters somehow
It kinda matters because many common high-cholesterol foods are also high in saturated fats, which are conclusively proven to be detrimental to health.
But yeah, dietary cholesterol is pretty much irrelevant when you control for saturated fats.

>> No.16146219

That's stupid though cause it's the saturated fat that matters, not the cholesterol

>> No.16146238

I agree. I think the FDA's latest nutritional guidelines don't even have a restriction on dietary cholesterol.

>> No.16146242

I used to eat 4 eggs a day and smoke and my bp/heart is healthy as fuck. But i also drank like a fish which thins your blood and offsets cholesterol build up

>> No.16146252

>american fucking whatever foundation that claims to be for health
Try and convince me they aren't giving adverse advice to kill amerifats earlier for more $

>> No.16146263

You should eat even more eggs, you're lookin too skinny CJ

>> No.16146275
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>they aren't giving adverse advice to kill amerifats earlier for more $
Then why does the FDA guidelines have restrictions on sodium, saturated fat, and sugar?
The "cholesterol market" (lmao) is nothing compared to sugar or salt.

>Limiting added sugars* to less than 10% of calories per day for ages 2 and older and to avoid added sugars for infants and toddlers;
>Limiting saturated fat to less than 10% of calories per day starting at age 2;
>Limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300mg per day

TLDR: You are a literal retard

>> No.16146368

Saturated fat.

>> No.16146470

eggs are not bad for you. every "study" which says otherwise is just a questionnaire of peoples eating habits like "how many eggs did you eat last year" retarded shit like that. unhealthy people tend to eat more eggs but that doesnt mean eggs themselves are unhealthy. literal correlation = causation pre-school logical fallacy

>> No.16146598
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Certain third world countries like Canada are triple charging on fresh meats to weaken their chattel.

>> No.16146626
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That form of bread isn't being sold anywhere except some local eccentric's basement. I'll agree if you made your own you could make a seriously nutrient dense loaf of something I would hesitate to call bread.

>> No.16146632
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>he doesn't know who Ancel Keys is

>> No.16146644

The 1980’s called, they want they research back

>> No.16148100

Ancel Keys was a hack and is in large part responsible for the horrible US nutrition policy for the last 50+ years

>> No.16148483

Eggs boost your testosterone and your height growth, it's a very Chad food.

>> No.16148806

Why is candy even in the pyramid? It's not food and you don't need it

>> No.16149085

Call any good nutritionist, ask them or other professionals even online, ask your doctor, do your research. Literally everything says only 2 eggs per day and I fucking hate it.

Besides, eggs are one of the most common American foods and you all see how unhealthy most Americans are.

>> No.16149125

do they put a bunch of extra gross shit in? a 12 egg omelet with just enough oil/butter for cooking it is like 850 calories, which people can eat from mickey D's without thinking twice

>> No.16149145

Surely the guy in the photo was the dude only eating two per day?

>> No.16149601

saturated fat has never been shown to CAUSE heart disease it has merely been associated with heart disease with very small effect sizes in epidemiological surveys which is virtually meaningless. to get an idea for effect size the epidemiology that linked smoking cigarettes to lung cancer showed an increased risk of 15-30x whereas the saturated fat heart disease association is usually an increased risk of about 1.2-1.5x and in fact when was tested in clinical trials was disproven see Sydney Diet Heart Study, Minnesota Coronary Survey, Women's Health Initiative, there are probably more but those are the biggest and most expensive RCTs disproving the diet heart hypothesis

>> No.16149676
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I decided to become a nutritionist 45 seconds ago, and I say eggs are fantastic for your teeth (I'm also a toothologyst). My professional nutritionist opinion is that you need to shove 3 whole duck eggs into your OR your loved ones anus's every full moon, otherwise you may be bloated or have low energy. Trust me I'm a nutritionist

>> No.16149685

But you follow literal propaganda from government entities?

>> No.16149690
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My family and pets go through half a dozen to a dozen eggs a day. I hope theyre not bad for you.

>> No.16149765
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The funny thing is that almost any vaguely reasonable diet will work. Want to eat mostly fish and nuts with some grains? Sure! Eat lots of meat and potatoes with veg? Sure! Add in lots of rice like the japs do? Sure.
The body is normally really good at giving you hunger and satiety signals to keep you at ideal weight, adjusting for physical activity and even inducing it (studies show that when you eat extra calories, you'll tend to unconsciously fidget more to help burn them off).

The only thing you can't do is shovel endless amounts of hydrogenated vegetable oils and refined empty carbs down your throat, adding in some super-concentrated sugar water cut with acid just enough to fool your tastebuds into not rejecting it, all engineered with strong incentives to be addicting and bypass normal satiety triggers. And then continue this for years on end as you slowly balloon ever larger
Like wow how could that go wrong?! Nutrition is so hard guys, we'll never understand it!!

>> No.16149766


>> No.16149806

entirely reasonable except for the fact that dietary fat and in particular now saturated fat have been demonized by US nutrition policy for nearly 60 years and the US people listened to government nutrition policy and changed their diet accordingly which just so happens to coincide with the explosion of the obesity epidemic

>> No.16150409

That's the same thing, people "changed their diet" to the sugar carb and vegetable oil extravaganza. Hmm, I wonder why people are getting fat now, what could it be?

>must be going past the limit of 2 eggs/day, that's unhealthy!
>It's the lard! Even though people ate lard for ages without issue
>Ooh, watch out for that butter, have this healthy margarine instead!

"US nutrition policy" is just whatever falls out of food industry lobbying groups. There's not really a meaningful distinction between government and private industry in this context it's all a big fucking mess

>> No.16150420

>my research includes the big corpoglobohomoman
gee op, why don't you follow exactly what they say. its not like they ever lied to you before or anything.

>> No.16150470

when I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large
and now that I'm grown, I eat five dozen eggs

>> No.16150475

>Hmm, I wonder why people are getting fat now, what could it be?

Definitely not from listening to what's considered healthy

>> No.16150776

Dude the FDA or AHA or any fucking nutrition group is full of shit and change their fucking minds every few years. There was a time when it was believed that white sugar was good for you.
Fuck it's getting to the point that I think doing the opposite of what they suggest is the right thing to do. These fuckers say salt is bad for you but ignore how sugar is in fucking everything. Also Koreans consume like twice the daily lit of sodium but have extremely low rates of heart disease.
Nutritionists are full of shit. Eggs are good for you.

>> No.16150984

you're really dumb

>> No.16150993

Am I the only actual doctor itt?

>> No.16151057

There are multiple studios that not only Americans listen to health guidelines on what to eat strictly, they also exercise a lot more compared to people 50 years ago and yet they're unhealthier than ever.

The only thing different is the demonization of saturated fats and the increased use of sugar in everything. There were literally no overweight people back then too.

>> No.16151137

>There were literally no overweight people back then too.
This is what gets me, the level of obesity we have now is fucking unparalleled. Millenia of human history and all of a sudden obesity is only an issue now?

>B-But we have more food
There were plenty of boom periods with plenty of surplus food and even the rich weren't as fucking fat as us.

>well I guess ancients had more willpower and were health freaks
No. They didn't even try most of the time, plenty of people had shit willpower and didn't give a fuck, they just became drunkards. Getting fat was still not something that naturally happened except for complete freaks who would probably be a spectacle for crowds.

It's not fucking lard or eggs. It's clearly something new. Or maybe just the fact that a bunch of food scientists get paid to optimize our food and make it as cheap and addicting as possible? Noooo that couldn't be it

>> No.16151144

>Eat 2/3 eggs only per day. Why
they don't know what they're talking about, they think 2/3 is a moderate amount so they suggest it

>> No.16151438
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>Leafy greens are a meme

Now this is a retarded take I didn't expect to run into today, let's hear your reasoning

>> No.16151779

The more we discover about biological pathway, the less we realize we understand how micronutrient relates to obesity and many other illness like heart disease. Nutritionist advice meanwhile is stuck in fucking dark age where everythings go in and directly enter the fucking bloodstream, which is completely wrong as most shit get broken down in many complicated pathways.
The only cause and effect for illness relates to caveman pathway like sugar and high blood glucose and maybe diabetes. Sure high cholesterol and other fat consumption might or might not affect organs (such as liver or gallbladder)hat metabolize it or maybe simply expose the flaw (created by genetic or other cause) of the organ in the first place.

>> No.16151798

>It's clearly something new.
How about white flour with no vitamins and no iodine added, even. It has no food value. It's like eating sawdust.

>> No.16151845

nobles had it but it wasnt cheap and rammed down everyones throats

>> No.16151853


>> No.16151999

>50% of your daily nutrients
>like 400 calories (including the potato)
How's being 5'2 and 85 pounds?

>> No.16152173

No they are not. They might be stereotypical food americans eat, but in reality nothing that requires prep is a "most common American food".

>> No.16152215

I can explain it to you, PUFAs or vegetable seed oils. They convinced the world to use machine oil made from leftover crops as "Healthy" which it turns out is not healthy at all. Basically they're artificial incomplete fatty acid chains which are not found in nature and when consumed in the body the body has no goddamn clue what to do with it except store it as fat. This is also why pets are getting fat as well due to the mass consumption of seed oils in their diets.

As long as you cut out all seed oils and use animal fats, you'll do a lot of work in repairing and restoring your body's natural order.

>> No.16152216

Yes, the person that is eating the most nutritionally avaiable food is the one with problems, not the one that needs to bloat themselves with undigestable trash to poop. I guess people with pica eating plaster and dirt were right all along.

Bet you enjoy that thick, girthy long of fiber stretching out your asshole.

>> No.16152262

Eggs are the default American breakfast and is in a lot of very common dishes. Even the tryhard hipsters that try to be unique put eggs as toppings on their food, eggs is literally the most common thing eaten in America.

>> No.16152274

Stay brainwashed you fucking sheep

>> No.16152275

>Basically they're artificial incomplete fatty acid chains which are not found in nature

except this is completely made up

why say "i can explain it to you" and then true to form you have this quasi religious attitude about this shit that you got from joe rogan or something.

>> No.16152448

He's kind-of right. Fact of the matter is that you can get enough seeds to make seed oils only with the modern gigantic-scale agriculture

>> No.16152510

I eat zero eggs a day and have never felt better. Checkmate shartoids