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16254300 No.16254300 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain how in the thousands of years of human civilization nobody thought of using indirect heat to smoke meat until Texans did? If the French weren't so obsessed with their faggy sauces and onion soup (literal poverty tier food) they might have done it.

>> No.16254312

>(literal poverty tier food)
and you think barbecue sprung up a propos of nothing on the tables of the fabulously wealthy?
it's literally slave food.

>> No.16254326

Also Texans invented wheel.

>> No.16254342

As well as racism

>> No.16254355

And gun

>> No.16254363

Glory to Texan race!

>> No.16254365


>> No.16254372

it's a beautiful thing that the peasants innovating food for millennia left something for the queers&steers in texas to discover

>> No.16254375

Texas is the only state that matters.

>> No.16254491

Germans, 1800s

>> No.16254678

this really is true, sorry California

>> No.16254746

Indigenous folks all over the Americas have been doing that for ages, though.

>> No.16254770

Dumberican education.

>> No.16254772


>> No.16254773

Texans were mexicans and if Texans invented it it means bbq is actually MexiBQ and we are all immigrants living in stolen land eating the food of history waiting for the old gods to come back and avenge their fallen people. I'm the land of the blind the man with a big nose and a seeing eye dog and a cane is king.

>> No.16254776
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>> No.16254802

Texas sucks now

>> No.16254811

No it doesn't, come move to Texas its so much better than your costal states. Definitely do not go to the mid west or the east coast as they are horrible fly over shitholes that are absolutely full of minorities.

>> No.16254829

I'm a Californian and moving there in a month lol

>> No.16254849


>> No.16254850

lol me too

>> No.16255013

I hope you vote downticket republican and fit in with your local folk or else fuck you

>> No.16255119

hate to say it but this guy is speaking truth

also ever notice how more ghetto the grill setup the more delicious the bbq?

>> No.16255124

Smoking fish and meat is one of the oldest methods of preservation. Google "I'm a retarded American" and start your research there.

>> No.16255135

Get a load of this yuorofag retard.

>> No.16255236

Thank god they're all moving to Texas and not somewhere else :^)

>> No.16255255

Not every state is Colorado you dumb nigger. Texas is a literal shithole filled with humidity and Californians. Not to mention pussies who cry at the very sight of snow. Real men in America live where fags haven't infected.

>> No.16255321


same. having a kid dont want them growing up here in california cuz i dont want them turning into homo trannies. me and my wife are moving outside san antonio hoping the fag propaganda isnt gonna fuck them up as bad there

>> No.16255343

mhm how did america invent everything?

>> No.16256170


>> No.16256187

>Can someone explain how in the thousands of years of human civilization nobody thought of using indirect heat to smoke meat until Texans did? If the French weren't so obsessed with their faggy sauces and onion soup (literal poverty tier food) they might have done it.

You seem arrogant and/or ignorant.
Ancient civilations buried their meats in the ground to keep predators away from their slow cooked food, whether it was mayans or aztecs or polynesians, the cooking is still used today, and the benefit is tender fall off the bone foods, maybe with some banana leaf or taro flavors. Texas was Mexican before it was American, really, hello The Alamo.

Jamaican jerk was buried to hide the damn smoke from giving away an escaped slave's position in the forested mountains, to avoid recapture, and whole villages of people harbored them. The pimento wood smoke was buried under the food with lots of insulation. /facts

>> No.16256207

>What is an oven
I mean, even in medieval age, when French poor didn't have their own oven, people used two big pans one on top of the other to act as an oven.
You are just retarded.

>> No.16256218

Lone Star beer is overpriced nowadays. Shiner Bock is the patrician Texan beverage

>> No.16256234

What? Texas is crammed full of Latinos, and I'm not talking Tejanos.

Anyway you're all Mexicans aren't you, be honest, post hands. People talk so much shit about "Californians" moving out of state but stats are showing those "Californians" probably aren't white

>> No.16256240

>nobody thought of using indirect heat to smoke meat until Texans did

Surely you jest.

>> No.16256249

Let's talk about the Caja China, a more modern version of the buried in the ground dinner that nearly every Caribbean islander still does today, whether they box it in their chinese version of the box from Home Depot or do it Filipino style lechon.

>> No.16256432
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That's true. But it was shaped like Texas, so it didn't work too well.

>> No.16257102


>> No.16257649


>> No.16257681

Based. I'll be in Austin next year.

Gonna vote for more pozzed righteousness, immigration and trannies.

Texas is so close to turning blue and my sole motivation in moving there is to ensure it goes blue and stays blue.

>> No.16257691

Dumbass texans/amerimutts thinking they invented everything:

>> No.16258418

>using indirect heat to smoke meat until Texans did
you should make a most-powerful race in the world texans thing. fuck those floridians.

>> No.16258706
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>> No.16258725

Per capita there are way more white people than minorities in Colorado than most states in the southeast or Texas. Breath of fresh air to not deal with nignogs. However, Californians rot everything they touch. They fled CA to here, now they are going to Idaho and Texas. COVID isn't the disease, Californians are.

>> No.16258852

Wtf I love Texas now

>> No.16258878

>Texas is so close to turning blue and my sole motivation in moving there is to ensure it goes blue and stays blue.

That’s fine. It just shifts the DNC further right to capture our votes.

>> No.16258903

Texas is fucking shit compared to inland nw states at being what Texas is suppose to be

>> No.16258978

northern fags start dieing like flies if the temperature hits 90 degrees. In Texas its just a cool summer day.

>> No.16259632

If the barbecue place is a grungy hole in the wall run by black people, it's probably going to be delicious.

>> No.16259688

Texas is a highly overrated shithole
>Dallas trying desperately to be Los Angeles, is incredibly kosher and even has a holomeme museum
>God hates Houston niggers and constantly tries to drown them
>San Antonio is a .mil town full of Mexicans, half of whom hate America, and the other half are just cheerleaders
>Austin is buttplug central
>Corpus Christi is full of cholos and more humongous waddling ghetto oprah niggers
>rest of Texas is flat, empty, nothingness, and it's all private land you can't use

>> No.16259695

Agree - please stay away

>> No.16259699

Florida is making ya'll their bitch and you know it.

>> No.16259704

Yeah people are crawling all over one another to get a taste of Wyoming/Idaho/Utah/Nevada bbq

>> No.16259715

>Utah/Nevada bbq
what is this?

>> No.16259716

It does have Torchy's Tacos, though.

>> No.16259718

Your implied premise is correct fren but you cannot fuck with Las Vegas dining. Don't. If you must then consider it a city-state residing within Nevada.
>t. traveller

>> No.16259723

fuck yeah

>> No.16259737

>If the French weren't so obsessed with their divine sauces and sõy souk they might have thought of using indirect heat to smoke meat
Mon ami you have just described a 16th century boucan

>> No.16259751

How the fuck is vegas/Nevada considered a NW state? With that said - vegad had better food than any shithole I've eaten at in California. Also Golden Steer is based.

>> No.16259756

babby discovers marketing

>> No.16259764

Yeah Tejas needs marketing because without it you'd never have massive droves of people moving there. Dumbass.

>> No.16259801
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that's what I was replying to not NW.

Also California has some of the best food in the nation. It is not condensed into only one place like Las Vegas and yes, it has been run into the ground with "no go zones" peppering the southern coastal areas to the eastern inland. I had a $400 steak dinner in San Francisco in November 2019 on my last trip there. A bum opened the door for me. Food was good but I've had better in pubs and small dives where run by the chef who wanted to do his own thing.

I'm actually really saddened by this. It was beautiful. I mean it really was the Golden State.

>> No.16259831

>California has some of the best food in the nation
for every 1 good restaurant in the LA area, there is a saturation of 100 other places that are total shit and you never know til it's over because they all get rave reviews alike

>> No.16260093

> move to texas away from blue policies to vote blue

>> No.16260117

Yup, I'm doing it. Going to buy low priced property with low taxes and vote every chance I get to raise the living standard so i can sell and move somewhere else eventually.

>> No.16260393
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why are americans so fucking autistic about their bbq? its literally the same all around the world

>> No.16260540

This. San Diego is the same way with a bunch of overpriced hipster restaurants that all serve the same mediocre shit. Even worse is all the Mexican places that get talked about. The best Mexican food I've had here was some 24h dingy chain that beat out all the internet "rave review" places.

>> No.16260645

And beeg hat

>> No.16260656

>its literally the same all around the world

it's really not. texas is the bbq capital of the world with yearly bbq competitions. the same way you won't eat authentic mexican food without traveling to mexico and eating in a hole in the wall restaurant.

>> No.16260677

It’s the law

>> No.16260688

Remember to kill all Californians

>> No.16260693

Pot au feu > BBQ
drowning overcooked meat in diabetes sauce isn't cooking

>> No.16261710

Leaving aside the bullshit about texans inventing anything, BBQ is just overrated. It's tasty and all, for sure, and the road trips are fun to the out-of-the-way joints (tho driving thru rural texas, SC etc is a horrorshow of inbred humanity). But pretending that a making a huge hunk of slow-cooked meat taste good is some sort of culinary triumph, or even difficult, is just moronic. OF COURSE IT'S GONNA TASTE GOOD and it's stupid easy with virtually zero setup; i make it for crowds pretty frequently and the texas transplants go nuts for it, and not just cause they probably want to get in my pants. At the end of the day BBQ is mostly a way for dudes to geek out on shit and pretend they're being productive while really just standing around drinking beer and scratching their nuts. Which is great like I said, but don't try to pretend it's some sort of high-level achievement, you know?

>> No.16261715

I'd rather have shitty bbq than patronize a black owned business tbqh.

>> No.16261740

>No it doesn't, come move to Texas its so much better than your costal states.
No thanks, I'd rather have electricity.

>> No.16261806

>nobody thought of using indirect heat to smoke meat until Texans did
Dawg the word we use for that style of cooking is borrowed from a new world language and while I'm not familiar with the history of this style of cooking in the old world I'm quite certain it was done.

>> No.16262925

>dude just cope with the constant shit weather

wow so cool! meanwhile I'm gonna enjoy a 70 degree sunny day in socal year round.

>> No.16263035

Yeah but there's nothing good to do there so who cares. Beaches are shit, outdoors is shit, fishing is stripped by the chinks, housing is shit, gun laws are shit, etc. And if you're going to be doing shit indoors, who cares what the weather is like.
>t. used to live in San Diego

>> No.16263170

I live here and it does have the best temps in the US...but the food here is complete shit compared to Texas or the Midwest in just about every category outside of Asian cuisine...which is even better in Houston.

>> No.16263177

What? they have been doing this for hundreds and hundreds of years, smoking was a preservation method for meats for a LONG fucking time.

>> No.16263378

unrelated, but West Texas was a mistake

>> No.16263465

Dude, smoking of food is known from the paleolithic era.

>> No.16263475

west texas is best texas, you just cannot handle freedom
t.not even a burgerite

>> No.16263503

Florida can't even get to the mailbox without breaking a hip and calling up LifeAlert.

>> No.16263507

New York wrecks anything you'll ever find in Cali.

>> No.16263509

>I don't know what bbq actually is or how it's made

>> No.16263516

Live in San Diego and agree with everything. Can't wait to get the hell out of this overrated cess pool.

>> No.16263517

only thing I know is it looks good until a gallon of HFCS is dropped on the meat

>> No.16263581

i live 15 min from the beach, im 29

>> No.16263588

anyone replying to this obvious bait is getting trolled by a very low effort trap

>> No.16263589

Texas is the best country.

>> No.16263784

Proud to be a Texan

>> No.16263789

Damnit you might be right. Feels bad man

>> No.16263797

It was when it was Mexico. These days, all you've got is Austin and maybe San Antonio.

>> No.16263811

please don't drive with your high beams on at night. y'all are fucken annoying with that shit

>> No.16263813

Being priced out of your own home isn't increasing the living standard.

>> No.16263969
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Well N NV has the best in west rib cook off in Reno/sparks, but yeah more famous for whore houses

>> No.16264119

lol cringe

>> No.16264139


>> No.16264158

You sound boring.

>> No.16265052

Incorrect, central and Eastern are goat. Anything that borders Oklahoma is a no go zone

>> No.16265090

No, Americans really are that dumb

>> No.16265451

Cubano refugees aren't people.

>> No.16265465

Ancient humans were smoking glyptodons and ground sloths, before Texas was a glimmer in Tennessee's eye. I hate that I had to be the one to break it to you, Bucko.

>> No.16265645

God bless Texas

>> No.16265733

Screw you OP, french onion soup is delicious, even the poor tier ones. God tier onions, man.

>> No.16266275

>The smoking of food likely dates back to the paleolithic era.[7][8] As simple dwellings lacked chimneys, these structures would probably have become very smoky

paleolithic era = stone age

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoking_(cooking)

>> No.16267020

yee haww God bless Texas