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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16258932 No.16258932 [Reply] [Original]

Do any professional chefs post here?

>> No.16258936

You're gonna have to define that term. I run a 3 million dollar kitchen. Am I a chef? Maybe.

>> No.16258945


>> No.16258949

Yes, they post here...sad, alcoholic sacks of shit.

>> No.16258952


>> No.16258958

Post disregarded

>> No.16258959

fuck you, man

>> No.16258961

Yeah, they post here all the time.

>> No.16258970

You're the faggot making salads for the homeless and posting pictures of children. Fuck off pedo scum

>> No.16258991

Well, depends what you do in a 3 million buck kitchen. Do you get your hands dirty or do you just report daily shrink and breakage?

>> No.16258996

i spent 3 years cooking at a nicer restaurant. ive since gotten a much less stressful much better paying job. am i a chef? you tell me.

>> No.16258999

>projecting this hard
What are you a professional at? Hiding your arousal in front of children?

>> No.16259013

I am the best professional cook on ck

>> No.16259020

How much money do you make?

>> No.16259021

I'm a chef at burger king. Does that count?

>> No.16259041

There actually is a burger king chef, but I don't believe you're that guy.

>> No.16259044

Yes, but they mostly just talk about Taco Bell.

>> No.16259045

Scraps from the masters table

>> No.16259048

I run it. Ordering, scheduling, hiring, firing, fill in on the line sometimes, call the wheel when we get weeded, and spend most of the shift on QA.

>> No.16259055

Ohhhh so you’re the sous chef

>> No.16259057

Nope, I report only to the gm.

>> No.16259074

Doubt it

>> No.16259076

>I have never worked in a kitchen

>> No.16259080

I’m actually the best chef on ck

>> No.16259086
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>> No.16259096

Whereabouts do you live? Interested in new career opportunities?

>> No.16259104

I get three of these calls every fucking day.

>> No.16259112

Has anyone here ever cooked in a ski town?

>> No.16259115

Pacific Northwest? Last chance.

>> No.16259137


>> No.16259193

Sorry, i don't do nonce rings

>> No.16259209

nothing of value was lost

>> No.16259210 [DELETED] 

You must work at some franchise like Montana's and are the assistant manager.

>> No.16259268

Think on

>> No.16259284

>Think on
Care to elaborate?

>> No.16259324
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Yes, I am Thomas Keller and you people disgust me. I can't believe the things I see posted on this awful board. By far, the worst is the sad, drunken sack of shit that constantly posts these fast food spreads.

>> No.16259352

lol those spreads are yours aren't they

>> No.16259364

tb anon is literally a professional chef

>> No.16259517


>> No.16259559


>> No.16259690


>> No.16259856

yes, but no, but kinda
define professional, does it just mean getting paid and wearing the hat?

>> No.16260013
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>sparkling water
>french vodka
>liver pate
>fancy seafood
It all adds up. TB Anon was Thomas Keller all along.

>> No.16260016

Used to be one. Hot tip: Be smarter than me and never get into this shit tier industry. You'll be poor, tired and a drug addict in no time.

>> No.16260028

I'm sure plenty of chefs from McDonald's to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse post here.

>> No.16260072

i'm already poor, tired, and a drug addict so what is there to lose?

>> No.16260083

Your last bit of dignity, at least you don't have a choleric boss throwing pans and knives at you

>> No.16260084

I honestly don't get what the appeal is anyways. It seems like boring, laborious, and tedious work. Then the pay sucks. You can clear 6 figures playing with electrical wires or fixing toilets.

>> No.16260098

People that get into it either have a passion for cooking or are desperate and know it's easy to get a job as a cook. The industry happily abuses them both.

>> No.16260106

>seems like boring, laborious, and tedious work
You forgot thankless and stressful as fuck.

>> No.16260109

i'm a porn star but i also own a catering business that serves the production and usually help to cook some of the food

>> No.16260115

I was about a decade ago, glad I got out of it. Too much drug abuse in kitchens

>> No.16260125

pretty based although fake

>> No.16260126

no. i know thomas keller personally and he definitely isn't a faggot. i've seen him wrestle the dishwashers just for a laugh. and he always wins unironically.

>> No.16260143

Eons ago, I was on a conference call with 6 other restos. Regional shit. At the end, the regional manager asked the usual question about suggestions, etc. One dumb bastard chimed up. Asked if there was some way we could have a kind of thank you from corporate to the hourlies. RM started to say something about 'maybe or 'we'll look into it.' COO chimes in, saying 'everyone gets a thank you note every two weeks. It comes in an envelope from ADP. If you want another thank you, work somewhere else. '

>> No.16260179
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>i've seen him wrestle the dishwashers just for a laugh
>he definitely isn't a faggot
Sounds pretty gay to me.

>> No.16260204

Nobody with any talent actually post on 4chan. This place is a collection of memes or atleast used to be before reddit stole all the content and became what it was.

Everyone on here knows almost nothing, and a few learn the super basics, spout it everywhere, and then when they gain a little more knowledge realize its a waste of time to try and tell the other people with that same extremely basic knowledge more information as they'll argue it isn't established or just ignore it.

On /g/ you'll get "experts" who are really at their first job out of college, the "experts" on /trv/ have been to a country maybe 3 times or have lived there three months. The "professional chefs" here have worked at a restaurant maybe a year tops and its probably Olive Garden.

>> No.16260223
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4channel in a nutshell!

>> No.16260238

i was actually sent to the culinary school of tuscany for your information

>> No.16260240

>The "professional chefs" here have worked at a restaurant maybe a year tops and its probably Olive Garden
There are definitely industry people here, and not Olive Garden or fast food. They're just not posting in threads asking for basic advice because, " its a waste of time to try and tell the other people with that same extremely basic knowledge more information as they'll argue it isn't established or just ignore it". Also, nobody wants to do someone else's book report, so you're never going to find a professional in a thread asking, "gib your best recipe for [x]", or "just moved out, how to survive on [y] monies every week". People who can actually cook come here to fuck around and unwind, and are usually posting in more niche or alcohol centric threads. /ck/ has always been more of a home cooking board, but it used to be a little more balanced with a little more actual food and cooking discussion.

>> No.16260316

Former sous chef here but I went back to school because kitchens are soul sucking environments

>> No.16260366

Nachos don't look as sad as usual

>> No.16260427
File: 2.78 MB, 4112x3084, TB 6 9 21 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were pretty decent, but I didn't get to them hot because I brought home some mahi from work. We changed over to a Summer menu last week (a month late) and introduced a bunch of new items, so I've been trying them each night and tweaking things here and there. You can try a few bites of something when you're developing a recipe, but I really like to sit down and eat the whole plate to get a good idea of the experience.

>> No.16260431

>eat the whole plate
Wouldn't expect anything less from your fat faggot ass

>> No.16260459

Loads of chefs post here, other food industry people too.
Got laid last midsummer because of a recipe someone gave me here.
Midsummers comming up soon so I'm lurking here again.

>> No.16260464

Sometimes, but I bully them away before long.

>> No.16260474
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My philosophy is quality over quantity. We want people to be satisfied after their meal, but not be expected to take home leftovers. When we first opened back up it was for take-out only, and it broke my heart because 95% of our food (other than burgers, of course) aren't at all the same after sitting in a box for 20 minutes.

>> No.16260507

Worked in 1 Michelin starred restaurant for 1 year and in a 2 Michelin starred restaurant for another year, in Europe, ask me anything

>> No.16260518

How many hours a week did you typically put in, and did you cook for yourself at home when you worked there?

>> No.16260539

In the 1 starred restaurant around 50 hours a week,only cooking dinner at home
( Pretty good life-work balance)
2 Michelin starred restaurant was totally different : 100+ hours a week, that means that I was at home only for sleeping ( 6 hours ), so no Cooking at home,only eating staff food , 2 shitty meals a day

>> No.16260541

is culinary school a meme?

>> No.16260564

Yes and no, you can learn good theory- basic knowledge ( Very important), but imo experience on the field is much better

>> No.16260567

ive always heard theres no such thing as a professional chef, your degree doesn't mean shit. the only thing that mattersi s putting in years of work.

>> No.16260569

Have you ever deep fried frozen pizza rolls, nuggets, or french fries out of convenience?

>> No.16260577

If you mean for myself at home, fuck yeah I love junk food, I follow a pretty decent diet but every now and then some deep fried shit/ McDonalds is mandatory

>> No.16260578

why would any man tolerate that? or are you just such a low self esteem little bitch?

>> No.16260596
File: 400 KB, 776x941, 02E0F7F7-18F3-44AE-9E9D-7E5B6FB013FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been cooking in kitchens for 9 years, currently sous at an expensive Thai lounge. I come here to fuck around, I sometimes throw people a bone though

>> No.16260613

i've cooking longer than you've been alive and all i do here is call people like you faggots

>> No.16260616

Nice question, most of us do it for passion ( learning new things,work in that restaurant everyone is talking about, work for that famous chef ecc) and also to have a famous name on your curriculum/ resume. That means that from that day on every time I applied for a job in a restaurant my name was always on top of the list, just because I have this name in my curriculum/resume

>> No.16260622

yeah but why? it sounds like you're a retard

>> No.16260624

Also to survive in those places you have to be REALLY strong mentally, definitely not a low self esteem bitch

>> No.16260628

how much of a retarded faggot do you have to be to be passionate about working 100 hours a week for another faux celeb chef faggot?

>> No.16260631

You call that philosophy?

>> No.16260632

most cooks do a lot of drugs because they are completely pathetic and can't handle the stress

>> No.16260637

i used to manage a McDonalds

>> No.16260646

Not here to dickwave, we're all faggots. I'm hoping to switch careers soon anyway. People gotta know that this doesn't have to be a just McChicken board

>> No.16260647

my friend i don't think the current president of the united states could handle managing a mcdonalds

>> No.16260651

That's why I'm not doing it anymore at those high levels ;) I saw what I wanted to see and got what I wanted to get.

Never took any drugs but other weak guys did

>> No.16260653

speak for yourself fag but switch careers if you want to preserve any dignity

>> No.16260657

chefs are insecure losers and faggots not sure what you're getting at? it's for fucking loser drug addled faggots with felonies who can't even get a job in an office and that goes for the haute cuisine fart sniffing faggots as well

>> No.16260662

Donald Trump is too egotistic to manage a McDonalds without driving it into the ground. A McDonalds branch runs itself, just like USA could have.

>> No.16260669

definitely not none of these fucking people are leaders or managers in even a mcdonalders restaurant

>> No.16260682

In the loose sense of the term - the same way that some people call certain dishes "deconstructed", despite having nothing to do with de Man. Call it a "mission statement" it that makes you feel better.

>> No.16260686

Um, we had a new election last year anon.

>> No.16260695

9 years in the industry, 6 on /ck/, currently run a faux-fine dining italian kitchen
i try to post actual cooking threads/useful advice and have given out high quality recipes many times, but no one actually wants to talk about cooking on this board anymore, its just a cesspool of fast food viral marketing and parroted shitposts

>> No.16260697

are you trying to imply joe "pederast with dementia" biden is managing anything?

>> No.16260698

You're the Italian food guy? heh.

>> No.16260704

it's bots. 4chink is absolutely infested with bots. not to mention the political stuff but even cooking is all bots.

>> No.16260708

>6 on /ck/
You just missed the cutoff. Even so, "/ck/ was never good" was a meme from day 1.

>> No.16260712

when you see the bot formula you will know. they can't quote more sophisticated things though.

>> No.16260724

There were 3 things that brought more people to this site, which brought down the quality of every board, but honestly it was when moot left that /ck/ really went to shit. At this point it's like a rule that we have a have half a dozen e-celeb threads at all times, which are never deleted despite being completely off topic, and OC threads are heavily moderated, and frequently deleted. Everything about this place has been turned upside-down from how it used to be.

>> No.16260728

Fuck moot, and fuck off, moot.

>> No.16260732
File: 211 KB, 267x441, 3a2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot was always a fag, but if you think this place didn't take a nosedive after he left you're new as shit, and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16260737

Only weebs agree with you. Moot fought so long to make this a weeb site, but that stopped being true the moment there was /b/

>> No.16260738

wow your posts are so brilliant and insightful and totally not emblematic of 4chink faggotry. gosh i wish we could go back to the days when brilliant people like you were posting more often.

>> No.16260763

Do you even remember when we had an advent calendar? Book sharing threads? The /ck/ challenge? The only ironic youtube channel anyone talked about was Masao, who might as well have been a /ck/ poster, and everything else was shit people actually cooked and learned from? And people actually posting OC, whatever it was, was celebrated and got positive (and negative) feedback? This board used to gatekeep crossposters who tried to force memes, and now that's pretty much the only thing that gets replies.

>> No.16260766

Paul Pairret go back to Top Chef France (and win this time)

>> No.16260769

wow i didn't realize you were such a brilliant shining light. you should keep posting around here. i sure miss all the boys that are so smart and cool like you. maybe you can begin with relaunching the advent calendar? that was so cool and smart and funny.

>> No.16260772

The funny thing is that there were actually a handful of 'strayans who posted quality content back then. You obviously weren't one of them.

>> No.16260775

Nah. I was mostly /b/ until 2017 when someone told me about al/ck/ threads. Now they're gone, but I'm not.

>> No.16260776

go ahead and make one fucking quality post you dumb pathetic faggot LOL

>> No.16260778

Called it.

>> No.16260781


>> No.16260796

The truth. It hurts

>> No.16260850

what did you do in Ratatouille?

>> No.16260869

gourmet executive chef at wendy's checking in, ask away

>> No.16260931

In which country did you work and with which chef ?

>> No.16260937

how much were you paid ?

>> No.16260942

he was talking about the current president, Joe Biden

>> No.16260950

Italy, not gonna say the restaurant's name sorry...but it's very famous
1200 euros a month (shit pay if you were wondering)

>> No.16260956

Based on the context nobody would make that assumption.

>> No.16260967

>1200 euros a month
For 100 hours a week? That's basically slave labour what the fuck.
I once met this guy who worked as a private chef for some rich cunts in Switzerland, said he made 9000€ a month and had basically no living expenses because they had some servants cuckshed for him.

>> No.16260986

Straight up slave labour! Totally agree...yeah Switzerland is much better wages wise. France Italy and UK are the worse ( talking about hospitality)

>> No.16260989

I make around $3000 a month USD as a sous chef at a small place, which is honestly pretty good right now, but pretty shit when it comes to the cost of living in the area. I assume anon was working more for the experience/resume; that's what most people working at high end places are doing. It's a really shitty business at every level.

>> No.16260996

*working ~60 hours a week

>> No.16261002
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How am I supposed to know, only that my friends pay me when they're eating at my place.
So.. I guess I am professional enough. Didn't ask them to do it, just at some point they did start pitching in.
>tfw you're a professional cook

>> No.16261049

I'm not sure what to think of a frog poster having friends, and being the alpha among his cohort. Also, getting paid to cook for your friends doesn't make you a professional by any means.

>> No.16261068
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Does pic rel make you a professional cook, if not, what does?

>> No.16261107

No, but that's a really good question. There are plenty of line cooks who can't really cook, but are good at assembly - but it's not the same as putting hot dogs on a bun or being a Subway sandwich artist. It's hard to explain, but even a shitty line cook is on a different level from someone who just puts pre-made shit together.

>> No.16261141

>call the wheel when we get weeded
What does this mean?

>> No.16261153

I've been in the industry longer than I'd like to admit without just killing myself, and also had no clue what the fuck that meant. I assumed he was saying someone flaked out so he had to call in a favor from someone to fill in for a shift.

>> No.16261157

Ok. I thought it be like a weed circle and he decides who smokes first, second and so on.

>> No.16261208

Why would you assume he was talking about which side to pass the doobie to when everything else he mentioned was management/chef stuff?

>> No.16261219

i think restaurant workers like drugs. makes sense to hand out drugs at the start and end of the shift to keep them happy and motivated.

>> No.16261240

Even if you've never stepped foot in a real kitchen you have to know how stupid you sound. It's more like,
>1) does anon show up when he's scheduled?
>2) does anon perform his duties at an acceptable level of performance?
>3) is anon drunk or high?
>who gives a shit about (3) as long as (1) and (2) are fulfilled.

>> No.16261244

Yes we do you absolute donut

>> No.16261257

So they dont actually provide drugs/booze?

>> No.16261259

yes chef! Two minutes chef!

>> No.16261270
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this extreme level of autism is cute

>> No.16261275

I can melt cheese.
Gimme your stars, you limey cunt

>> No.16261661

This. Chefs are some of the biggest degenerate scumbags you'll ever meet

>> No.16261669 [DELETED] 


Calling the wheel is when someone is giving orders and instructions

Weeded will come from being "in the weeds" when it's busy as fuck and you're being rammed from every direction

>> No.16261841

Are you asking if any methed out faggots with prison records post here? Ibecause that’s what a chef is.

>> No.16261870

The fuck is a '3 million dollar kitchen'

>> No.16261942
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>> No.16261969

Sup Justin

>> No.16263030
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I only seriously started branching out to other boards once /v/ went from at least bearably bad to nonstop bait & coom threads, but I haven't been able to escape that trash here on /ck/. I wish I could have been here for those glory days, they sound like so much fun.

>> No.16263214

Ya buddy. I know several of them irl and we like to come here and shitpost. Why do you care?

>> No.16263710

No but my grandfather was one after he left the navy and owned a business for 35 years until retired
I could ask him questions

>> No.16263963

/wsg/ can be pretty fun. /ck/, /v/, and it are the only ones I go to nowadays.

>> No.16264033

Three more months in that shithole kitchen and then I’m moving to ops. I never want to work the line again for the rest of my life. I’ll keep doing back end if they can’t find someone skilled enough to replace me but I’m never going to cook again unless it’s for my wife or houseguests. 20 years is more than enough and I don’t want to be on the frontline of this dying industry one day longer than I have to.

>> No.16264620
File: 82 KB, 1418x644, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/out/ and >>>/diy/ are ok. Don't go there if you're not a fren

>> No.16264865
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It gets me so upset to see how far /v/ has fallen. There were for sure inklings of what we now call coomers back 10 years ago, but it was mostly just /a/ crossposters during evening hours. Now the entire board openly welcomes these predatory practices like gachashit, and are proud to do so, as long as they can jerk off to it. You wouldn't believe that this is the same place that decried horse armor.

Oh I'm aware, I just didn't want to give them away. We are in a golden age of /diy/ right now, I'm having more fun on that board than I've had on /v/ in years.

>> No.16265623

How much money you do in a year. It's a business, anon. After a busy night we'll often place bets on how much we did in sales, based on how busy it was. It's often a crap shoot at the place I work because sometimes there are a lot of people just drinking, so the kitchen is at a disadvantage.

>> No.16265717


>> No.16267228

Not a pro but I've been cooking for 5 years at a local restaurant. The owner is running the place into the ground so hopefully I'm out of there before that happens. I never want to work the line ever again it sucks.

>> No.16268156

>>call the wheel
Been a while since I worked in the industry, but iirc it was when people were shouting out ticket orders to either the cooks or to the wait staff to tell them its ready. I think the term comes form when some places used to put their tickets on a spinning wheel to keep track of position instead of putting them from left to right on the line. Could be wrong though