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File: 183 KB, 800x1520, sriracha292way_custom-1b1762ac5f721878e151ce4ffc9b46bac2e9e3d5-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16320207 No.16320207 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate sriracha so much? It is really good for enhancing dishes or making flavorful spicy mayo. It's even great mixed with ketchup and other hot sauces.

>> No.16320212

inb4 soyjack spam

>> No.16320230

its good on mac and cheese and also hot dogs

>> No.16320256

it makes my guts and rectum burn the day after, does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.16320316

It's very good on fried rice.

>> No.16320325

The nozzle is too narrow, it's more likely to cause colon punctures than a wide mouth bottle when cramming it up my ass.

>> No.16320377

By fucking whomst? Sriracha is very popular.

>> No.16320393

By people who can use a blender.

>> No.16320491

Undesirables latched onto it as a personality therefore the thing itself is bad and you yourself are not allowed to enjoy it.

>> No.16320549
File: 63 KB, 600x773, egg and hot sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's alright if you want to overpower the flavor of bland foods, for example while on a diet. but I wouldn't put it in an actual dish that is supposed to be good

>> No.16320585

it's fine for some foods though I don't think it exactly goes with everything.
It's just a meme because hot sauce is popular with basedboys and sriracha is a very popular hot sauce.

>> No.16320604

I think this is fair

>> No.16320615

I like sriracha but it tends to overpower everything else.

>> No.16321014

Yes, it does not go on everything. It was a meme years ago but that settled down. I just dont understand why people hate it because it was a meme, makes no sense.

>> No.16322242

You can cut it or add small amounts to food that is actually supposed to be good.
Or you can use a combo of capsicum + siracha to achieve better flavor than anything jalapeno-hot or less while maintaining the heat.

On the diet front it gets used because it's relatively low calorie and some foods call for a sauce.

>> No.16322248

Nobody actually hates sriracha anon. We all like it just fine. Not everything you read on the internet is real. You’d know this if you used your fucking head for once.

>> No.16322288

i love it. i throw in a tsp to some scrambled eggs and shits cash

>> No.16322742

It’s popularity has made it the condiment equivalent of some Portland hipster in bicycle gear

>> No.16322859

I’m confused is he b& or something or does just saying that as first post kill the appeal for him?

>> No.16322994
File: 144 KB, 1024x683, boomerfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16323057

It's okay but not that interesting, that brand in particular tastes very artificial
You're better off getting into sweet chili sauces

>> No.16323078

>that brand in particular tastes very artificial
It's the only one that's almost 100% chilies.
Tabasco for instance, is 19% chilies.

>> No.16323088

So after the meme of sriracha peaked people started to like it again? Getting mixed signals here.

>> No.16323101

why because you're a snob?

>> No.16323148
File: 681 KB, 1169x1677, chad yes classy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16323258

People like it.
4chan hates it because reddit likes it.

>> No.16323345

it's fine but as noted many times here it's become one of the soi commmunitieis favorite identity signifiers, so it invites criticism.
More importantly, the brand you posted is not the best one available. I'm sure there are others, but the one I like is the Trader Joe's brand sriracha, it's so much better. Exceptional on fried rice, pad thai, and asian noodles in general.

>> No.16323390

Maybe, but the rest is sugar

>> No.16323400

I think it's just you man.

>> No.16323771

What makes trader Joe's one better, just curious? Isnt the op pic the original sriracha brand?

>> No.16323804

So it's no different than any other hot sauce?

>> No.16323838

>Why do people hate sriracha so much?
tastes bad.
i don't like my chili sauce to be sweet.

>> No.16323842

2010s meme. It's past 2020 now, save it for your nostalgia threads in the 2030s.

>> No.16323848

Except the fact that it is not going to be nostalgic because it will still be available forever.

>> No.16323916
File: 284 KB, 1536x2048, Bqg1D4XCQAAz4WT.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy it enough that i really need to see about putting in an application to Huy Fong foods. I prefer the garlic chili sauce more than the regular sauce. Anyone try this stuff though?

>> No.16323917

To be contrarian

>> No.16323941

That garlic chilli sauce is really good.

>> No.16323955

I like Sriracha, goes good with grilled stuff, noodles, pretty much anything. I’m going to make fun of it on 4channel though

>> No.16323968

Never seen that stuff in stores wish I could buy it

>> No.16324003

For me it is the savior of shitty asian food.

>> No.16324219

I suspect with people you mean Americans and with hate you mean don't agree with your opinion. Because the simple answer for it is that Americans only eat shit that believe belongs to their fake culture or heritage so they choose Tabasco and shun the rest.

>> No.16324223

>t. seething in snooker

>> No.16324642
File: 216 KB, 1091x878, 1624367349664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DUDE I just heckin' LOVE HOT SAUCE!!! You have GOT to come over and see my collection, I have an apartment in an old MILL BUILDING and it has heckin' EXPOSED BRICK ON THE WALLS! And dude, DUDE, you have GOT to see this episode of Hot Ones, Steven Colbert eats Captain McGoober's Burnt Tooter Fucking XXX Hot Sauce (yes that's the ACTUAL NAME of a LITERAL PRODUCT, isn't that NUTS???) and I bought a bottle of it, we have GOT to try it man!!!

>> No.16324691

nah, it happens to me too, the sriracha itself is not hot, but it hurts my throat for some reason

>> No.16324716
File: 1.89 MB, 720x1270, 1623529018626.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16324730

>it's alright if you want to overpower the flavor of bland foods
It won't really overpower something like fried noodles. It will pack it with umami without compromising the taste a lot.

>> No.16325188

What is that? Crab legs. I dont think mice would like chilli peppers.

>> No.16325347

it's good. i like it "crunchy" or less grinder peppers.

>> No.16325354
File: 298 KB, 1172x1613, soy_hot_sauce10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325364

looks like a bat dissolved in some ping-pong proprietary acid

>> No.16325393
File: 371 KB, 1172x1613, 1621106857008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16325452

where are you from? america? lmao

>> No.16325652

Do Amerifats really put this on their food?

>> No.16325955


>> No.16326088

it's good anon, I like it

>> No.16326212

Yes it is great in ramen. Just a small squirt though.