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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16544820 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your favorite frozen shit.

>> No.16544829
File: 680 KB, 720x572, stouffers-uhp7ubbdsgekpdxhprvd.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat this shit all the time. Doesn't have any spices in tho. So I add my own to my liking. And bacon

>> No.16544834
File: 619 KB, 750x750, stouffers-qcrch148jid9ocwry4yd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting aside nutrition, this is the king of frozen food. Jtpj8

>> No.16544839
File: 87 KB, 500x500, turtle-pie-72089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino. Callenders has some god-tier pie though. Honestly better than homemade shit.

>> No.16544861
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For the longest time these were $3.50 at Walmart. When they jacked the price to $4, I was so mad I turned to Jack's.
I love you Jack
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>> No.16544878

Always have a Callender pie or two in the freezer for impromptu guests. Not as good as the bakery of course, but they work pretty well in a pinch or when I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.16544887
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>> No.16545073
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does these still exist
i cant found them anywehere and it makes me to cry

>> No.16545184

My grocery store doesn’t have these bad boys anymore. They were so fucking good and MASSIVE

>> No.16545199

Do they literally mean you should wait for them to thaw or can you just put them in the microwave?

>> No.16545209
File: 88 KB, 500x491, 23f52606-46fa-4fcf-8f2b-19643f1c26b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had so much pizza in my life but this one will always be one of my favorites, I've even had plenty of restaurant pizza that's not as good as this one

>> No.16545346
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another good frozen pizza :o)

>> No.16545383
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>> No.16545424

Jacks cheese (formerly chucks)

>> No.16546170
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you can suck me off if you disagree

>> No.16546183



>> No.16546226

I know it's a meme to hate screaming sicilian but their supreme pizza is amazing.

>> No.16546257

also a big fan of the giuseppe Dr Oetket pizzas. the casa di mama ones are good too

>> No.16546258
File: 689 KB, 750x750, stouffers-v8bm9g31ek01oxxyubnx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm thinking we're based, also
>So I add my own to my liking
spicelet here, which ones do you add anon

>> No.16546265


>> No.16546281
File: 323 KB, 1500x1500, dle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, cooked a little bit longer so the cheese is brown and crispy, plus some franks x-tra hot sauce and its great lazy/once in a while eatin'

>> No.16546364

"Servings Directions: To Serve Entire Pie: 1. Remove plastic wrap from domed pie. 2. Thaw domed pie in refrigerator at least 1-1/2 hours. 3. Remove dome and serve. For ease in slicing, use a knife that has been moistened with warm water. Quick Serve by the Slice: 1. Remove plastic wrap and dome from pie. 2. Slice frozen pie using a sharp knife that has been placed under hot water before cutting. 3. Thaw each slice on a plate in refrigerator at least 45 minutes. 4. Cover unused portion of pie with dome and return to freezer. Keep frozen."

>> No.16546560

No bro, sadly they are currently discontinued. I looked them up a while back myself. I have had to upgrade to Jose Ole burritos.

>> No.16546570

Fuck man when I first moved out on my own I would go to Sam's club and buy one of those giant Stouffer's family size lasagnas and eat off it for a week. My stepmom couldnt cook for shit so when I was living at home, the nights she made those were always a treat.

>> No.16546625

Frozen food is unironically miles better than it was just a few years ago. What went right?

>> No.16546638

I used to get Jack's pizza for $1 each when I first moved out on my own as a poorfag. My fridge was always stocked full of them.

>> No.16546834
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>> No.16546940
File: 197 KB, 1125x1135, 9AFAA34D-5955-4B17-A5B4-5A15D7A2CE3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pair this with some regular ass steamed white rice & u r groovy! The general tao flavor is good 2

>> No.16546950
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>> No.16547131
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>> No.16547175
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I miss this nigga like u wouldnt believe

>> No.16547214

i know its not the point of this thread but i suck cocks and these recipes take like 5 minutes to throw together and taste 10x better because you can season it as you go instead of heating up already seasoned shit and adding to it (plus you get more than a single serving size)

>> No.16547228

but thats alot of work anon

>> No.16547244

good shit, was looking for this thread
i just got my toaster oven back, i put it in storage for 2 years, one of those 1800w 'can do literally anything' breville ones
ran it through a test with some tinas burritos and it cranked the fuck outta em
any recs for frozen za?

>> No.16547256
File: 56 KB, 680x680, imageService.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me is a bag of frozen meatballs. eat them straight, make pasta, put them on bread. the possibilities are endless and they take less than 2 min to cook

>> No.16547258
File: 63 KB, 599x367, 15407696-94F5-4B9C-A1A8-5127242E26FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are ironically better than 90% of restaurant ramens

>> No.16547281

nah. go to a real japanese restaurant. i've bought that stuff before and it was pretty good. especially for $4

>> No.16547319
File: 405 KB, 1073x832, Screenshot_20210813-163542_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one and general tsos is my go to depression meal

>> No.16547402
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 41619+ISKNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon let me rock your world. Buy frozen meatballs, buy grape jelly of choice, buy Heinze Chili sauce, combine all in crockpot. Cook till meatballs are done. Eat and wish you knew about this before.