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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16629783 No.16629783 [Reply] [Original]

>mom always cooked growing up
>was never taught how to cook for myself
>always eat fast food when out
>1 step microwave meals if at home now
>don't even know what/how much stuff to buy at a grocery store
>need to start bringing my lunch to work
Where do I even begin?
considering going to the japanese market today but im afraid I'll just end up buying lots of snack food or stuff that expires in a day

>> No.16629786

Begin by stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.16629788

Frogposting is banned on /ck/, fren.

>> No.16629789

how can you be in an environment with food being cooked daily and not even pick up a whiff of how it works?
I'm not accepting autism as an excuse here, how stupid are you?

>> No.16629790 [DELETED] 

what ethnicity are you?

>> No.16629798

you could have helped out your mum and learn how to cook that way, but you're a lazy ungrateful son

>> No.16629809

>>don't even know what/how much stuff to buy at a grocery store
recipes my lad. pick out a few recipes, buy the ingredients, prepare it, repeat

>> No.16629829

>mom always cooked growing up
>was never taught how to cook for myself
You grew up with a mom who always cooked, and never wanted to learn anything about cooking? Or at least once in a while help her in the kitchen simply because you weren’t an ungrateful lazy piece of shit?

Normally, people in your situation grew up without having a parent that cooked.

>> No.16629964

Stop using reaction images as OP you shitbrain.

>> No.16630201

Watch YouTube videos to learn techniques like how to cut food and how long to cook it on whichever medium.
Then Google a few recipies you're interested in that you think are easy enough to try.
Wa la you'll be cooking in no time

>> No.16630204

OP is likely exaggerating i'm sure he's able to cook at least a few things.

>> No.16630267

>choose a veggie
>cook it in salted water for 30 min
>eat it
>choose a small cut of meat
>fry it on all sites until done, especially bird meat
>eat it
That's how you get cooking and eating finesse by trying them first.

>> No.16630280

I agree with first poster. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Imagine you're eying an opponent across the ring about to destroy him.

white cap mushrooms
salt & pepper
baking powder

>> No.16630284

Begin by bringing a sandwich, some fruit and chips for lunch until you learn to cook

Recipe for sandwich
>Pre packaged ham
>Pre sliced cheddar
Lightly mayo each piece of bread and assemble in preferred order

>> No.16630383

Buy an air fryer.

>> No.16630386

fuck off frogfaggot

>> No.16630387

Most of us cu/ck/ fags started out with Foodwishes

>> No.16630631

>Buy canned crushed tomatoes
>Buy Garlic/red peppers/mushrooms/onions, whatever you like
>Put tomatoes in a pot
>chop up vegetables and put them also in the pot
>put on medium-low heat and stir every now and then
>cook spaghetti like the package tells you to
>drain spaghetti
>put meals together in a thermos or something

easy peas

>> No.16630671

make sandwiches to bring to work

>> No.16630694

Who had a mom with shit tier cooking skills?
I thought i hated eating or food till i started to live on my own, and now i love food and cooking since i can make good stuff now.
Things i know now:
>don't make more overcooked meat or eggs or chicken
>put something in rice more than salt
>pasta with texture ( we always are back in home overdone pasta, it was just a slighly hard jello)
>Thicc and aired cakes
>learned the world of seasoning instead of just salt and garlic

OP just learn little by little, you will get there someday.

>> No.16630714

Here you go fren, steak and onion pie. Delicious and fucking easy


>> No.16630806
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>get crunchy onions in your tomato sauce

>> No.16630819

Look up some Food Wishes videos on Youtube and start making any that catch your eye. You could also think of a few of the favorite things you ate when growing up and find recipes for them.

>> No.16630824

Start with eggs, experiment with it.
Simple dishes, there's plenty of them all over.

>> No.16630950

>not liking crunchy onions

>> No.16631165

If you know literally nothing, you should probably start with knowing how to store food, familiarize yourself with their expiration dates, general knowledge like that. Can you put out a fire if it were to ever happen - do you know how to read instructions and think you can use a fire extinguisher?

Start there if anywhere. No one should be allowed to cook if they can't put out a fire, detect foul food, or figure out what a simple kitchen tool is used for just by looking at it. If you can figure those three things out all you gotta do is follow the recipe. After that, and maybe some familiarity with ingredients, you can start substituting stuff and balancing multiple tasks where dishes become unique to you alone, and you'll starting building confidence faster with what you can handle and expect.

>> No.16631333

Start with buying basic products with long shelf life - flour, rice, salt, sugar, pasta, oil, oats, jam/honey, canned veggies etc. Buy some meat and throw it in the freezer. You can already make something good with this. Then buy products the recipes you'd like to make call for. If you have leftover vegetables, fruits, meat, butter or even bread, you can just freeze them (just avoid thawing and refreezing, especially meat can get bad that way). Veggies and fruit can be limp if you just thaw them and don't cook them right after taking them out the freezer, in which case you can make a blended soup or cocktail with them. What is your situation exactly? Do you just need recipes or do you have trouble with cooking basics like frying an egg?

>> No.16631348

why not start small? cooking with ground beef, eggs, cleaning and cutting vegetables. learning how to coat on the pan, and adding different seasoning such as salt, pepper, cayenne, paprika, etc

>> No.16631477

Boomers are very retarded from the drug use and usually neglect actively teaching kids life skills, either because their parents never did and they don't really know any better or they're expecting the school or Internet to do the parenting.

>> No.16631602

Buy a casket of ingredients, show up to her house, and angrily demand your birthright in the form of basic domestic education. The key to avoiding feelings of guilt is to always emphasize the ways in which someone else is at fault.

>> No.16631636

Don't listen to this retard, OP. First oil, then onions until they're soft and translucent. Only THEN do you add anything else. Onions fry well, but they don't boil.

And for spaghetti, you don't have to be an autist about cooking times, just fucking bite that thing. If it's not done, give it some more time.

>> No.16632349
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Break down your shopping into protein (pb, eggs, meats, fish), carbs (pasta, bread, flour), veg, herbs/spices, and grocery (soap etc). Then bookmark the ad pages of every store within range. Every week pop open the ads and see what the sales are. Over time you will get a sense of the real price of foods and what is a deal to spend on.

Some tips:

>Buy in bulk at the lowest price then shop for smaller amounts as you go
>find the discount aisles in each store you visit, they all have at least one area
>Immigrant markets are your FRIEND. Find where they are and get their ads.
>You can buy some food and toiletries online cheaper, and at higher quality (e.g., bulk bags of good rice, paper, etc)
>If you have the room freeze your on-sale protein and get your veg fresh
>Potatoes, onions, and carrots sell dirt cheap in bulk bags. Learn to cook with these.
>Rice is a staple and there are a thousand ways to eat it
>Learn recipes that stretch out proteins with vegetables, rice, and pastas
>search for deals on herbs and spices like a thirsty simp and over a long period of time you will build a formidable spice collection
>Buddy up with the deli and butcher personnel and they will hook you up

>> No.16632395
File: 341 KB, 2000x1333, Mise-en-place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with simple dishes and the things you already know. Learn to make a better sandwich by buying better ingredients. Learn to make a simple chicken noodle soup to dunk that sandwich in. Hard boil a dozen eggs and then make egg salad. Make a baked potato, caramelize some carrots, sautee spinach, and boil broccoli or cauliflower.

Get the cheap $20 rice cooker and a big bag of basmati rice. Make rice, put it in a bowl, drop a pat of butter on top, season with salt and pepper, then drop a few over easy eggs on top.

Make some hot dogs, simple as. But this time make toppings. Get a can of chili and finely dice up some onions and throw on some cheddar cheese. Or learn to sweat down peppers and onions in a pan to throw on top of them. Or make a hamburger and try a bagel for a bun with really good cheddar cheese.

Very easy way to learn how to prep is to just do the simplest recipes you already kind of know, improve them in your own way.

Then, after you've gotten a habit down of just preparing your own food, start looking at recipes you want to learn. Begin to practice mise en place. This means preparing everything for cooking before you begin to cook. This is one of the most important things you can do, as simple as it sounds, just get everything nice and ready for the recipe first. No matter how simple the recipe.

>> No.16632429
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This but don't be mean. I'm sure your mom would love to show you how to cook delicious food.

Time is precious op, your mom won't be around forever. Enjoy those times with her, smile and laugh and have a great time fren. Give her a call.

>> No.16632734

what a photogenic scene. I miss when everything was white.

>> No.16632789

i talk shit about those pre-packaged subscription meals but this might actually be the right application for them if you are that intimidated/retarded around the kitchen. I've never tried one before but maybe that would help you get a feel for how much seasoning and oil and shit to use, and also to get an idea for how many raw ingredients to buy at the store and how much correlates to 1 meal or 3 meals or whatever. It's a crutch but that might be enough to get you doing your own little spinoff recipes or figuring out what flavors work well together.

>> No.16634535

He literally said to cook the onions first

>> No.16634823
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My mom told me I'm not allowed to visit or come to Thanks Giving or Christmas until I take the jab

>> No.16634876

your mommy loves rachael maddow more than u

>> No.16634882

Just count how many slices you will need. As for the filling, just buy more than what you think you will use.

>> No.16635153

Easiest step most are forgetting they did, watch all the cooking shows. Then go in the kitchen and fake it. Don't watch YouTube, that shits retarded.

>> No.16635172

Imagine being this mentally fucked up by the internet

>> No.16635179
File: 86 KB, 753x624, 49031453_10212346396110260_1850452162304278528_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recognize the hatred and absurdity in the world, as well as the hatred and absurdity in your own mind, and choose to do better upon this recognition
wow, this leapt off the page to me, finding me as I found it. Thank you, keep the faith.

>> No.16635193

You truly don't know hopw to cook, do you?

>> No.16635198

Ok, don't ever talk to your mother again. Hope she enjoys Shlomo's cock after cooking koscher for him

>> No.16635209

Try learning how to make chicken fried rice its my go to meal

>> No.16637005

>why am a loser with no practical skills or talents?
>fucking boomers should have forced me to learn all of the necessary life skills it’s all their fault