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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 790x501, mcdonalds-drive-thru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16852753 No.16852753 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the people working the drive-thru remember you?

>> No.16852765

do you remember the people that work at the drive-thru?

>> No.16852769
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Depends on how ugly they are.

>> No.16852782

Not usually and If I do I only see them one more time until I never see them again. But since corona started they wear masks + have plastic shields on the top half of the window so I can't see them pretty much at all.

>> No.16852790

Yes. Specifically this old Asian lady and a cute Persian girl. I prefer the old lady because I do not care if she judges my childish order.

>> No.16852833

I had this really nice and energetic guy remember me when I went to this one taco Bell frequently on the way home from work
It was nice...

>> No.16852853

Everyone remembers me. I am so memorable that people remember me at places I never went to. It was always me. I was always there. After you meet me for the first time I am in the background of every photo. I am in every memory, you just don't know it yet.

>> No.16852890

Yes, if you go there often enough.

Yes, if I go there often enough.

>> No.16852894

I have worked in the service industry for long enough to know that no-one who isn't a problem gets remembered.

>> No.16852909

yes, there was one guy at the Wendy's drive-thru who wore the asanagi hoodie and played anime music

>> No.16852913

I'm in a small town and no one gives a shit about masks so i recognize all the workers and i get insecure because i think they might recognize me going there too often.

>> No.16852925

>implying I'm not a pickup chad

>> No.16852927

Not unless you're there every single day like tb anon

>> No.16852946

theres a girl at the tea place that clearly has a crush on me, bros how do i make it happen? the other day i walked inside cause the drive thru was crazy and she could barely form a sentence

>> No.16852980
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>deliver pizza to customer's house for the 3rd time
>they start tipping really well
>deliver it even faster
symbiotic relationship

>> No.16852994

funny story

>hang out with friend in high school, he's a big guy
>decide to grab some mcdonalds, he is driving
>there is a mcdonalds like 2 minutes away, and one 10 minutes away
>he starts driving towards the one farther away, this triggers my autism
>demand to know why we are going to the farther away mcdonalds
>he eventually caves and says the last time he went to the closest one when he pulled up to the speaker, the guy said-
>"back again I see"

>> No.16853195

We had a guy at subway working the window who had a photographic memory. As soon as he pulled up he'd try to guess your order. This was also at night, so it would be a little difficult to see the drivers clearly. There were times when I wouldn't go there for months and when I pulled up he'd say "two footlongs on Italian cheese bread, one meatball, the other spicy italian with marinara, provolone on one and pepperjack on the other, parmesan, pepper flakes and banana peppers"
Then I'd just say "yep"
He finally moved on to a different gig, which made me relieved that someone with actual talents wasn't wasting them at subway.

>> No.16853201

Stop being a child

>> No.16853225

>late at night
>only place open after 11 is Wendy's
>wife and I shooting the shit waiting in the drive through
>pulling up to the speaker
>I told a joke or something and she called me a faggot
>ridiculously gay voice comes over from the speaker
>wife explains
>takes our order
>get to window
>greets her by calling her a carpet muncher
>heavy passive aggressive undertones the whole time at the window
>go back a few days later, fag doesn't work there anymore
I was worried he'd still be there and spit in our food or something. Gays are crazy. That fucker really thought we were insulting him, a person we've never met and didn't know smoked cock for a living, at a Wendy's drive through at midnight.
There is however a black guy that remembers us. He's the weeaboo sort of negroid and recognized the MTG pin I had on my hat, he's pretty chill.

>> No.16853251

those flashy easily offended faggots are annoying man
t. homo

>> No.16853275
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>always order large frozen coke after work
>qt emo girl works there (2021)
>one day pull playing MCR
>she smiles
day improved

>> No.16853389

Yes there was this psycho girl with dry, peeling fingers who i saw at the payment window once and every time i hear her voice in the drive thru since then i yell "nevermind" and drive away

>> No.16853395

Its a self-fulfilling prophesy with those types. Some people want to be the victim, some people dont care, and some people see the people who want to be the victim and then assume everything that happens to them is the catalyst for their personal crusade.

>> No.16853399

Do americans really eat that

>> No.16853469

There's a new person in the window almost every time. I wonder how much people they go through every year or even every month

>> No.16853483

Do you think normies care about such things? I wouldn't care if I saw some fatass every day but normies think differently

>> No.16853502
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I'm extremely ugly so people always recognize me. I'll go in somewhere to buy something, like a case of beer, and the person at the register will say, "Oh hey dude, I've seen you around. I've always wondered what your story was." I don't even get carded at that point. People even have a nickname for me. "You're [nickname] guy! Holy shit!" Making eye contact with someone and their eyes bulge in recognition/revulsion is a terrible feeling. I get to be a celebrity, but without the money and good looks. The few times I've taken a job where I interact with the public, the responses are, "You know... I always wondered what you did for a living." And nothing precedes that comment. That they recognize me is simply implied -- like they think I should expect it, because why wouldn't I? I usually shop as soon as the stores open and am usually home early in the morning. Fortunately there's self-checkout these days or else everybody in town would know I get constipated frequently. When I die, the coroner is going to be like, "yo, guys, come check this shit out, you'll never believe who it is" and there will be my ugly, bloated corpse lying on a stainless steel table with a 2 inch erection.

>> No.16853550

fast food worker here. yes, i keep a journal of who enters, and i assign them a "social credit". if you get more than 1,500 kcals in one meal, you get assigned 1 fatass point. if you stutter, don't make eye contact or feel nervous during ordering, you get 1 autist / shut-in point. the more points you get, the less welcome you are in our joint. it makes it easy to judge people, so be sure we remember everything.

>> No.16853948

>do you remember the people that work at the drive-thru?

I remember a girl from like a year ago that i regret not hitting on. I went back to that mcdonalds and i don't see her in the drive thru anymore now im sad

>> No.16854093

Just post a selfie ffs

>> No.16854102
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>> No.16854130
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Always say "you too" on purpose when they tell me to enjoy my meal.

>> No.16854141
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>go to mcdonalds twice a week for breakfast
>same chick working there every time i go
>doesn't talk like a nigger
>is not obese like a nigger
>ask for her number
>date for two years
>marry her
>have three kids
>she still wakes me up with blowjobs

>> No.16854151

Based chaotic bro.

>> No.16854522

Yes and we give you nicknames

>> No.16854564

I really want to bang the Filipino lady that runs the local doughnut shop here. She's really friendly with me and always remembers my orders, even if I haven't been there in a week, and the place gets really busy.
She's at least twice my age, but man do I want to pound that pussy in the back room so badly.

>> No.16854567

Checked and kek'ed, very true. Place where I used to work had one old man who'd come in every morning for a scone and coffee, then sit in the corner and cough repeatedly like he was going to die, hence "The Coughing Man". Another guy who came in used to always carry tons of small bags instead of one large one, he was "Mr. Tiny" and so on.

>> No.16854586

The people who work at my Chick-fil-A know my name and order. They ask if I want the usual.

>> No.16854593

We had "Diet Coke Lady" who'd come in an order a large diet coke with extra ice and a large cup of ice.

>> No.16854594

Having worked in a drivethrough I can confirm that I did not remember any customer unless they were regulars with ridiculous orders
Personal favourite was the man who came in every weekend to order 7 barbecue sauce packets and a vanilla milkshake

>> No.16854651

I'll never forget the buttered bagel lady from Tim Hortons. She would come through the drive-thru every single morning and order "One blueberry bagel with LLLLLLIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHTTTTTT (!!!!!!!) butter," and no matter how little butter we put on the bagel the first time, she would hand it back and say "Ugh, this is WAY too much butter, I asked for LIGHT butter!" and then we'd remake it and she'd be satisfied. One time we decided to just not butter the bagel and she STILL declared "This is too much butter, I asked for LIGHT butter!" and made us remake it. She just really got off to the idea of making us remake her food for no reason, I guess.

>> No.16854657

Did you ever ask him what the packets were for? I hope he was just eating them

>> No.16854680

I hit on a lady in a drivethru a few months back, but she didn't respond to it lol. Now she greets me every time I see her and asks how I'm doing, and blushes at me. When I see her though I get really depressed and realize that I'm going to be alone forever and remember I need to get my money together so I can kill myself soon.

>> No.16854709

Somehow, a tangy molasses/brown sugar milkshake actually sounds like it might just work...

>> No.16854718

There was a guy like that who came into a diner where I used to work nearly every morning, he worked next door and was friends with the owner. He always wanted his hash browns extra crispy and no matter how cooked they were, he delighted in sending them back as undercooked, often several times. One morning I was just done with his shit, so I scraped all the black stuff off the flat top grill and put it in his hash browns and burnt the shit out of 'em, looked like a charcoal briquette when I was done. He never bitched about his hash browns again.

>> No.16854734

When I order self pickup at my local McDonald's the staff recognizes me straight away and don't even ask to see my phone for the receipt in the app. Pretty comfy if you ask me

>> No.16854851

Have a qt autistic girl working local fast food drive thru. She literally screams into the headset and you flinch, it's so painful.
>I'd like a medium burger value meal, please.
>What size was that medium value meal?
>THAT'S $8.99!
After I pulled away from the mic, I though it was one of those stupid recordings, like, they're using AI to take your order.
But once I got up to the window and heard her voice directly, I realized it was a human all along.
I doubt she remembers me.

>> No.16854864

Oh, I'm sure, always hand those nice black gurls a 10 bucks for tips. Usually they give me a bj later, but that's not the point.

>> No.16854877

genuinely lol'd thanks for sharing

>> No.16855221

I don't eat that garbage, just get good groceries and you won't want to eat that shit anymore. I'll only go to restaurants if the food is particularly good.

>> No.16855231

Yeah especially in smaller towns. I stopped at a maccas on my way back from a gig with a bunch of gear in my seats, now all the people working there keep asking if I’m headed to a show every time I stop there

>> No.16855240

Somewhat related, I had to start changing which gas stations I go to for my /sips/ and beer, because female cashiers keep remembering me and trying to make small talk when I just want to leave

>> No.16855262

I hate grocery stores because the dumb girl working at the check out will see how I eat in fine detail.

>> No.16855288

I literally never considered what cashier thought of my food before I saw people posting about it on 4chan. Still don't give a crap what wagies think. I buy condoms and cucumbers and hot sauce and dog food in the same transaction and I don't even think it's weird. I'm buying stuff from the store. It's the store it sells stuff. I have social anxiety and paranoia where I think people send me messages through pics sometimes and even I don't give a fuck what cashiers think
Same. Don't comment on my weight, don't joke with me, don't rememeber my name, don't try and connect with me through a prior experience. There is a taco bell, a circle k, 2 other gas stations, and a kroger i cant go to now. I'm not hypocritical. I just don't care unless they start shit with me. Then I am gonezo

>> No.16855304
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Fast food, I doubt it. I had a Walmart cashier flirt with me for 5 months and i choked away asking her out because i was too much of a pussy autist.

>> No.16855307

when your the only black guy, how could they not

>> No.16855309

I think I'm getting 2nd hand assburgers just from reading this thread.

>> No.16855342

Kek, same here. I've always liked being a regular customer, too. Especially on the rare occasions when I don't have enough coin or forget my wallet and they say, "That's okay, just pay for it next time."

>> No.16855520

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant

>> No.16855623

>remembering things

>> No.16855648


>> No.16855977

Oh I've got people like you in my town

>> No.16856009

Yeah sometimes they do

>> No.16856013

Yes, if they don't remove the pickles and the mustard then it is going back every time.

>> No.16856026

>screenshotting your own post

>> No.16856087

I don't visit fast food often enough to analyze why they would if they did. I assume this is a thread for insecure people who will eat more, concerned people there remember them because they're at the drive-through too often or are obese.

Sadly a lot of those employees remember a lot of customers. Their soul-crushing jobs forces them to seek out any human connection. It has nothing to do with you eating. Be friendly with cashiers at every establishment you frequent and see what happens.

>> No.16856283

Think you're better than me?

>> No.16856295

I went to a Wendy's drive through once and recognized the guy as someone I went to high school with. I just left. I had already ordered but he was a NASTY dude. Guarantee he uses 4chan too, he was an aspie weab.

>> No.16856599

One time my mom called a drive through stupid and his face is burned in my memory along with the feeling of shame

>> No.16856645

I love Persian girls

>> No.16856727

retail bro here, yes we remember. If you behave ok it's harder to remember but if I see you a few days a week I will remember your face.

If you behave like an ass I remember your mug and will make sure some bodily fluids end up in your purchase :)

>> No.16857107

Does what I'm buying influence my remembrance or is it strictly in behavior. I'm a self-conscious degenerate but I try to be nice.

>> No.16857312

I got two more about how I fucked up with chicks in high school too. It's good for (you)s in off-topic /fit9k/ and /tv9k/ threads

>> No.16857322
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>Do you think the people working the drive-thru remember you?
I read this in a really condescending and mean tone

>> No.16857358
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, Jahy13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in early '00s when I would often eat fast food because I was dumb and lazy, the evening shift Wendy's DT window guy would recognize my order would already have my BBQ / Ranch in the bag without asking. Would sometimes ask me how my night was and chit chat a bit.

>> No.16857381

I went to a jack in hte box with a spergy bitch that was sadly stuck in my friendgroup because another friend was trying to fuck her(sad).

She threw a fucking tantrum, literal weeping and screaming, because they didn't have an item she wanted at four in the morning and the girl working the drive thru was too baked to take her shit.

Luckily it was a town over and I never went back there

>> No.16857388

I feel bad for my delivery people. It's not like I tip huge amounts, I'll just do shit like round 15 to 20 or something like that, they always act like I'm the only one who tips.

Must be rough to be delivery during kung flu

>> No.16857446

If they had the ability to remember things they wouldn't be working in a drive thru

>> No.16857661

You know, I always figured you'd use 4chan

>> No.16857698

Sometimes I'll go through a drive thru and the workers will be so ugly that I just drive back out without paying or taking the food

>> No.16857740

>Accidently dropped a jar of chili garlic paste by the grocery store worker who looks like John Lennon
>Two years after he's mopped it up and he still shoots me dirty looks
Jesus Christ buddy, you had to use a mop for like three minutes. I said that I was sorry

>> No.16857782


>> No.16857793

it took far too long for this to get posted

>> No.16857799

i use to order wings for takeout from this one place and whenever this one girl was working she'd immediately get my order and i'd give her my card
it was nice, didn't even have to exchange any words she just knew

>> No.16857812

No because I haven't been to a drive-thru by myself ever, but I went to a local In-N-Out hundreds of times and most of the employees there knew me and my order. When I'd have a cashier who was new and the receipt would get sent back, sometimes the dudes working the grill would take a peak and be like "Hey, it's the two-double-meats-mustard-and-spread-only guy!"

>> No.16858006

They definitely do. I don't live in an area full of my particular skin color. And when they say things like
>oh I like when you show up with your car
>you want the extra mustard like last time?
>you want your usual?

Every time I get a hint of a fast food worker remembering me I go to a new one.

>> No.16858020

define problem
like ordering to-go half an hour before closing?

>> No.16858035

ok loser

>> No.16858038

If they're still open then it shouldn't be a problem

>> No.16858069


>> No.16858071

hey it's three for free!

>> No.16858074

ask her what her favorite drink is and then order it.

>> No.16858083

>Local pizza place does an insane deal
>2 x 15-inch pizzas, chips, coleslaw and dips
>I... I freeze the second pizza, I swear!
>Always order it at end of month
>Same fucking delivery guy every time
>Chef throws in extra portions of chips, nuggies or kebab meat
>Delivery guy gives me this look of disgust and pitty every time
I don't know whether I feel good or bad.

>> No.16858084

I only get delivery once a week on Friday but I always tip well because that food gets to me pronto every time. You pay for what you get.

>> No.16858093
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you gotta own it man
>friday evening
>starving but too lazy to make anything i just wanna play vidya
>massive order
>guy has like two huge bags with him
>"hey uhh you havin a party man?"
>nah i'm just fat
>have a good one

>> No.16858096

this is why I continue coming to this godforsaken webzone

>> No.16858103

>Be addicted to Pringles as well as picrel
>Local convenience store in my town of 6k sells both
>Always go there half an hour before closing time
>Always buy 3 tubes of Pringles and 4 packets of XL cheese
>Have to buy extra groceries at "convenient" prices to hide the fact I'm just here for the crisps
>Be a few nights ago
>Recognize the cashier, they recognize me
>"Same again?"
>Play it cool, but going "OH FUCK" internally
>Power walk out of there after paying
>Picrel is considered a local delicacy
>Bonus points if you can guess the region
>Bonus points if you are the cashier

He's never asked me what happens to the second pizza and I think he's realized that I live alone.
I'll just tell him I refrigerate the second and eat it over the next few days, which is closer to what I actually do - eat the entire second pizza for breakfast.

>> No.16858109
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Forgot the pic I'm retarded. These things are great and the convenience store sells them in a multipack of 4. I knew a guy who worked in distribution and yes they do ship extra to convenience stores in my region because they sell so well. He even takes some for himself sometimes.

>> No.16858114
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>Local Burger King drive-thru guy is an old boomer who sounds dead inside
>My roommate recognizes him as being one of his teachers back in like middle school or something
>That guy has worked at that Burger King for like 6 years

He doesn't know me but I know he recognizes my roommate when we go together.

>> No.16858120

The lass at my KFC wears waaay too much makeup for a KFC employee

>> No.16858144

>they like you
>you get free things
>they remember what you like
somehow this is bad?

>> No.16858146
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>> No.16858150

Frequency, and time of day, with behavior intwined with Frequency. Come every day im working at X'0 clock, and you make contact, I'll recognize you. Recognition doesn't determine any different interaction or thought though. Just don't be annoying, and it won't matter

>> No.16858154

I have paranoid personality disorder. lol

>> No.16858155

You're probably just unconsciously annoying in general, and you've clung to the incorrect path

>> No.16858167

>first time living alone, develop habit of ordering gyros from this greek place on fridays
>Walking around outside, some guy greets me but I ignore him, plenty of people trying to sell you shit or sign you up for a mag or some shit
>this guy is persistent though, follows me and keeps talking to me so I stop and try to get him off my back
>insists we know each other, dont I recognize him?
>He's the delivery guy for that greek place
>Start to feel really bad, I legit cant tell if he is because I forget everything about him once I've handed him the money and got my food
>Make up some bullshit about a appointment I have to get to and get away from him
Sorry delivery guy, you were probably a nice guy. I never ordered from that place again

>> No.16858184


>> No.16858217

In that context your feelings are fair to some extent. But, I'll just let you know, they like having repeat customers. they're not judging you necessarily, they're just happy to have an easy and familiar transaction. that is Win/Win

>> No.16858328 [DELETED] 

I can see why he's paranoid. And it's funny he said your wife eats pussy. Gayest part of the story is you ending it with "based black man!"

>> No.16858343

even more cringe

>> No.16858353

you're a retard if you tip the driver based on how fast the food got there. what if the kitchen took an hour to make it but the kid fucking flew there blowing reds?

>> No.16858359

If they recognize me I take that as a sign that I've been eating too much junk food. I got a little fat a couple years ago. The wakeup call was when the guy at Carl's Jr memorized my order.

>> No.16858361

What other merit could I possibly base the quality of service from the driver?

>> No.16858389

His knock knock jokes.

>> No.16858603

Nope, just behaviour. Honestly, we don't care what you buy man, apart from some weird specific requests.

>> No.16858771

I always stop going to a shop or ordering from a food place if the staff/delivery people get overly friendly or comment on my eating habits.
Like just give me my food and shut the fuck up.
I can't imagine the shit fat people must get from drivers if they are ordering like 5 times a week and seeing the same delivery people.

>> No.16859129

i only recall seeing the same people multiple times at grocery checkout aisles, never at drive thrus. grand majority of people can't tolerate fast food for very long without feeling exploited, in which most cases they probably are. in some cases the job is tolerable and fine, it just gets busy sometimes, they are just being little bitches.

>> No.16859282

There was one elderly Chinese man who served me once commenting on the shape of my breasts. It was at that time I realised the importance of voting forJoe Biden.

>> No.16859501

Yeah and they do, mainly because I wear similar dress daily and order basically the same thing every day.
I also sometimes fill out those surveys and write their name in the commendations. Not sure if it does anything for them but I might as well try.

>> No.16860110

only the qt teen girls

>> No.16860253

we eat everything

>> No.16860317
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different anon
>work the drive
>crusty old woman in her expensive sports car comes in
>orders ina rude snarky manner
>its dark dark outside and i am tired
>the woman orders an item for 4,99€ and hands me a 5er
>She returns , does the whole drive through thing after i dont know how long because she didnt get her 0,01 € change from me
>demanded some bs and got her one pence after i nullified her original receipt
Me internally to be honest. I mean i couldnt care less it was the full on intentional greed that gobsmacked me out of nowhere

>> No.16860327

Where do you live?

>> No.16860331


>> No.16860492

Norfmen detected

>> No.16860589

Does it matter, nigger? I'll just say I'm one the few black people in a very white neighborhood.

>> No.16860615

Why so salty? What state do you live in?

>> No.16860624

New Hampshire.

>> No.16860776

she got embarrassed. try flirting again

>> No.16860815

another cornball coon that think he better than other black folk

>> No.16860823

I am.

>> No.16860921


>> No.16860959

I clearly remember calls I had and client emails from working various call center jobs years and years ago so I'd imagine they remember people they actually see face to face

>> No.16860992

sorry that was a typo

I meant to say only the qt preteen girls

>> No.16861004

Preteen girls working at fast food places? Where do you live?

>> No.16861626

Yeah, there's this one autistic dude who works at the mcdonalds by me that always says "have a nice day!" how I'd expect a clown would deliver that line. He's nice though.

>> No.16861642

So did you just pull up and take a pic of her bc she's ugly? Because she's clearly looking at the camera. If so, that's pretty cruel of you.

>> No.16861804

What's wrong with you?

>> No.16861814

lmfao keep ur head up brother

>> No.16861822

shes cute in a ugly way though

>> No.16861916

yeah people are getting poorer yet people still order out, a lil annoying
we can see tips on receipt and it entirely determines how quickly i drive lol

>> No.16862107

>t. fugly

>> No.16862349

nah, you're one of 5mil~50million office cuck drones that comes thru every day
>town 20k pop or smaller
they probably know the names of half of your family and likely you went to school with the manager there

>> No.16862542

I used to occasionally stop at a Sonic drive-thru for a breakfast burrito on my way to work. We're talking once a month max, if I had meetings through lunch or I knew I was going to be out on a project site at lunchtime. There was his hispanic girl who was always working the drive-thru and would remember who I was. Covid happens and I work from home for a few months, change jobs, and get a new truck in the process. I go back to that Sonic a couple of months ago, first time in over a year, and she not only remembers me but asks me what happened to my old truck.

>> No.16862595

Top kek

>> No.16863086

I think the guys who used to bike the Jimmy John’s over to my place would fight over who got the delivery because I would tip well over $5

>> No.16863289

I work at McDonald's

I remember you.

hi anon I saw you yesterday |:-N

>> No.16863386

I'm good with faces. So yes, occasionally.

There's a lot of saturday nights where I've gone through hungry jacks drive through for a double whopper, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least one or two to even briefly recognised me.

>> No.16863629

I don't believe any of that at all

>> No.16863767
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>> No.16863787

>aggressive hate-filled faggot
lol you made NeoCranium quit. Based anon.

>> No.16863793
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>go to macca's with my family one time
>recognise a girl who went to my primary school
>she looks fucking hot
>don't want to order because it would be awkward if i try to pretend i don't recognise her
>don't want to make small talk either
>turn around and walk out the door without saying a word
>parents are confused, ask me what's wrong
>yell "nothing, changed my mind about maccas, let's get hungry jacks instead"
>forced to scoff down an inferior burger because i was a little bitch that day

>> No.16863802

Yeah. I miss you filipino manager lady that always had the fucking nicest greetings at 4am when I got off work from the ED smelling piss and crying people.

>> No.16864049

god i hate it when i think it's a chick over the speaker then get to the window to see some cock smoking twink

>> No.16864054

>clerk says to have a good afternoon
>it's 10am
>say y-you too anyway

>> No.16864074

I've been going to this pther part of town lately and the amount of cute girls working in the area are insane. I'm going there more often now and yes I remember their faces.

>> No.16864081

Why do emo girls love this music? I am emo and it kinda sounds corny.

>> No.16864086

Whats your nickname? And how would they know you get constipated?

>> No.16864093

I remember working in retail, we would call out weirdos and give them nicknames. I felt bad about it so I didn't do it.

>> No.16864097

Well shit good for you dude if you didn't make that up.

>> No.16864106

City slickers and their fancy German cars...

>> No.16864117

i went to the grocery store the other day and I am pretty sure this girl from my high school recognized me.
How did I know? She stared at me for a good while with a deer in headlights look. For reference I look a lot different than I did back then in a good way I think. But not in the attractive way I think?

She was cute but she probably had a boyfriend.

>> No.16864163

I don’t get mcdicks much but I get breakfast there sometimes. There’s a nice older lady that works the drive-thru that says “mornin sweetie” when I show uo

>> No.16864194

I want to award this post of the year. Sublime storytelling

>> No.16864206

>I want to award this post of the year. Sublime storytelling
the guys so self conscious I bet he is fine.

>> No.16864215

noone cares, fat fucks are subhuman

>> No.16864451

asking so I can move there

>> No.16864470

no because I'm a different grubhub guy every time

>> No.16864686

>typed by hands that haven’t seen the light of day in months

>> No.16864697

Does anybody that uses the McDonald's app know a way to not have to sign in every time you open it?

>> No.16864908

>buy energy drinks from corner store every day
>one day guy at counter asks "this the combo for today?"
>"haha yeah"
>have to stop going there until im forgotten

>> No.16864913

regulars yes otherwise no, t. person who has worked in drivethru

>> No.16865024

it's been months anyway, and how do you know that?

>> No.16865057

Not him but just do it dude. If she is still shy and embarrassed around you, she probably thinks about you.

Low chance she doesn't like you if she initiates conversation. Hell even when I like someone I can't even initiate convo cause I'm a shy autist even if they flirt/smile at me.

Start off with some light flirting and see where it goes.

>> No.16865090


>> No.16865129

How the duck do I flirt lightly in a 30 second interaction

>> No.16865165

They probably remember my car before my face. There's a Carls Jr I don't go to anymore cause I had a Karen moment there once and I know those mouthbreathing niggers would remember my car the second they see it and piss on my lettuce.

>> No.16865181

Oh shit it's you, didn't think I'd find you on here.

>> No.16865196

I might be autistic then, because I remember many people who weren't problems, they just came in a lot

>> No.16865201

Going to email this to McDonald's corporate.

>> No.16865277

Are you not allowed to say "there's no butter"?

>> No.16865301

When I lived in the city I would alternate which grocery store I went to between like 20 stores. I also never returned to any retail place I worked at after I quit. One of them I heard they were struggling because I was a good worker, and even though I missed them I couldn't bring myself to go visit.

>> No.16865345

I have no idea dude, what I'm trying to say is that don't go saying "hey sexy baby, let me get a kissy kiss." Just be I guess not so forward. You are asking someone that doesn't really flirt.

I mean maybe you could ask for her social media like instagram. It's better than phone number I think just in case she wants to block you bc you are a creep.

or maybe invite her to somewhere public .

>> No.16865377

I used to go through the drive through on a Friday after work, maybe every other week. One time the dude goes, "hey there he is". I never went back.

>> No.16865389

>One time the dude goes, "hey there he is". I never went back.

It could be either one of 2 things. One they think you are a weird guy for ordering something something occasionally.

Or the other one is they aren't making fun of you but just find you interesting.

In my retail experience I think it's usually the first one. What did you order/do?

>> No.16865392

Tell her you think the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies

>> No.16865396

She might either laugh at this.

Or she might think you are weird coomer and just like her for her boobs.

>> No.16865409

I have an underpaid job, but it is better than nothing, I deliver food every day.
I know where all the poor white trailer park teen girls live.
When they open the door they are almost naked, and straight out of bed.
No makeup, almost transparent panties covering her shaved pussy.
It pisses me off when I find out they have a BF without a car.
I am a virgin and these sluts are fucking men that are worth less than me.

>> No.16865416

And they're making fun of you after you leave.

>> No.16865471

You, you're okay. I like you

>> No.16865493

This is the best

>> No.16865503

Sometimes it's nice nicknames, we had a guy who would come through every morning for a large cappuccino, this went on for years, called him sprinkles. Haven't seen him since the lockdown last year, I hope he's doing ok

>> No.16865509

Goes to show you there are women out there that don't care about money, maybe at least not now. Maybe it might change down the road.

cheer up fren, there will probably be a good one for you.

I never kek.

>> No.16865514

sprinkles sounds like a cute name tho

the other kids were ruthless though with the nicknames. they would point at the customers,"he/she is here". and then point out a weird thing about them.

>> No.16865534

My mom did this once when I was a little kid but with a free sample lady at Costco. It still hurts me more than 20 years later.

>> No.16865544

damn dudes I never knew you guys would be on the side of the worker.

I remember at retail I got yelled at by this karen and her kid looked absolutely just flat faced and just staring at it all unfold.

>> No.16865597
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I do not think rich people antagonize people like me, who provide cheap services for them.
I am part of the infrastructure, if they talk shit about me, then they have shop themselves or pay for a premium intercity delivery service.

>> No.16865651

I promise no woman under 35 would get the reference

>> No.16865676

That makes sense. Futurama? I used to watch it but never heard of that. I think it would really depend on if she watches a lot of tv/likes futurama.

>> No.16865767
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i always feel like they're staring at me but i try to be as polite and efficient as possible and i don't make a fuss
i hope they don't remember me, nobody should suffer like that

>> No.16865773

The local taco bell recognizes my voice because I stop there once a week when I'm taking my brother to work. He gets a couple of sausage crunchwraps.

>> No.16865791

Yeah, I can remember at least one old hindu chick at a white castle my grandfather used to take me too, she's pretty much always working there every time I've been there.

>> No.16865793
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When I'm in the drive thru line I see people in front of me pull up and their hand immediately just shoots out the window holding their payment card, usually before the window's even open. I think a lot of people treat the employee like they're not even there and it's kind of heartbreaking. I always make it a point to smile, make eye contact, ask how they are doing, and wish them a great day after I leave. Sometimes I wonder if it's ever mattered to anybody, or if they remember.

>> No.16865829

I have found frequenting too many places that they remember you if you frequent a place and are pleasant and nice to them and are genuinely polite to them. Some wont, and some people have a shitty attitude no matter what, but I have had a lot of employees at places go out of their way to help me once they got to know me from coming there.

>> No.16865859

Excuse me. Dude I'm 28 and I've been watching Futurama with my wife since we were 21. Since when the fuck is Futurama an old person thing.

>> No.16865910

It's from a video, the dude pulls up to the window and she makes eye contact with the camera. Then he says "nice neck". It's pretty funny.

>> No.16866308

For you

>> No.16866320

I always tip them

>> No.16866382

Dairy Queen bro? I swear I had the same lady but that flavor of 'tism is probably not uncommon.

>> No.16866467

Nope, portillo's. Unless she hit up other fast food places for her fix.

Her car was filled with trash like something out of hoarders. She'd always be smoking and playing candy crush while waiting in the drive through line. I'd give her free shit though since she was nice.

>> No.16868042

my dad got us cheap breakfast from burger king drive-thru when we were kids and the chubby mixed lady always remembered us and it made my dad not want to go there anymore because he was embarrassed

>> No.16868098

I used to be paranoid about being remembered at places but then I ended up having my shift switched around and the only place on the way home that was still open was a chinese food place. So I started going there once or maybe twice a week. It was always the same guy or his wife and they started to remember me and would talk about random stuff when I showed up.
I was thinking about not going anymore but I was tired, lazy and didn't want to cook after work and kept going. But because of that they would always make sure to make my usual fresh and would throw in extras as well. It was probably stuff that they were going to throw out after close but whatever, it was free and still good.

>> No.16868125

Fuck yes I do. Always the same pajeet who can barely speak our language but still somehow manages to get the job done.

>> No.16868401

No one remembers me. I may as well not exist.

>> No.16868403

Congratulations. You are now free to do whatever you want. I mean it. Anything. You can said that I told you it was okay. Relax, they'll understand.

>> No.16868445

I used to take my old dog with me when I would go out to swing through drive throughs to grab him and me food. He was a huge german shepherd / great dane mix who didnt like strangers and especially didnt like black and brown strangers because he was more racist than your average /pol/ user. He made an impression wherever we would go, but once we had gone to a place enough and they realized he was just a big idiot, they would almost always give me extra food for him.

>> No.16868576
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>> No.16869787

>her kid looked absolutely just flat faced and just staring at it all unfold.
Look at it in context. You dealt with Karen once, that kid deals with her shit every day. Every day. Since birth.

>> No.16870604

well... what happened to the old truck?

>> No.16870630

absolutely it matters. be the change you want to see in the world. good on you, bud.

>> No.16870758

when working at mcdonalds I remembered the faces of regulars, usually because they got the same thing and I could tell just looking at them if I had their correct order. This included Two McChickens Dirtbag, No Salt On My Burger lady, and a good dozen white women who only ever got diet cokes. my favorite was No Straw, he would always refuse a straw for her coke. Once I started recognizing her and not even handing her the straw she warmed up to me.

>> No.16870796

>No Salt On My Burger lady
But... are burgers salted in the first place? Outside of whatever seasoning is mixed into the patty at the factory, I mean.

>> No.16870805

We used to get a lady who would come through every day for "senior drinks" even though she's not a senior yet (our policy was to give them for free) The boss found out she was doing this and made it so she had to order food to get her free drinks. She stopped coming.

>> No.16870826

You add salt at the start of cooking as you put patties down on the grill as I recall (didnt work the grill more than once or twice) so it would always throw us off and she'd just end up screwing herself by having to wait an extra few minutes while new burgers got cooked. The same thing would happen with one woman who always wanted her fries "well done" which was a HUGE pain because you'd have to spend like 4x as much time on one basket of fries for one measly order when you're supposed to be cranking them out at max speed, all for some overcooked fries that tasted like burnt oil

>> No.16870837

Huh, interesting. I wouldn't have guessed that.

>> No.16870880

I remember a guy who would get offended if we applied a senior discount to his order. He was old enough for it, he just was opposed to the idea and would rant your head off if you did it. I learned pretty quickly to recognize him and not give him the discount, had to teach new hires that, too, because the official training on senior discounts was basically just to give it to anyone who looked old enough.

>> No.16870881
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the chinese buffet near me that was across the street from another more popular buffet was one that me and my mom liked to go to every month or 2 and i felt so bad for them when we showed up after a month and the lady remembered our drink order
we haven't seen her in weeks and she remembered that my mom got a coke and i got a water
the place was closed the next time we wanted to go

>> No.16870911

I worked at a museum that had senior discount rates like that, the first time I automatically applied it to a group of ladies (all of them obviously in their 70's at least, the discount started at 55) they got really offended, too. From then on I would always point out our different rates and let the customers pay what they wanted; the men almost always went for the discount, nearly all of the women chose to pay the higher regular entrance fee.

>> No.16871140

Holy fuck, this.
>used to frequent an asian place during covid
>almost always ordered the same thing because it was really good
>one day the lady taking my order gives me shit for not ordering vegetables even though I usually cooked my own and just added them
>ordered my food
>decided to learn how to make my own version
>never went back

>> No.16871243

Why are you all so autistic

>> No.16871327

go back

>> No.16871356

Ever since I was born, I was unable to touch my penis because it was very short. I was bullied in school because I couldn't pee properly(couldn't hold my penis and aim while peeing). I watched porn but couldn't jack off because my penis was microscopic. But yesterday, I found a top secret website which makes your penis longer. I signed up there and bam, I woke up today to a 13 metre long and 2 metre wide penis! I have never been happier! I jacked off today all day and aim trained with my humongous penis(I pissed at my school toilet while at home using high precision binoculars to fix my aim)! Today's been a blast! I love having a 13 metre long penis

>> No.16871463

I used to order from this local Asian place so much that they started giving me small free shit like drinks or extra toppings on my meal with my orders. I miss that place.

>> No.16871483

yeah, I can usually hear them say "oh shit, it's that fat fuck again"

>> No.16871494

>When I die, the coroner is going to be like, "yo, guys, come check this shit out, you'll never believe who it is" and there will be my ugly, bloated corpse lying on a stainless steel table with a 2 inch erection.

>> No.16872657

>how would they know you get constipated?
I assume he's purchasing stool softeners / laxatives.

>> No.16872719

i worked at wendy's and this mother would drive through and (best as i could tell) buy a burger for her autistic son


once a day, every day

>> No.16873407

I ask them to shove their hands in the box and grab as many mayo packs they can and put them in my bag every single time, so I'm known as "mayo guy" to my local wagies.

>> No.16873417

Fluoride in the water and mercury in the vaccines.

>> No.16873420

Unless you're a regular with an odd order, no.

I worked at Rally's for a few years in HS and after. The only guy I remember was the guy who came through daily before work asking for a diet coke absolutely packed with ice. Like he'd hand it back if you hadn't mashed the ice down before pouring it. Dude was pleasant though. I got to looking forward to him coming through. friendly af.

Then their was the weird family from the trailer park that would come by and ask for 3 large fries, dumped into a bag, and covered with a ton of chopped onions.

>> No.16874022
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>Do you think the people working the drive-thru remember you?
Yes. I worked pizza for the longest time and I remember all the regulars and most people that even ordered twice.
>do you remember the people that work at the drive-thru?
Yes. When I worked security at a big venue, the same people who would go every week said they recognized me after just my second week there.

>> No.16874029

It's true. I saw you at my cousin's wedding last weekend.