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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16915010 No.16915010 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, ever since I lost my appendix I have been worried about my microbiome
What do you eat to keep yours in tip top shape.
I have been eating cold boiled potatoes and kefir but thats about it
I am not a athlete if that matters

>> No.16915014

Where'd you lose it?

>> No.16915022

I don't drink alcohol or use antibiotics willy nilly.

>> No.16915034

are you experiencing any GI-related symptoms? if not I wouldn't worry

>> No.16915051

ive had mine out since i was 8 and I've had no poopy problems.

BUT if you wanna boost your microbiome, eat fermented foods or those with live bacteria cultures.

Plain yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, apple cider vinegar, etc.
Fibrous foods will help plunge out whatever is in there currently. Beans, broccoli, cauliflower, or fruits like apples, oranges, plums, and other berries.
Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water.
I wish you the best, shitter.
I don't know how you get down, but alcohol is not good for the intestines.

>> No.16915052

lurking, I always love a good gut biome thread

>> No.16915540

a middle aged white man cut me open and took it

>> No.16915545

eat yogurt. ez

>> No.16915552

Eat raw potaotes too, there are different kinds of resistant starches and cooked and cooled is just 1. Fermented vegetables and kefir is good too

>> No.16915556

I had my appendix out a couple months back, eat what you want it doesn't make a difference

>> No.16915669

Be careful anon, they found out a few years ago what the appendix is actually for and its to keep your gut biome in good shape and help in case your get really sick and lose the whole culture

>> No.16915671

kefir is a scam. the bacteria in it are reliant on being in a group, which gets broken apart once its in your digestive system. they die off once they are separated

>> No.16915673


>> No.16915768

>which gets broken apart once its in your digestive system. they die off once they are separated
Where did you hear this?

>> No.16915865

in second grade when we learned how the stomach works

>> No.16915938

Well I dont think its true and would need to see a citation to sign off on the idea

>> No.16915947

Potatoes contain toxins.

>> No.16915969

I took a shit earlier today and then at the end of it I squirted out some mostly clear material that kinda looked like ripped up liquid scotch tape or something
Hopefully it was just some mucus or something

Anyways I didn't drink booze today for the first time in a few weeks, I think I'm gonna lay off it for a while

>> No.16915984

If I knew that, it wouldn't be lost now would it?

>> No.16916120


>> No.16916171

Nah it was like actually transparent, like I was chewing on plastic laminate or something, not white like worms would be
Also I don't have enough of an appetite or weight loss to warrant any concern of that

>> No.16916180

I lost my appendix and most of my notes but shit still comes out.

>> No.16916190

I eat the cliches: vegetables, root vegetables, fruit, berries and full grain every day. Yoghurt and sauerkraut and other fermented products usually too.

>> No.16916281

>most of my notes

>> No.16916516
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Kombucha brewing has marginally helped my gut health, just make sure you don’t by store bought as it’s pasteurized thus pointless. Making a bunch of kimchi to mix with rice is a quick, cheap, and easy way to get quality fermented vegetables into your diet.

Vitamin D supplementation, avoiding empty carbs or trash meals, moderating sugar intake, exercise, and increasing vegetable or fermented food intake all seem to help.

>> No.16917143

Only if theyre exposed to sunlight

>> No.16917185

Kimchi is alright. Also eat a large variety of food, the more varied the more diverse and strong the guts.

>> No.16917695

Making your own kombucha is cheap and easy. Getting into it made me realize what a grift those $5 commercial bottles are.

>> No.16917725

Do you have any good recipes you followed?

>> No.16917789

Anyone know how to make kefir without getting diarrhea from food poisoning.

>> No.16917831

Ghost peppers

Badness cannot survive inside of me

>> No.16918081

Just get the grains and start.
Hard to do it wrong

>> No.16918101

how do you lose your appendix? like niqqa just go look for it

>> No.16918106

Think of the last time you had it.

>> No.16918140

incredible that no one has said fiber.

just eat a lot of veggies, beans, fruits, and whole grains

>> No.16918170


>> No.16918203

last time a kefir anon made it and he had intense diarrhea for an entire day.

he also usually ate storebought kefir before.

>> No.16918218

I think he may have been lying.

>> No.16918284

no he wasn't he said the milk was smelly.

theres no way kefir anon would lie to me. I think he likes me so why would he.

>> No.16918301

Well anon, I like you also and would never lie to you.
Kefir does not hurt you . it loves you

>> No.16918401

>Well anon, I like you also
anon...you are so forward. I'm blushing a bit. I never had anyone tell me they like me to my face like this before.

>> No.16918427

Gut biome is a forced meme used to sell women snake oil supplements. Eat McDonald's, eat yogurt, it doesn't make a difference.

>> No.16918588

ANON get back here and aren't you going to do anything???

idk about that anon

>> No.16918603

>I never had anyone tell me they like me to my face like this before.

Well you better get used to it anon, you are a pretty great person and people are starting to notice

>> No.16918607

>Well you better get used to it anon, you are a pretty great person and people are starting to notice

W-well do you want to show off how much you like me then?

>> No.16918642
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>> No.16918825

how do you cold boil potatoes? liquid nitrogen? what kind of hipster bullshit are you on?

>> No.16918864

wtf anon why do you keep dodging me!!!


>> No.16918877

Just eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, nuts and whole grains and the like. You know, what you’re suppose to eat normally.

If you don’t have any GI symptoms I don’t know why you’d be worried. This seems like a pathological concern to be honest. Just eat properly, exercise and take care of yourself. Purposefully modifying your gut microbiome based on little evidence or necessity doesn’t make any sense.

>> No.16918894

do you ever have poop where you just get a hard piece of poop in the front, and then you just start pooping out mud?

Isn't that a gut biome problem

>> No.16918907

You can’t base your overall health on single shits. Not everything is an existential problem that requires buying specific remedies and spending inordinate amount of time and energy fussing over.

Eat well, exercise, drink plenty of water and get good sleep. Be productive, give back to others, engage in things that are spiritually, socially and intellectually fulfilling. Spend more time outside and less time behind a screen.

>> No.16918913

>my microbiome
>What do you eat to keep yours in tip top shape.

The main things are the following
>Don't eat processed food
No refined sugars. No oil. Especially no heated oils. Just eat foods that have good fats in them. If you want apple juice, just eat an apple and get everything else, the water, the fiber, the chewing.
Insoluble fiber is something the little critters in your gut feed on.
>Fermented vegetables
Watch your salt intake here
>Keep a routine
Get light when you wake up and stay in the dark and away from blue light a few hours before bed. The microbes have a circadian rhythm just like you. You'll notice when you miss a lot of sleep from stress you'll usually take a big, sloppy shit that day cause you're gut is out of whack.
>Fast every half a year or so
When it's meal time but your gut has a 'full' feeling and nothing sounds appetizing just don't eat till you get hungry. If you go longer than two days with no food you go into ketosis where you're body is living off its stored energy. They say emotion and neurotransmitters are closely tied to the gut, and let me tell you, you'll have different thoughts and emotions about things after a week with no food. But 4 days should be sufficient.

>> No.16918915
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not him but

14 cups water
1 cup sugar
8 bags of tea
one bottle of unflavored kombucha

make the tea with the sugar, cool to room temp, pour in unflavored kombucha. cover with a towel and put in a dark place for 3-7 days.

>> No.16918932

i thought you need a gooby?

>> No.16918934

>You can’t base your overall health on single shits
man my shits are usually like the above, hard coming out first, then muddy afterwards.

The next day my poops are usually constipated and nothing comes out, or they come out ok, but still a little messy.

>> No.16918949

Do you have an appendix ?

>> No.16918950

yes i still do

>> No.16918974

>No refined sugars. No oil. Especially no heated oils. Just eat foods that have good fats in them.
what about if you bake a cake or have egg nog. Is this bad for your poops?
>>Fermented vegetables
Kimchi sounds nice. Is this ok

>You'll notice when you miss a lot of sleep from stress you'll usually take a big, sloppy shit that day cause you're gut is out of whack.
Yes I do notice this whenever I wake up earlier than usual. My poop is a lot more wet and sloppier.

>When it's meal time but your gut has a 'full' feeling and nothing sounds appetizing just don't eat till you get hungry.

Usually this happens if I binge eat something. Maybe lasts 1/2 day to the next day till I get hungry again.

>> No.16919079

>what about if you bake a cake or have egg nog.

Mainly deep frying and sautéing are the problem. So I've heard. Fat at high heat for a long period of time is something the body might not know how to deal with, plus that is a lot of calories with little nutrient value.
Other methods are fine. But as far as eggs and animal products... If you're concerned about health you should eat more produce like an Asian.

Yes, Kimchi. As long as it's still alive.

>> No.16919107
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>Mainly deep frying and sautéing are the problem. So I've heard.
COOKbro I love bundt cake and eggnog though

I guess I'll have to throw the rest out then

>Yes, Kimchi. As long as it's still alive.
Should I try to make my own?

>> No.16919122
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>He doesn't have a vacuum cooker

>> No.16919332

Sorry anon, I was making kefir

>> No.16919338

anon you made me wait a long long time. I think you should do double what you were gonna do now as punishment.

>> No.16919730

>hard coming out first, then muddy afterwards.
This is not good anon

>> No.16919786

no shit anon

How do I fix it? I've been reading into it and I think it's my body seeing that I'm constipated in the first part, but then it turn they react to give me muddy diarrhea afterwards. But then the next day, I feel like I'm constipated and dry down there so nothing comes out.

Tomorrow, since I did not do a full bowel movement today I will probably have hard poop tip first then muddy diarrhea.

>> No.16919813

I think your whole gut bacteria is out of whack
Are you anywhere near silicon valley?
I would suggest a diy poop transplant
Not trying to be edgy gross or funny
This is my honest opinion

>> No.16919850

>Are you anywhere near silicon valley?
>I would suggest a diy poop transplant
>Not trying to be edgy gross or funny
>This is my honest opinion
A poop transplant might work. but that's just too expensive and dangerous for me right now. and I feel weird putting someone elses poop inside me. It will have to be a cute girls poop.

>> No.16919873

>It will have to be a cute girls poop
You will end up being a femmie tranny like that anon
Be careful

>> No.16919878

>You will end up being a femmie tranny like that anon
>Be careful
thats ok with me I would be lesbians with the girl who put her poop inside me.

>> No.16919901

That's not how fecal transplants work anon

>> No.16919905

which part is not right

>> No.16920126

The lesbian lover part for one

>> No.16920167

>The lesbian lover part for one
well anything is possible anon. if not her then maybe someone else will notice me

>> No.16920312

Poop stuff is only hot when the person was born a woman.
If you are a biological male, poop stuff is just gross

>> No.16920321



>> No.16920340



>> No.16920342

I already eat 1 serving a day. why doesn't it fix me already

>> No.16920368

Helps but it's only a small part of the solution

>> No.16920371


>> No.16920375

ok what do i do next then
what do i do instead then

>> No.16920385

saffron tea

>> No.16920469

thanks just drank some have some leftover to see what it can do for the rest of the days fren.

>> No.16920486

Are you also having really smelly farts?

>> No.16920498

>Are you also having really smelly farts?
my farts are usually not smelly. Unless I eat something bad.

>> No.16921087

cold pasta is another good gut food

>> No.16921099

*most of my nuts

>> No.16921290

Got mine cut out 25 years ago. As others have mentioned it may serve as a reservoir for beneficial gut bacteria. As such, whenever you get sick, the odds of getting the hershey squirts are increased. Fucking deal with it. You can eat whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.16921293

>Hurr durr you gottsta eat dem fiber an D vitameens an sheet.

This counts even if you do have your appendix you fucking chucklefucks

>> No.16921342

What? A lot of recipes have saute in onions/garlic steps. Or do you mean the oil itself is the problem (use butter instead of oil)?

>> No.16921444

Just shove someone else's shit up your ass if you're that worried.

>> No.16921499

are you a heavy drinker?

>> No.16921863

No I never drink

>> No.16922075

Any women here willing to donate some to me? Strictly for microbiome improvement purposes, of course.

>> No.16922579

Are you asking for your friend?

>> No.16922754
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sticking another persons poop up my ass sounds kinda gross
how would that happen
>hey can I have your poop ?
>uuughhh sure
>*takes a huge dump*
>oh wow, thats a nice turd, time to insert it in my anus

>> No.16922769

You got to do it like that jazz song, "Cheek to Cheek". It goes straight in, no middleman.

>> No.16922890

No, for my friend's mother's neighbor's dog's puppy, actually.

>> No.16923023

The poop would be way to soft to penentrate

>> No.16923070

I would be willing to poop directly into the anus of a biological female

>> No.16923129

most sauerkraut sold has no active bacteria. it's just salty cabbage. they pasteurize that shit. you gotta go to trader joe's to get the good stuff. same thing with milk. most "milk" today is not real, raw milk with gut biome benefits. if you taste raw milk you will see the difference but you gotta go to pricey stores to get it.

>> No.16923150

>Fat at high heat for a long period of time is something the body might not know how to deal with
lmao wut? no, it doesn't know how to deal with frankenstein polyunsaturated vegetable oils that have oxidized into toxic bullshit. it knows perfectly fine how to process bacon fried in its own fat. people have been cooking in animal fat for tens of thousands of years.

>> No.16923455

so how do I fry chicken meat in my pan without oil

>> No.16923476

take your chicken and go to a japanese airport

>> No.16923515

Lard is the best for frying chicken

>> No.16923520
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what ? bait

>> No.16923527

>Fibrous foods will help plunge out whatever is in there currently.
stop spreading pseudo-science, ffs

>> No.16924600

Are you from the anti fiber league ?

>> No.16924763

ok where do i go to get the good stuff? anywhere thats good?

>> No.16924787

You boil them then cool them. It increases resistant starch. You can reheat them after they've been cooled and they dont lose the resistant starch.

Resistant starch is essentially fiber that your gut bacteria love eating. Prebiotic.

It also lessens the blood sugar spike from taytoes.

>> No.16924981

It also happens to a lesser extent with rice and pasta

>> No.16925246

Not the Anon you're quoting but I wonder, does that still apply to instant mashed potatoes?

>> No.16927000

I am going to guess no because the starches have been so broken down by all the processing

>> No.16927295

So how hard is it to do the diy fecal transplants?
How do you jusge who might be a good donor?
How much do you pay the donor?

>> No.16927498

Thanks Anon, that does seem likely. Guess I should stop being lazy and use real potatoes.

>> No.16927592

You could easily make a huge batch of mashed potatoes and freeze portions in bags if your workweek is so brutal you have to resort to instant mashed potato

You could make some really amazing ones that will make you regret ever packet of dust you ever bought

Although now that I think about it , there is something comforting about powdered potato

>> No.16927599
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i detox with alcohol every day

>> No.16927628

>What do you eat to keep yours in tip top shape.

Excercise. Athletes have some of the best microbiomes around not just cause what they eat, but also the lactic acid they produce feeds a very specific type of healthy bacteria for your gut, which eat the lactic acid & produce ATP... kind of an awesome feedback loop.

>> No.16927649
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Tom , is that you?

>> No.16928352

Biomes are disgusting

>> No.16929582

no matter how much fiber i get in a day it always take for fucking ever to wipe because a little bit of shit always seems to no come out.

some random days ill be completely fine and have normal shits

ive been eating a clean diet for 3 months now. no fast food, no chips, no sweets other than fruit and dark chocolate.

i dont know what to do i just want normal shits.

>> No.16929617

I ate garlic, cloves, and cinnamon. Then got craving for doughnuts after that.

>> No.16929625

maybe its the chocolate or types of fruit you eat. i know some low fodmap people say some fruits make them messy. chocolate always makes me messy.

>> No.16929663

I'm not sure, I only recently started eating dark chocolate, been having this issue for a few years, I don't eat much fruit either, just veg.
im lactose intolerant but only eat lactose free shit when i do eat dairy

>> No.16929665

itll make one

>> No.16929708

I do both of those things

>> No.16930166

Another endorsement for Kombucha
I suffered from all kinds of GI problems for almost a decade but Kombucha really takes the edge off
make your own, look up how, it's easy

>> No.16930185

kimchi is cool

>> No.16930338

it is but most poeple should limit their intake

>> No.16930605


>> No.16931229
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How do I fix my gut microbiome


>> No.16931255

Where do you store the Scooby after you bottle the bucha?

>> No.16931260

this is 4channel sir you can say nigger

>> No.16931272

Not that anon, but you can just store it with some of the unflavored starter tea in ceramic or glass covered with cheesecloth (don't refrigerate). If you're doing it right, the scoby will reproduce itself with each brew; you can just reach in and tear the two apart and start two new brews next time. They pile up quickly.

>> No.16931273


>> No.16931282

hmm lactose free. thats interesting maybe its something like the disproportionate lactose to sugars in the milk or somethhing else added in there

>> No.16931369
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there is so much quackery and misinformation in nutrition that nobody takes it seriously at all. Guarantee that this low carb guy is also full of shit. Too much money from outside industry lobbyists goes into nutrition for it to be credible like 90% of the time, and the other 10% is full of wackos who couldn't make it as medical doctors

>> No.16931832


I had so much diarrhea this morning. I was previously constipated for the past 2 days. I had wet poop and it took me like 1.5 hours to get it all out and clean, then i started squirting out poop juice.

I don't know why it was so wet, maybe the chili i ate yesterday gave me too much liquid.

>> No.16932198

Don't worry too much about it anon. If push comes to shove (or doesn't, I guess) you can always get a stool enema.

>> No.16932205

Gut health is about a lot more than being regular
You can have perfect daily poops and still suffer all sorts of symptoms including mood swings from having the wrong bacteria

>> No.16932563
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What about the micro biome of your vagina? Your snatch guts are important also.

>> No.16932636

I was having anal sex with my gf last month and about 20 strokes in she had to tap out, just wasn't feeling good for her that time. She was on all fours (doggy style) and I put an arm around her chest and another gently around her throat and pulled her onto her knees still with her back facing me. I started tenderly kissing her all over for what felt like days, my balls were about to explode and my dick was throbbing, and gently rubbing her clit. I kept this up for quite a long time until she was really hot and wet and at this time I knew I could make my move.

Without stopping my gentle passionate kissing I used my right knee to move her right leg and spread her legs further apart. I stopped caressing her breast and used my hand to insert my dick inside her pussy. She didn't hesitate or resist and we went at it in this position until she came and I couldn't hold out any longer and came inside her. I can usually go almost indefinitely but the whole time I was thinking about going ass to pussy finally and it was almost impossible not to cum immediately.

I never so much as remarked on this wondrous occasion and neither did she. Thankfully she didn't get an infection. I won't push my luck but I'm definitely going to do this in the future under the same circumstances.

Over the last year I've been slowly working up to ass to mouth. She is 100% against this and disgusted by it but I've been increasing her comfort with handling my dick after it's been in her ass, including handjobs, tit fucking and cumming on her tits and neck and some on her face. Tit fucking is the best because it's close to her face and I play it off like its nothing. I tried getting her to suck my balls a couple months ago after I was in her ass but she avoided it and just fondled them. But I think I can get to the dream goal of ass to mouth if I work at it and don't rush. She has no clue about my scheming either or that it is all calculated and incrementally working towards a final goal.

>> No.16932934

make sure you buy non-GMO organic potatoes
they're like roundup sponges otherwise

>> No.16932993

GMO potatoes are biologically the same as non gmo

>> No.16933003

>GMO potatoes are biologically the same as non gmo
If they are biologically the same then they would not be genetically engineered for resistance to bruising, browning and various pests and pathogens, would they?

>> No.16933007

all potatoes have different traits, but they can still be biologocally same
Just like even though your mom is a total whore, she is biologically the same as my mother who is not one.

>> No.16933020

It depends how you define "biologically." If by biologically you mean they are storage and reproductive organs of the plant then yes they are the same. If biologically you mean genetically and phenotypically they are identically then no you are wrong.

>> No.16933037

What I mean is that genetically and phenotypically , your mom is a total whore. A right slapper

>> No.16933057

Just popped in to tell you guys my latest batch of homemade Greek yogurt is fantastic. It's just whole milk and yogurt cultures, 12 hour ferment and 24 hour strain. Came out buttery smooth with a nice sharp tangy flavour.

>> No.16933058

stop feeding the troll dumbass

>> No.16933238

I have never spoken with my mother about her sexual history or sex life in general. Your intense interest in mothers and sex makes me now understand why Xvideos has so many incest-related titles and videos. I suppose that like BBC videos many self-loathing degenerate Americans crave humiliation and shock because their everyday lives are devoid of any strong feelings. You are numb and unknowingly seek to fill the spiritual and emotional voids through more and more extreme means, devolving from simple vanilla pornography to extreme porn that would have been illegal only decades ago. You distort normal healthy loving family relationships into disgusting perverted sex fodder. You turn your collective racism into a sick fetish. You take the potato, a once noble foodstuff that nourished many, and pervert its nature through genetic modification for the unimaginative and dismal goal of preventing browning of fries. You mock nature and God to fill your gullets and fan your gluttonous and blasphemous sins against humanity and life itself.

>> No.16933284
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bros whats the best bacteria and why is it
L reuteri?

>not wanting bigger balls

>> No.16934151

It gives bigger balls?

>> No.16934473
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How does it embiggen balls?

>> No.16934488

is breast milk good for you?

>> No.16934517

It's literally the only food designed by nature to specifically nurture human beings

>> No.16934581

>tfw no hyperlactating gf

>> No.16934587

I'm like 99% certain that chugging breast milk as an adult will actually give you a heart attack in under a year

>> No.16934591

>designed by nature
Kek babby’s first theology?

>> No.16934845

You don't get to crush my dream so easily, explain your theory

>> No.16934857

in order to properly explain it, I'll need a volunteer from the audience and about 3 years. If I survive, I'll give you 20 dollars

>> No.16935173
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The microbiome is essentially an imageboard.
You have your various strains like c. frogposter, n. waifufag, b. wojakshitter which each contribute (for good or ill). Each serves a role and the ecosystem reaches some tenuous equilibrium.
Removing any strain from a stable system is risky, even one that seems useless like l.cunnyposter might have value in creating an environment that deters worse strains such as c.redditor.
Probiotics are like injecting a generic mix of redditors twitterites and facebook users into the site. If the ecosystem is healthy they just get bullied out, otherwise something might happen but it's almost impossible to predict what, it could easily just make things worse.
Depending on your diet, the balance will change. For example as twitter becomes more popular the malicious strain l.twitcapper becomes more common, despite all efforts at containing it.
As a living system, change is inevitable, and unfortunately most changes just make things worse because of entropy. However there are many different ways to fail. Just like one gutlet might only be able to eat meat and another only carbs, both /vg/ and /pol/ are unsalvageable but it completely different ways.

>tfw this started as a shitpost but it actually seems like a decent analogy

>> No.16936025


>> No.16936435

400iq Post

>> No.16936512
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>> No.16936527


>> No.16936544

>Hopefully it was just some mucus
Yes that's exactly what it was

>> No.16936561

yoghurt cream/sauces
onion bulbs
pickled vegetables

>> No.16936631

milk is meant to fatten you up and provide the calcium for fundamental bone growth. the nutritional needs of an infant are very different from an adult.
I expect its fine if you dont just try to have breast milk as a complete food substitute.

>> No.16936634

My body always hurts

>> No.16936643

AWJHHH COOKBROS I OVERATE YESTERDAY and had entire pizza. But no shit is coming out. I think I had too many carbs bros. My tummy feels bloated.

>> No.16937013
File: 382 KB, 1079x1070, 1631807750697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw just had a perfect poop without even the slightest trace on my ass

>> No.16937565

your mom is so proud of you anon

>> No.16937739

>I took a shit earlier today and then at the end of it I squirted out some mostly clear material that kinda looked like ripped up liquid scotch tape or something
>Hopefully it was just some mucus or something
Sounds like you got blackout drunk and had at least one load deposited in your kiester. Get tested.

>> No.16937810

Lost your appendix? Where did you lose it? You should really find it.

>> No.16938118

In second grade I learned that mayo was unhealthy and I should have pb&j instead. American school curriculums are suspect at best.

>> No.16938205

what the fuck anon tell me your secrets

>> No.16938481

>I learned that mayo was unhealthy and I should have pb&j instead
There is no way that pbj is healthier than a ham sandwich with mayo
No fucking way man its pure sugar
Your teachers lied to you
Nothing wrong with mayo

>> No.16938493

they freeze the turd and then insert it like a dildo, then you let it melt inside your ass. voila

>> No.16938507

get this man a PhD in memescience

>> No.16938533
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>> No.16938549

i dont think thats what they do

>> No.16938566

Go to the healthiest person you know and eat their shit on a regular basis.

>> No.16938790

Are you telling me that's not normal? The guy in the van behind the health clinic told me this is the discount method

>> No.16938882

Did he offer to put it up there?
Did he push it in with his impossibly long finger ?

>> No.16938971

raw milk
fermented foods in general

>> No.16939633

anon its gone

>> No.16941261

Is it really that bad to lose your appendix

>> No.16941327

yeah, without an appendix lawyers won't be able to search you for obscure statutes and definitions

>> No.16941761

anon pls this is no time to joke

>> No.16942552 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16943602
File: 46 KB, 330x331, big brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if we can use this model. How do we fix fucked-up guts? Suppose your diet has been horrible or something and you end up with a /pol/-tier biome. You have a few options.

Basically a mass banwave. However, this is not very effective as bacteria will hide in biofilms and then return. And the strains that can do that are usually the ones you don't want, so the biome just gets worse. Sound familiar?

As already discussed. Sadly, a fucked biome is typically extremely stable. Obviously injecting a batch of random normalfags into /pol/ will not fix it.

You could try antibiotics followed immediately by a ton of probiotics. So after your mass banwave you spew in a bunch of redditors or whatever and hopefully they drive away or drown out the ban evaders and stop them from getting a foothold again.
Sadly, a one-off batch of random immigrants will probably not create a stable culture. Most likely the surviving /pol/tards will simply retake the board again. Even if not, the board will probably collapse on its own anyway. And indeed, probiotics alone almost always end with another dysbiosis.
At BEST, if you're very lucky and keep a very healthy "diet" it may be delicate and fragile for years, until it gradually develops a new stable culture. If it does so, the original immigrant strains will probably be mostly gone by then, but will have held things together long enough to evolve something new. Probably it's possible to do this with a gut too but requires a lot of time, luck and healthy eating.

Finally we have the poop transplant. We do a mass banwave then import a big sampling of users from Resetera. It's obvious this is WAY more likely to work. The returning ban evaders will be struck down by a female, yet oddly masculine iron fist. The new board will probably be so stable you wouldn't be able to get the old board back if you tried. But obviously, you better choose the donor WISELY!!