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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 679 KB, 900x1200, Pink Salt Facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17221576 No.17221576 [Reply] [Original]

You don't still use white salt, right?

>> No.17221578

wait i thought it was good for things to be iodized

>> No.17221585
File: 849 KB, 955x699, Pink Salt Facts 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Take the pink pill bro. It even tastes better.

>> No.17221586
File: 80 KB, 640x480, BFD7E63D-1D44-4633-98AD-B49BFAB4A46F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No. Do you think Im a fucking peasant?

>> No.17221587

All I've learned is that I want to kill "Dr. Jockers'" family.

>> No.17221593

Of course I do, it's cheap, everywhere and has iodine added. Why would I want to risk thyroid damage when based science has provided a cheap solution. Besides it's not like you add very much salt to anything.
Going out to the salt flats in the winter and getting a big old chunk to grate over stuff is pretty based though, but I'm sure the heavy metals, arsenic and other minerals aren't doing me much of a favor. But pretty much every water supply has arsenic and fluoride so who really gives a shit?

>> No.17221613

>he fell for the pink salt meme
It has iron in it that leeches iodine

>> No.17221638

But this is all marketing bullshit.
Himalayan pink salt contains fluoride and iodine, along with chromium, arsenic, mercury, thallium, thorium, uranium and a bunch of other shit. what the hell do you think those trace minerals are?
Not that any of it matters because it's still just 98% sodium chloride. So any trace elements are completely useless to you.

>> No.17221639

My mother in law bought me a pink salt grinder for Christmas a few years ago. Every time I've used it I've noticed little rocks in my food. It doesn't seem to readily dissolve like sea salts do. Either that or the salt she got for me has literal rocks in it, which wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.17221643


link to a spectral analysis of your meme salt as proof.

>> No.17221681

So will pink salt give me super powers?

>> No.17221694
File: 15 KB, 672x485, Map_of_US_uranium_reserves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are probably easier ways of getting your daily dose of radiation. I know there are still uranium tailing piles sitting around in parts of my state. If you live in the US just go to one of the following areas

>> No.17221735

im not eating bath salts with you jerome

>> No.17221741

Hahahahahahahaha you fell for the marketing you fag

>> No.17221755

I'll remember you 300 years from now anon.

>> No.17221759

that's all I ask anon. Tell the inbred remains of humanity that I hate them all when the time comes.

>> No.17221767
File: 169 KB, 800x576, funny-meme-about-himalayan-salt-lamps-and-women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can buy this at the dollar store, sounds like woo mumbo jumbo to try and sell pretty salt over the regular stuff.

>> No.17221769

I use half salt.

>> No.17221924

My salt is kosher
You're not an antisemite are you?
Or am I getting jewed,??

>> No.17221939
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1636375461744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lack of iodine literally lowers IQ. you're fucking retarded.

>> No.17221941

Pink salt tastes a little better, but I don't know how much of that is psychological.

>> No.17221957

Good goy, drink 18 glasses of floride a day too, for you teeth!

>> No.17221961

I use sea salt exclusively.
Fuck refined salt and fuck jew salt.

>> No.17221992
File: 19 KB, 316x260, Iodine-Deficiency-Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't spell fluoride
Good goy(ter)

>> No.17222186

my gf brought home some "black salt" last year and its fucking disgusting. Smells like an egg salad sandwich at low tide.

>> No.17222193

yeah that's because it has a relatively high amount of hydrogen and sodium sulfide. That shit is serious meme salt. It's just Halite melted in a kiln with a bunch of leaves and bark and shit

>> No.17222224

if I wanted my eggs to taste like I farted on them, I would've just farted on them myself

>> No.17222423
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>> No.17222433


>> No.17222444
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use MSG

>> No.17222454

It is incredibly important for healthy brain chemistry.

>> No.17222460
File: 11 KB, 220x233, 220px-Black_Salt_(crystals).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use kala namak. I live in India so it's dirt cheap

>> No.17222519

this brown man likes the taste of egg farts

>> No.17222538

The reason why I use pink salt now is because regular sea salt has microplastics in it now because the ocean is just that polluted. I can't completely eliminate my ingestion of microplastics because the stuff is everywhere, but it just makes me feel better to have one less thing with plastics in it.
Cant you get iodine from seaweed?

>> No.17222542

MSG works best in tandem with salt.

>> No.17222563

>get iodine-free pink salt to avoid ocean microplastics
>get your iodine from seaweed

>> No.17222580 [DELETED] 

The seaweed at my local beach has very low amounts of microplastics (southern new zealand). Commercial salts have a ton more. Commercial nori seaweeds have traces of microplastics but not as high as some salt brands.

>> No.17222585

The seaweed at my local beach has very low amounts of microplastics (southern new zealand). Micrplastics tend to attach to the surface of seaweeds, not the inside, so just needs a good rinse. Commercial salts have a ton more. Commercial nori seaweeds have traces of microplastics but not as high as some salt brands.

>> No.17222586

got any sources? not doubting you, I'm actually interested in the numbers

>> No.17222589

Damn I wouldn't have thought they'd have tested the amount of different seaweeds by location

>> No.17222621

just use table salt it's the same shit as the pink stuff minus the less than 1% mineral that makes it pink with the addition of iodine.

Also I'm sorry but you literally can't get away microplastics. they more or less coat our entire planet now. During a study a few years ago a study of 8 people on two continents had a median of 20 microplastics were found in every 10 grams of human shit.
To be fair, it was a really small sample size but hilariously they spent zero dollars on funding as it was just a bunch of researches in different countries that mailed off their shit to another researcher so he could sift through it.


>> No.17222626
File: 44 KB, 464x491, et34t34t34t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately 4chan thinks doi links to scholarly articles are spam. But you can find a lot of info on the subject by searching google scholar, and then accessing the papers using sci hub.
Sorry my earlier post had an error so i deleted it and made a new one.

>> No.17222628

>no sources provided
yeah it's some new age shaman bullshit.

I bet the same site tells you to drink bleach for its health benefits.

>> No.17222630

You are right. There is no escaping that pollutant. Still would try to make sure my salt is from a cleaner ocean, not asia.
I use my regular table salt for salting animal hides for tanning.

>> No.17222636


>> No.17222643

>Also I'm sorry but you literally can't get away microplastics.
that doesn't mean you should just give up, it's still good practice to do everything in your power to avoid them as much as possible and expose yourself less to them than the average person

>> No.17222656

You're absolutely right. Industrialization has kind of fucked us and we should know the results of that as well.
But yeah I agree it is our responsibility to reduce our exposure to stuff that can actively harm us.
It kind of cracks me up when someone goes on a soy rant here considering all the other things that are actually impacting us every day

>> No.17222680

every woman in the entire united states was convinced of the himalayan pink salt meme within like a month, their conformism is almost beyond imagination

>> No.17222818

I don't value the opinion of anybody who is unable to spell the word "excessive".

>> No.17222824
File: 188 KB, 1439x1758, 1622384712884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't and most brands have lead levels beyond acceptable from the shit pajeet caves where they harvest it.
Local first world seasalt with iodine is peak healthy salt.
You've been fucking memed.

>> No.17222829

Drinkable water contains uranium you know. Sea water has it too. The amount is so small it isn't dangerous.

>> No.17222853
File: 64 KB, 548x734, 1622670569385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salt mined in Australia has no iodine. we add iodine to it to replicate the salt commonly consumed in western Europe where natural iodine levels are higher. in particular salt from the english channel and surrounding areas are high iodine.

>> No.17222890

>>17222454 >17221578

It IS extremely important for thyroid gland health, and iodine deficiency causes goiter, cretinism, neonatal hypothyroidism, growth retardation, and a bunch of other lesser effects (e.g. skin diseases).
It's largely regional though. In most areas of the world you'll have enough of it from crops, meats, general food, but there are iodine-poor regions where if you eat mostly local stuff you're at serious risk.
OTOH surplus is simply flushed through your kidneys, so there's no downsides to iodized vs non-iodized.

Don't buy into sea salt though. Microplastics are a thing. Good old-fashioned mined salt, wherever it's mined, is good enough. Himalaya is a meme.

>> No.17222921
File: 260 KB, 480x480, img-pack2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying gook meme salt

>> No.17222961

Pink salt has lead in it.

>> No.17222974

my condolences

>> No.17222987

kek, that's the stuff vegans use to make fake egg dishes.

>> No.17222992

iodine critical. it's pretty hard to get if you aren't using iodized salt, or taking a multivitamin. especially if you're a pregnant woman.

i've also started mixing potassium chloride with normal iodized sodium chloride. most people consume too much sodium.

>> No.17223029

Why the fuck would I want an Aids Metabolism?

>> No.17223036


>> No.17223043

>there are literally retards here so brainwashed by advertising and marketing they're arguing about salt
>there's too much salt in your diet and the colour of the salt doesn't make a shit lick of difference

Cut the salt fat fucks or your heart will explode

>> No.17223050

>pink salt for table salt because it looks nice
>idoized salt for salting large batches of liquidy things and bread related things because it pours nice and iodine is healthy
>coarse salt for rubs and non bread related baked goods because it has a nicer noticeable texture

honorable mention
>pickling salt

>> No.17223080

This image is eerily true. I went to a house party once where the guy had a salt lamp. Every time a woman would walk in they would say something like "omg is that a himalayan salt lamp?!". I swear it's like they all have the same brain, also I'm kinda tempted to get one for this reason.

>> No.17223085

But /ck/ told me I should be consuming MORE salt.

>> No.17223087

Your salt has bigger crystals. It's great for seasoning and drying out meat, and it shouldn't cost any/much more than similarly packaged salt, but it's not like some rabbi blessed the salt mine.

>> No.17223100

Be cautious with potassium. Some is good, too much will totally fuck you up in ways nothing else does.

It fucks with brain chemistry, especially the stem - life functions, inborn reflexes, stuff essential for the body to function. Disable salivation, make you overheat through fucking up your sweating ability, screw up the exact sequence of swallowing and load a gollop of food into your lungs... never mind persistent anxiety, insomnia, irrational sourceless terror, all kinds of ludicrous fuckery.

Sodium at worst will give you coronary disease and heart attack. Potassium can send you to asylum.

>> No.17223102


Seems like your mother lacked iodine while pregnant.

>> No.17223105

just take some lithium salts to counteract it; you'll be fine...

>> No.17223109

Enjoy your goiter faggot

>> No.17223154

not op but I take a high quality iodine supplement because I don't like the kind in iodized salt or the flavor of that salt. then I eat pink salt for the other reasons.

>> No.17223155

No thanks I sauna everyday and get calf cramps at night if I don't eat salt.

>> No.17223162

>le miniscule trace amount of minerals
Go suck on a rock it's the same shit

>> No.17223166

>proceeds to eat a steak or any number of other foods most of which contain iron
>ignores every dietary and supplement based source of iodine
uh what?

>> No.17223171

what kind of sauna?

>> No.17223173

>ignores the fact that it's extremely small trace amounts
>ignores that there are trace amounts in many other foods and even water

>> No.17223180

vegan here, fuck that shit I will never use that stuff and miss me all the dumb fake poser liberal vegans that try to imitate animal foods that they don't like and all that imitation junk food they eat. I actually enjoy non-processed whole plant foods. My food isn't pretending to be something it isn't, it's delicious as is.

>> No.17223183

Metal gear solid?

>> No.17223184
File: 1.32 MB, 1615x3024, D2D6B7F9-4AE9-4441-80AF-57843AEE1A39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my pink salt detoxifies me, hydrates me, and helps me sleep better, because the Pakistani who wrote the bag fluff says so.

>> No.17223185


>> No.17223190

I can confirm supplementary potassium is dangerous as FUCK. I took a multi with potassium and nothing has ever skyrocketed my blood pressure so high in such a short amount of time. I felt like I almost got a stroke and a brain aneurysm and a heart attack all at once. It took me several very scary days to figure out that my body only plays nice with potassium I get from fruit and vegetables, but any potassium salt or supplement almost kills me.

>> No.17223198

>pickling salt

>> No.17223200

>taking more of something than you need is bad
No shit.

>> No.17223204

>just take some lithium salts to counteract it; you'll be fine...
like putting a band-aid on a cancer patient, this is full retard. will unbalance shit even more. talk to your fucking doctor above and before all else.

>> No.17223211

Keep your heart, kidneys and pancreas happy, or later in life you might find that they're all trying to kill each other and half of the food you used to eat now puts you in the hospital with heart palpitations, vein pain, and bloody chunks in your urine.

>> No.17223212

takes based to know based, fren

>> No.17223214

I know it was subtle, but c'mon man.

>> No.17223219

Guys isn't it weird how much the shills shit on this stuff? makes me want to buy it more. also I'm gonna switch to fluoride free toothpaste, non-gmo foods, and eat onions and garlic in large quantities and rub onion and garlic juice all over my body before a workout to keep the vampires and succubi away and get more testosterone and gains. haha seeth shills

>> No.17223223

Good for you veganon. I eat meat but appreciate a good veggie and it seems like some vegans are so focused on getting people to radically shift their lifestyle that they've invented billion dollar industries just to get me to eat bugs (I have. Not enjoyable but not near as bad as the panty waists around here would have you believe.), and genetically modified potatoes flavored like meat. You've got the right idea. If you like to eat plants then just eat plants. For most vegans it just means going on an oreo diet.

>> No.17223225

Don't forget the cumin and sumac. If you're going to smell like a shawarma hut, you might as well do it right.

>> No.17223226

I didn't ever go over even a 1/4th of a dose, and I had a bad reaction. meanwhile I can eat a lot of high potassium fruit no issue. can anyone explain this? (and no, I didn't do both supp and high potass foods at same time)

>> No.17223229

Oh you're making a schizo/thyroid issues joke, you got me there fren

>> No.17223230

Niko can now objectively be called a cretin

>> No.17223235

i eat sea salt from the utah desert. It is very healthy

>> No.17223238

That's sea salt with millions of years of extra steps.

>> No.17223241

You're a retard and your opinion means nothing.

>> No.17223242

>oreo diet
KEK so true fren, so true.
I know cumin, but sumac? never really heard of it. any good? is it just a spice?

>> No.17223248

What made you believe you were potassium deficient?
It’s not Vitamin C. You can’t just take it for the hell of it.
There no difference between potassium in supplements and potassium in food other than amount. Your body metabolizes it into potassium.

>> No.17223249

it is tasty and healthy

>> No.17223260
File: 114 KB, 1200x1200, sumac-spice-plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like if coriander (the seed, not the leaf) decided it was a real lemon but got the wrong tree. It's very tangy, and has this almost cedary undertone to it.

>> No.17223262

I use sumac in my cooking but I'm the other anon you quoted. Strangely enough the conversations dovetailed for me. Sumac is a lemongrass bright but also slightly tangy flavor. It's also useful for helping absorption of water in the digestive tract so if you're constipated stop using it. Really good if you drink a lot of coffee or tea for keeping you from shitting your brains out.

>> No.17223268


>> No.17223269


>> No.17223283


>> No.17223316

>You're a retard and your opinion means nothing.
I get better quality iodine than shitty iodized salt with bad flavor, and I eat pink salt which tastes better. but I'M retarded. sure... these shills must get paid nothing.

>> No.17223324

very interesting, and this is healthy for men somehow?

>> No.17223329

assumptions: the post

>> No.17223341

It doesn't have any real benefit for test if you're the lifting sort but it does regulate blood sugar if you eat a lot of sweets.

>> No.17223348

alright well thanks for teaching me about a cool seasoning I didn't know about bro

>> No.17223355

205F dry. I like to read in there even though it destroys the books.

>> No.17223361

That doesn’t even make sense, faggot. It was a question followed by basic chemistry.

>> No.17223366

>Bunch of claimed benefits
>No sources to verify any of it
>Just trust us, bro

>> No.17223373

it makes shawarma meat taste right. Certain curries and lighter roast shade grown coffee seem to benefit from it.
It's a spice - not everything is some long lost panacea.

>> No.17223376

Any time I can help I try. I hope your day is great bud.

>> No.17223377

What makes iodine "high quality"

>> No.17223378

purity, shelf-stability, and quality checks.

>> No.17223385

To be fair, almost all of those items are “true”, but are literally just things that NaCl (and proper electrolyte balance in general) does for your body.
It had absolutely jack shit to do with it being pink.

>> No.17223389

They individually polish each iodine atom and give it a grading number.
Some of the highest-graded atoms go for a lot on the collector market.

>> No.17223391

Good for you. You don't have to value their opinion, but you can check out the scientific source.

>> No.17223427

I hope you have a great year bro

>> No.17223439

I'm only interested in liquid ioDINE supplements. no potassium ioDIDE for me.

>> No.17223468

Iodine is a solid until about 114C if memory serves. Do you mean that you're taking it in some sort of aqueous solution? Molecular iodine doesn't dissolve in water.

>> No.17223545

I take a food grade iodine liquid supplement with a little dropper that isn't potassium iodide. do your own research, ask your doctor first.

>> No.17223552

Quit being a cryptic little fuck and post exactly what supplement you take, as there are clearly people in this thread with much more chemistry knowledge than you.

>> No.17223584

If it's sourced from kelp, the active ingredients are probably 50%-ish potassium iodide. KI's everywhere man. Does it specifically state that it does not contain potassium iodide?

>> No.17223616
File: 538 KB, 1800x1080, Pakistan pink salt mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Himalayan" pink salt
It's actually Pakistani, the Himalayan part is just a marketing term.

>> No.17223637
File: 667 KB, 761x539, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow youre so smart anon you little dipshit you know so much about the world retard

>> No.17223645

That part that says China is Sovereign Tibet.

>> No.17223650

What if we kissed at the Pakistani meat warrens?

>> No.17223653

*checks breath*

>> No.17223666
File: 125 KB, 700x700, pink meat furniture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17223685

>Sovereign Tibet
Not sure if you’re a wishful hippie or genuinely don’t know, but there’s no such thing.
It’s an autonomous region of China, not sovereign. The autonomy is allowed by China.

>> No.17223690

Taiwan is a sovereign country.

Tiannanmen square massacre. When China killed its own people who fought for freedom of speech.

>> No.17223694

Taiwan isn’t on that map of the Himalayan region and has nothing to do with Tibet.

>> No.17223702

yeah, I just wanted to remind you that Taiwan is a sovereign country.

>> No.17223704
File: 1.19 MB, 400x254, happy cat happily fishing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17223707
File: 76 KB, 960x728, Snake-Oil-Salesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source cited

>> No.17223710

If America has a communist revolution I want this gif played at my trial. Would be worth it lined up on the wall.

>> No.17223721

It is if you don't want a massive neck hump.

>> No.17223738

you're not supposed to completely replace sodium with potassium, if you just mix them instead you'll still get more sodium than potassium anyway
I wonder how fucking much you had to eat to get bad reactions as those

>> No.17223746

I think it's like a 3g:2g Na:K. You musn't use potassium salt like a liberal seasoning like table salt.

>> No.17223754

tangentially related, my friend worked on this project about rice and arsenic and geographic variability, thought i'd share
search scholar for "Global Sourcing of Low-Inorganic Arsenic Rice Grain"
it's so fucking gay that we can't post links, fuck spammers

>> No.17223758

Top kek

>> No.17223764

I use both kosher sea salt and pink Himalayan salt for cooking. The wife is keen on the pink salt, but I will use euther.

>> No.17223771

This is the same old story. The same people who have generally awful diets or drink too much will eat some "superfood" or take multivitamins expecting it to do them good. Solve the biggest problems first then you can worry about what salt you use or that gourmet honey which claims to cure cancer. Maybe I'm going a bit off the spectrum here with my cynicism though.

>> No.17223852

>every interests board is full of literal telemarketers
>yet I keep getting told nobody would waste time and money shilling their product on 4chan
I understand the telemarketers trying to gaslight me into thinking they're normal anons, but I can't get rid of the feeling that a good half of the people telling me there's no marketing here are actually dumb enough not to realize what threads like this are.

>> No.17223876

Good afternoon, anon!
I’m with the AstraZeneca marketing department. May I interest you in some of our fine schizophrenia medication?

>> No.17223886

Why AstraZeneca! That's the brand that makes my schizophrenia medication! We're meeting a celebrity.

>> No.17223934

You daft cunt, big pharma can't sell that shit to me directly, it needs to be prescribed.
You should have put it like you're an insurance scammer trying to sell me coverage before mental illness makes me ineligible.

>> No.17223935

You're on seroquel too? What are the odds?

>> No.17223942

Shouldn't you be sleeping? I'm on Invega and Latuda.

>> No.17223949

metal sear golid

>> No.17223956

it tastes like rotten eggs, wtf is wrong with indians

>> No.17223960

all a meme
you can get those nutrients from many other sources, limiting yourself is stupid

>> No.17223963

There’s so many indians and some of them are bound to be fucked up so in general theres a lot of fucked up indians

>> No.17223967

>Take the pink pill bro
fuck off with that tranny propaganda

>> No.17223969

I should be getting my ass to work. No rest for the retarded.

>> No.17223985

The tranny pill is literally the red pill. Has ben the whole time.

>> No.17223999

How do you take your meds when your realize that there is no spoon?
>take the red pill

>> No.17224004

You don't realize it but that's a non sequitur.

>> No.17224015

You get enough iodine from the food that you eat anyway, there is no reason to buy iodized salt unless you have a deficiency. Also regular sea salt and pink salt have some iodine in them too.

>> No.17224542

Why is it when I make an honest high quality thread it gets no traffic, but when i post a shitpost the thread blows up?

>> No.17224550

What serious subject would you like to talk about?

>> No.17224621

>I'm kinda tempted
yeah right. you're just high estrogen

>> No.17224651

Being a dick gets you laid with some women and being a wholesome human being gets you laid with other women. If you're not getting laid you're probably ugly.

>> No.17224765

don't lie you just want the fucking lamp, womanbrain

>> No.17224768

I love lamp. I LOVE LAMP!

>> No.17224792

>thinking himalayan salt contains any meaningful amount of other minerals
Idiots filtered.

>> No.17224795
File: 240 KB, 1876x796, iodine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take lugol's iodine

>> No.17224818
File: 1.68 MB, 335x300, shooter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taiwan is a sovereign country.
lmao... k

>> No.17225011

Himalayan salt is just dyed salt

>> No.17225048

ur a big dummy

>> No.17225061

iodine is good for you faggot

>> No.17225402

You take the pill because you cannot dose the liquid. It follows, you just have to follow along.

>> No.17225421

pink salt has nealry just as much microplastic

>> No.17225446

It doesn't track though because unless Himalayan fossil salt is dipped into the ocean there's no real way for that to happen.

>> No.17225899

Welcome to the internet. This is how it works. Shitposting and click bait gets the most responses. Controversial topics ignite the flames of discussion within people.

>> No.17225907

Depends on the brand. The cheapest ones are usually from Pakistan.

>> No.17225935

Iodized salt prevents your thyroid from turning into a goiter

>> No.17226212

>He doesn't harvest his own sea salt

>> No.17226298

I only use white salt. I'm not some kind of goiter faggot.

>> No.17226318

Heme iron isn’t the same as mineral iron. You think you can shave off pieces of your cast iron pot and use it as an iron supplement?

>> No.17226325

he he he, he lamp

>> No.17226343

This. I use kosher salt because I'd assume the Jews who run the world wouldn't poison themselves.

>> No.17226410
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>> No.17227550

A majority of pink salt comes from a mine in Iraq. Weird that the name wouldn't have caught on if they didn't throw the all holy Himalayan word in there.

>> No.17227586

I said I wanted it to trick femoids you spastic.

>> No.17227639

Mountain West Chads win again

>> No.17227862

I get Redmond's Real Salt because its source is actually verified and I trust the company. Most Himalayan pink salt is just regular salt from unverified sources. Some of it is even dyed pink.

>> No.17227874

>I swear it's like they all have the same brain
Women are incapable of thinking for themselves, they're literally biologically programmed to be followers.

>> No.17227916

I hate that mineral propaganda, it probably provides 1% of those benefits

>> No.17227940

The brand i buy comes from the foothills of the himalayas. The other brands in the same store get the salt from Pakistan. I don't really care either way, just don't want seasalt. Also the supposed health benefits from the trace minerals from pink salt are so miniscule it is basically nonexistent. No one should be getting the pink salt for that.

>> No.17227956

>1: Marketing blurb that becomes meaningless with a quick google search
>2-20: shit salt does for your body regardless of color

>> No.17228239

>I make an honest high quality thread

>> No.17228528

A likely story, womanbrain.

>> No.17228556

>yoga mom science blog tier shit
kys OP

>> No.17228704

>yoga is a healthy activity practiced for generations by some of the wisest people in the world
>moms care about you and just want what's best for your life
>science is the best tool we have for finding truth
>blogs are more trustworthy than slimy mainstream media sources
This seems like a pretty high tier if you ask me.

>> No.17228775

Flouride is bad and iodine is good you retard.

>> No.17228796

>retard here
Stopped reading right there. Kill yourself.

>> No.17228848

>Kill yourself.
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.17228918


>> No.17228982

>84 essential minerals
We mostly need Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium a bit of Copper and Phosphor, Chlorine, Zink Iron and Iodine. That's 9 elements.

>> No.17229023

Bitch you aren’t the mineral king.
I want all 84 of those minerals. You can have fun with your shitty 9.