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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17627898 No.17627898 [Reply] [Original]

The wife always knows best: she made this little number for our Breaking Bad marathon.

What would you rate it from 1 to 10?

>> No.17627906

does she like to nibble your salty nuts?

>> No.17627916

I guarantee this chick's fat as fuck

>> No.17627925

mustard would be nice, but as long as you guys have some beer or mineral water, solid 6.5/10
personally would replace chips with bread, peanuts are great but something less boofable like pistachios or smoked almonds would be better

>> No.17627944

how much do you and your wife weight?

>> No.17627954

Looks breddy fucking lazy to me.

>> No.17627967

You've done good, brother

>> No.17627969

what a shitty wife

>> No.17627977

>cheese with nothing to put it on
>straight up raw pickles
>nuts AND chips
Literally the most retarded combination you could have made.

>> No.17627984

if there's beer/vodka, looks good

if not eeehhh...

>> No.17627990

Why are all women unable to cut things properly?

>> No.17628029

all it needs is a nice frosty lager. 8/10

>> No.17628033

Like a 3/10, but I'd appreciate it as if it had been a 7/10 if it had been made by my wife.
What are you supposed to put the cheese on? The chips? Seems weird. Also do you just fish out the big pickles from the juice jar with your hands?

>> No.17628035

This image is 2 days worth of your sodium intake. Op and his wife eat this as a snack while being immobile for hours at a time

>> No.17628036

Wouldn't even last two episodes.

>> No.17628040

>salt makes you fat

>> No.17628062

you mean bought

>> No.17628076

Not OP, but frankly I prefer eating the different parts of a cheese board separate.

>> No.17628102
File: 20 KB, 640x480, B0352908-EAFE-4955-A615-0B821C3421C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs some cold cuts and some bread. Also get a cheese slicer. I don't know if it's magic but cheese sliced thinly makes it taste better.

>> No.17628182

>straight up raw pickles
do you cook your pickles?

>> No.17628196


>> No.17628200
File: 82 KB, 712x687, DFCE525A-E85E-4EF0-8152-DC79C2A34CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to smell her braps after that cheese and pickles. Post her panties

>> No.17628215

I tried but it hit the image size file limit.

>> No.17628217
File: 3.00 MB, 640x532, 910FADA5-CC55-48F9-A46A-AD43E66F026F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT big? Nice.

>> No.17628970


>> No.17628977

Weak hands so cant grip a knife properly

>> No.17629068

Cheese selection looks halfway decent. I would have probably cut the hard cheese into smaller pieces and left the soft cheese uncut and provided a cheese knife and also some more variety in cheese. Looks like just brie blue cheese and idk swiss?
I would ditch the peanuts. They are disgusting. Instead I would provide a variety of cured meats. A selection of nice sturdy crackers instead of potato chips.
Pickles are fine, but the pickles should either be really small or pre sliced, and provide maybe some small pickled pearl onions, olives, and pickled peppers as well, Other palate cleaners would include fruit like grapes, apples, pears, maybe strawberries/raspberries/blackberries, whatever I think is the most appropriate for the cheeses/meats chosen.

Wine to drink. I'm not much of a drinker, but idk, it just feels like it should be wine to drink.

If you MUST have nuts then walnuts, pistachios, or pecans. ANYTHING but fucking peanuts.

Out of 10? A solid 3.

>> No.17630252

>breaking bad
Youre fucking gay, that show is unbearably boring and trash. Get necked.

>> No.17630255

>heavy salt, plus cholesterol plus sugar and carbs make you fat
Yes, you fucking retard.

>> No.17630269

Where are the crispy triangle cuts of panroasted ryebread?

>> No.17630312

You and your wife wouldn't happen to be mice? 0/10 for me but if I were a mouse, 10/10.

>> No.17630406

>breathing, plus cholesterol plus sugar and carbs make you fat
Imagine revealing your own ignorance with a smug post.

>> No.17630428

guten Appetit mein Kerl

>> No.17630611

I really like eating a few peanuts (or better, cashews) and a bit of pickle at the same time
your teeth pulverize the peanuts and mix the oil with the salt and acid, it synthesizes an intense flavor

>> No.17631658

>>implying being overweight is the only issue here

Try taking care of your body anon, eating poorly doesnt help your organs to function properly. High sodium diets are linked to high blood pressure and heart attacks.

>> No.17633012

Would last me all of one episode. Good job though

>> No.17633046

>she made this
Make? What did she make? She just put premade shit on a tray kek.

>> No.17633111

Unsalted chips and nuts exist. Throw the pickles in the trash. Cheese is my weakness.

>t. anon on a sodium restricted diet

>> No.17633132

>she made
She didn't make a single thing there. She arranged some snacks.

>> No.17633137

I don't think it is enough. For starters you have no dip for your chips.

>> No.17633141


What a weak fucking spread, OP. You get a 1 out of 10, and I'm only being that generous because you made an attempt to plate everything up nicely on a tray.

>> No.17633673


Care to point out what's so wrong with it?

>> No.17633687
File: 652 KB, 881x758, 1644049498778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the bucket of Los Pollos?

>> No.17634458

Like all wifeposters you suck and are retarded

>> No.17634942

not him, but nothing there really goes together
It's like an alien made hor dourves on description alone

>> No.17634973

poste die Füße deiner Frau <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/e9d526e8_frodo.png">

>> No.17634992

Where the fuck is the charcuterie?

>> No.17635111

you mean one episode?

>> No.17635360

Nah she looks like the kind of chick who is a stable chub, but not fat because she eats mostly real food and just doesn't exercise. T. Me

>> No.17635408
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>OP thinking some land whale is a "stable chub"

>> No.17635840

Define land whale

>> No.17635848

I would rate it plebbit --->rope around neck.

>> No.17635855

"Boofing" is stick stuff up your ass.