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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17675592 No.17675592 [Reply] [Original]

What are you grilling this weekend?

I will be grilling chicken hearts later this afternoon

>> No.17675595
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Also pork steaks

>> No.17675612
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And here are some steaks I grilled recently

>> No.17675977
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We're gearing up folks

>> No.17675982

Too windy to grill today so did the pork tenderloin in the grill. Finna be 72 tomorrow evening and not sure what I'll be grilling yet

>> No.17675983

How long do you grill those for?

>> No.17675984


>> No.17676000

Sounds good. Cheers

About 5-6 minutes per side on medium high heat

>> No.17676015
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>> No.17676031

Are those red, deseeded jalapenos? Interesting anon

>> No.17676033

Nice. Is that your picture and if so is that halloumi?

>> No.17676058
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Just about ready

>> No.17676076
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Standard pointed red peppers, didn't work out that interesting
Old pic but yeah gotta have halloumi on the Barbie it's the law

>> No.17676088

How do you make pork tenderloin edible? Every time my mom makes it I have a couple bites then throw the rest out

>> No.17676100

marinate it, be patient, and don't overcook it. 140-145 is ideal for pork (maybe even a little high for some people?)

>> No.17676112
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>> No.17676124

all these food pics look awesome anon

>> No.17676163
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Very nice. I hope you've got an interior shot coming

The pork steaks are coming along now. I reserved some marinade for the end

>> No.17676168
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>> No.17676179
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Sadly no cut shot, just plated. Pork is looking tasty my mam

>> No.17676215
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OP here. I had this jalapeño cheddar sausage too so I threw that bitch on while there was still plenty of heat left on the coals

That's a really good looking meal. Nice pic

>> No.17676232
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>> No.17676271
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I'm smoking food for my parents, grandfather, and my uncle's family.
It's a sirloin tip roast.

>> No.17676280
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>> No.17676295
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Where can you buy a package of just hearts? Usually they sell them mixed with gizzards, like 6 gizzards per 1 heart.

>> No.17676358

the bark on this looks delicious! how much is a sirloin tip roast compared to other cuts of beef?

>> No.17676400

I'm sure availability varies depending on location. I get mine at based HEB in Texas. This package was about $2.00

>> No.17676435

Does anyone own a ceramic, kamado grill? If so, what do you think of it?

>> No.17676439

It was 4.29 a pound where I got it from.
It turned out pretty well but my family demands well done food for everything sadly.

>> No.17676602

i get mine at the asian grocer

>> No.17676634 [DELETED] 


>chicken hearts

>> No.17676646

that looks so fucking good

>> No.17676683

My gf is actually the grillmaster of the house. Our favorite thing for summer or entertaining is grilled marinated chicken breasts, grilled veggies (bell peppers and corn), and then I make potato salad.

Also the last couple of times we've made skirt steak it's turned out amazing

>> No.17676701 [DELETED] 

>my gf grills
She's cheating on you with a black woman. Happened to me too

>> No.17676734

I like chicken hearts but having to massage the blood out of them so they don't have that jenky grainy texture makes them not really worth it.

>> No.17676848
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All I do is give them a quick rinse

>> No.17676872

I wonder if they smoke okay or if they'd get too rubbery.

>> No.17676879

Grilled gibblets and heart are bomb, but anon try them deep fried in pork lard or tallow to taste them at the peak of their greatness

>> No.17676880
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imagine out on your farm and you just kill 50 chickens and eat nothing but their hearts in a single sitting

>> No.17676891 [DELETED] 

Gross dude. Buy some real meat poorfag

>> No.17676892
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A man can dream

>> No.17676894 [DELETED] 

How poor are you

>> No.17676908

Filtered by a tiny heart, pathetic.

>> No.17676922
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Poor enough, anon. Poor enough.

>> No.17676958

oof the riblets. I was on your side I think eating organ meat is based but the riblets really are a poorfag food.

t. grew up eating riblets and never will eat that fatty shit again

>> No.17677003

shut up fag

>> No.17677026

Unfortunately I'm in a very rural area. I see a black person every other day, a hispanic person once a week, and I don't remember the last time I've seen an asian. Just guessing on those numbers. Not that I care, it's just that it effects what retailers stock. Every cut of beef but you aren't going to be able to make dashi stock or anything. You can't even find rice flour having 6 different grocers.

>> No.17677057

Don't be mean to people in my thread please

>> No.17677078

ask your grocer then they can special order things like that

>> No.17677085 [DELETED] 

>chicken hearts
dude where do you work? make 2 dollars a day a El Corn Farm, juan pedro?

>> No.17677168

imagine being this bad at cooking

>> No.17677171


Imagine thinking youre so good at cooking that you can make riblets not be fatty

>> No.17677178

>fat is bad
shit taste faggot confirmed

>> No.17677206 [DELETED] 

post weight fatty

>> No.17677214

fat can be good, in the case of riblets its just not.

>> No.17677223

literally gutter palates

>> No.17677239

>I like chicken hearts but having to massage the blood out of them
Why would you do that, you fruit?

>> No.17677273

bet you havent grilled oysters

>> No.17677274

oysters are fucking great, this guy eats

>> No.17677284

What are riblets? Never seen anything at the store called a riblet. What kind of meat is it?

>> No.17677292

Riblets are simply smaller pieces cut from a full rack, while rib tips are meaty chunks from the underside of spare ribs that contain cartilage but no bone. Both are inexpensive, easy to cook, and the perfect appetizer for a backyard barbecue.

>> No.17677313

because otherwise the blood inside becomes all gross and grainy.

>> No.17677343 [DELETED] 

>backyard bbq
Holy shit youre gay dude. You live alone ahahaha stop lying fatty!! Hahahahaha ""backyard bbq""

>> No.17677360

It's short rib not riblet retard. It's expensive not poorfag food

>> No.17677474 [DELETED] 

>its expensive
>probably costs 5.99lb

>> No.17677479

post your grocery store receipt

>> No.17677515

you basement dwelling dweebs are hilarious

>> No.17677520 [DELETED] 


>> No.17677541

so post your mom's grocery bill you shrimpdick neckbeard. i know she keeps them pull it out and take a photo when you're stealing cash out her purse tonight.

>> No.17677545 [DELETED] 

>Can't wait to feed my family some good ol' chicken hearts and riblets! Mmm, they only cost 1.99 a pound!
>Sorry honey we can't afford real meat

>> No.17677563

i love hearts and ribs. what "real meat" did you eat tonight?

>> No.17677569 [DELETED] 

>Sorry kids. Go tell my wife's boyfriend I could only get us Chicken Paws tonight... Tomorrow maybe I'll pick extra corn for massa...

>> No.17677583

that's a lot of projection my neckbeard friend.

>> No.17677585

I bet you eat overpriced chicken wings instead of loading up on beaks. Extra spicy & crunchy, not for pussies.

>> No.17677589

Based Texas anon.

>> No.17677597
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>> No.17677623

Find a real meat market.

>> No.17678187

Tell me how they turned out. I want to do this with the exact same spice mix

>> No.17678210

Ask the butcher at any retail grocer if they can order heart's for you, it's not very difficult for them and they are used to requests like this. It's good to be known in a grocery store to do this however, so they know you'll be back for whatever they order for you and you're not just gonna flake and never pick it up.

I know a guy that used to have the butcher at a local big chain grocer dry age his beef for him in the cooler, never charged anything additional.

>> No.17678223

Not that anon but I usually snatch em up when they go on sale here for 9.99/lb. Very good meat dunce

>> No.17678241
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Learn to cook newfag, the you might actually have an argument to stand on. You might not like them, but they aren't a cheap cut of meat

>> No.17678249 [DELETED] 

ohnonono this dude is poor as fuck
My meat I get costs at least 39.99

>> No.17678253

Lol. No. Don't brag just because you OVERPAY now. How much do short ribs cost you? 34.99?

>> No.17678258

Leaf detected. Day of the rake is upon you

>> No.17678260 [DELETED] 

I buy meat from places youve never even heard of, juan pedro javier the fifth
go ask massa for a raise
im eating 1000 dollar steak on the daily bitch

>> No.17678267

man this went from comfy to fucking retarded pretty quick huh?

>> No.17678272

That's what happens when spring break hits. Just wait until summer.

>> No.17678383

Im going to try this. What's a good way of grilling this?

>> No.17678751
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The hearts were great. I've grilled them many times before but never with that particular spice mix. I would definitely use it again

Medium-low heat is best for sausage. I cooked the hearts and pork when the grill was at its hottest then put the sausage on last and lowered the coal grate

I'm intrigued. I might have to give this a try

>> No.17678926
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S-s-smoke it and pan sear the thin slices

>> No.17679035

I cook mine in an oven directly on the rack with a drip pan on the rack below it. Honestly it’s easy to over cook so just take it slow and make sure you let it rest at least 5-10 minutes before slicing it.

>> No.17679257

Gross I feed that shut to my cats

>> No.17679263

Where to buy chicken hearts?
Don't see them at stores anymore

>> No.17679275

Buy a probe thermometer, sear the outside, then put it in the oven and roast until it hits about 140F then pull it out, cover, and rest for 5 minutes. Despite what the prevailing wisdom was for a long time, pork can and should be a little pink in the center.

>> No.17679558
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I feel the insatiable urge to cram this

>> No.17679563

Sounds like gods country just like where I live

>> No.17679580

serious question: are chicken hearts good? i have had venison heart one time in grade school and it was pretty good (not sure if the teacher lied about what it was, but it looked like a heart and she was native american)

>> No.17679585

yea i think im gonna get a char coal grill this year. anybody have any recommendations?

>> No.17679591

definitely too rubbery. like smoking a ribeye i bet

>> No.17679594

you realize heart is a muscle just like every other kind of meat? (pro-tip: this means it's not an organ like liver)

>> No.17679598

I mean, the rest doesn't get thrown away anon.
It's always good seeing the parts that usually do get chucked getting used instead.

>> No.17679601
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Shrooms and poatoes and cheese, I'm veg.

>> No.17679610

Weber halloumi and steak poster here, pretty happy with the master touch, a bit of a pig to clean when it comes out of winter storage. Mainly do straight forward grilling, haven't used it for low and slow smoking, you can move the charcoal baskets as needed. Can get inserts for the middle like my cast iron griddle in the pic, also pizza stone and other stuff. Don't get their branded thermometer, it's trash.

>> No.17679632


>> No.17679647

what about the slow-n-sear grills? i have a smoker but it's kind of shit cause the water basin is tiny

>> No.17680056
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Everyone I've ever known that has tried them has liked them. They don't have an intense flavor like liver and are more meaty. Preparation also matters. When you grill them right they are tender but too long and they are rubbery and tough

>> No.17680979

I'm in western WA and every grocery store has them.