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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 554 KB, 700x564, QR-Page-Hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17744529 No.17744529 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on qr code menus?

>> No.17744530

Based anti boomer aesthetic

>> No.17744535


>> No.17744541

Fucking hate them, when I go out I don't want my phone out, I'm either out to unwind alone or with someone whom I enjoy their company. My phone is away. Why do I have to get it out and fuck with some dumb app?

I'm not even a boomer, it's just annoying and I rather have a normal menu.

>> No.17744546

Partially this.

But the main problem is that its not even more practical than actual menus. Its only a thing because jewish owners want to cut costs wherever they can.

>> No.17744547


>> No.17744591

>what do you mean you don't have a data plan sir?
>if you're too poor for data you're too poor ti tip 35% to our valued dishpit contributors!

>> No.17744599

fucking hate them

>> No.17744614
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>> No.17744630

You are you quoting? I guarentee you it destroys the environment much MUCH worse producing phones and ALL of the tech to allow data transfer and internet than a bunch of crummy menus, you nigger

>> No.17744654

Absolute cancer if I wanted to stare at my phone while eating and ordering I would order delivery.
I go out to eat as an experience. I don't want to stay on the phone for that experience. fuck off.

>> No.17744656


>> No.17744677

please let me know how many cases have been reported of covid transmitted from a paper restaurant menu. when you've done with that, fucking neck yourself

>> No.17744685

Fuck them. I absolutely hate the qr code fad and hope it dies soon. I hate trying to read shit on my phone and would rather just be able to flip to a page I want and look directly at the place I want than:
>pull out phone
>open camera
>scan code
>open link
>wait for load
>scroll to find something
>click next page
>click next page
>restaurants shitty reception slows the load time
>wait 30 seconds for next page to load
>nope nothing on this page, want to see first but have to click back twice and wait for load again
>have to scroll to find what i want
>find something that sounds good but want to keep browsing
>go to next page
>nah gonna get what i saw first
>go back
>have to scroll to find the shit that i wanted
It's so fucking tedious. I work in tech too and help maintain my companies mobile app so it's not like I'm illiterate when it comes to smartphones. I just absolutely hate using them for tasks that are much easier on paper. Same goes for things like e-books. I can't stand reading things on my phone or on a tablet or even my desktop. Just give me a fucking book.

No, it's anti-human. Sure, it filters out boomers, but also pisses off anybody else who can't be assed to deal with it.

If I see a qr menu I ask for a paper one. If they don't have one, I 360 and walk away.

>> No.17744726

I don't eat out much, but I just tell them my phone doesn't do that (android) and they bring me a normal

>> No.17744732

The only places I've been to that used them also had the menu displayed on a large board of some sort, so I'm yet to be bothered by them.

>> No.17744774

Retards like to tie their life to a QR code these days.

>> No.17744799

I have never actually encountered this. I'd probably just walk out. Seems kinda retarded.

>> No.17744805

>In order to save money on printing menus
>We are going to print QR codes

>> No.17744823


>print 20 qr codes for 20 tables
>assuming each table seats 4 people, you need 4 menus per table.. for 20 tables...

retard cant do simple math

>> No.17744838

Put one menu on each table. But I guess there is a reason certain people have to work in food service, they can't think so good.

>> No.17744846

I hate them

>> No.17744848

who wants to pass around a menu if you have more than 2 people?

>> No.17744849

Bullshit and don't help people without phones or people with poverty phones

>> No.17744850

just say you're a boomer and go. its okay to not like technology, but paper, money, and effort wise you have to admit it makes sense.

>> No.17744859
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>"I don't have a phone, could you get me a regular menu instead?"

>> No.17744865

do you not think printing dozens of menus every week is more expensive than printing a QR code for every table once?

>> No.17744894

what if there aren't enough phones to go around at the table? so now we have to pass a phone around? what if it's one person and they don't have a phone?

how about this, you $15 per hour deserving food service geniuses - one menu per table WITH a QR code printed on the back! that way, the bare minimum is provided to the customer (regrettably, with great pain and expense and hardship, perhaps get a tax break from the government for the expense), but you guys can still have "fun" viewing the half broken non-mobile formatted geocities menu on your iPhone 17!

>> No.17744896

I would just leave. Not dealing with a gay digital menu
Indicates the place will be overpriced for the quality as only faggots with a stick up their ass would put those out to virtue signal

>> No.17744976

I cannot understand why anyone would want to use a QR code menu over a paper one. It's more steps to acquire the same information. Not to mention the other problems that smartphones have in general. Does anyone here actually like digital menus?

>> No.17744981

Based and factual. Technology should be used to improve a process not turn an already efficient process into shit.
>cars with fucking touch panels for the air and radio instead of knobs

>> No.17744989

Yes, and correct. Your life has no value to me.

>> No.17744999

I don't own a cell phone so I hate them

>> No.17745020

annoying, usually the reception is really bad so you just have to wait for hours, the ones that make you download stuff are just cancer

>> No.17745050

One place I had with a QR code menu had us order on the website also. We had to pass one phone around and have everyone scroll through the menu and click what they wanted.
Weirdly humiliating.

>> No.17745081


>> No.17745239

the QR as menu will die out
there is a great deal of thought and testing that goes into a menu's appearance, layout, and flow
a well designed menu will lead to higher revenue for the house
you simply cannot get this on the screen of a phone
places with very short menus will use QR but not one else

>> No.17745470
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>> No.17745505

Isn’t it more expensive to hire some web designer to design this fucking bullshit than to simply print out?

Although it’s not common in the country where I live. I only saw it twice. One time was a menu you could “shop” and add to your cart and pay online but I said I wanted to pay cash. So I had select “cash payment” on the website and then go back downstairs at the cashier to pay.

>> No.17745547

Any place that has a QR menu, probably has a website with their menu already on it for takeout.
Can't imagine any fancy place would have it that does not have takeout.

>> No.17745584

I fucking hate them. Why would I want to constantly zoom in and out on my phone screen when I can just hold a tangible menu?

>> No.17745588

If you're this much of a faggot then just kill yourself already.

>> No.17745631
File: 97 KB, 1000x799, 38v9ez39dwn21 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in asia and this QR stuff is the norm here now

its convenient and I can order as much as I want anytime I want without trying to flag down the waitress, its great

stop whining

how does it feel to still be in 3rd world countries with no good internet?

>> No.17745655


>> No.17745657

>just let a fucking restaurant of all places collect data about you from your phone

Fuck off fag.

>> No.17745662

They're excellent I love them
No waiting for a waiter to take your order
No getting up from your table and lining up to order
No waiting for your bill
Just scan, order, pay, done

>> No.17745671

You can tell /ck/ is the boomer board by how much they hate and struggle with phones

>> No.17745676

>Not owning a phone in 2022
Literal Indian peasants have smart phones

>> No.17745681

you're visiting their website retard. they're not collecting any more data on you than any other person that visits it.

>> No.17745786

>Want to see the prices? Download our app!

>> No.17745825

>dude just whip out your phone to scan a barcode to load a website that's probably going to waste 30 seconds with cookie requests, bringing you to their homepage with two popups asking you to let them send you daily emails and download their app and join their rewards program and prompt you for delivery despite your ass being in their seat
some of us value our time and want to lessen, not increase, the ever encroaching corporate creep on our phones and consciousness. It's not 'hating and struggling' with phones, it's that a lot of aspects of how they are utilized for consumers now is not user-friendly. I don't care if it's two cents of ink on a two cent piece of paper, just print a fucking menu you cheap faggots

>> No.17746189

>Scan QR code
>Scroll menu
>Order what I want, with notes even

Meanwhile the boomer at the next table is waiting for a waiter and lining up to pay afterwards

>> No.17746203

If I see this shit, and there's no regular menu option, I leave. Simple as. It's several extra steps, as opposed to just opening a menu and looking at it, and if you obfuscate something as simple as a menu to such an inconvenient degree, I can only assume that the service and food will both be awful.

>> No.17746213

>I go to a sit down restaurant for the express purpose of not talking to a single person and to get in and out as fast as possible
Just order takeout then, autistic faggot.

>> No.17746227

my greentext comes between your first and second line, and it's annoying, but you seem to be on the spectrum so I'm guessing any time facing a screen is comforting to you

>> No.17746291

I genuinely can’t believe all the bitching in this thread. Half of you faggots probably spend a large portion of your day phoneposting on this website, but the second some restaurant asks you to use your phones you lose your minds. What the fuck?

Also, do you really not know what’s on the fucking menu? I’d wager that you either picked the restaurant because you are craving a specific type of food that they serve or it’s a place you regularly go to. If your IQ is higher than 80, you should have some idea of what you want to eat from the place you literally chose to go to. Most of you will just order chicken tenders and fries anyways.

It’s threads like these that remind me of George Carlin saying something about how stupid the average person is and then you realize half the people you meet are even dumber than that.

>> No.17746299

I walked into a place and that's all they had for menus, I'd 360 and walk the fuck out.

>> No.17746342
File: 59 KB, 640x597, d66p3h77llj61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't phonepost but if I did I would use something that's streamlined and comfy, whereas sitting at a restaurant and now suddenly we have to scan our verification cans is an annoying intrusion.

Do you not go to a restaurant if you haven't memorized the menu? Even if I want a burger or something ez pz I'm still going to order 'on-menu'. Unless all you eat are tendies you're going to need a menu in one capacity or another, why obfuscate the process when you're meant to be enjoying your time.

>> No.17746347

>I'd 360 and walk the fuck out.
you'd be walking backwards, dumbass

>> No.17746494

Part of me wants to go to a restaurant that does and "forget" my phone and see what happens.

>> No.17746535

Why do QR codes stop you from talking with the people you're going out to dinner with?

>> No.17746555

Ooh yeah I'm sure you'd cause a real ruckus!

>> No.17746569

>therefore the people without them are peasants
you're gonna figure it out sooner or later

>> No.17746577

>thank god that i dont have to touch a menu that someone else touched
*rests hand on table*

>> No.17746583

Yeah man mainstream media fight the power

>> No.17746586

based meta-troll

>> No.17746971

>and hope it dies soon.
Have a look at asia, qr codes will be what nfc was supposes to do

>> No.17746983

Restaurants wipe down tables a lot more than menus

>> No.17746989

>grrr I hate technology making things more convenient and saving waiters from taking orders because me no work phone good

>> No.17747198


>> No.17747213

As soon as businesses can compartmentalize customers they will.

You will have to login to order, they demand and sell your data, you start loosing access to menu items or paying a higher price.
I just want to see the menu and order the same thing as everyone else.

Went into Mcdonalds the other week because I was on the road, the menu was so bewildering and full of Jewshit that I just left and got a bag of chips from a gas station.

>> No.17747215

>feeding google database about every meal you take

>> No.17747218

nobody has ever caught covid by touch, the virus dies in a few minutes when the droplets hit a surface and dries out. Also restaurant menues tend to stay for years, it's absolutely negligible for the environnment.

>> No.17747221

What do you even save, this stand is clearly made out of a more poluting material than a few printed pieces of paper. You could have printed your regular menu on that shit.

>> No.17747224

>*see QR code on table*
>Excuse me, my phone doesn't have internet. Can I get a menu?
>"Oh, you can use our wifi! It's free for customers"
>No thanks, I'd rather not use public wifi. Do you have any menu printouts?
>"Sure, let me get that for you"

It is an inconvenience for something I should have when I sit down, but I have hope that things will settle down soon enough. The pushback is starting to set things back to the path of least resistance.

>> No.17747236

free cookies

>> No.17747381

>Schizo brains are so fried they can't order from McDonald's

>> No.17747384
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>my phone doesn't have internet

>> No.17747444

If it's just a URL it's pointless and shit. Any restaurant I'm sitting down at, I've already viewed their menu in a pdf on my phone.
If it's an on-phone ordering system that works well and means I can order stuff without getting up or talking to anyone, pay the bill from my phone, etc it's fucking great and I don't know why anyone would complain about it

>> No.17747580

Couldn’t they just laminate the menus, sanitize them, and re use them?

>> No.17747624

If they're cutting costs on menus of all things, I can only imagine what else they're cheaping out on.

>> No.17747652

fucking funniest post i've ever seen on this website. Can't believe that there are people out there that think this is serious.

>> No.17747671

I hate them

t. 34 year old sysadmin boomer

>> No.17747690

>I can walk to a restaurant and have the experience of ordering food delivery without the convenience.
Why do you fags not just order delivery. You go to a restraint for the fucking experience. Phones ruin said experience..

>> No.17747699

Wtf part of what I'm missing is the "experience". I go to a restaurant to enjoy food prepared by someone else, fresh. Ordering is for shit like pizza that doesn't matter it was put in a farty foil pouch for 20 minutes while pajeet rode his scooter over.
You go to restaurants for the "experience" of being waited on? That's fucking perverse

>> No.17747704

>trying to get a waiters attention and having to interact with wagies constantly is a good experience

no, James, I dont want to talk to you and I dont want to hear you trying to upsell this wine to me and having to politely reject it

i order what i want by tapping the phone
if i want refills i tap the phone
if i want condiments i tap the phone

why would you hate the convenience?

>> No.17747708

I'm going to guess it's his only opportunity to talk to women, and all those poor staff hate every second of interacting with him

>> No.17747721

>what if there aren't enough phones to go around at the table? so now we have to pass a phone around? what if it's one person and they don't have a phone?
This is some of the most boomer shit I've ever seen posted on 4chan

>> No.17747733

love them. better than touching filthy menus that have been touched by "them"

>> No.17747737
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>here sir scan the QR code for our menu
>sorry but i prefer the physical feel of a traditional one , so get me a traditional menu

>> No.17747738

Yes anon this stand made of paper that will be 1 per table will clearly create more pollution than the stack of menus that must be printed and had on hand because they're 1 per customer instead of per table.

>> No.17747741

>I go to a restaurant to enjoy food prepared by someone else, fresh.
What kind of shit shithole you live in where delivery services aren't at your door whiting 5-10 minutes of the food being done? And you don't order from far away places.
Of course if you order shit from 5 miles away it's going to suck.
It's more "convenient" to stay in bed and have food ordered right to your doors step. When you go out for a meal it's an occasion, You go to enjoy the atmosphere the decor maybe even a little live music, as well as the food. Having to use your phone takes you out of the experience.
You don't go out and eat at an taco bell, why the fuck would you? sure they can have retarded qr code menus on those places. But this fad is encroaching everywhere.

>> No.17747750

Yes, unironically. It's made from plastic which is a much more polluting and energy intensive production process than paper, not to mention paper is bio degradable.

>> No.17747763

Jews or niggers?

>> No.17747764

>Having to use your phone takes you out of the experience.
it takes like 30 seconds to use the menu thing on the phone. And after that you can go back to whatever you were enjoying.

versus having to wave your arm around like a idiot for minutes. And it'll be even worse if you are at the back of the restaurant or whatever

with this system you can pretty much sit where you like and still have your orders transmitted directly to the kitchen. its a win win

>> No.17747769


>> No.17747775

>with this system you can pretty much sit where you like and still have your orders transmitted directly to the kitchen
With your phone you can sit in your house and have food delivery directly to you form the kitchen it's a win win.

>> No.17747778

>delivery services aren't at your door whiting 5-10 minutes of the food being done
Would you get a steak delivered? You need to cut down on the fast food you fat shit. I eat fine food out or I prepare it myself. Delivery is for lazy fatasses.

>Having to use your phone takes you out of the experience.
Oh nevermind, you're actually retarded

>> No.17747784


fresh food vs delivered food
actual plates vs takeout box
live music, ambience vs nothing

you can have the best of both if you want
a dining experience with the least hassle and awkwardness

why do you hate technology?
why are you such a boomer?

>> No.17747801

And how is hosting a website supposed to be cheaper?

>> No.17747825

>Delivery is for lazy fatasses.
Sure you coudl say that.
And you could say Using your phone is mentally riddled adhd men children who can't stave off a another dopamine hit. Now you can get one while ordering food, what is not to love.
>fresh food vs delivered food
again unless you live in bumfuck nowhere you can get food delivered to you still piping hot
>actual plates vs takeout box
why do you care? it's more convenient to eat in the box and throw it away latter
>live music, ambience vs nothing
why do you care it's more convenient to stay at home in your pajamas instead of dressing up and going out.

Now you get the best of both worlds.!!! Food AND convenience.

>why do you hate technology?
>why are you such a boomer?

Because technology is interfering with the experience instead of enhancing it. Sure for antisocial retards who don't know dining etiquette it might be great to just look at the phone they probably have out in the first place and order it from there. But as I said it take you out of the experience. Same as having one of those touch screen ordering menus(whihc were more common pre covid granted) at that point why not just go to MacDonald's to have the same experience?
LIke it or not having your and your group of friends take their phones out and be on them already cheapens the whole setting. And that is if that doesn't cause one of them to say " oh since we already have our phones out lets take a few pictures" and the phone never goes down again.

>> No.17747836

Sounds like you have shit friends as well as shit taste. Sorry

>> No.17747837
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 1597431282891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but have you been inside fast food joints recently? The menu above the cashes is absolutely dogshit. They have the same screen real estate as their old signs but now instead of showing a complete menu they show 4 items at a time switching every 20 seconds. To view the full menu you'd have to stand there like a retard for a couple full fucking minutes. It's absolutely jew since of course there's one page with the cheap/value stuff but 6 pages showing their most profitable 6 items.

>> No.17747926

That's likely cardboard or some type of paper, I don't see why it would be bending the way it does at the bottom if it was plastic. Not to mention menus are usually laminated which cuts down on that bio degradability.

>> No.17747942

>print QR codes that have malicious links/code embed into them
>glue on top of the restaurant's qr code menus

>> No.17747979

Ah but you see anon, I'm protected by today's sponsor. Nord vpn.

>> No.17747986

i liked it better in the days when germaphobe faggots like you were regarded as the weirdo fucks you are

>> No.17748083

Just get some cheap refurbished tablets and have one anchored at each table. Proper screensize, order via tablet, menu updateable on the fly, no QR hassle for the customers.
It would basicly be an advanced version of the service button many nip places has on each table.

And what do they do when the menu/prices change?

>> No.17748105

>prices change so often actual menus are not a good option anymore
I hate the current world so fucking much.