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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17917074 No.17917074 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hate him again, /ck/?

>> No.17917080

Who is this serial killer looking motherfucker?
Gives me worse vibes than Paolo.

>> No.17917089
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Not even a conspiracy theory minded guy but I unironically think he is some sort of reptilian/alien. Imagine this being your assignment as an alien species assigned to a planet full proto space faring sapients, just eat their random nutrients and put entertainment on their primitive communication systems.

>> No.17917096

Jesus Christ this is unsettling.

>> No.17917110

I hate the way he chews.

>> No.17917130

>mystery meat mutt
>punchable face
>same reaction to every single meal he tries
>likely a closet homosexual
>has allegedly raped and killed multiple children
>tax evasion (this is based though)
>wears shitty tshirts

>> No.17917144

>>has allegedly raped and killed multiple children
>>tax evasion (this is based though)

>> No.17917260

>Who is this serial killer looking motherfucker?
This. Honestly, he's just not charismatic and pretty obnoxious and forced.

>> No.17917275

im pretty sure he adds human meat to every dish which is why he always makes the same fucking retarded "THIS TASTES GOOD" look no matter how shitty the food looks

>> No.17917284

You heard him.

>> No.17917288

we have already analysed him and his expressions

>> No.17917315

The bodies..

>> No.17917332

>If it's not spicy, then I'm not eating
What a retard

>> No.17917599
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>> No.17917616

We don't hate him, it's just that like most youtubers his content is repetitive and not very interesting these days. He had a good run, though.

>> No.17917658

He's a jew

>> No.17917665

I think he's half chink half white actually

>> No.17917667
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>Give me sugar, with water!

>> No.17917671

what the hell is that facial expression he makes?

>> No.17917700

Stop picking on Mark Zuckerburg's brother. They are lizard people not aliens anon. Pull yourself together.

>> No.17917710
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It always reminds me of the happy mask salesman

>> No.17917775

i have visions on him sat looking in the mirror pretending to laugh and smile like the house that jack built

>> No.17917781

Those Jewish kids hiding in the toilet in schindlers list should have been sprayed with Nazi diarrhea.

>> No.17917881
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>> No.17917888

No one likes every food. There are people who like most foods, but he seems to enjoy everything. Even when there's something he doesn't like, he still pretends to like it, just less enthusiastically. He might say "well, it's not my cup of tea, but it's still GREAT". It's not genuine. Every TV or YouTube personality or celebrity in general has to have a public persona which works for getting them views and fans, but he takes it too far. I don't know if it's because he's an evangelical Christian or has some mental illness, but he comes across as so fake that it's actually offputting and weird and only ESL's don't seem to recognise it - hence a lot of the comments under his videos from Asian/African/wherever fanboys.
That all said, his videos are great quality and, at least, his love for certain types of food (meat, spicy food, saucy soupy noodles etc) does seem real. It's just the personality is so heavily put on that it's hard to really like him as a person.Also I think he's a bit wiggerish underneath it all.

>> No.17918242


>> No.17918269
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>> No.17918657 [DELETED] 

Go back to your containment board >>>/nig/

>> No.17919085

no u >>>/pol/

>> No.17919116

Isn't he pedo?

>> No.17919148

He seems really happy. That makes me angry.

>> No.17919149

He is non white. His loyalties are to his own kind. Genetic loyalty to his tribe. He is against our own people keeping our homelands. This is war now and he is the enemy of your white family.

We have to protect our own now.

>> No.17919153
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>> No.17919533

Not certified pedo but everyone (or at least most people) who has ever watched his videos or knows of him and what he does thinks he's a pedo.

>> No.17919579

This retard overreacts to literally everything. In Thailand he literally ate old and rotten chicken guts and still went MMMMMMM MHMMM MHHMMM but then later in the video admitted that it was horrible, old and probably rotten and he got sick from it.

>> No.17919614


>> No.17920331

I hate all e-celebs who keep being forced

>> No.17921778 [DELETED] 

>That fucking face
I will NEVER feel safe until i know he's dead.

>> No.17922611
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absolute chat

>> No.17922647


>> No.17922804

His most recent videos are genuinely wholesome and very well produced.

>> No.17922847

Americans are nonwhite.

>> No.17922877
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>> No.17924733


>> No.17925753

These all ways crack me up cause we all k is you niggas have watched at least five if not ten episodes and probably one not too long ago. Hate all you want the man is wildly successful and a very based Christian who walks the path in ways most men aspire to get fall short.

Oh, wow. Oh wow indeed, Mark. Indeed.