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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18055942 No.18055942 [Reply] [Original]

>That egg yolk that breaks the moment the egg hits the pan

>> No.18055948

Acts of God only require acceptance.

>> No.18055972
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I don't follow.

>> No.18055980

Weird lava lamp

>> No.18055981

It's supposed to break so it sits flat on the sandwich

>> No.18056249

The break of the yolk pans the heat.

>> No.18056264

i mixed pumpkin seed protein powder into my omelette
it made it very bland but also it wasn't as grainy as i thought it'd be
new lifehack to avoid the diarrhea from protein powder found

>> No.18056511

I try not to get upset in the morning. I find it really puts a damper on the whole day.

>> No.18057177

>Doesn't break eggs into a small container first to prevent egg shell contamination and yolk breakage
You have nobody to blame except yourself.

>> No.18057187

>so inept in the kitchen that he needs extra steps to make eggs
You shouldn't be acting so smug.

>> No.18057192

whatevs, i just bin it immediately and crack a new one

>> No.18057204

>Can't maintain yolk intactness
Your ineptitude started all this.

>> No.18057299

I'm not OP. Try again

>> No.18057406

Why does it matter when the yolk breaks?
Scrambled is, by far, the best sort of eggs and you need to break the yolk for scrambled eggs regardless.

>> No.18057419

>what is poached
>what is soft-boiled
Low and slow scrambled eggs are great for sure but hardly the best

>> No.18057686

crack the egg in a ramekin or something and then pour it gently into the pan senpai

>> No.18057701

No one is cooking poached or soft-boiled eggs in a pan you fucking mongoloid. You could've at least said sunny side up or over-easy.

>> No.18057734

He was only responding to the claim that scrambled eggs are by far the best sort of eggs, where did he mention a pan?

>> No.18057739

Nigga lrn2follow conversations. He mentioned scrambled eggs in response to the egg yolk being broken when it hits the PAN. And qualifies it as okay because scrambled is the best egg type. The initial premise was based on the yolk breaking upon contact with the PAN.

>> No.18057749

Nothing about the statement
>Low and slow scrambled eggs are great for sure but hardly the best
has anything to do with pans. The claim wasn't that scrambled eggs are the best type of eggs from a pan, but that they're the best type, period. It seems it's you who can't follow how a conversation evolves with each new response.

>> No.18057756

He was replying to OP you ass burger.

>> No.18057761

Dude the first sentence
>Why does it matter when the yolk breaks?
Who do you think he is asking that question to and why? You autistic fucks really can't hold a conversation and are insufferable because you have to do mental gymnastics to try and convince yourself that you are correct.

>> No.18057763

Anon >>18057406 was responding to the OP, but also made the blanket statement, "Scrambled is, by far, the best sort of eggs."
Anon >>18057419 was responding to >>18057406 and countered that claim by saying poached and soft-boiled eggs are both superior, therefore, "Low and slow scrambled eggs are great for sure but hardly the best."
Pans stopped being the focus and context of the exchange but you're too autistic to let it go because you can't fathom how organic discussion naturally evolves and alters context over time.

>> No.18057770


>>18057406 was in response to OP breaking the egg yolk, and it was a qualifier. Damn you are dumb.

>> No.18057774

why are you drinking this in a nightclub bathroom

>> No.18057775

This is literally autism. Your absolute and rigid take on the situation shows it.

>> No.18057780
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>projecting this hard

>> No.18057788

Clearly you don't even know what autism actually entails.

>> No.18057793

Okay, I'm sure the genius who doesn't even know how conversations work will be able to enlighten me.

>> No.18057818

Autistic people tend to be very strict and rigid with how they approach any situation, they won't accept fluidity that normal people would and they have a hard time conceptualizing anything outside their own perspective.

Here's how it goes in this case:
>OP talks about preparing eggs in a pan and breaking the yolk.
>Reply #1 says breaking the yolk is no big deal because scrambled eggs are the best kind of eggs and those require yolk breakage.
>Reply #2 says scrambled eggs are good, but not the best kind of eggs.

The normal brained person recognizes that there is a fluid shift in this line of discussion. While OP was specifically speaking about cooking eggs in a pan, Reply #1 adds in a blanket statement that scrambled eggs are the best kind; not the best kind to make in a pan, but simply the best kind of eggs. Reply #2 responds specifically only to the blanket statement about scrambled eggs and adds his own opinion about what the best kind of eggs actually are. Thus, the normal brained person concludes that the pan has left the discussion in this line of replies and Reply #2 is simply speaking in general terms about which eggs are best because of Reply #1's blanket statement that opened the door for a more general discussion.

The autistic brained person cannot recognize the fluid shift in the line of discussion. He insists that because OP's post mentions pan cooking specifically, all posts in a reply chain which include OP's post MUST be discussing pan-cooked eggs and no shifting of context or introduction of generalized statements should be accepted or recognized. Thus, the autistic brained person concludes that Reply #1 was ONLY speaking in terms of the best pan-cooked eggs, therefore Reply #2 is retarded because poached and soft boiled eggs are not cooked in a pan. The autistic brained person sees no way around this, OP mentioned pan cooking and that's that, no further interpretation is allowed.

>> No.18057835

The force of the fall breaks the yolk

>> No.18057986
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Imagine writing all this and thinking you're not autistic...