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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 404 KB, 521x656, 1660195555126662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18218428 No.18218428 [Reply] [Original]

Can a family of a mother and 2 children actually survive on $29 a week in america any more? Like what could you buy for that little that would provide you enough vitamins and calories?

>> No.18218435

7 limes have a lot of vitamins

>> No.18218439

Yes, and they wouldn't be huge lard asses like op.

>> No.18218462

one week two eggs per day

>> No.18218594

>$20 worth of limes
makes me chuckle every time

>> No.18218602

She is a of touch kike, that’s 12 dollars max at any chain grocery in the US

>> No.18218604

10kg of potatoes, 500g of mincemeat, a block of butter, and a bottle of cod liver oil.

>> No.18218639

Yes, because food banks exist and that shit is free and still currently plentiful. I have two chest freezers full of meat and a pantry closet filled to the roof with rice, beans, and canned goods and all it's costing me is a slight spike in my electric bill. Thinking of maybe ditching the second chest freezer and having a free BBQ potluck thing with the contents for the folks in my neighborhood.

>> No.18218643

Maybe if you're a city slicker you can get to a food bank, but then you don't have much living space and no room for even one chest freezer so you're larping like most anons.

>> No.18218645

This stupid bitch doesn't understand what SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is. Literally the first word.

>> No.18218649
File: 128 KB, 630x568, 636F2D8D-8CA9-443A-8021-61FC28338CF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard alert

>> No.18218667

You don't need a chest freezer, just give away or toss out the excess, or only take what you need. The food banks, which are everywhere that you find a church willing to host such a circus of black single mothers and vultures like myself, occur weekly and even the worst ones provide you with more actual food than what's in that famous Jew's twitter post. A 'family' on SNAP isn't looking to stockpile like some sort of weirdo(me), they're looking to suckle off the state's teat and make sure their crotch goblins get fed while they do as little work as possible.

>> No.18218668

If she knew it was a government program using tax money to subsidise a business's decision to underpay employees she would probably be angrier.

>> No.18218671

She also doesn't care to understand. Her only purpose is to scam liberal retards with her GOOP nonsense and rile up Twitter NPCs.

>> No.18218677

It's perfectly normal to juice a lime onto each meal, and it's one of the more affordable fruits. I think she did pretty well for a rich person.

>> No.18218728

SUPPLEMENTAL nutritional assistance program

>> No.18218800

>and it's one of the more affordable fruits
What country are you from?

>> No.18218804

>a family
>a mother and 2 children

>> No.18218905

My favorite thing about this image is you can probably stretch this out to 10 days and be healthier than 80% of Americans.

>> No.18219000
File: 155 KB, 739x663, single mothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mother and two children
I don't get it, where's the father?

>> No.18219039

>survive on $29 a week in america any more?
not since 1930.

>> No.18219049

>where's the father?
re-married to a woman that has ambition.

>> No.18219065


>> No.18219497

limes are only like 56 pesos a kilo I think it's still doable

>> No.18219498 [DELETED] 

$29 can you get ~3 pounds of chicken and a bag of rice, easily enough food for a week, if not 2

>> No.18219504

I came from a single mom household with two siblings. My dad shot himself when I was three so, I do not blame her. Sometimes shit happens man.

>> No.18219521

that's fucked up, but from the pic
>only 6.5% are widows
For the other 93.5%, them being a single mother also means they make shitty life choices which probably leads to poor outcomes for their kids. Your mom wasn't like most single mothers and it doesn't look like she just made shitty life choices so you could turn out all right.

>> No.18219533

>1 jalapeno

you have to be kidding me, i grow my own, i have them just in pots and i so many jalapenos i dont even know what to do with them. Only retard buys them

out of all the chillies i grow, all jalapenos germinated, all of them grow like crazy, jalapeno is like weeds, it just fucking grows no matter what

>> No.18219929
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reminder that /ck/ is still bitching about this tweet 7 years later

>> No.18219971

>middle class people with homes totally fine claiming mortgage interest as a tax deduction ,not realizing this is a massive government subsidy
>get mad when a poor person gets free food

>> No.18220052

I know people who get $200/mo on their EBT cards. Console gamers live good.

>> No.18220070

in most of latam people dont even buy limes because every backyard or empty lot here have lime trees

>> No.18220072

One year for each lime.

>> No.18220073

so an ex-pat eh?

>> No.18220130


This shows you how out of touch millionaires are. Do you really think someone on such a tight budget is using part of their $29 a week on fucking Bok choy and limes? Maybe a hippie diet isn't sustainable for poor people. Eat ramen noodles and bologna/tuna sandwiches you ding dongs. Drink tap water.

>inb4 unhealthy

You're poor, stop beig picky. You're eating to survive at this point.

>> No.18220136

I love seeing people with zero intention of ever going back to their original country call themselves expats. It's like they're afraid of the "I" word.

>> No.18220204

Men are largely unreliable and more interested in looking after their penis than children.

>> No.18220242

Even being optimistic that's like 600 calories a day each.

>> No.18220252

Not an immigrant and your gov't doesn't consider me one either when it comes to taxes. Uno beero, pour favour: a contribution to your tourism-based economy.

>> No.18220891

>$4 each
>one of the more affordable fruits
if you want an affordable fruit you go for bananas or watermelons

>> No.18221097

Are you in northern Canada? $4 for all of them would be what they cost from a more bougie shop.

>> No.18221131

Her family are Quakers, bro. Or, at least, her mother's family are. I've got to meetings with both members of her family and Kevin Bacon's parents. You are currently two degrees of Kevin Bacon.

>> No.18221144

I buy bok choy and limes. BC is $1.29/lb currently and limes are $1/4 (used to be $1/6, but whatchagonnado). The problem is that she's buying this at fucking Safeway, which, as an Albertson's supermarket, reliably price gouges everyfuckingthing and always has done.

>> No.18221172
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As has been explained the million times this thread has been made she doesn't understand food stamps. However I'll once again point out that $29 would let me eat like 4 rotisserie chickens per week. That's me though, most of the people I see using EBT are buying bullshit with it and several times now I've had to explain to people that they can't buy booze or cigarettes with EBT. Then they break out the shockingly wet sock/boob money and get unreasonably mad when I ask for ID.

>> No.18221183

Nobody noticed that OP said mother and 2 children, with no father?

>> No.18221184

You know damn well she’s a shapeshifting Jew

>> No.18221186

7 Limes

>> No.18221281

This is actually true. It varies how much you get, but there's other welfare payments if you need more. Like, my old roommate got 250 or so a month for himself in SNAP. Maybe some people get 120-150 a week, but my guess is that's because they have some other income.

>> No.18221290

29$/week is fucking rough. you better buy some dried legumes and a bag of rice.

>> No.18221298

she didn't do too bad but then went full retard on the greens and limes.

>> No.18221299

I just went to see how much money one would get from SNAP if one qualified. Apparently, for a household of 3 people, the average benefit is about 500 bucks a month.

>> No.18221305

shut up you rural retard trump lost

>> No.18221307
File: 22 KB, 360x500, sexy sexy man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly think that if Jews could shapeshift, any would choose to look like this plecostomus-looking motherfucker?

>> No.18221314

love you anon <3 your mom sounds like a good lady, sorry about your pops

>> No.18221322

>I've got to meetings

I hope you kept your retard mouth shut

>> No.18221326

This was 10 years ago, and in California. That's about a dollar or two of limes. Would have been like 70 cents if she went to a mexican grocery.

>> No.18221333

That's a lot of words for "I let losers cum in me."

>> No.18221342

If you're rural just have a garden and save money that way

>> No.18221363

Gone to meetings, rather. And not those sorts of meetings. Again, Quaker. We call our services "meetings."

>> No.18221392

I am a single NEET on food stamps (male) and I get 250 bucks a month. I cannot spend it all no matter how hard I try, and I just buy what I like to eat. There are over 1000 dollars in my food stamps account because of all the money I have left over each month. This is what I got today with 150 dollars:
>a pizza
>two racks of ribs
>squeezable sour cream
>swiss cheese
>cheddar cheese
>a loaf of bread
>4 pack of tomato soup
>premade macaroni dish thing
>tub of mashed potatoes
>4 microwavable beef and broccoli rice meals
>2 bags of chips
>some yogurt
>chicken nuggets
>spicy chicken nuggets
>cheese curds
>4 bottles of root beer
>32 pack of bottled water (because my sink sucks)

Whoever the fuck thinks buying "healthy" food is better than just getting what you want is retarded. Wasting that much money on some bok choy because you learned it's a "superfood" on the fucking television is stupid. Buying limes and cilantro just for flavor is also stupid. btw I am 140 lbs at 5'10.

>> No.18221396 [DELETED] 

oh yeah and I forgot I bought one of those 16 backs of burritos to put my sour cream on

>> No.18221398

>Maybe some people get 120-150
What the fuck, that's a shitload of money.

>> No.18221403

oh yeah and I forgot I bought one of those 16 packs of burritos to put my sour cream on

>> No.18221518

>manlet tells others healthy eating is dumb
Recent studies in height show that humans have three growth spurts and that a subject's diet just before as well as during these spurts is linked to their ultimate height. Also, access to healthcare.
IIRC, the foods most associated with increased height were animal products (meat, dairy etc) and dark, leafy greens.
The studies also, surprisingly, imply that height is not as linked to genetics as previously thought. They studied some Maya in Guatemala and they're short, yeah? But then other Maya living in Florida are of a more average stature. Both groups are as close to 100% genetically identical as could be possible, with the only notable differences between the Guetemalan Maya and the Floridian ones beyond mere geography were diet and access to healthcare.

>> No.18221593

>The studies also, surprisingly, imply that height is not as linked to genetics as previously thought.
Did people really thing that? Even a few generations ago people were short as fuck, and now every kid is like six fucking food at the age of fifteen. It's obvious that it's mostly environmental.

>> No.18221651

Genes play a role here, just not as big a one as previously thought. Dutch and Germans are pretty much the same people yet the Dutch are much taller. Certainly, natural selection/genetics plays a part here.
What I wanna know is why I'm 1m83 when one brother is 2m and the other is 1m56. Did my mom fuck the mailman? Twice?

>> No.18221690

I'm also a single NEET on food stamps, I get $345/month and spending it is no problem. Before I started cooking I was buying frozen meals, so 2 frozen meals ($6.50-10) plus snacks and drinks made it very easy to go over. Now I cook and it's still easy to spend my limit, but in doing so I end up buying a lot of useful multi-use ingredients like spices and oil, and nice meats. Basically every meal I eat consists of a slab of meat and some vegetables now, it tastes great, I feel great, and I'm not spending as much as I used to.
Superfoods are retarded, but minding your macros is a good idea. Skinny does not equal healthy, you may find that if you start eating a balanced diet you'll just feel better.

>> No.18221993

I think if I was on food stamps I'd eat like beans and rice and mincemeat 6 days a week and then like lobster and steak 1 night a week. I don't see the point of eating mediocre food every night compared to eating shit food most of the time then having great food once in a while.

>> No.18222011

>talking about penis and children
Kys pedo.

>> No.18222014

if you did that you would have a humongous surplus in your balance, which is fine because it carries over month to month, but it's not like you can spend it on anything but food, so you may as well make the most of it. A ribeye steak is great, but I don't know if it's 240% as great as a petit sirloin steak as the price per pound implies. I bought a 3 pack of the aforementioned cheap steaks the other day and it was $12, so I had steak 3 nights that week, with asparagus or broccoli and potatoes, and was still way below my pro rata "daily limit" on price. It wasn't mediocre at all.

>> No.18222273

>Why doesn't this SUPPLEMENTAL food program cover 100% of their needs????

>> No.18222503

shh nobody tell him where babies come from

>> No.18222520

Prices for seafood here are obscene I guess, was going to pick up some some basic crab legs at costco and the cheapest 4 pack I could find was over $60 and lobster tails were like $34 a pound.

>> No.18222533

>Can a family of a mother and 2 children actually survive on $29 a week in america any more?

No. Thanks to Biden-nomics. The DNC is waging war on the working class.

>> No.18222543

Life was better under the Trump administration

>> No.18222561


Bull fucking shit. Eggs are about 3 bucks, the rice, pea, and bean bags are about 2 or 3 each, the lettuce is about 2 or 3 bucks, an avocado is about a buck and a half each, a buck for the green onions, a buck for the onion, at least 3 bucks for the tortillas, corn is up to almost a buck an ear, tomatoes are about 2-4 bucks a pound depending on type, a sack of limes are about 4 or 5 bucks, and maybe 2 or 3 bucks for cilantro, maybe 50 cents for the garlic and 2 or 3 more for the other greens. I would say $29 for what is in the pic is pretty accurate.

>> No.18222625

limes are good vitamin C source which is integral

>> No.18222702

Whole Chicken is $1.29 per lb. Grab 9 lbs for $11.61
20 lbs long grain rice $16.99
Wa la

>> No.18222709

>eat nothing but chicken and rice for months
>die of scurvy like a 15th century pirate

>> No.18223650

If only I had some sort of citrus fruit...

>> No.18223663

>Can a family of a mother and 2 children
it took me a while to figure out what the fuck you were trying to say. just say "a mother and two children". we understand that it's a family.

>> No.18223667

>a mother and 2 children
where's the father?

>> No.18223689

Damn you're slow lmao

>> No.18223691

learn how to write clearly

>> No.18223705

Not him but you're an actual idiot. There's a joke in there if you aren't stupid.

>> No.18223706

If I had to feed a family for 100 a month I’d buy

Dried beans
Dried rice
Great Value crushed tomatoes
Great Value chicken stock
Bulk hot sauce
Garlic powder
Chili powder

White bread
Kirkland frozen Chicken
Bulk chunk light tuna
Bulk BBQ sauce

And we’d eat Spanish rice/beans/tortillas for dinner and chicken/tuna sandwiches for lunch, no breakfast and be totally healthy and fine

>> No.18223727

Man you guys are fucking lucky. I live in MA and they recently passed some law here that basically bans any cruelty to chickens. Or in other words, only free range chickens and organic eggs can be sold here. I'm too lazy to learn about what it is specifically(if it's not that, it something close to it), but the bottom line is it means that the only chicken or eggs being sold here are like 6 dollar eggs for a dozen and 8 dollars per pound of chicken. It is insane. I have no choice but to buy it because it's basically half of my diet.

>> No.18223741

looks like $20 worth of shit and $9 worth of limes
>why are limes so expensive
>who would spend 30% of their food budget on limes

Gwyneth Paltrow is a cunt.

>> No.18223764

9 bucks gets you 5lbs of pork
10 bucks for a couple gallons of milk
4 for a gallon of oj
6 saved for 2 weeks gets you 15lbs of rice that lasts several weeks
then 6 saved for 2 weeks gets you 2lbs of coconut oil
then the 6 weekly goes into garlic, carrot, citrus etc

buy a dollar coffee and take 20 sugar packets to help curb lean muscle loss

buy green onions once and regrow them forever with dirt from a park and a thrown away planter pot

split between mom and 2 kids including some spare calories from school lunches, free bites at work, it's possible to do this without major deficiencies

>> No.18224037


>> No.18224061

It's litteraly called SNAP, SUPPLIMENTAL nutrition assistance program. It's not designed to provide 100% of someone's food budget

>> No.18224089

Not to mention it's way more than that. Idk where she gets her numbers from. Families in California get like $300+ per month. Even one of the lowest like Wisconsin is like $200 per month. Literally just bold face lying.

>> No.18224620

>Basically every meal I eat consists of a slab of meat and some vegetables now, it tastes great, I feel great, and I'm not spending as much as I used to.
Have you tried making stews? I make a medieval style pottage every week. I get a piece of meat that's good for slow cooking (brisket, chicken legs, ribs, pork shoulder (trim fat and skin or the stew will be very greasy)), loads of root vegetables, cheese, beer or wine, bacon or sausage, and oats to thicken it. Brown the meat, chop the veggies and tip everything in and cook at 100C for 3 hours. Couldn't be easier, healthy and comes to about £4/portion.

>> No.18224893

80/20 ground beef is $2 a lb when on sale and purchased in large 6 lb packages. Usually goes on sale 1-2 times per month. Pork sometimes gets that cheap too, but it's rarer.

>> No.18224901

Not all can, but goopkike can

>> No.18224925

Do you do your own shopping or just live on an island? 1 dollar per lime? 2 dollars for a single bunch of green onions? I’m in Texas and the only similar pricing is avocado and eggs

>> No.18225003

no I was born here in macacoland

>> No.18225011

>just rely on charity which might not exist where you live/be out of resources

>> No.18225023

In prison, someone has to make munitions for US army for below minimum wage

>> No.18226273


You stupid illiterate cow fucker, you can't even fucking read. Try again when you pull your dick out that cow ass

>> No.18226316

Sir I'm going to have to fine you for taking 4chan too seriously. That'll be $20 plus jizya tax.

>> No.18226405

>Thing from half a decade ago
Biden derangement syndrome.

>> No.18226448

just emigrate to the US/Canada/EU then it's not that hard

>> No.18226479

Well some of them do have a sense of humour

>> No.18226544

Someone fucking leave the basement and go buy the same thing at your local grocery store. Get everything as close as possible to the img.

>> No.18226605

Buying one makes you a jew welfare queen as several well-informed posters in this thread have pointed out
Bear the scurvy like a hard working Aryan.

>> No.18226610

Mmm cheap produce and I get to fuck cows? How does that overpriced cum marinated chuck beef taste faggot

>> No.18226669
File: 63 KB, 600x800, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then they break out the shockingly wet sock/boob money
oh god bringing back memories of cashiering at walgreens
why is it always wet?

>> No.18226713

>benefits for female with children is $120 per month
bro i was getting 300 and i’m neither of those

>> No.18226741
File: 1.20 MB, 320x243, 1615993207127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are laughing at her, not bitching.
Gwyneth "Seven Limes" Paltrow is so far removed from the common man that she might as well be a fucking space alien.

>> No.18226761

Meanwhile, I bought live, organic mussels last month $3/2lbs. Lobster was $10 but I couldn't be fucked. Not a fan, really.
idk how much crab legs are. Never bought any.

>> No.18226768

Walmart shopping list:

2x Great Value Peanut Butter 64oz: $9.88
2x Great Value Rice 32oz: $2.92
2x Great Value Dry Pinto Beans 64oz: $7.32
Great Value Vinegar: $2.08
Great Value Soy Sauce: $1.58
Tiger Hot Sauce: $1.92
Real Lime brand lime juice: $2.17
2x heads garlic: $0.94
TOTAL COST: $28.81
TOTAL CALORIES: 39,400 calories:
39,400 / 7 = 5628 calories
5628 / 3 = 1875 calories

Here's the idea: You meal prep the rice. You meal prep the beans. You make Thai style peanut sauce with the peanut butter and all the rest of the ingredients.

You have thai peanut sauce beans over rice.

Packed with protein, very nutritious, filling, easy. This is a reliable poverty food that tastes way better than you'd think. Just look up a recipe for thai peanut sauce to figure out how those ingredients work.

So yes. It is ENTIRELY possible for a family of 3 to THRIVE, from a nutritional point of view, on $29 a week. Most women will gain weight on a 1875 calorie diet. The kids will reach their growth goals just fine with this meal.

Would it be a little monotonous eating this for breakfast lunch and dinner? Probably. But it would keep you alive and thriving indefinitely. This is probably healthier and more nutritious than what most people eat for breakfast. It has far and away more protein for one.

I got all those prices from the Walmart website. Prices at your local stores may vary.

>> No.18226789

I don't understand the big deal, 7 days a week means you can squeeze a half a lime onto every lunch and dinner and get some really great vitamins and make your food taste great. Hell I've even started putting lime into my cereal and oatmeal and it's not bad.

>> No.18226798
File: 114 KB, 653x868, tub o pnut butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are overpaying for peanut butter, you can get 35 pounds for under $30 sometimes.

>> No.18226847

steal old orders from a chipotle or anywhere else that puts them on a rack with no supervision

>> No.18226850

I bet that section reeks of lonely housewife.

>> No.18226855

Has anyone done an edit with soda and junk food only?

>> No.18226860

The shopping list for a weeks worth of thai peanut sauce beans over rice would be WAY less than what I said IF you had the money upfront to buy in bulk. But that's the thing. A lot of poor people are living paycheck to paycheck and do not have the capital to invest in bulk foods, even though it would save them money in the long run. They are forced to pay for the more expensive smaller portions.

It's easy to look up the price of bulk goods you purchase by the 50lb sack and say "Aha! This works out to $0.75 a day!". That's a fake way of looking at it. The people on food stamps and going to the food bank do not have the capital for those 50lb sacks of beans and rice of 35lb tubs of peanut butter.

>> No.18226960

So buy a 50 lb bag of rice one week and suffer through eating nothing but rice that week, next week order regular food, the week after that order your 35 lb peanut butter and eat mostly rice, week after that order regular food. Eventually you'll reach a point where you're eating regularly even on weeks you buy in bulk just from having a full pantry. Also food banks.

>> No.18226979

>I don't understand
I know you don't.

>> No.18226999

>1 lbs brown rice (520cal)
>1lbs black bans (400cal)
>2lbs green peas (1550 cal)
>dozen eggs (936 cal)
>8 Guerrero tortillas (1360 cal)
>1lbs chink lettuce (55 cal)
>1 ear of corn (100 cal)
>1/2lbs kale (114cal)
>1 avocado (322cal)
>1 small tomato(20cal)
>1 small onion (40cal)
>1 small yam (180 cal)
>7 limes (wew) [150cal]
>1 bulb garlic (100cal)
>coriander or something? (10cal)
Total: 5.857 cal
That is 837 cal per person per day, not a bad caloric supplement for an adult human, but only a half of what they need to survive for a week.
Still, it's a shitty economy of calories, even given the present price increases.

>> No.18227013

white rice is like $0.40 per 2000 calories last I checked that really should be the bulk of most poor people food.

>> No.18227046

For rice and beans I think you did the cooked weight for calories. Because those numbers are off by quite a bit.

>> No.18227050

I'm assuming the very poor shopping choices of the tweeter in question. Obviously white rice+lentils+pork is the cheapest per clories/pound, but that's not the OP's post.
I'm merely pointing out how many calories OP has gotten from their poor choices alone.

>> No.18227054

Sorry, that was 120-150 a month. I looked up and the average for a family of 3 in the US is ~500. So, it's not clear where she got her number from.

>> No.18227337

that's kind of insane, $500 a month on food is $6,000 a year which is the food budget of like upper middle class.

>> No.18227418

Good call. Uncooked black beans are 1496 cal a pound, and uncooked brown rice is 1535 cal.
Given that, the actual calorie total is 9.503 cal, or 1360 calories a day, enough for a single child or a womanlet for a week. A decent supplement by any means.

>> No.18227429

What happened to the remaining 14.7%?

>> No.18227435

>beans, rice, eggs, cabbage
99% of europeans survived on a diet of this for 1700 years, stop whinging you entitled whore. Nobody made you shart out a litter of mutt goblins, learn to live with the mistake you made in life rather than trying to force others to clean up after you. Society is not your personal janny

>> No.18227445

Stop being worth $9 an hour

>> No.18227451

>paying less in tax is a subsidy
Marxist brainrot

>> No.18227453

t. Has a foetus vacuumed out of her cunt because her new dress wouldn’t fit anymore if she followed through on the pregnancy

>> No.18227457

I ate almost nothing but meat dairy and potatoes for much of my childhood and I only made it to 5’6.

>> No.18227463

>Asking the poor to plan and think ahead
Anon, if they could do that they wouldn’t be poor.

>> No.18227464

>By the way, you should buy my vagina eggs or my psychic vampire repellent for only a few hundred dollars

>> No.18227474

>height is not as linked to genetics as previously thought.
I kinda gathered that. For some reason, every generation is taller than the previous. I'm taller than my dad, who's taller than my grandpa, who's taller than my great-grandpa, etc. Most of my friends exhibit the same traits with their own families. And now I see a hell of a lot of teens towering over me.

>> No.18227513
File: 144 KB, 700x536, 1A3F1A89-2BB9-4ABE-806A-F25DC36114D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18227517

>Gwyneth Paltrow is a cunt
So much so that she made candles that smell of her stinky cooch. Anyone who takes her seriously or any of her grift like that is a retard. It’s like she’s pretending to be human but she only ever learned to behave like a Facebook wellness new age mom

>> No.18227518


>> No.18227520

This. If you’re that hard up on cash then just steal hot food or live from the dumpster

>> No.18227568

>Acts like fetus is friend
>Calls it foetus
Pro lifers are fucking retards, but what else is new

>> No.18227620

>didn't eat dark, leafy greens

>> No.18227625

>doesn’t know proper english spelling
Only reason I didn’t use œ is because I was certain you were too dumb to know what it is

If the unborn aren’t human, why is it considered double homicide to kill a pregnant woman?

>> No.18227653

Because they're killing the woman and fetus, dummy. Abortion isn't murder.

>> No.18227666

No, a family of 3 is definitely going to be malnourished on $29/week.

But I also have no idea where that number comes from since the actual benefit from SNAP is much higher than that for most families receiving benefits. The national household average SNAP benefit is $239/month for a household of 2 people. Three people would get more. But even the household of two people is getting $55/week. Three people would probably get $70-$80/week. Which isn't a ton of money but you can definitely live on it.

>> No.18227670

If it’s murder when another person kills the baby, why isn’t it murder when she kills it?

>> No.18227680

If it can't survive on its own, then it is a part of the parents body

>> No.18227685

If the people who wrote the USA constitution couldn't have anticipated the intricacies of foetal development, how could the people mistranslating the Bible 1800 years ago have known better?

>> No.18227691

>buys the expensive "organic" veggies and 20 limes for some reason
Holy shit, Americans are fucking retards

>> No.18227692

Then it shouldn’t be double homicide when someone kills a pregnant woman.

Medicine has understood and practised abortion since the time of the Egyptians. Multiple american colonies had banned abortion at all stages of development before independence was declared in 1776. Now that we have established that, would you like to try properly answering my question rather than deflecting?

>> No.18227695

Can you imagine being a kid and your moms gwyneth paltrow and like "mom whats for dinner?" And shes like shutup and eat your lime.

>> No.18227699

>Would you like to try properly answering my question
No, fuck you lifey

AFAB (all foetii are bastards)

>> No.18227704

The answer to your question is "it isn't." It was a really dumb question. As to your answer to my question? Well, I'll need an answer first.

>> No.18227758

>it isn’t because it isn’t
Lol, no actual answer. Seethe more, Moloch

>> No.18228021

How many of these youth without a father were white?

>> No.18228033

Sure it's not selective breeding as well that contributes?

>> No.18228050

Did you know that all those fairytales for adults that you read are fiction, written by men with an overactive imagination and totally made up. They are not factual, they are fictional stories. You are literally insane if you think they are true. Absolutely delusional.

>> No.18228137

They're run by churches usually; now what Godless hellhole do you reside in that's "rural" but has no churches?

>> No.18228291

Why would they buy so many limes?

>> No.18228299 [DELETED] 

Stop jewing your employees and the taxpayer, Chaim.

>> No.18228307

With every business literally giving away free blowjobs for people to come in and work, maybe you should try to get a job, and you can afford more. The issue is that most people on food stamps/SNAP use their benefits on food, and then use their cash on booze and cigarettes. Anyway, SNAP is not, and never has been, intended to be your sole source of money for food.

>> No.18228324

Whatta a joke. I lived in Oregon and my wife and I both bartended. She got pregnant and we got on the SNAP train. No joke, we got $600 a month on it. We lived it up at Whole Foods.

>> No.18228328

7 limes or a pack of chicken, hmmmm

>> No.18228333

True, one does need more cash hto eat more junk. Good for you for figuring that out.

>> No.18228392

>please come flip these burgers for us! we'll throw in a free mcchicken on saturdays!
Yeah fuck that
Pay me more or perish

>> No.18228415

>Whoever the fuck thinks buying "healthy" food is better than just getting what you want is retarded
nigger i want vegetables

>> No.18228426

not to mention you used current prices and Paltrow's tweet was from 2015.
A family could get EVEN MORE food with prices back then.

>> No.18228440

you can't spend $250 in a month? you're a liar. also 140 lbs at 5'10" is like anorexia. that's my height and I'm 157 and look skinny as hell.
>vegetables are lame just eat pizza for every meal lmao
you're retarded

>> No.18228664

maam you sound educated you can find a man that won't leave you

>> No.18228668

ew brazil

>> No.18228761

Inflation, I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.18228843

My fellow MA master race nigga. Look into your local farmers’ market. I can snag a dozen eggs for $3.00 in Cambridge, and I’m sure it’s cheaper outside of the city

Get ready for the reaming of a lifetime when the new pork product ban goes thru though. I shit you not bacon will be selling for $12.00+. And I was eating like a king with cheap sous vide chops/tenderloins for the past few years. Never thought I’d have to drive up to NH to buy fucking groceries yet here we are.

>> No.18228845
File: 493 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220813-142104_Wendy&#039;s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get this or get dominoes?

>> No.18228866

>taxes and fees cost more than half of the meal itself
what the fuck

>> No.18228870

I know right?

>> No.18228873

>ordering online using a delivery app
Me thinks there's a correlation

>> No.18228884

Dominoes is closer but it's like 20 plus dollars to get a pizza.

>> No.18228889

Big bag of rice + a multivitamin

>> No.18228898


>> No.18228928

>9 bucks gets you 5lbs of pork
Lmao where you fucking liar

>> No.18229182

Pork is regularly $2/lb in Canada of all places, it really isn't that shocking

>> No.18229219

I bet this is a lie, I as a single person without kids in 2012 was given about $32/week and it is known that single, childless people are the most fucked by DSS. She's getting way more in food stamps and doesn't want to show any of the junk shit.

>> No.18229268

This. Gwyneth Paltrow would have been getting at least three times that amount in SNAP payments.

>> No.18229292

SNAP is supposed to supplement your grocery spending, not take its place entirely. It’s literally what the first letter stands for.

>> No.18229303

dont listen to the "cruelty" bullshit. this is meant to starve people. hungry people = less reproduction

>> No.18229308


>> No.18229309

Yes, the hungriest nations of the world are notoriously underpopulated.

>> No.18229311


>> No.18229317

good goys!

>> No.18229335

>Democrats trying to prove that eating healthy is impossible on a (supplemental) free money government handout of $29/wk
>Paltrow misses the point and shows that it's easy and delicious
>Democrats get mad and call her out of touch even though all the ingredients and dollar amounts are right there for proof
it was like poetry

>> No.18229349

$29 is definitely doable. Food will be slightly repetitive until a family can slowly build a stockpile of certain ingredients but anyone who says this can't be done is crying they can't eat hamburgers every meal.

>> No.18229521

Only way to survive on that and get enough calories for 3 is probably bulk rice + mixed vegetable oil.

>> No.18229669


yup, it's 1.99/lb at kroger and not on sale

>> No.18229855

>Try to ensure food is higher quality and ethical
>You're starving and subverting us!!
You're hopeless

>> No.18229870

pay 8 dollars for a dozen eggs!
good goy!

>> No.18229923

After 3 weeks of that I might go insane. I spend 300 dollars a month on food for my family a good chunk of that is eating out the secret is having a garden and some hens and a HOA that isn't a bitch.

>> No.18229928

8 dollars is not that much money

>> No.18229944

Shithole countries aren't starving as much as you think, food their is so cheap, they're dying because of poopy water and Saudi funded terrorism . They have a famine once in a while but they are eating real food and enough to have 9 kids .

>> No.18229968

A frustratingly large portion of this retarded selection of food is worthless leafy greens. She’s so obviously removed from reality that she can’t understand when you’ve got $29 to spend on food, you don’t fucking buy lettuce and aromatics. Green onions? Just get a few brown onions. Fucking KALE and AVOCADO. The two pinnacle food items of rich white moms who are slowly wasting away their bodies and vitality because they take their health advice from influencers

>> No.18229993

it is if you're poor

>> No.18229994

shalom! reading the fourth industrial revolution book too?

>> No.18230048

Stop spending money on dumb shit, food does not that much

>> No.18230065

I don't spend money on anything but food, gas, and a gym membership. I don't want to spend $8 for eggs, Biden; thanks.

>> No.18230552

The average person who says this also has a new phone every year, a $100/month phone plan, some kind of internet service, 15 streaming subscriptions, and their "food" consists of Uber Eats 3 nights a week.

>> No.18230556

holy trifecta mother of strawmen. eat the bugs

>> No.18230695

>source: my butthole

>> No.18230715

Seethe more poorfags. You have it within your grasp to stop being poor and live quite well if you stop pissing your money away.

>> No.18230927

hi schwab. kys

>> No.18230982

come on, man!

>> No.18231196
File: 84 KB, 1437x514, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part is that 7 years later even in BIDEN'S AMERICA, Gwyneth is still full of shit.

>> No.18231489

I get a new tablet every 2 years and have $30/mo internet and a $4/mo vpn to pirate all entertainment and I eat nothing but beans, rice, chicken and frozen veggies. I'm saving like $2700 a month and can retire in my 30s at this rate.

>> No.18231496


>> No.18232218

If you're not autistic you don't belong here.

>> No.18232892

Do you have a backyard? You should start raising them yourself with those prices. Chicken feed is really cheap and if you have a fenced in area, you can let them roam around and let them eat ze bugs.

You'll have to not get attached, obviously. I wouldn't name them. And you'll want to learn how to wring a neck properly or you'll pull a few heads off before getting it right

>> No.18232909

>Can a family of a mother and 2 children actually survive on $29 a week in america any more?

Potatoes, rice, and beans for staples, leftover money goes into any amount of vegetables and meats to make it more interesting.

Not the most interesting fucking diet in the world but better than most of our ancestors ate for most of history.