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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18239235 No.18239235 [Reply] [Original]

I was watching the movie Scream and the girl was making popcorn on the stove, did people in the 90s really eat that?

>> No.18239242

No. They just pretended in this movie.

>> No.18239244 [DELETED] 

hayle naw cuh

We wuzn't bumpkins

>> No.18239248

Yup and even for popcorn it was nasty and cooking on stovetop meant it was super easy to burn

>> No.18239251

in the 90s everyone had microwave popcorn.

>> No.18239257

>we have reached a point where zoomers think Jiffy Pop is made up
Fucking kill me.

>> No.18239271

If I could reincarnate as a kid in the 90s then I’d give up my own life now even if it means I won’t get to experience it. Living in this hellscape is unbearable

t. zoomie

>> No.18239283

you can still do this, it's super comfy because it's nowhere near as consistent as a microwave

>> No.18239291

Do they not make that anymore or something? I always remember seeing it at the grocery store because they always had them hanging up at the end of the aisle, but I don't think I ever had it. Before Scream I always assumed it was meant for camping, because why wouldn't you just buy microwave popcorn otherwise?

>> No.18239298

>9/11 is just around the corner, kid. Buckle up

>> No.18239323

My mother would buy Jiffy Pop sometimes just for the novelty, but camping always seemed like the best use case. It's definitely still made.
>microwave popcorn
If you've never tried making popcorn yourself, it's worth trying. It's easy, extraordinarily cheap, and you control everything that goes into it. It's not as fast or as easy to clean as microwave, obviously, but it's still both fast and easy by normal cooking standards. I haven't purchased microwave popcorn since I learned to do it.
I enjoy it because I can make a huge batch for all my friends in one go (instead of one-at-a-time microwaving), and it's a small competition with myself to see if I can cook that much while managing to both pop every kernel and not burn anything. Burning is hard to do otherwise.

>> No.18239335

Yeah, I've been making my own popcorn for decades. I was just talking about in the 90's when I was a kid. I don't know if I ever asked my mom to buy Jiffy Pop, but if I did she probably thought I would have burned the house down trying to make it.

>> No.18239353

based popcorn supplier and friendpilled
have you ever put on The Greatest Story Never Told on for movie night with the boys?

>> No.18239378

It's neat because the package itself swells up a ton. Haven't really seen anything else like it, kitchen-wise. Pretty sure my mom bought it more for her amusement than ours, but now no one is stopping you anon.
Unfortunately, my friends are very sensitive about the entire Hitler topic. That story remains untold here.

>> No.18239388

mmm I like it when it swells up, nice and fat

>> No.18239392

I have an air popper buy bags of popping corn, shelf life is like forever
Super cheap snack, stupid easy to make, no mess

>> No.18239394

popcorn on the stove is the best

>> No.18239966

Stove popcorn
>big pan
>loose lid
>coconut oil
>add popcorn: just enough to cover the bottom of the pan
>turn burner on high
>when pops begin, turn down to medium high
>shake pan to prevent sticking/burning
>when pops die down, take off heat
>add generous amount of olive oil
>salt to taste

>> No.18239978

Based. Alternatively:
>olive oil, parmesan, rosemary
>sesame oil
>salt, pepper, onion powder, msg

>> No.18239984

Yeah my mother had a technique to keep it from burning but it took forever. Can't remember what it was, it doesn't matter because it's a dead product.

>> No.18239988
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what about this?

>> No.18239995
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I only like the carcinogenic flavoring they use at movie theaters

>> No.18240007

Lake Yellow #5 & #6 are GRAS

>> No.18240011

Nutritional yeast is surprisingly awesome on popcorn.
My mom's seasoning:
>melt butter with a little tabasco
>pour all over popcorn

>> No.18240016

did she stir the butter with her finger?

>> No.18240017

uh, no

>> No.18240019

for that extra umami seasoning

>> No.18240025

all mom food tastes so good and can never be replicated is because it has some of mom's pussy juice in it

>> No.18240605
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I don't own a microwave.

>> No.18240614

I only make popcorn on the stove, i do it in a pot with some fat, much more consistent results than with a microwave and no burning.

>> No.18240616

>for that extra UMOMMY seasoning

>> No.18240762

missing a couple things.. you want to get your mortar and pestle out and grind some salt into a fine powder and put it on the kernels. you also want to heat the oil a bit before you put the kernels in

>> No.18240805

Only poor people did this we had a self-stirring popcorn maker where you could add cold butter to the vent in the top so the steam would gradually melt it and it would drip over the popcorn relatively evenly as it popped.

>> No.18240824

not my problem

>> No.18241172

that's just fine grain salt with chemical shit added to it.

>> No.18241180


>> No.18241581

They apparently make a version without the colorants, but only in like a massive bucket size. I go back and forth over sucking it up and ordering a lifetime-and-beyond supply of it, but I've never even tested the version in these images and don't know if I'd even like it.
Plenty of other good toppings out there, so maybe I'll never know.

>> No.18241606

>popcorn on the stove is the best

Came here to say this. I use a sauce pan, lid, oil. I have used coconut and vegetable oil. Either is fine. Pour 1/4 inch of oil and add 4 kernels. When they pop, it is hot. Add popcorn. When it hits the lid, pour into bowl, giving room to let the other kernels pop. Keep doing so and you will have perfect popcorn. Add sea salt.

>> No.18241998

You are sick

>> No.18242835

My grandma was a teen in the 90s and saw Scream when it first came out. She says stove popcorn was half of what they ate and the first girl killed was some big celebrity who was going to be the main character but she wouldn't have sex with the producer.

>> No.18243505

whiny defeatist attitude. work to make your life better. a change of setting and aesthetics wont unfuck a broken attitude

>> No.18243568

The best way to do it is to use just 1 kernel as a thermometer. When it pops, the oil is hot enough to add the rest.

>> No.18243586

My father drops a kernel in to test and puts the rest in if it starts spinning. He used to call out "spin time is in time" while pouring them in, but he probably doesn't do that any more. He's gotten less hyperactive in his old age.

>> No.18243606

>did people in the 90s really eat that?

jiffy pop was and is still a thing.

If you remember it's a plot device, OP. The point is she gets sliced and diced and the popcorn burns.

Having the microwave beep and the popcorn being only mildly scorched wouldn't have had the same dramatic effect.

>> No.18243640

It was a metaphor for a heart attack. Heart attacks are fatal and you smell burning when you have them, and her character was a bit of a heartbreaker. All the other deaths are metaphors too, like the girl in the garage being a metaphor for dying of alcoholism (it's a garage to symbolize drunk driving), and the teacher being a metaphor for suicide (he's isolated from the other people and nobody cares about him). And it's like death is so random and everywhere and that's why you want to Scream.

>> No.18243645

I do but put kernels in a pan and let it pop there with some oil

>> No.18243655
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>> No.18243658
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>> No.18243819

we used to make our own popcorn on the wood stove when we were kids.

honestly, it sucked ass

>> No.18243848

I wa watching Apocalypse Now and they eating lunch with tat CIA guy who state weirdly at captain. The lunch was looking great there wa salmon, shrimps, which the colonel said inly brave could eat. The only person who eat was the CIA jerry who was very mysterious.

>> No.18243887
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I've got something similar to this after cooking popcorn on the stove for years, it works great!

>> No.18243984

Those are fun to dismantle, then you put the mechanism in a plastic bowl and plug it in and turn it on and it jumps around then melts the bowl.

>> No.18244028

the 90s were ass suck there was a lot of gross out humor and at least zoomlets are clean and hygienic

>> No.18244042


>> No.18244071

It's the ultimate pleb filter. It requires a little skill to make, and is best made over gas because you have control over the heat and it won't change unless you change it.

>> No.18244152

Reincarnate as someone born in the 80s.

>> No.18244188

You still have time to enjoy a probable cultural rebirth in the next 20 years, life has many mood swings.
At least there were no identity politics bs and people were overall more sane because their brains weren't dopamine fried by 24/7 propaganda. Every time I have a phone die the 2 days I have to wait to get another one feel like vacation.

>> No.18244207

>there were no identity politics bs

>> No.18244208

90s as a kid were great. I feel bad for anyone who didn't experience it.

>> No.18244216

The cancer was in early stages, but hasn't metasthasized yet.

>> No.18244225

>survive y2k
>things start to get good
>future looks bright
>9/11 happens
>the world is permanently shit forever
zoomers don't understand what it's like to have a happy life ripped out of your hands

>> No.18244247

Social media was the biggest mistake humanity has done and I'm not even joking.

>> No.18244701

9/11 is when they started cracking down on everyone and taking away everyones freedom. Gave themselves all these additional powers to spy on and control their own people.

>> No.18244713

Not your problem if you don't have anything to hide, terrorist lover.

>> No.18244724

Interesting. I didn't watch all of the scene. It got a bit too scary when she looked outside, so I pressed the skip button.

>> No.18244740

I saw them at the grocery store but my family never used one as a kid, and I don't know anyone that used one. As a 90s kid (TM) I always just thought only people in the movie used them.

>> No.18244914

>Living in this hellscape is unbearable
Anon unless you're a fucking retarded zoomer, if you're a kid born in the 90s you would still end up here at roughly the same age you are now.
Are you okay?

>> No.18244920

Sorry my half asleep ass didn't process the part where you called yourself a zoomer.
But again you would just end up here the same age as most other posters. That's arguably worse.

>> No.18246079

Jiffy pop is actually super fuckin shitty. Just take a sauce pan and put some oil in there. Put the kernels in the pan. Cover the pan. Cook it and wait for it to pop and gently move the pan. Its really great and the popcorn is really good that way. But those little jiffy pop things suck

>> No.18246108
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>not cooking your popcorn sous vide

>> No.18246322

>survive y2k

>> No.18246340

Most people think that was fake but it was real and it was fixed. You have to let problems happen or people don't believe them. Prevention is worse than cure.

>> No.18246377

Yeah there was faggot boomers posting all over Reddit how they retired off changing two characters in a FORTRAN database for a bank.

>> No.18246423

Yes. I even have an uncle who still does this.

>> No.18247253
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We do stovetop. We're actually super specific about our measurements. 1/2 cup butterfly popcorn, 1/2 cup mushroom popcorn, popped in about 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Popcorn oil and salt afterwards. We eat a lot of popcorn. Ez snacks for the kids lunches too. And they share with their friends

>> No.18247419
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I remember my dad cooking this on the gas range when the power was out because of a tornado.
Honestly it sucked but the novelty is enough for a child.