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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18257694 No.18257694 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get motivation to cook things other than sloppa? I can only bring myself to make fried egg sandwiches, or sloppa rice bowls with meat and onions.

>> No.18257707

that's how real men do it

>> No.18257719

I enjoy cooking, I'd even say I enjoy cooking more than I enjoy eating

>> No.18257728

I just love to cook and love to try new interesting food.
I suppose that began while reading one fantasy book serial, where main heroes visited a lot of restaurants, and food was cooked with magic.

>> No.18257737

Nothing wrong with that. If that's what you like to eat, so be it.

>> No.18257768

Slop is peak cuisine as long as it tastes good.

>> No.18257824

chimps will fucking tear you apart

>> No.18257840

Just feels good to expand my knowledge and techniques and improve in skill. It's like most things, you have to take risks and fail sometimes to improve.

>> No.18257861

because i want to eat more than sloppa
you some kind of uncivilized manbeast fresh out the woods or some shit? quit being a lazy faggot fuck sake bro get a hold of your life and eat some man food for once

>> No.18257866

You need a motivation for it. Some people like cooking. Spending an extra hour making an intricate meal has to make sense for you personally. Don't feel bad if you so t have one, it's only food and you can get a wife to make you restaurant quality meals instead.

>> No.18257876

Usually I just go for some sloppa, but when I want something better I think about it like 'what if this was a restaurant dish and I was going to serve this to a customer'.
That way I'm honing my craft and I get to eat the results.

>> No.18257909

protein heavy sandwiches are based, my go-to meal is grilled chicken sandwiches

>> No.18257941

Make this:
Mise en place. Now you are forced to cook or it may spoil

>> No.18257950
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I love onions

>> No.18257986

You cooked something. That puts you ahead of most people.

>> No.18258065

English, motherfucker...

Sloppa takes more skill than most other styles of cooking. Anybody can cook individual ingredients and compose them on a plate. It takes actual skill to meld several things into a cohesive whole. Cuisines like Italian is literally sloppa, and everybody likes it.

>> No.18258070

no, it doesn't. an egg sandwich or a bowl of rice and beef does not "take more skill" than "most other styles of cooking" and only a degenerate virgin who posts on 4chan for 8 hours a day would suggest something that distasteful even ironically. why don't you do yourself a favor and take care of yourself for once and cook a real meal and stop the neet posturing

>> No.18258077

most people on 4chan are fat lazy incompetent neckbeards who suck dick at every facet of life and so dance around all the things they're forced to do like cook and drown themselves in post irony about their shitty results so they never have to face reality and get crushed by their already crippling insecurity when they fuck up any dinner beyond a bowl of cereal or a piece of frozen pizza again

>> No.18258458

Chimps chimps will tear us apart, again

>> No.18258464
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I'm usually motivated to cook nice shit when my stomach is hungry for something other than pizza, burgers, and chips. I love inspiring other co/ck/s to cook or love new flavors. It's the little things.

>> No.18258473

I worjed in a lot of restaurants and cook fast as fuck and make decent shit in 20 minutes or less. Usually do the dishes as I cook, too. So I usually just have a pan, and a couple plates to wash afterwards.

>> No.18258543

I just make pasta which is the white man's sloppa

>> No.18258544

convenient right? i'm gonna have to start dabbling in appliances and stews for my health. it's NOT gonna be easy letting go of the regular pan use.

>> No.18258554

Yeah I cook 7 days a week, it's just sloppa every time.

>> No.18258558
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I like Italian sloppa. Usually two pans and 15 minutes gets you an impressive meal.

>> No.18258585
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I shy away from tomato shit because of the cast iron meme i fell for.

>> No.18258605
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s'long as you getting some fookin food, kys or stfu

>> No.18258662
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>kys or stfu
kinda harsh buddy

>> No.18258710

Put on some background stuff with as few or no interruptions as possible. Maybe some movie, OTR stuff, a congressional hearing whatever stuff you can just listen to, and get on with what you have to do. Seems easy I know, it never prevents me from cooking stuff, but my sink needs a good cleaning and I'm excellent at procrastinating.

>> No.18258732

Not a real word, terrible forced meme tho

>> No.18258738

that term is probably older than you, newfag

>> No.18258785

I'd like to cook more meals other than sloppa but my success rate is depressingly low so I don't venture much

>> No.18258821

hi newfag are you enjoying this board? Please tell us your favorite thing to cook :)

>> No.18258837


aka, you get sloppy seconds bitch

sloppy (adj.)
1727, "muddy," from slop (n.1) + -y (2). Meaning "loose, ill-fitting, slovenly" is first recorded 1825, influenced by slop (n.2). Related: Sloppily; sloppiness. Sloppy Joe was originally "loose-fitting sweater worn by girls" (1942); as a name for a kind of spiced hamburger, it is attested from 1961.

Entries linking to sloppy
slop (n.)
c. 1400, "mudhole," probably from Old English -sloppe "dung" (in plant name cusloppe, literally "cow dung"), related to slyppe "slime" (from PIE root *sleubh- "to slide, slip"). Meaning "semi-liquid food" first recorded 1650s; that of "refuse liquid of any kind, household liquid waste" (usually slops) is from 1815. Meaning "affected or sentimental material" is from 1866.

-y (2)
adjective suffix, "full of or characterized by," from Old English -ig, from Proto-Germanic *-iga- (source also of Dutch, Danish, German -ig, Gothic -egs), from PIE -(i)ko-, adjectival suffix, cognate with elements in Greek -ikos, Latin -icus (see -ic). Originally added to nouns in Old English; used from 13c. with verbs, and by 15c. even with other adjectives (for example crispy).
slop (n.2)
late 14c., "loose outer garment," perhaps from Old English oferslop "surplice," which seems to be related to Middle Dutch slop, Old Norse sloppr (either of which also might be the source of the Middle English word), perhaps all from Proto-Germanic *slup-, from PIE root *sleubh- "to slide, slip" on the notion of a garment one "slips" on or into (compare sleeve). Sense extended generally to "clothing, ready-made clothing" (1660s), usually in plural slops. Hence, also, slop-shop "shop where ready-made clothes are sold" (1723).

>> No.18258876

>How do you get motivation to cook things other than sloppa?
I always enjoy the lead up. It's fun to think up the list of ingredients, grab it all from the store, and then have a beer and listen to music as I chop shit up and do prep work. Actually relaxing to do.
I would just try enjoy the process more than the final result. Or it's not your thing and you juts enjoy your sloppa rice bowls which is fine too.

>> No.18258899

That sounds interesting, you got a title for that serial?

>> No.18258947

You come across as some twat on twitter that speaks from experience.
When precisely was the last time your step dad violated you?

>> No.18258952

The walking dead
Star whoars

>> No.18259375

become a NEET

>> No.18259538

define sloppa
t. newfag

>> No.18259550
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Its called prepping and having a stocked pantry
If dont do ether one or both, you get sloppa

>> No.18261042

it's not totally a meme if you don't mind a bit of extra weight and something you can camp with.
they definitely aren't as versatile though, admittedly. i really wish i could get quality copper. i'd be on the in and out baby.

>> No.18261049

I started watching Jacques Pepin when I'm bored then going to the store and buying everything I need to recreate it.

>> No.18261922

Yeah I enjoy mine and to be honest I don't even like tomato stuff anyway.

>> No.18262012

I used to pretty much only make sloppa or fast stir fries on weekdays and put more a bit more effort into my cooking on weekends, but when I got a gf and she started praising my more elaborate meals, my time spent on cooking has skyrocketed.

>> No.18262019

Motivation is a fucking crutch. You don't need to be motivated to do shit, you just go and fucking DO shit.

>> No.18262025

buy cans of diced and peeled tomatoes and start simple with those

>> No.18262136

lol played like a fiddle

>> No.18262167

>sloppa rice bowls with meat and onions
post recipe?

>> No.18262179

>1 cup raw rice
>250g ground beef or 1 thigh 1 leg chicken
>if ground beef then whole red onion cooked before and with the beef
>always half regular raw onion
>soy sauce and cholula on the rice after it's done
>mix everything together
It's the laziest method imaginable, and I love it

>> No.18262225

I don't.
I have like 30 different sloppas in my repertoire and they're all tasty and satisfying. Why the fuck should I bother

>> No.18262324

I've never seen a pig happier than when it's rolling in shit and mud. There's a lesson in there...

>> No.18262349

Why do freaks like you always compare food to shit? Is there something you want to tell us about your proclivities? Or is it just a jewish thing?

>> No.18262357

My ideas are too complex for gentiles

>> No.18262646

Sloppa is humanity's food. The first dish ever made in history was probably a sloppa of some sort when some ancient Asian person wanted to use up their old vegetables. Cooking sloppa all the time is just returning to your roots; anything more elaborate is just bourgeois indulgence. But if you want, you can make more complex sloppa, such as jambalaya or ragout, or dishes with an underlying sloppa element, such as shepherd's/cottage pie. Use a mirepoix as an aromatic base, which is usually chopped onions, carrots (or peppers), and celery. Try using your sloppa ingredients differently; use your beef mince and onions to make make meatballs and then make a simple tomato sauce.

>> No.18262676

You're a genius, thank you