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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18294294 No.18294294 [Reply] [Original]

Are fast food jobs under appreciated in terms of work required?

>> No.18294305

No people who think working in fast food, or any food service, is stressful, have never worked an actual stressful job.

>> No.18294310

What jobs have you worked?

>> No.18294312

there's is nothing stressfull about flipping burgers or making coffees. you need to work quickly but thats it

>> No.18294343

The only thing stressful about these dumb jobs is dealing with retarded customers. If you fuck up or don't perform adequately nothing bad actually happens. (No, the customer isn't actually allergic to onions he's just a faggot and too much of a pussy to be assertive.) Which is why these jobs are ideal for young wagies that either have "anxiety" about nothing, or already started their downward spiral of degeneracy and have no ambition.
>t. 12 year restaurant wagie

>> No.18294352


>> No.18294357

You're confusing me for your mother and sister

>> No.18294358


>> No.18294365

Nah I have worked food service and I have worked actual jobs where a lot more was at stake than Joe Q Public not getting his burger like he wants it and raising a fuss.

>> No.18294367

What "regular jobs"?

>> No.18294375

You're a fag.

>> No.18294380

Great reply, I totally believe you know what you're talking about now.

>> No.18294383

That wasn't me, but he is right, you're a faggot

>> No.18294386

Exactly, just breath.

>> No.18294394

It doesn't matter what job he's worked because you're just going to argue about it and try to convince yourself you're smarter than everyone else. Zoomers are the worst.

>> No.18294407

It's funny how me asking a question has made you determine I have a specific agenda, how old I am and that you cannot even reply because anything you say won't have any value. Delicious.

By the way, I am in my 40's, have never worked a job like this and can probably count on one hand the number of times I've even been in a Starbucks.

>> No.18294415

"breath" is a noun; you mean "breathe".

>> No.18294416

Well allow me to throw my hat in to the ring; I've worked 12 plus hours 6 days a week in a high tempo kitchen, and was a forward observer non-commissioned officer in the most sigact operating zones in Afghanistan. To make it in the kitchen, you need to communicate, breathe, and execute. It's simple. It isn't stressful.

>> No.18294417

>actual jobs
Man you are reeking of paralegal/human resources or some other kind of non-work.
Heart surgeons are about the only people who should flex on others about stressful jobs.

>> No.18294434

I'm not the one you're questioning. It's just obvious what you're going to do.
You're hired.

>> No.18294439

Lol. As in what I am going to do is show both of you to be full of shit. Thanks for admitting you'll lose before even trying.

>> No.18294442

Why are you wasteing the last bit of summer by basically having a conversation with a wall? Go outside.

>> No.18294448

It's 8 am and a hot day, I'm still lounging in bed before heading to the pool. The only job I have scheduled today is a quick landscape gig that will only take an hour or two so I'll leave it till later. Sorry I gave free time?

>> No.18294459

Yes your experience slaving away in the kitchens is hecken valid champ. Mommies big boy.

>> No.18294468

One day you'll wish you didn't waste time.

>> No.18294478

Why are so many of the posts that go viral completely disconnected from reality? I don't think anyone stereotypes baristas as "lazy," the stereotype instead is of liberal arts majors that can't find a job in their field. Most people, even conservatives appreciate fast food workers if if they might be stereotyped as "dumb." How does a straw man get 286k likes?

>> No.18294524

In case you haven't noticed social media is not free thought anymore. I'm sure half those likes are strictly because there's a jab at conservatives.

>> No.18294541

Here’s the thing.
I can make my own coffee. I can flip my own burger.
What I can’t do is drill and refine my own oil.
That’s why oil execs get paid more than baristas, even if they work less. It’s a matter of leverage.

>> No.18294553

>Why are so many of the posts that go viral completely disconnected from reality?
It's bait, it creates controversy, it's shit.

>> No.18294557

But I love onions in my coffee. Which location do you go to?

>> No.18294566

Do shitlibs really think this is an epic dunk? Like working at Starbucks buck breaks the average liberal white woman?

>> No.18294572

>Why are so many of the posts that go viral completely disconnected from reality?

Elon Musk baited Twitter into admiring that half the accounts in the website are bots.

>> No.18294582

i usually try to respect service workers but im at a point where i wonder if i can do it better. they fill my mcflurry cup half way despite raising the price like 50% more, or completely forgetting custom order stuff. i do think autistic customers can be a challenge in any field though, and im glad I can afford telling them to fuck off in my job

>> No.18294589
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I love how “land lord” is the example shitlibs bring up as a lazy slacker job, but one shift of trying to clean out a renters anime coom dungeon post eviction would have them crouched behind stacks of milk crates with an HRT needle up their ass

>> No.18294599

Get out, jew

>> No.18294601

i worked at a fast food restaurant while in college, then after graduation i worked at this fancy family office doing tax accounting for this fuckoff rich family. Most of the time I wished I was back at the fryers because the level of stress and responsibility was giga.
Thank god I'm retired now because of crypto lol

>> No.18294606

hey nice facebook filename

>> No.18294617

I have never worked in a kitchen, it seems miserable.

I am not wasting time, I am enjoying relaxing because I know I can.

>> No.18294618

>Both a landlord and Br*tish
I could only tolerate one, my God

>> No.18294619

I quit being an ICU nurse to work in a restaurant because it's much less stressful.

>> No.18294647

That's an iphone filename actually.

>> No.18294661

god damn you're the gayest nigger I've seen in a while

>> No.18294668

inc before someone has a mental breakdown because an anon didn’t go home and boot up his epic gaming rig to make serious discussion posts on 4channel dot org

>> No.18294669

making coffee is too stressful a job for white women

>> No.18294670

>ICU nurse
Serving lattes to a buck upped drive through full of soccer moms in SUV's is every bit as stressful as working 12-16 hours with severely sick and injured people whose lives are depending on your knowledge and skill at your job.

>> No.18294673

Got tired of those 12 hour TicToc shifts, huh?

>> No.18294675

you can't let them know that they're in debt for making average wage. they'll quit their jobs, and then I'LL be out of a job since I have no nurses to page.

>> No.18294677

I love how landlords make the absolute dregs of both the left and the right seethe endlessly. God bless them.

>> No.18294681

Considering landlording but I think dealing with dreg of society rentoids might be too stressful.

>> No.18294683
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GPrime85 is a hack

>> No.18294690

>its not fair, I cant live in other peoples property for free! Its a jewish conspiracy against me!

fucking king of the chuds

>> No.18294693

It’s almost as if people with extremist ideologies tend to be unemployable losers

>> No.18294694

>anon is STILL mad about the dancing nurses comics
They literally paid nurses to sing and dance in the White House on TV. There's no way to overmilk that joke.

>> No.18294699

>a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny microscopic fraction of nurses shilled for the coof propaganda videos

>zomg all nurses are bad

fucking retard logic

>> No.18294701

>It’s almost as if
disregarded, try again

>> No.18294710

I've never worked in food service, but I've worked in retail for nine years. It's the easiest job in the world for what we get paid. Occasionally you have to deal with some retard for five minutes, but that's about the extent of the stress. Like any job, it's only actually stressful if you have a manager with a stick up his ass. Unless you're working with heavy equipment or other people's lives, you don't have a right to complain about your job being stressful.

>> No.18294714

>t. Still gets mad at leftists mocking Trump service McDonald's at the WH

>> No.18294717

americans get mad at it?
thought it was cute

>> No.18294718

unironically yes

i've never worked in fast food but if you take just a second to think about what your average starbucks/mcdonald's/whatever person deals with on an average day it's gotta be fucking unpleasant

>> No.18294719

easy to do since you're all prostitutes

>> No.18294720

I appreciate the baristas that dress slutty and flash for tips.

>> No.18294722

Nah him giving the niggerballerss their goyslopfeed was great

>> No.18294727

A nurse is about on the same level as a barista. Like Wow you got an associate degree so you’re qualified to handle human faces

>> No.18294737

Fast food was the only job I've left within the week. Some people can thrive in it, both my aunts were McDonalds managers, but standing around waiting for orders, it wasn't the longest 7 hours of my life, only the most meaningless. waiting for timers to buzz

>> No.18294746
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>>t. Still gets mad at leftists mocking Trump service McDonald's at the WH
Nah, that's just funny. Trump derangement syndrome drove them to the point of doing things like spending hours making huge shit effigies of Trump. That shit is just all hilarious.

>> No.18294749
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Funny thing is , most of those conservatives worked jobs like that when they were kids
They know exactly how hard the work is
They also know how hard they work today.
You should know that conservatives in general work far longer hours per year than their liberal counterparts.
Hard work is what they most respect.
Your starbucks job is taxing for sure, but many jobs are much harder especially if you are putting in 70 hr weeks

>> No.18294750

Boomer liberals care more about Trump than his actual fans at this point. My parents are retired, and they just sit around on their iPads all day seething about Trump on Facebook and Twitter or whatever.

>> No.18294756

>Boomer liberals
They elected one (1) single Democratic president (Bill Clinton) and thought people like Gore, Kerry, and Hillary Clinton were electable, plus they completely abandoned state parties, yet wrong their hands at millennials and zoomers wanting control of the party. I've pointed this out to boomer liberals and all they can do is seethe.

>> No.18294757

It's a cycle.
Fast food used to be a fun novelty for white people to use once in awhile for a meal substitute or treat.
As society degraded, the customers became more entitled, and subsequently more catered to by restaurants, giving way to the awful "the customer is always right" mentality that essentially made the service industry a slave-tier profession. This, of course, means all competent help evacuated the declining fast food business, running to bars, restaurants, food trucks, mom and pop locations, and pretty much anywhere you would meet the owner of the company within 2 weeks of working there.
Now, fast food employs the worst employees at the lowest pay possible, serving the worst people possible at the lowest standard possible. Even when you catch someone genuinely grateful for the job or happy to be in this profession they are inevitably spotted and scooped up by someone with more to offer in the industry. I really dont feel bad for anyone who works fast food because they're either entitled shitheads who take a shit job, knowing it's going to be shit, and collect paychecks while selling weed on the side for zero net effort, or they kill themselves out of loyalty to a soulless machine, corralling shitheads for menial pay and no real reward.

If you work at a job you hate for more than a year you should neck yourself.

>> No.18294759

be a good fucking son and tell them to stop with their stupid self-destructive obsession

>> No.18294776

I think this is only true in America, since our fast food chains like McDonald's and KFC are known for being pretty high quality establishments overseas. I guess they carry a certain prestige as American brands, and they need to have high standards to compete with local restaurants.

>> No.18294783

A good amount of "local restaurants" serve reheated Sysco food. I laughed so hard when half of them went out of business during the pandemic, every place people actually liked and made fresh food was kept in business, only the restaurants people always treated as a last resort died

>> No.18294787

it's a lazy slacker job cause anyone that's not a lazy slacker would have found something better

>> No.18294790
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You need to understand that for anyone over around 40 or so, Trump's rise to fame is shocking and bizarre. To most in their 60's+ it's even more surreal. In their day politicians simply didn't act like that and the whole form of political discourse has completely changed in their lifetime.

If you're under 30 this will probably seem extreme, but to a lot of older folks Trump is much closer to Terry Crews in Idiocracy than most of the politicians they knew over their lives.

Ones who agree with the Trump agenda think it's great because he finally says the quiet parts loud which they want to hear, but the ones who don't are understandably shaken. I know this probably won't make sense to you, but whatever. It's reality.

>> No.18294798

Even conservative parents are like this of that generation, I always explain to them that people hated the fake kindness/civility in politics and how things now are what people actually have always wanted them to be, because they are

>> No.18294815

What you don't understand is it wasn't mostly fake kindness and civility. People used to be able to discuss political differences in opinion without it turning into villifying the other person. You see it as better because you think it's more honest, they see a whole generation of people who don't understand how to have civil conversations over differences in opinion. To them it's close to the end of the world and I I tend to agree with them. American politics in particular is utterly imploding and may well sink the whole country. I feel genuinely bad for them.

>> No.18294827

There's zero point in having a civil conversation about difference in opinion when people are so far afield from what you believe. It's not worth the time. I don't even really have friends who disagree with my base morals/politics and can't fathom why anyone would. All of the friendships with huge differences like that are built on sand.

>> No.18294830

I think it depends on culture too. I have worked with Asians in Asia and Americans in America both doing the same job, and I was very impressed by how on the ball the Asians were at the job, compared to their American counterparts, and I am American.

>> No.18294840

Congrats. Your defeatist attitude is what horrifies us about your generation. Things are only going to get worse and worse for you from here. Buckle up kiddo.

>> No.18294843

The right was civil, the left has not been civil since at least the 60's when they started raising into power. Trump was the first major politician of the right to reply to the left in kind.

>> No.18294846

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.18294854


This is exactly what I mean.

>> No.18294859

That sort of behavior started long before Trump or even social media. Trump is just the first politician to actually engage in it. Shitlibs were comparing Nixon to Hitler back in the day. Boomers are just as guilty of taking the civility out of political discourse as anyone else.

>> No.18294861

I'm not defeatist, I just value my time and don't want to waste it on people who hate me and everything I stand for. They are not your friends if they disagree with you on every fundamental view of the world, man. What even draws you to them if that's the case, that you both like a random hobby or something? That's not friendship.

>> No.18294864
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Don't worry I'm sure the jannies will be along to delete half of the thread if not the whole thread soon.

>> No.18294874
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Food service was one of the last jobs ever wanted to have as a career after working jobs in that sector during high school, mostly because of how much work it is.
I get paid a lot more as an engineer and it's infinitely less work.
That said, money isn't supposed to reflect how hard the work was for you. It reflects the value of what you did.
A lot of low value jobs with low levels of training and large pools of prospective workers able to do those jobs are extremely high effort while also being very low value.
Putting in lots of effort is something most anyone can do with a gun to their heads if nothing else, so you don't get much compensation just because you run around doing a lot of busy work.
Now if you're doing hard work that's very dangerous and scares off most everyone else from doing the same job as you (e.g. ice road trucking / Alaskan crab fishing), then your hard work will pay a premium.
But being a McDonald's wagie isn't quite scary enough to drive away tons of new employees hired each day worldwide. It's soul killing and very unpleasant maybe, but usually not an immediate threat to your life.

>> No.18294878
File: 104 KB, 768x512, leftist gonna leftist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is those peaceful boomers at the DNC convention riot.

>> No.18294883

I would have more respect for fast food service workers if they didn't always get my order wrong.

>> No.18294911

>I'm not defeatist
>goes on to describe how defeatist he is

One of my best friends of many decades has quite different political outlooks from mine. We don't agree on many things, but that's part of what makes it interesting and we both end up opening each other's eyes from time to time. It's my sincere hope that your generation realizes what they have lost, but it may be too late.

>> No.18294914

Yeah there were always nutty radical people like that, but I think what >>18294815 means is that the average person wasn't so willing to demonize his neighbor over political bullshit before social media. But really I've found that most people are still fairly pleasant in real life. It's only the perpetually-online people who talk a lot of shit and then think they can extend their Internet personas into the real world.

>> No.18294933
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Watching some of the others making Tiktok videos actually was part of the reason I left.
I love the nursing profession but I fucking despise nurses.
The whole thing with the 'rona was the last straw. I saw too much blind obedience and too little critical thinking both from the RNs and the docs.
It's not as bad here in Denmark as it is in the US but it's bad enough.

>> No.18294947

Jesus Christ what a fucking terrible worldview. My bestest of friends are those with wildly different opinions and philosophies. It makes conversations very interesting and enjoyable to have. You don't need a "yes man" for a friend, how fucking boring. Variety is the spice of life and if you can't look past someone's differences to be their friend, then you're nothing but a narrowminded fucking faggot

>> No.18294948

Wew, you do realize that younger people grew up entirely in this new world with no baseline for anything from different right?
Then you turn around and say it's the younger generations fault and they need to fight for your change?
Good fucking god you boomers are retarded, you create an abysmally shit world then cry when other people don't want to fix it for you.
Kys you worthless faggot

>> No.18294951

>that pic
Is making pizzas hard work?

>> No.18294957

You can say this about literally every generation you massive fucking moron

>> No.18294958

99% of whats posted to Reddit main subs is viral marketing / political propaganda at this point with fake upvotes.

>> No.18294967

>i-i-its every generation not just us!
Kys no other generation fucked up as badly as you have in western history.
Boomers are a retarded scourge on the earth and the goodest of goys in every sense of the term.

>> No.18294997

Professional neet in charge of the shitposting department

>> No.18295000

As long as your supervisor isn't a fucking retard

>> No.18295010

One day you're gonna wish you had gathered more resources.

>> No.18295011

There are people commissioning furry porn for over 5000 dollars a drawing
Artists who can't support themselves have nobody else to blame