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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 400 KB, 1371x2048, probably a tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18310254 No.18310254 [Reply] [Original]

They let us out of work early today so I decided I’d get some Little Squeezers pizza but they weren’t open yet, (10:45am) so I rolled over to the neighboring Wendy’s to which I haven’t been to in several years (as there are none nearby) and without looking at the menu, ordered four singles with cheese and onions only.

I already had my foot off the break and was rolling forward when I heard the girl say “$21.60 at the first window.”

WTF?! Almost _$22 fucking dollars_ for four basic bitch burgers?! Never again!

>> No.18310258

What does it feel like to both poor, too stupid to look at the prices of things and so fucking fat you need to eat four hamburgers in one sitting? Holy shit.

>> No.18310267

Should have got the $5 biggie bag dummy

>> No.18310269

I want to fuck her until I die of dick explosion while she starts vomiting the copious quantity of cum that I filled her with.

>> No.18310271

why is Wendy a mutt now? I want a real northern redhead with pale skin and freckles that sunburns from a flashlight, this is false advertisement damnit!

>> No.18310295
File: 711 KB, 1319x879, EP_WENDYS_GIRL_COMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is who the mascot is based on
It's not okay to be white

>> No.18310305
File: 72 KB, 559x864, might be an actual girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What does it feel like to both poor,

I’m not poor, I work at Nintendo.

> too stupid to look at the prices of things

You got me there but in my defense, Wendy’s singles weren’t almost $5 each the last time I was there, several years back.

> and so fucking fat you need to eat four hamburgers in one sitting? Holy shit.

I only ate two for lunch and am saving the other two for a late night snack.

> Should have got the $5 biggie bag dummy

I didn’t want fries and a pop (I’ve got pop at home).

>> No.18310321

I'd eat her out to give her some polite multiple orgasms, but I wouldn't honor her with dick explosion.

>> No.18310322

You made several mistakes

>> No.18310343

>I didn’t want fries and a pop (I’ve got pop at home).
The past few months I've been ordering a burger and fries by themselves without the sodapop because "there's sodapop at home" and one time the cashier told me "It's cheaper to order the combo and not use the cup" and so I did and it indeed was cheaper! Not always so in most places but where I'm at, it is. It doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.18310358


Time to cut back on the Frostys, Wendy. Or should I say, fatass.

>> No.18310413
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>> No.18310416
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Fuck forgot my link like a retard.

>> No.18310417

muh goyslop

>> No.18310419

Weedy's has been dead since they modernized

>> No.18310424
File: 1.08 MB, 680x680, b49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no ethnically ambiguous mtf wendies in my area
This is an outrage

>> No.18310426

the one near me has the slowest service
im not waiting 40 minutes for 4 for 4

>> No.18310430

Honestly, it worked the first couple years but it's been almost a decade since they "modernized" so their updates are already feeling dated in this fast moving world where every other competitor modernized too. In retrospect, they shouldn't have modernized, everything is so sterile now that "soul" has appeal.

>> No.18310431
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back bros...

>> No.18310434

this retarded video made me nostalgic for a bygone era

>> No.18310435
File: 272 KB, 365x230, dat_n_threw_a_chair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers coming up now
>Well I guess a burger just costs $10, I dunno. Seems reasonable to me!
I hate capitalism

>> No.18310440


>> No.18310446
File: 464 KB, 500x338, no_hope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into a McDonalds, Wendy's or Burger King in 1995.
>entire place is packed, kids running and having fun, families talking and gossiping, old folks discussing politics and how far away things are from other things, kids falling into ball pits and $1 burgers.
>people at the register not only speak the same language as you, but smile, are paid better and enjoy their lives.
dust in the wind...

>> No.18310619

When I was a kid listening to geezers bitching about how hamburgs once cost 25 cents and the world has gone to heck pissed me off to no end, maybe that's why I'm totally fine with inflation, that or the fact that my mortgage is 2.875%

>> No.18310625

This. Anyone who complains about prices are stupid and old.

>> No.18310675

I mean, it's one thing to hear a hot single mom complaining that she can barely pay the rent anymore and isn't there some kind of arrangement we can come to. that seems fair to me. like, ok your cost of living went up by 20% in the blink of an eye and you were barely scraping by? cool, you're allowed to be mad

but don't bitch at me about how your shitty fake meat microwave garbage increased in price since 25 years ago blah blah zimbabwe weimar republic, your income is probably 400-1000% higher than it was 25 years ago so shut your pie hole

>> No.18310691

Nobody offers fixed rate for life mortgages in Australia.

>> No.18310697

not a fast food golem but in the current year you need to be using the appropriate app to get the best deals as far as I can tell

>> No.18310742

Wendys app deals are garbage these days. Only McDonalds still gives me good coupons

>> No.18310750
File: 158 KB, 675x1200, C__s90ZUMAIOPtY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Wendy's postin?!

I gotcha bro

>> No.18310825

>your income is probably 400-1000% higher than it was 25 years ago
about that anon

>> No.18310852

>installing their private spyware onto your government listening device

>> No.18310864

Only good Wendy in this thread, the two mystery meat ones are gross and the one I have to assume is a picture of young Wendy Thomas is unappealing.

>> No.18310938

I wouldn't call natalie ethnically ambiguous, but she is cute

>> No.18310973

the word both implies only two things will be listed and you listed three. Who is the dummy now

>> No.18310977

>file name
why do latinos always make the cutest trannies

>> No.18311009

sounds like copium to me brother, admit youre fat

>> No.18311288
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>> No.18311294
File: 118 KB, 1334x750, 7526cc_6270849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste, bros

Theres white ones too, bud

>> No.18311318

i wonder if wendy ever gets envious seeing hot girls cosplay as her

>> No.18311335

sometimes i find natalie mars really unappealing but her wendy cosplay is super cute

>> No.18311356
File: 39 KB, 491x271, 1460785839739326464-FEVfSVyXwAk5qZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a chicken sandwich meal on the road the other day and it was $15 or so after tax

went to another unnamed place and the same meal was $8 and indistinguishable in quality

>> No.18311362
File: 63 KB, 640x640, c5f3321edf7e63b7d7e5da7292e9a594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's got some transbian rapehon mommydommy vibes, but that's what I like about her. once you get past the idea that all bepenised wmoen need to be 100% submissive and hyperfem and passable all the time you reach coomer nirvana. her trademark smirk expresses both vulnerability and strength.

definitely an acquired taste though, less experienced coomers should start with someone like taftaj or arielle maxine.

also food and cooking.

>> No.18311393

>I only ate two for lunch

I can practically smell the rancid grease from your unwashed fatfolds from here

>> No.18311410

They're all bad you're just gay

>> No.18311412

You bo8ght the Dave singles instead of ordering from the dol...value menu. Even mcdonalds charges $3 for a mcdouble these days.

>> No.18311415

That's a man

Poor Dave, growing up poor and abandoned by his parents and having that for a child.

>> No.18311420

Mcdonalds workers will be making six figures in a couple decades, and $100k per year will be a poor man's wages by then. Actually 100k is almost a poor man's wage now.

>> No.18311426

Pizzas and burgers are so easy to make at home. Why are you paying some megacorporation to feed you a lesser version?

Is the one of the right the one Cumia fucked? I'm not sure I can really fault him for it, especially considering he almost certain had a few brewskies in him.

>> No.18311461

>Why are you paying some megacorporation to feed you a lesser version?
What part of goyslop don't you understand? Cattle goes to the feeder for food. Hunters make their own food. Now realize the majority of humans behave like cattle.

>> No.18311477


dam those patties look so good

>> No.18312182
File: 168 KB, 1024x1018, mortar and pestle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know, right?! For example, I only bake my own bread from artisanal wheat that I hand grind using a certified ancient Egyptian mortar and pestle, none of that “goyslop” for me! Also, I'm trans and a vegan.

>> No.18312293

Ew what the fuck

>> No.18312328

looks a lot like a ukrainian asmr girl I used to watch

>> No.18312447

Yeah but now we have uhhh tacos, so really it all broken even I would say.

>> No.18312630

this cunt eating for 4 people and complaining it's too expensive jesus christ

>> No.18312633

you can't tell me she doesn't have female autism

>> No.18312665
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wish Natalie had that massive ass, like she used to. It was so juicy, when she used to post here

>Is the one of the right the one Cumia fucked?
Looks like it

>> No.18312702
File: 62 KB, 500x342, 0123456789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendy's only real innovation has been in marketing

>> No.18313810
File: 272 KB, 715x459, Hnnnng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18313842

kek. she does look a little "special"