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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18391834 No.18391834 [Reply] [Original]

How do you season your popcorn /ck/?
I'm getting bored of salt only.

>> No.18391836


>> No.18391839

Just salt. Sometimes a little sugar. Try different spices or cheese powders
I did that once. Tasted amazing, but felt like a fat fuck afterwards.

>> No.18391849

minus points for lots of calories added
would uhhh garlic powder work

>> No.18391861

only if its natural from grass fed cows, that's the good stuff
its not calories, its the contents

>> No.18391866

small shreds of white cheddar

>> No.18391871

Old Bay

>> No.18391879

>would uhhh garlic powder work
Probably. Just depends how much you like the taste of garlic

>> No.18391887

Maybe get some vinegar powder. They also sell butter powder. They also sell honey powder. They also sell peanut butter powder. They also sell chili powder.

One or a few powders combined with salt and sprinkled on your popped popping kernals could be quite a tasteful delight.

>> No.18391928

>Kernels popping in the pot.
>When they're about 3/4th and I put the stove on low, I quickly open the lid and drop 3 or 4 spoons of white sugar.
>Mix it up by picking the pot by the handles and tumbling it around.
>Still on low while the last kernels pop.
The ones on top end up with a slight sweet flavor while the bottom has pieces of slightly browned sugar on them.
You can also do what my mother does: melt a couple of spoons of butter, spread it over your served popcorns and top it with sugar.

>> No.18391935
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This shit

>> No.18391938
File: 719 KB, 1536x1536, chocolate_caramel_popcorn_tile1_seed2892400566_tiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chocolate and caramel are good on popcorn

yeah it's more carbs, but so is popcorn

>> No.18392076

garlic salt.

>> No.18392113

Cayenne, Tabasco or Louisiana, and butter. Maybe jalapeno jar juice.

>> No.18392137

Laoganma, parmesan&rosemary, salt&pepper (add msg+onion powder for depth)

>> No.18392138

We're popcorn snobs. We use exactly 1/2 cup butterfly popcorn, 1/2 cup mushroom popcorn. 1.5 tbs coconut oil. Movie theater butter oil and salt on top after it's finished.

>> No.18392146

Nutritional yeast.

>> No.18392158

cheese powder

>> No.18392163


>> No.18392175

Either with butter salt or Italian seasoning

>> No.18392188

Nutritional yeast is really good on popcorn

>> No.18392325

Animal fodder

>> No.18392331

>pour a third into bowl
>garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne/chili powder
>next third
>same thing
>next third
>same thing
>eat with chopsticks so you can only pick up 1 or 2 at a time and not finish it before the credits end
what is it about popcorn that you'll start eating 1 or 2 slices but then start getting handfuls, scooping it from the bowl into my mouth?

>> No.18392348

in small nonstick, heat a Tbsp of olive oil, and with scissors, cut a couple ancho chiles into the warm oil into rings or strips. Seeds and stems into the trash. Keep the chilies moving in the oil with a spoon, basting them and lifting them in the oil, then remove to a bowl when browned but not blackened. Set the pan off the burner but don't discard the oil. Cook your popcorn your preferred method, air or pot with lid or even microwave.
Salt and butter your popcorn if desired, drizzle with a little bit of the now dark red chili oil, and cover the top of the bowl with the crunchy chili strips. Anchos are raisiny sweet and mildly hot, and it's good to get a chili ring with every handful. flaky sea salt on top.
Sprinkle with the zest of a lime and sprinkle of lime juice, optional.

>> No.18392354

Yeah, I've got a couple:

Paprika and a squeeze of lime

Powdered milk (basically tastes like cheese dust) and garlic powder

Nutritional dry yeast and salt

And a salt and vinegar one where I basically splash the vinnie in right as it starts to pop. Top that one with really Finley diced chives.

>> No.18392367
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>> No.18392376

Only worthwhile response in thread

>> No.18392381
File: 199 KB, 1200x1200, KAPLAAA!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Butter and FRESH ground pepper
-50/50 Butter and hot sauce(I eat it with chopsticks)
-flavor pack of ramen sprinkled on top
-Cheese packet from macaroni and cheese
If you can make popcorn in a stockpot without burning it, you can make your own kettlecorn too.
1/2 c. oil--sneed oils need not apply, use coconut --even Wally world has that.
wait for the obligatory 3 kernels to pop that you add when the oil begins to shimmer
-Dump in 1/2 C. sugar AND the 1/2 C. popcorn at the same time
-Shake that bich CONSTANTLY over the heat until the popping is almost done DON'T LET IT BURN(Massive PITA to clean that.)
-dump into a heat resistant bowl and salt to taste--you can also add cinnamon or nutmeg for a nice flavor boost.

>> No.18392382

>jalapeno jar juice
this. if only they made jalepno jar juice powder.

>> No.18392383
File: 32 KB, 1000x1000, ALGA18911_j_burrows_trigger_spray_bottle_500ml_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fine mist spray bottle
>dissolve salt into some vinegar
you're whelcome

>> No.18392385

Found the German-Anon.

>> No.18392386

Could make your own couldn't you?

>> No.18392390

The cheese powder from the Kraft mac and cheese box

>> No.18392394

my dumb monkey brain cannot fathom how you convert juice into powder; I can only dream of it.

>> No.18392395

Corn syrup

>> No.18392397

Olive oil, lemon pepper, and dill.

>> No.18392412

>get silicone backing cups/breadpan
>pour in juice
-oven at 180° for as long as it takes to dehydrate
simple as
I thought about a foil lined baking sheet, but the acids in the "Juice" would react BADLY
Glass pie dish or even a cheap ceramic plate would be okay though

>> No.18392427

Oh another good one is to save bacon grease to cook your popcorn in, or or oooooooor you can use an infused oil.

Saute shrimp shells and tails in olive oil, strain it out. Use for popcorn. You now have buttery shelfish flavoured popcorn

>> No.18392584


>> No.18392896

i use this guys cum

>> No.18392900

Lard. Pour hot lard and cheese on it. Wisconsinite style.

>> No.18392910

most of the suggestions in this thread sound disgusting what the fuck

>> No.18392939
