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18584741 No.18584741 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a bad batch? It's 9 days into brewing but it tastes fine despite the looks.

>> No.18584748

Looks fine to me. What did you do to those blue marshmallows to keep them from dissolving for over a week? Or is that some new form of dry hopping?

>> No.18584754

OP should eat the special blue marshmallows and post results!

>> No.18584860

show boopenis

>> No.18584885
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It's kahm, it's fine and actually good for you. Good work

>> No.18585024

It's fucked. You need to toss it or decant and drink immediately.

Next time you need to fill the entire jug up to minimize headspace. Too much room in a container allows the oxygen to linger for too long before the co2 displaces it and creates a protectice barrier over your brew.

>> No.18585041

what the fuck even is it?

>> No.18585048

In the broadest sense, the real difference between fermentation and rot is if you can control what's growing in your medium.
I personally wouldn't drink it since I don't know what it is. Which is a good general rule to follow.
But if you're the Mad Scientist type, save the Mother and reuse it for future brews if it doesn't kill you.

>> No.18585097

Bait thread but I'm brewing too. I have 2 seperate gallons of mead brewing. It's been a little over 2 weeks and they're both sitting at around 13% ABV. It's almost time to rack them to let them clear.

The first gallon is just a basic mead: Honey, water, yeast. The second gallon is spiced with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and allspice. I'm hoping it will taste as good as it smells.

>> No.18585144

Do you use a specific type of honey? And how much do you use per gallon?

>> No.18585156

The cheapest I could find at walmart. 5lb jug for $15. I used 3lbs to a gallon. I'll probabbly buy a pound of the more expensive honey to make a hydromel. A hydromel is only 1lb of honey to a gallon.

>> No.18585674


>> No.18585702

My man that looks like Penicillium colonies growing on the surface, you need to pitch this. I’m saying this as a professional mycologist, you shouldn’t eat or drink Penicillium colonies.

>> No.18585705

That's mold on top. You didn't clean or disinfect the jug or your brewing equipment properly. The brew in the middle should be alright. Just be careful not to siphon out the moldy crap on top. It won't kill you but enjoy your allergy flare up

>> No.18585707

if you can't tell what mold is im not sure this is the best thing for you

>> No.18585710

Free medicine. The pharmaceutical Jew doesn't want you to know this.

>> No.18585731

Not OP, but curious; could you distill the alcohol out of that and drink it or are you getting some kinda toxin along with it?

>> No.18585737

According to a 2012 research paper I just looked up ochratoxins (the most dangerous mycotoxins, and ones which Penicillium species often produce) are not found in the distillate.

>> No.18585746

*The most dangerous mycotoxins WHICH Pencillium species often produce
Sorry for the confusion, there are worse mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, ergolines, etc.

>> No.18585785
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>> No.18585811

>Is this a bad batch?
shit's beyond fucked dude
you have what looks like trichoderma (green), neurospora (red/orange) and mucor (white grey spots).
you've somehow managed to grow more fungal contaminants in that container than I did when I tried to innoculate my fungus medium drunk without sterilizing anything
>It's 9 days into brewing but it tastes fine despite the looks.
stop tasting it, throw that shit out, and either thoroughly sterilize that carboy with both bleach and alcohol or just fucking throw it out

how did you manage to so thoroughly contaminate something that should be pasteurized before you rack it into the carboy?

>> No.18585871

I would bet the lives of my family that the blue-green mould is Penicillium.

>> No.18585891

What about blue cheese?

>> No.18585965

Anon, are you American? I just really wanna know pls tell me the truth.

>> No.18585968


>> No.18585969
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I'll add my own mead to atract more attention and rise the chances of you replying (OP)

>> No.18586070

https://www.reddit.com/r/mead/comments/yw02rp/question_for_brewers_should_i_chalk_this_up_as_a/ not gonna happen
nice mead fren

>> No.18586083

Blue cheese is generally fine because the penicillium strains they use do not produce toxins under typical cheese production conditions. But random penicillium from your house/the grain itself? No, you shouldn’t consume that.

>> No.18586101

Good to know. I fuken love blue cheese. Thanks.

>> No.18586239

too much headspace, i think that was the issue

>> No.18586265
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>It taste fine

>> No.18586311

The exception being species like P. roquefortii

>> No.18586377
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>> No.18586395

P. roquefortii on cheese is fine, but P. roquefortii on grain is not.

>> No.18586903

I think dragon ball legends and genshin impact fucking suck, what are you going to do about that, ROTMEAD?

>> No.18586911

Why is everything on this site reposted from reddit?

>> No.18586959


>> No.18587194

>tastes fine
yup that's a beer drinker.

>> No.18587219
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holy fuck how do you feel right now?

>> No.18587318

Yes. They make rum in big open vats because it's so forgiving l.

>> No.18587388

Homer, I think the mayonaise is starting to turn.

>> No.18587939

think he just didn't add any yeast
yeast is usually quite competitive and the CO2 and alcohol kills off quite a bit of microorganisms

>> No.18588293

It's no different than eating blue cheese. It's even the same fungus.

>> No.18588308

As I said, you can’t assume that a fungus will produce the same mycotoxins in any environment.

>> No.18588912

Sounds like bullshit. Do you really think fungi put out completely different toxins because of a ph, temp etc difference?

>> No.18589851

inspired by this thread i got the equipment to brew me some mead.
need to get some honey and then we brewing.

>> No.18590047

Yes, fungi are actually very complex, and the mycotoxins are also quite complex as well. Different growing environments drastically alter the mycotoxin profile of a microorganism. Penicillium roqueforti, like all Penicillium species, can produce large quantities of mycotoxins given the right conditions. You can look this information up online, it produced PR-toxin in grains, which can cause acute disease or chronic liver damage.

>> No.18591686

nta but i have a bit of mold on jam that has been barely touched and it feels like a waste to throw it away
some sources say i'll get aids cancer and corona if i scrape it off and eat it, other sources like the BBC cited a mushroom doctor saying it's completely harmless
i tend to believe the mushroom guy
reasons given that jam has too high sugar concentration and a low ph

>> No.18591687

skim off the top

>> No.18591692

nice vinegar though.

>> No.18591713

these bacterial-mats are called mothers--the one pictured in OP's is already contaminated with mold despite barely being formed (that shit is not penicillin btw)

if one of your bottles forms these mats & there's no discolouration to it (just a pale, yeasty beige colour) then you've essentially got a starter for making vinegar quickly; isn't of much use otherwise

mold is usually a function of not cleaning your carboy properly (with sodium metabisulphite & an mild abrasive) or a fracture in the glass (ie: from setting one down on a concrete basement-floor, for example). it can kill you & its a stupid idea to consume it

>> No.18591723

you don't need to sterilize it real well with that shit. you just put in boiling water and the steam kill that shit. blue molds are usually penicilliums.

>> No.18591725

forgot to mention that its equally as important to sterilize the shit out of your airlock as well, every bit as important as a sterile carboy

>> No.18591727

don't listen to this idiot, water isn't enough.

>> No.18591728

I really hate it when this happens to me. It claimed a jar of my apple butter last year, which cannot be salvaged. Personally, I trust the doctor on this one versus journalists blindly repeating health agency guidelines (which are always the strictest possible). If the mold is white, blue, or blue-green, I would take a few centimetres off the top, being careful not to disturb the fungal growth as far as possible, and consume the remainder quickly. If it were any other colour I would not eat it.
Remember, the dose makes the poison. This is especially true for mycotoxins which are generally dangerous because they cause chronic damage. One jar of jam is highly unlikely to be the difference between disease and health.

>> No.18591740
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I've been fermenting for years and I have never had a bad ferment. picrel

>> No.18591760

Blue-green mould with a source with is either airborne spores or from the grains themselves means that the mould is probably Penicillium, with the second most likely option being Aspergillus fumigatus

>> No.18591784

lel no
t. moldy airlocks and nothing happened

>> No.18591816

it's a few spots of white and white-green like a cm in diameter but i'm slightly concerned about a few tiny orange spots so i think i'll just bin it
it's only one jar and it wasn't exactly expensive, strawberry if that's relevant

>> No.18591915

in this situation you can always let it sit for several months and you have a safe to drink sour

>> No.18591965

Well, if you want proof, look at tempeh. Red tempeh made with soy or grain is usually safe. Made on coconut, it produces a super potent toxin, lethal even in small doses (i.e., a single coconut cake kills).

>> No.18591975

You aren't wrong, I was just making a statement about some species being safe in some cases. A lot of penicillium are toxic regardless. Same with neurospora.

>> No.18592018

Starsan is really really cheap. Why not do it properly?

>> No.18592234

phosphoric acid is not fun to handle so I stay away from it. I know it is food safe but I would rather use hydrochloric acid.

>> No.18592254

Mushroom bro, what is a good book for getting into mycology? I think mushrooms are cool and I want to learn more about them, but I don't have any interest in getting a degree in their study.

>> No.18592262

Because Redditers have zero creativity and don't know how to discuss something with their own opinions so they just repost to try to make something similar happen. The entire socialization process on Reddit literally revolves around group think and not saying anything that goes against the hivemind because you'll get downvoted and burried in the commends, therefore no one will even know you exist. Why is it like this? Because, you gotta get those sweet karma points bro.

It's a terrible website. In my opinion most of the problems could be fixed by literally just getting rid of karma so people will post how they actually think and feel as opposed to posting what will get them the most updoots.

>> No.18592263

>Phosphoric acid bad so I'd rather use HYDROCHLORIC ACID instead
What the fuck type of contrarian ass bullshit is this you hipster fuck

>> No.18592269

Nothing changes. The only difference between here and there is that you get swarmed by irate retards when you post a controversial opinion instead of getting downboated. Nobody actually posts what they think or feel on this shithole, they LARP and pretend all day long because we're the edgy wing of Twitter in 2022 and using 4chan is more a matter of virtue signalling to yourself than any pretense of honesty.

>> No.18592295

phosphoric acid just burns the skin faster than hydrochloric acid.

>> No.18592302

>Nobody posts what they think or feel here
My man, this is a cooking board

>> No.18592305

If you post something controversial on Reddit, you get burried and no one knows your comment is even there and you risk the mods deleting it too. Over here on this shithole, if anything, your post gets highlighted by the people giving you (You)s. If you think the sites are similar in how they function then you are retarded. People actually tend to post how they think/feel because it's an anonymous imageboard that doesn't have any name/alias/identity attached to it so there is no harm in looking bad. I can tell I struck a nerve since you're being this much of a faggot. We are also in zero way the "edgy wing of Twitter". 4chan existed before Twitter did but it didn't go super mainstream (ignoring other instances like Gamergate, Fappening and a few others) until the 2016 election which I'm certain you came from since you're this much of a retarded faggot.

>> No.18592359

I worked in oil refineries for years, most have sulfuric acid but some have hydrofluoric acid. I much, much rather work around sulfuric acid than hf acid.

>> No.18592405

I'm sorry but I'm unfortunately shamefully ignorant when it comes to mushrooms. In my work I deal almost entirely with mould, and there aren't very many works on moulds that aren't marketed towards professionals. They're filled with identification keys, mycotoxin lists, DNA sequencing information, etc. and are as a rule incredibly boring.

>> No.18592411

As someone who almost lost his life to HF I second this. However, he was talking about hydrochloric acid.

>> No.18592421
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It's okay. I appreciate your input. I hope you have a great day mould man <3

>> No.18592433

>it's anonymous so people are honest!
No, they're less honest, and you're a causefag too blinded by your own virtue signalling to see it. 4chan in 2022 is the edgy wing of Twitter.

>> No.18592437

I know, I was just saying that the idea that one acid is better to deal with than another isn't absurd. Glad you made it through it.

>> No.18592455

I sincerely don't think you know what virtue signaling means. Or anything else you're trying to talk about. This isn't Reddit where you can say bullshit with high confidence so people give you updoots without question. On here, people will rightfully call you a retard. Please kill yourself you worthless faggot.

>> No.18592475

>causefag seethes because I revealed the emperor never had any clothing
4chan isn't and never was a sekrit diary wherein the educated adults of the world revealed their darkest thoughts. That's causefaggot bullshit forced by types like (You) because it gives you a 'moral' function to use this shithole. The rest of us know better. Getting swarmed by angry retards is not an incentive to be honest, it's a disincentive. Instead people lie, make shit up, LARP, and pretend all day long in order to fit in with the anonymous, faceless crowd. It may not have names or updoots but it enforces conformity just like Reddit and Twatter does. Hence, the edgy arm of Twitter. You're just too new and too inept and too blinded by the sheer force of your 'virtue' to understand.

>> No.18592601

If you think 4chan is the only place on the internet where people make shit up in order to fit on then you are an idiot.

>> No.18592605

>4chan's not special!
Thanks for agreeing with me, you monkey. Why did you feel the need to bump this garbage thread over that?

>> No.18592713

this thread is cool, fuck you fag

>> No.18592734

Why are you even here then?

>> No.18592776

I love to gobble some kahm