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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18592364 No.18592364 [Reply] [Original]

Are you poisoning yourself with beta-carotene?

>> No.18592374
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>> No.18592592

>What happens if you feed a rabbit an all carrot diet
This is easily the worst post I've ever read on this website. God bless you, have a bump.

>> No.18592599

god why are people so autistic about food? carrots won’t kill you. we’ve been eating them for thousands of years. eat them if you want.

>> No.18592616
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>Dr Garrett Smith Nutrition Detective

>> No.18592620

It's Americans who refuse to exercise coming up with cope after cope to continue avoiding exercise.

>> No.18592623

he goes on to tell you that mcdonalds is an okay choice to feed to your inner city children and no parent should be shamed for it. What's this guy's game?

>> No.18592629

Carrots are bad for rabbits

>> No.18592660
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Carrotchuds, it's unironically OVER for us

>> No.18592679

People who spread lies like this should have the balls removed.

>> No.18592680

fake vitamin A that most people dont absorb

>> No.18592683

>we’ve been eating them for thousands of years
you idiot, that's simply not true, the carrot as you know it is a 19th century invention

>> No.18592695

>le... le selective breeding!!
Still Daucus carota, Redditor. For the record I've tasted wild carrots and they're not that far off from modern domestic carrots, smaller and woodier but still recognizably carrot.

>> No.18592729

Yes they are, but taking a food that's bad for an animal and feeding it only that isn't proof that that food is bad for humans.

>> No.18592814

2-3 centuries wide of the mark.

>> No.18592821

rent free

>> No.18592883


>> No.18593014

I once threw out a carrot for a wild rabbit outside my window but the arrogant pos only sniffed it and ate grass instead. Wtf?

>> No.18593308

>eats "6-7lbs of carrots/wk"
>4 daily large carrots
>turns carrot-coloured
>suffers nutritional problems
in conclusion, don't eat a diet consisting of hefty amounts of carrot juice, idiot.

>> No.18593339
File: 313 KB, 720x937, Screenshot_20221117-223346~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 daily large carrots
That's toxic poison

>> No.18593344

I can't believe carrots are allowed to be sold to the public

>> No.18593348

I'm also American. It's undeniable that the vast majority of dietary schizoposts are obese Americans coping around proper exercise regimens.

>> No.18593349

yes it is retard, I read the same twitter thread as you and was explicitly talking about the case study from it.
if you eat four large carrots every day for literal weeks at a time then there is something deeply wrong with your diet.

>> No.18593351
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>> No.18593530

Nigger, you can eat 6 eggs in one day once a week and you'll be fine. Eat 6 eggs every single fucking day for a year and you will have big problems. This goes for literally anything you consume, even water

>> No.18593823

I've had 4 or 5 carrots almost every day for like 3 years now, it's fine

>> No.18593999

are you eating a 2lb bag every 2 days and also extremely unlucky?

>> No.18594043

Most people say that I'm annoyingly lucky

>> No.18594045

Can't wait until Elon finishes destroying Twitter desu

>> No.18594052
File: 328 KB, 720x594, Thaiboy_Digital_-_MR_CEO_(BACK_2_LIFE_OUT_NOW)_-_Y 11-18-2022 - 2940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thaiboy goon two thousand twenty two man

>> No.18594064

I eat them because they taste good faggot

>> No.18594085
File: 215 KB, 720x960, carrot seller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrots are poisonous to rabbits in the same way that rabbits are poisonous to humans.
It's called the circle of life, kiddo.

>> No.18594181 [DELETED] 

Hmmm who shall I listen to about health?

Doctors and scientists who have done actual research?

Or a random retard on twitter?

>> No.18594189

This guy is retarded.

It's never a good sign when a doctor or scientist in a field has to convince gullible idiots on the internet before they can convince other scientists and doctors?

You know why they try to preach to us before they've convinced other experts? It's because they can't convince other experts. Most scientists and doctors think he's full of shit, so he went "well if I can't convince smart people then maybe I can convince dumb people. Dumber, gullible, easily scared people."

>> No.18594702

>turns carrot-coloured
Hey handsome.

>> No.18594703

I'm not going on any more carrot rides

>> No.18594708

>Twitter thread
>Dr in name
>Nutrition Detective
Not giving you ad views

>> No.18594717
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I love the recent health nuttery coming from America. Suddenly carrots are bad, soy is bad, msg gives you brain damage, d3 is poison, teflon gives you cancer,vaccines are deadly, etc
Its obvious that Americans are noticing their health deteriorating and dying earlier and will blame everything under the sun but the obvious reason : their health care system.

Capitalism is killing Americans but they are blaming carrots instead. I guess this is what true brainwashing looks like

>> No.18594903

Veganism is an eating disorder

>> No.18595052

>normalfag thinks agricultural hybrids and cloning means some labcoat making shit in a test tube/petri dish and is scared of selective crops
stop posting man

>> No.18595501


>> No.18595527

no, you havent
fuck off

>> No.18595534

twitter screencap threads should be a bannable offense

>> No.18595558

Mexicans are driving down life expectancy in the US. The problem with these graphs is that they don't break it down by ethnicity.

>> No.18595603

White life expectancy is declining the fastest. You redneck apes can't stop offing yourself with fentanyl and oxy.

>> No.18595607

Post the numbers.

>> No.18595609
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Your beverage, sir.

>> No.18595628
File: 489 KB, 260x146, amerifatfucks think eating a bowl of mayonnaise is healthy because it has the word salad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nutrition detective

>> No.18595637

Seems like eskimo niggers are dying faster now.

>> No.18595646

Too many Eskimo pies

>> No.18595660
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>> No.18595713

Covid-19 took a hefty chunk out of our elderly population across the board. Pneumonia is the leading cause of dead for all elderly people, but they won't list "pneumonia" as the cause of death. For example, a lady died from ALS not too long ago. Pneumonia is what actually killed her, but the cause of death was just ALS. That being said, the report itself says the numbers are skewed due to Covid so I'm not too keen on saying this is anything that's an indicator of current trends outside of old farts getting the flu and dying.

That happens every year. If you're sick, don't go see grandma.

>> No.18595789

Carrots good.

Ray Peat said it, I believe it.

>> No.18595985

With ranch, yes.

>> No.18595998

>rabbits are poisonous to humans

>> No.18596028

please leave Trump tbrdmkout of this

>> No.18596261
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heh heh

>> No.18596340

You will die from malnutrition if you try to live off rabbit alone.

>> No.18596407

Jesus Christ everyone shut the fuck up about what's healthy and unhealthy. Make your own food and you'll be fucking fine

>> No.18596412

Fuck you I love snacking on baby carrots

>> No.18596994

you can say that about any organism, cant you?

>> No.18597002

>mcdonalds is an okay choice to feed to your inner city children
It is tho. Shut the fuck up before you ruin it

>> No.18597014

Your skin turning orange from beta-carotene intake is called carotenemia and has no medical consequences whatsoever. It has nothing to do with your liver, it's the beta carotene coloring your skin the same way that astaxanthin from shrimp makes flamingos pink.

>> No.18597015

capitalism is when you eat bad food

>> No.18597059

y'know OP i appreciate this post of yours, but if i wanted to see some sped posting a lot of horseshit on twitter i'd just go to twitter

>> No.18597079

>While carrot intake may protect against difficulty in seeing at night, it is probable that people attributing poor driving ability to their vision may be eating more carrots in the hope of reversing this decline.
This midwit didn't even read to the end of the abstract in his smoking gun night vision study lmao
Nutrition Detective doesn't know the difference between carotenemia and jaundice.

>> No.18597558

Based Arby's.

>> No.18597585
File: 57 KB, 700x789, 1667351637569265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i eat nothing but shrimp will i turn pink?

>> No.18597612

>their health care system.
I agree we need universal health care/preventative care, but a big thing is americans are lazy, drive all the time, and eat garbage. They don't participate in their own health

>> No.18597615

you have to eat the shells, but give it a try

>> No.18597632

>old people literally too afraid to go to the hospital so they die instead
>this is a feature
How many layers of cope do Americans sneed until they admit the system's broken

>> No.18597640

The richfags want to solve world hunger but they want to solve it for everyone at the same time and that means you have to eat a standardized diet that only they can provide. If you can grow your own food or get food on your own this undermines this plan and makes you unequal to your peers.


He's probably an unironic UN Agenda 2030 shill. The Un wants you to eat a new, standardized/sustainable diet and part of that plan is to get you to voluntarily give up old and inefficent foods. They pay people to go out and push this narrative.

You've probably heard schitzos from pol talk about part of this when they complain about eating bugs and fake meat, but theres a lot more to it than that. Another aspect of this agenda is to get you to give up things such as carrots. The stated reason is along thelines of them being inefficent, but the real reason is probably because they are too easy to grow and propagate on your own and that doesn't mesh with the hyper-controlled super-commie plan they came up with. I believe they want to get rid of potatoes too.

The anti-backyard chickenfarming and other self-sufficent living is also things that get in the way of this, even though their plan claims to rely on locally sourced goods to ensure sustainability in the supply chain. Basically abunch of lunatics want to get rid of gardening and homesteading but they promise in exchange you can eat all the processed peas and soy you could ever want.

in before janny bans me for 3 days for being offtopic. I feel this is very on topic. People are trying to undermine our hobby of cooking and eatting and they do so with bad faith arguements such as 'lol r carrot bad 4 u ;)'

>> No.18597641
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can you cook the shells in like a stock? eating the shells isnt that fun to be honest ive tried one or two

>> No.18597642 [DELETED] 

>I got cancer oh boy let me go to the hospital and contact MRSA.

>> No.18597715

>schizo tier rant about "carrot bad"
wow incredible
>if you eat nothing but carrots you'll DIE!
wow it's almost like you need to eat a balanced diet

What's this schizo selling, water filters? Whole grain quinoa? A book?

>> No.18597724

It's as broken as any other. At least in the States you don't gotta beg for an appointment to see a dermatologist to get a spot of melanoma cut off. It costs more, but medical tourism for cancer treatment is a booming industry in states like Texas. Canadians and British people are all over Houston getting treatment. It is what it is.
People get this idea that medical tourism is all about going somewhere for cheap procedures in the third world, but it's not like that anymore. More and more people are paying out-of-pocket just to skip wait times for care.

>> No.18597728

I'm not supporting social services and universal healthcare as long as 40% or more of my country is made up of foreigners. I think most Americans feel that way.

>> No.18597742

now that doesn’t sound like talk from someone who’s truly dedicated to turning pink. you’ll learn to love the fingernail texture after a few hundred shrimp

>> No.18597756

>dig a bit deeper into his schizo rants
>he sells his own line of "nutrition detective" supplements
Yep, that'd do it.
"Stop eating this, it's literally poison! Bill Gates wants you to die! Instead, buy my snake oil pills and they'll fix you. Placebo? Is that what the GLOBAL ELITES are calling the REPLACEMENT plan?"
Always so painfully predictable.

>> No.18597865

Holy fuck you are a retard if you actually think this about shit like eggs, just eat other meat with them for the nutrients that eggs miss but you should shut the fuck up

>> No.18598560 [DELETED] 


>> No.18598649
File: 254 KB, 1024x1365, Carrot,_Juliana_Anicia_Codex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A depiction labeled "garden" carrot from the Juliana Anicia Codex, a 6th-century AD Constantinopolitan copy of Dioscorides' 1st-century Greek pharmacopoeia. The facing page states that "the root can be cooked and eaten."[5]

>> No.18598663

How does one “invent” a vegetable?

>> No.18598674

>not knowing the difference between carotenemia and jaundice
Wonder what his doctorate is in, cause it sure ain’t medicine.

>> No.18598675

I love carrots and have amazing night vision
I also doubt it's possible to get vit A toxicity unless you're drinking carrot juice, eat liver or 30 eggs a day for months.

>> No.18598683

This is the single worst excuse for doing something: because you did it for god knows how long. This isn't just for carrots obviously but anything at all

>> No.18598783
File: 80 KB, 644x539, carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ought to find myself a carrot addict
Imagine a guy having smalltalk with this woman in a bar when suddenly he pulls out a bundle of carrots from his pocket. Unable to resist she'll do anything for just a little nibble at the tip

>> No.18598802

How the hell is anyone going to stop you from gardening?

>> No.18598803

same way people invented dog breeds, just look what we've done with alliums

>> No.18599047


>> No.18599538 [DELETED] 

>god why are people so autistic about food?
idiots need to feel like they have the secret knowledge that "they don't want you to know!" so they can feel smart
also tw*tter sage

>> No.18599549

oh sweetie

>> No.18599578

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.18599592

I remember some guy that got shot and died was listed as a covid19-related death.

>> No.18599597

Ohh wow is celery poisonous too

>> No.18599643

You faggots post this in every thread about anything related to rabbit cooking. You keep acting like nobody knows about this shit while keep spamming it in every thread, you're not going to be poisoned from eating rabbit once. Nigger.

>> No.18599664

anyone with dr/phd in their twitter name can be safely ignored

>> No.18599958
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>she goes for a nibble
>yank it away
>she complains
>tell her she has to wear the ears
>she says no
>put the carrots away
>she starts twitching
>ignore her
>she says she'll put on the ears
>say it's too late, she has to wear the whole outfit
>she protests because we're in public
>say tough shit, junkie bitch

>> No.18599984

Sugar. It's because of all the sugar. Americans are horribly addicted to sugar and don't realize it

>> No.18600264

You can

>> No.18601536

this actually happens often. some houseplants never existed in nature, for example.

>> No.18602106

The only way this would ever happen is if the us govt nationalizes healthcare, and they are suddenly given a reason to start policing their citizens health because it's literally costing them taxpayer money now.
It would also be extremely unpopular if your government started fining you for being obese even though they literally fine you $700 for not having uninterrupted health insurance coverage the whole year.

>> No.18602110
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>A root vegetable tastes good when cooked, IS IT BAD FOR ME !?!!?

Average 4chin user,

>> No.18602247
