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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 473x328, popcorn_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18649349 No.18649349 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a kid....my sister had this friend, see. She showed us how at her house they season popcorn, they did this by pouring Koolaid powder into the popcorn bag and shaking it up. Was strange to me to be honest, but it was interesting.

Now, some many years later I told my friend online they should try to do this with ranch dressing seasoning powder, they did and said it was really good. My question to you is, do you season popcorn or do anything special to it?

>> No.18649354

Garlic powder. Seriously I love garlic popcorn.

Anyone who does not love garlic popcorn may be a vampire so beware!

>> No.18649361

i bought a carton of flavacol.
It's the butter flavored salt that gives popcorn that movie theater taste.
It's so strong that a serving size is 1/4th of a teaspoon.
This shit cost $15 and is gonna last me years. Absolutely worthwhile investment.

>> No.18649363

Sounds like a black thing. They love kool aid

>> No.18649365


>> No.18649368

stopped reading at
>friend, see.

>> No.18649371
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Sometimes I sprinkle on some Kernal Season’s after the popcorn has been popped

>> No.18649375

butter and garlic salt, simple as.

>> No.18649376

Best popcorn Ive ever had was at a friends house. His mom popped it in a cast iron with olive oil and butter. Lots of salt too

>> No.18649378

The girl was very black yes

>> No.18649386

Lol. Knew it. I was never around blacks until the football players in college. They would literally always have kool aid in their dorm rooms

>> No.18649399

this shit tastes so bad. it's like corn starch with a little bit of seasoning. something about it just tastes so off

>> No.18649479

I use stock powders instead of salt. Tomato stock powder and tamarind stock powder especially are very, very good. Also and separately, a little salt and a lot of sugar powdered together in a blender make a good popcorn seasoning as does the seasoning packet from a box of instant mac and cheese.

>> No.18649483

So it's not just me? While I wouldn't say it tastes of cornstarch, there's definitely something "off" to the ones I've tried (chipotle, barbecue and cheese; the cheese one was especially awful).

>> No.18649487
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>> No.18649584

>it was interesting
why were you interested in fat people?

>> No.18649713

I just had some with salt, pepper, smoked paprika, cayenne and chipotle nutritional yeast. Think next time I'll try something with cinnamon or garam masala.

>> No.18650210

Caramel and nuts.
t. cracker

>> No.18651348
File: 6 KB, 223x226, YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white popcorn
>drizzle heavily with melted ghee and toss
Simple as that.

>> No.18651376

>Not cutting the grease of the popcorn with vinegar
>Not topping the popcorn with cheese espuma
why live?

>> No.18651450

i use the butter salt. good stuff

>> No.18651467

When I was a kid, my sister had a friend and my sister's friend had a boyfriend and my sister's friend's boyfriend was a fake biker which meant he dressed like a biker but he drove around in his parents stationwagon all day, listening to the same goddamn ledd zeppelin song over and over again, you know, the one that went like "TWENTY-FIVE! TWENTY-FIVE! TWENTY-FIVE!" and sometimes we'd see my sister's friend sitting on the hood of her car holding a bag of ice to her eye saying "he hits me, but he really, really loves me."
I used to eat popcorn while watching from the kitchen window. Good times.

>> No.18651485

i use orange-colored coconut fat, flavacol, and two brands of butter topping (one is orville redenbacher and the other i buy on amazon in a huge jug) and pour it into a paper bag once it's cooked

orville is kind of expensive, but it has the best flavor, so i like to cut it with the cheap stuff. seems to work

sometimes when we're lazy we have it for dinner. definitely has the calories.

>> No.18651500

Sometimes I shoot my load over a bowl of popcorn and my boyfriend eats it

>> No.18652307

Popcorn makes your mouth go POPOPAOPOAPOP

>> No.18652328

I used to with the powdered parmesan cheese and it was pretty good. I haven't done it in a while but will again soon now that I think about it

>> No.18652334

what else can you use that shit on

>> No.18653760


>> No.18653774

Salt, freshly crush peppercorns, olive oil. Mama Mia!

>> No.18654048

I like tapatio on popcorn but i dont eat popcorn that much so im too much of a noob to recommend it.

>> No.18654070

sea salt. I have a microwave air popper and it traps enough steam that if I open the top as soon as it comes out and chuck a pinch of salt in, after a shake the salt melts to perfection. my favorite low calorie snack
works for that flavored powder stuff too but it's messy. just gotta be quick.

>> No.18654094
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I am going to do you anons a favor, https://www.amazon.com/Hoosier-Hill-Farm-Cheddar-Cheese/dp/B01INI4QA0/ you can thank me later, also fuck you because now I know the price will go up.

I use https://www.amazon.com/Mueller-Microwave-Capacity-Borosilicate-Silicone/dp/B0B459LVTV/ put 1tbsp of real butter on the lid, 1/3 cup kernels, 3:30 1200 watt micro, then about 1 tbsp of aforementioned cheese shaken in a bag, best popcorn you will ever eat, by far, on top of that everything is amazingly easy to clean.

>> No.18654142

hey I have that thing. it works really well except on my 900w microwave there's a slightly sad amount of unpopped kernels

>> No.18654197
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these anons don't even know the hookup I just gave them, if you like cheddar or white cheddar I HIGHLY suggest you try that hoosier hill, I am very impressed with the flavor and quality, it's good broseph.

If you like popcorn and don't investigate my assertions, you're a retard.

>> No.18654201

it's on my radar fren, sounds decadent

>> No.18655044

Did his mom show you her tits after and give you a sloppy bj?

>> No.18656165


>> No.18657265

This. If you like movie theater popcorn, you need flavacol and coconut oil, the colored stuff is usually just carrot powder added in.

>> No.18657298

I sprinkle it on my peepee and my boyfriend sucks it off

>> No.18657336

Strong agree. I bought a bottle of the white cheddar seasoning, I tried it once and it has been sitting in my pantry untouched ever since.

>> No.18657604

not the /greatest/ way, but i cook mine in an instant pot. comes out pretty perfect. then i use a misto to spray it lightly with either olive/avocado oil and sprinkle with some pink salt.
though using popcorn butter oil in the misto is also delicious

>> No.18658005

I just tried what you said with the butter and while I don't have that awesome cheese I used some seasoning that I had and it worked extremely well. thank you

>> No.18658733


>> No.18658745

I season my popcorn with granulated beef bouillon
I find that it gives it that savory flavor you just can't get with butter, salt, or msg

>> No.18659715

I dont make popcorn too often but when I do my favorite is a bit of butter and a chicken flavor packet from ramen noodles, put those in when its done, shake it around then up and down and enjoy.

>> No.18659769

I've used the nacho one for fries before, good shit

>> No.18660375

the nacho flavor makes my popcorn taste like off brand doritos

>> No.18660392

Paprika for me

>> No.18660508
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I remember getting this shit as a kid