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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18701552 No.18701552 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18701557

more like basin

>> No.18701558

Baste ;)

>> No.18701817


>> No.18701912

What's the issue with this?

>> No.18701925

There is none, it stops the noodles from over cooking

>> No.18702129


>> No.18702175

It's an unnecessary step that actually makes your food slightly more shitty, you mong

>> No.18702253

ah I see you're making pasta salad... good job!

>> No.18702356

I always find this really gross because a lot of the time the water backs up for a minute and now you have water that's been in the drain touching the pasta.
I put a lid on the pot I was boiling the pasta in and gently tip it into the sink so the pasta stays in the pot but the water pours out.

>> No.18702384

just don't put too much water in or it will be pasta soup haha

>> No.18702400

I like popcorn sauce and a packet of chicken ramen flavor on that shit, then it's good for sharing

>> No.18702405

what do people think they're accomplishing by doing this? I have never done so, because I'm lazy.

>> No.18702431

Getting into some cute girl's panties, what else?
Are you some kind of goofball?

>> No.18702435

I don't see how that could possibly work. No girl is going to be impressed by your ability to rinse something in a sink.

>> No.18702439

But then you show some effort so she doesn't have to do it.

>> No.18702445

why would the woman rinse the pasta?

>> No.18702447

hahaha. it's panties, rinsing her panties and stuff not pasta you fuckin' weirdo

>> No.18702448

But if she eats it and shits, is she still cute?

>> No.18702451

Depends and I need pics for research porposies

>> No.18702455

so to be clear, rising the pasta won't help me with women?

>> No.18702461

penne is not based


>> No.18702465

It's probably getting her out of her panties first, if she lets you rinse her panties then you've probably gotten her naked, the pasta is fun for both of you, it gives you some time together.
I know, easier said than done, it always is.

>> No.18702467

you don't need to let it rise since pasta is technically a quickbread

>> No.18702485

Not only the pasta but teach her to make some proper sauce, pasta's not complete without sauce. That gives you even more time together.

>> No.18702559

literal filter.

imagine being the exact opposite of correct.
it triggers those that are 100% legit retarded.
clean your drains, anon.
fuck is wrong with you, not knowing how to use a plunger?
it makes the sauce stick to the noodles instead of floating on a layer of detached starch.

>> No.18702651

I've never rinsed my pasta and sauce sticks to it just fine.

>> No.18702677

you should try cooking once in a while, you can't live off your mommy's tendies all your life. and you might learn something.

>> No.18704264
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There is not a single instance wherein rinsing pasta is recommended or advised. Not even pasta salad.

If you're worried about your pasta overcooking, you should just cook it less and while it cools down, it will not overcook.

>> No.18704274
