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File: 879 KB, 3024x4032, olive oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18749402 No.18749402 [Reply] [Original]

>Order groceries online.
>need olive oil
>remember California Ranch being decent Californian olive oil
>pick it
>groceries delivered
>putting up groceries and see its now a "global blend" with only 10% Californian olive oil
>feel exhausted from the constant scams with olive oil
What olive oil is not a scam?

>> No.18749410

Blends are fine.
At least it's not saturated fat (unhealthy fat)

>> No.18749420

Depends what someone wants it for.

It's a pain in the ass man. I asked for good olive oil for Xmas. So far, out of all the brands I've gotten the only ones that are not blends are 100% greek ones. Spanish, Italian and AMerican EVOO are all blends from abroad. You can see on the container the countries of origin.
So far the Greek one does smell and taste the best by quite a lot, and I'm not joking. No clue what it cost but having all the oil from the same olive trees is fucking nice.

If you're a fag who's gonna be like 'muh olive oil mafia' or 'muh chlorophyll coloring' then piss off.

>> No.18749427

Are you one of those people who buys orange fanta and then complains that you got scammed when you actually read the label and find out it isn't orange juice?

>> No.18749447

Lotta fuckin' big corporate cope in this thread. Why can't a guy have olive oil from the same plant? Why does it have to be squeezed from olives from tunesia, greece, italy, spain, america and other shithole countries where filthy mongrels who can't afford a chromebook pick them?

>> No.18749460

I can pick up pure Spanish in my local grocery stores but I'm in the EU, maybe it's different where you're at (that said, I go for Greek whenever i can.)

>> No.18749463

I don't drink Fanta but if it says "orange" on the bottle and there's no oranges in there, that's fraud.

>> No.18749469

But there is orange in orange fanta, just like there's california olives in OP's olive oil. (That's the entire point of the analogy.)

>> No.18749495

it's surprising they mention those countries at all

>> No.18749518

Look at a fanta label, it says:

FANTA (big letters)
Orange (smaller letters)

They're not trying to tell you they're selling orange juice, they're selling FANTA, and want you to know you're buying FANTA (which is also the brand they are pushing).

- - -

Compare to the image in OP:

CALIFORNIA (high contrast)
OLIVE RANCH (high contrast)
EXTRA VIRGIN (high contrast)
OLIVE OIL (high contrast)

ARGENTINA * PORTUGAL (low contrast)
CHILE 10% CALIFORNIA (low contrast)

They're not trying to tell you they're selling (blend), they're selling COALIFORNIA OLIVE RANCH. They've got "California Olive" right in the brand they're pushing at you. Can you see the rest of the design? Obviously, yes. But they're not proud of that part, it's only there because they're legally required to put it there, and they're actively trying to draw attention away from it, or hope you don't notice if you're in a hurry.

>> No.18749532

>they're hoping you don't read the small print
Bitch, it says "global blend" all over the bottle and the list of countries is in just as big of font as everything else.
>muh low contrast
How's the glaucoma going?

>> No.18749537

What he said isn't debatable based on what you feel, it's just true whether you like it or not. The text is different, the stuff he said is diminished is diminished in the face of the bold and up front text. This is all just fact and obvious and not a point of discussion.

>> No.18749539

Why is buying evoo so fucking grim outside of the EU?

>> No.18749540

They sell different varieties my dude. They have a 100% Californian one and it's more expensive. You bought the cheaper blended variety.

>> No.18749543

>I suck corporate dong on the regular
Get other hobbies dude

>> No.18749544

Because outside of the EU we actually care when criminals put a dick in our asses

>> No.18749546

>pretending typesetting in marketing isn't real
nigger what

>> No.18749550

I'm not defending the brand, retard. I'm calling OP (you) a retard because he's incapable of reading the giant text on the front of the bottle or the HIGH CONTRAST label at the top that very clearly says "global blend".

>> No.18749551

>How's the glaucoma going?
My eyes are decent but my mothers' are going pretty bad. Can we compromise that companies can label shit however they want, but if my mom ever buys the wrong product on accident, I can sodomize you a2m style (we'll use EVOO for lube)?

>> No.18749554

>the HIGH CONTRAST label at the top
You mean the smaller-font text that's removed from the label and put where the graphics design doesn't naturally draw the eyes? Is that the label you're talking about?

>> No.18749557

What country? You can't be American lol

>> No.18749565

Yes, the separate all white label at the very top that your eyes are immediately drawn to because of the high contrast with the dark bottle and its proximity to the brand name without using a significantly smaller font.

>> No.18749570

Wait until someone tells you olive oil needs to be 51% to call it olive oil, the rest can be whatever oil you want

>> No.18749577

It's already like that, you have to look at the ingredients. They will still say blend but in really tiny text.

>> No.18749585

>go for Greek whenever you can

>> No.18749587
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I buy this because I figure no one would lie about Tunisian oil really being a blend because most Americans don't know where it is or that it is a country

>> No.18749589

They can claim its 100% olive oil if its only 51% olive oil?

>> No.18749593

Yes. Same with honey.

>> No.18749594

They also have to be tested and caught before anything will be done about it even if they don't bother with that low bar.

>> No.18749596

Retarded take

>> No.18749615

There was an olive shortage from blight and drought. They would rather be using california olives if they could. Unfortunately there isn't much anyone can do other than wait for new trees to grow.

>> No.18749623

>saturated fat (unhealthy fat)
Shut the fuck up retard. There is 0 evidence that saturated fats are bad for you. Only Trans fats are known to be bad.

>> No.18749628

everyone knows that, he made that comment just to get yous, you failed

>> No.18749630

Use Terra Delyssa.
Its actually real EVOO. You can taste the difference.

>> No.18749642

>They would rather be using california olives if they could.
Understand me right here: There's nothing wrong about using olives that are not from California. The wrong thing is using non-California olives and branding yourself to give the impression that it's all California olives. They can sell their non-California olive oil under a brand that isn't California Olive Ranch - or even keep using that brand, but give it less prominence and the "blend" label more prominence.

>> No.18749650

If it isn't California, it isn't Olive Oil. It's mixed with vegetable oil.

>> No.18749652

If you just buy regular EVOO without doing any research then you are getting blended bullshit. Doesn't matter what country you are in.

>> No.18749658
File: 223 KB, 720x720, 1670001419959507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of anyone who knows anything about health disagrees with you retard.

>> No.18749660

Buy Italian DOP oil ie. Terra di Bari Bitonto. DOP means protected origin, that will be 100% Italian oil.

>> No.18749662

I've also heard California Ranch is the best on the market in USA. Haven't heard about Terra Delyssa.

>> No.18749665

Older people who eat more saturated fat and cholesterol have lower mortality. We have the studies.

>> No.18749666

The Italian Mob stretches it with vegetable oil to make more profit.

>> No.18749676

I mean the "global blend" sticker isn't exactly hidden.

>> No.18749689
File: 1.07 MB, 960x540, mz5sts6c6xy41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he bought it online, probably wanted the original California Ranch all American olives but they substituted the blended because the wage slaves at Walmart couldn't give a fuck.

>> No.18749691

>100% Italian oil
Most of it ordinary vegetable oil that was once in the proximity of an Italian.

>> No.18749699

Like a local store order? You can choose "no substitutes" if you don't want to get shit you don't want in your order. Sounds like the problem is he doesn't know how to do things.

>> No.18749704

it's just gutter oil in a fancy bottle. eat up goy

>> No.18749706

The wage slaves probably couldn't tell the difference.

>> No.18749712

What? If you choose no substitutes then they just leave whatever isn't in stock off the order, they probably even prefer it because it's less work. Are you pretending to be retarded so you can manufacture something to be mad about or what?

>> No.18749717

>Order groceries online
Lmao imagine caring so little about your food.

>> No.18749726

>wagie looks at list
>California ranch EVOO
>grabs California ranch EVOO from shelf
>task complete
That's what happened.

>> No.18749747

The order is digitalized, they have to scan it before it gets checked off when they put it in the cart.

>> No.18749792

Costco's olive oil is Gucci

>> No.18749954

It used to be good, even rated number 1 grocery store brand by America's Test Kitchen. Then with the California wildfires and destroyed crop, that opened the door to just blend it with whatever. May as well just get Costco brand at this point, they're hawks about sourcing their products.

>> No.18749973

Try getting olive oil from Greece or Spain retard, California is dogshit.

>> No.18750069

I'm sure Spain and Greece would be perfect if it wasn't corrupt as shit. At least in America companies can't get away with blending bullshit in with real EVOO

>> No.18750122

blended olive oils are generally last season's dregs and leftovers that all get slopped in together. It's not some tastemaster balancing flavor notes, it's a mess. A single estate Greek or Italian oil is the best way to assure decent quality oil.

>> No.18750131

It's declared in big letters on the front of the bottle.

>> No.18750134

just look at the acidity % and get anything with 0.2% or lower, 0.3% is the maximum acceptable

>> No.18750145

To say "0 evidence" for something every group of experts have been endorsing and studying for more than half a century looks desperate on your part.

https://www.bmj.com/content/314/7074/112 (395 controlled studies demonstrating saturated fats raise LDL cholesterol)
https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/article/41/24/2313/5735221 (multiple lines of evidence, including animal studies and genetic research, demonstrating that LDL cholesterol plays a causal role in heart disease)


>> No.18750152
File: 143 KB, 856x2497, 71WyOVvOT5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cause you have to buy the white label you dumbass

>> No.18750248

DOP is a pretty strict protocol. Italy is serious about food

>> No.18750287
File: 133 KB, 960x1280, italian scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italy is serious about food


>> No.18750477
File: 1.13 MB, 1111x1480, 1672354019936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one.

>> No.18750487

The mafia is even more serious about their margins.

>> No.18750584

yeahno. olive oil is heavily run by the mafia. everyone out of the med is cut

>> No.18750598

Margherita is the best pizza, although I prefer it with garlic olive oil as the sauce with roasted tomatoes on top.

>> No.18750614


Absolutely lmao comparing this to the other bottle - here the origin IS in extreme contrast (rather than dark green on slightly less dark green) and the separate "100% california" label has much clearer textual representation.

>> No.18750619

DOP protects the olive farmer against competition, it does not protect the consumer against the olive farmer mixing in some more oil from elsewhere.

>> No.18750640
File: 53 KB, 750x722, 1571952456436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find real domestic evoo anywhere, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Everything is an unspecified "mix" from a bunch of corrupt euro countries. I saw california on a bottle and thought "finally" then I saw global blend. Fuck this shit.
Then I tried avocado oil for the high smoke point and it started smoking like crazy at 400F. Probably not real either. Has it all just been soybean oil the whole time?

>> No.18750649

Only avocado oil I trust is Chosen brand that I get at Costco. It was one of the only ones tested that was 100% avocado oil. Costco doesn't fuck around with adulterated products. They offered full refunds on their raw local honey a while back because they found out it might have been mixed with raw honey from other parts of the US.

>> No.18750655

>I can't find real domestic evoo anywhere
Kind of hard when the domestic olive crops have been destroyed.

>> No.18750698

>What olive oil is not a scam?

supply chain shortages due to meme war in ukraine = get fucked on quality food for the rest of your life. unironically start growing your own shit because its never getting better.

>> No.18750755

just because something starts to smoke doesn't mean it's already rancid. it takes a while for it. see video
>inb4 seething other adam

>> No.18750781

>You can choose "no substitutes"
FWIW the chimps at my local just sub anyway 99% of the time

>> No.18750900

Costco's Organic EVOO is inexpensive and is the real deal when tested. Tons of grocery store olive oils are fake, rancid, or cut with other oils.

>> No.18750912

Is it tasty? That's all that matters.

>> No.18750914
File: 263 KB, 581x1234, Screenshot_20221229_170533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just retarded

>> No.18750918

Those are just a blend anyway. Single estate or bust (well I love busting in general)

>> No.18750922

The fuck are you talking about thats still a blend

>> No.18751580

>oh my god this boxed wine isn't good
how fucking dumb are you

>> No.18751690

Greek and Australian are the only good oils.
100% American was good but I never see it on sale anymore.
Everything else is trash

>> No.18751711

>Walmart sells it
Yeah I doubt its quality

>> No.18751719


>> No.18751742

What kind of fucking retard demands olive oil from fucking california instead of Greece or Spain or shitaly?

Is there something put in the tapwater to make you fucks stupider?

>> No.18751760

why not make your own olive oil. How hard can it be? Get some olives, squash them. I don't know.

>> No.18751772
File: 518 KB, 1024x1024, COR_AB535_110050_100CA_EVOO_500ml_F_01072022.10_1024x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappointing that they are doing blends while not lowering the prices. They do have the 100% California one.

>> No.18751870
File: 449 KB, 1195x1600, 2E2BD511-9BA8-4791-8F1B-7989176021AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s another “please feed me Mr. Patrician, how do I get good oil”
>buying over processed carcinogenic oil because it somewhat resembles a quality oil
Lel again.

>> No.18751877

It is imo. These retards are sperging out over the blend, but all the stores sell the blend and 100% California pure shit too. The good shit just costs 2x as much.

>> No.18751879

Supreme patrician. I kneel.

>> No.18751887

>doesn’t support the smalltime ultra-quality oil
>not receiving the kino oil for a reasonable price because it’s not marked up
>tests at almost 1g polyphenols/mL, literally pure and Greek-tier
Have a good one plebs: don’t forget to thank me.

>> No.18751889
File: 86 KB, 405x720, C151DD45-7E5E-4958-B370-3F32980FEF45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18751948

Just look for an importer. I found one and they have a small shop I get DOP olive oil from italy. The price is good too.

>> No.18752008

This. I didn't realize it until I got home. Back at the store next week, i saw the california only version. Pro tip: just go to the store and shop for your shit like you're supposed to

>> No.18752019

My stupid sister bought the blend one once, and the difference is very noticeable. The California one is far better. I made her stupid ass finish the entire bottle by herself.
I like the California one but have recently been getting Palestinian one and I enjoy it much more.

>> No.18752026

I stopped buying it at Costco when they switched to the plastic bottles. The glass bottle is superior.

>> No.18752038

Yuro here as well. I’ve never seen a blend in store. Depending on the dish I’m making I can go for either 100% Italian, Greek or Spanish without any issue whatsoever. Must suck to be OP

>> No.18752265

>100% Italian
I simply don't trust the oil industry of a country where export+consumption > import+production.

Good Italian EVOO is very good, but how can I trust that the bottle I get is good?

Which is why I stick to Greek - their oil is just as good, and the markup isn't as high so there's less incentive for adulterating it.

>> No.18752272

You keep repeating this yet it's absolute bullshit.

>> No.18752284
File: 108 KB, 572x568, olive-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags should try Australian evoo, it's cheaper than European and equally good

>> No.18752289

>I’ve never seen a blend in store.
Oh, and I forgot to mention: I have absolutely seen blends in EU stores.

>> No.18752324

Why are you saving old ass oil like it's wine you fucking retard? You use it as soon as possible, the longer it sits in a bottle the worse it gets. God damn you people are stupid.

>> No.18752357

Fortunately LDL appears not to be an issue independently. It is once additional health shortcomings are added that the macrophage stuff starts.
I think that both you and the person you replied to are taking exaggerated positions.

>> No.18752366

Blessed phthalate and BPA avoider.

>> No.18752385

Only steers and queers come from australia

>> No.18752412

That's texas anon.

>> No.18752739
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For some reason, we have an Australian company selling California olive oil.

>> No.18752753

and olives

>> No.18752826

>itt: anon discovers trading is a thing

>> No.18753026

I can barely taste a difference between cento brand evoo and the DOP stuff my MIL brought back from her trip to italy. Don't overpay for this shit unless you eat it fresh with bread

>> No.18753048

Argentina olive oil is good for the price. About 2.85 for 17 ounces.

It is not goated by any means, but its better than vegetable oil for salads.

>> No.18753074
File: 132 KB, 860x2500, 61MtdT3ZlxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As mentioned the 100% California blend of this stuff is a great cooking oil and is probably the best thing you can find in any grocery store but can someone PLEASE recommend me a knockout finishing EVOO that's stupid delicious on its own that I could order?

>> No.18753183

not in the EU

>> No.18753271

lol at thinking any of the countries you listed even check if it's really olive oil. enjoy your blend of mystery oils

>> No.18753577

They still have 100% California olive oil, you just were a retard and bought the cheaper blend version

>> No.18754709

>I tried avocado oil for the high smoke point and it started smoking like crazy at 400F
This, holy shit, I fell for that, too. Never again. I ended up making some MPW recipe that called for half a gallon of oil just so I could use it up.

>> No.18754718

>>18749410 get the (You)

>> No.18754764

Colavita was recommended to me here once, it's at most stores. Very good

>> No.18754771
File: 26 KB, 535x600, 5D5DA884-21A0-47FE-8B35-012272B85E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I ever use

>> No.18754795

There's no where on earth that doesn't have mislabelled olive oil.

The guinea economy ("Italian") would collapse if they were stopped from importing Greek, Tunisian, Libyan oils and bottling it as "Italian extra virgin olive oil".

The mark ups are huge.

>> No.18754832

I just realized I have this in the pantry and I used it the other day when I normally wouldn’t have used olive oil. It has a light flavor and smell.

>> No.18756166

Can't believe you trust the Italian EVOO industry.

>> No.18756167

>There's no where on earth that doesn't have mislabelled olive oil.
I've never heard of adulterated EVOO from non-Italian countries.

I mean I'm sure it happens, but in Italy it's just Tuesday.

>> No.18756179

I use this to make soap.

>> No.18756197 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 800x200, pdo-pgi-list-header_en_0_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make sure you always buy an evoo with this sign, OP

>> No.18756736

>grocery delivered


>> No.18757339
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My man.

>> No.18757378
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I heard Genco has been importing their olive oil straight from Sicily since the early 1900s, and very reasonably priced. It's an offer that I can't refuse.