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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18936321 No.18936321 [Reply] [Original]

what would you pack for lunch if you had no access to a fridge or microwave? i commute to college and have little time between classes so i've just been packing sandwiches which is boring. thanks /ck/

>> No.18936331

I probably wouldn't pack anything, I'd go across the street or avenue and buy a sandwich. On the times that I've had to it's real simple stuff like ham and cheese on rye, nothing weird that goes off quick like tuna.

>> No.18936335

Buy some MREs and eat them during class

>> No.18936338

When I was a kid and people were caught chewing gum in class they'd have to put it on their noses, otherwise you just stuff it under the desk.

>> No.18936353

Deenz n crackers

>> No.18936375
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A job application

>> No.18936388

idk how long your lunch has to sit in your bag, but spicy tuna onigiri is one of my favs

>> No.18936415
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Dried fruit and nuts.

>> No.18936461

If leftover is left in cool and dry it should last for a day.
If you live in a steamer box you have no choise but to make jelly(aspic as well), saurkraut n picked shit or pack fresh in the morning or cook out in the parking lot.

>> No.18936510
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>tfw the girl sitting behind you complains about your FRH smelling funny

>> No.18936635

You could unironically make bentos, which is rice and some sort of meat and sides as in OP. They're "traditionally" eaten room temperature

>> No.18936680

I wouldn't bother with anything large desu. Either buy something around if you're feeling lazy or make sandwiches and wraps to pack.
I can't explain it but these soft, filled wraps that you can get at stores as to go food are a guilty pleasure of mine.
The actual store bought ones are shit of course, but an untoasted/unwarmed wrap with some spread, cold cuts, lettuce and whatnot on it.

>> No.18936701

Sushi I think, but with cooked fish. It's good cold and shouldn't have any issue with a few hours of no refrigeration.

>> No.18936746
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Bento lunchbox is a scam shilled by anime and 7-11. I got one and two weeks later I'm just jamming in bagels or tearing up pizza to fit inside compartment and you get such a miniscule amount of chips in each of the side compartments.

>> No.18936768

Fat fuck

>> No.18936846

A bento is for rice, if you're eating pizza and chips just use tupperware or something

>> No.18936862

>being this purist about a word that literally just means "packed/portable lunch"
A cornish pasty is a bento, shut the fuck up.

>> No.18936871 [DELETED] 

Yeah faggot, because a tiny box with compartments is better for pizza slice than tupperware

>> No.18936888


>> No.18936892

Yeah faggot, I'm a purist because I'm saying tupperware is better for pizza than a tiny box with compartments

>> No.18937756

>OP mentions no monetary boundaries
>retard instantly jumps to "hurr get a jerb!"
I've been steadily employed for longer than you've been out of high school probably, am I doing it all wrong by not carrying a microwave with me at all times?