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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18972709 No.18972709 [Reply] [Original]

what is the etiquette on bringing your own seasoning to restaurants? it's my meal that I paid for I should be able to enjoy it how I want

>> No.18972713

>le incel race bait thread
fuck off

>> No.18972726

>know that a restaurant will not have the seasoning you want
>bring your own
You're cooking it anyway, have at it

>> No.18972737

It's a huge sign of ignorance

>> No.18972742 [DELETED] 

Typical negress behavior.
>can’t wait for the sensitive and fragile /ck/ jannies to ban me for stating a fact
This place has really gotten to Reddit levels of soft

>> No.18972749

Do y'all keep a spice rack in your car for impromptu restaurant meals?

>> No.18972754 [DELETED] 

I had brunch once with a Chinese national who did the same thing - they brought their own hot sauces from home "just in case" the white people food wasn't spicy enough. We got her a chorizo and jalapeno omlette and she complained that it was too spicy.

Basically, ignorant people are in every culture, and ignorant people are prone to not knowing they're ignorant.

Also niggers.

>> No.18972755

That "aunty" is probably about 34 years old

>> No.18972756 [DELETED] 

She's being deliberately smug and self righteous about it. They think they can insult their way past the shame of never contributing anything to the world. Look how sassy I am! No you're just embarrassed and ashamed about your pitiful race.

>> No.18972760

Negros love salt. I just don't know why you'd pay for Korean BBQ if you just want it to taste like your own cooking

>> No.18972761

She's not paying, the taxpayer is.

>> No.18972776 [DELETED] 

No it's just non whites. We have good manners in our culture and heritage from working cooperatively in harsh climates in villages. They're just savages. Hence the lower IQ.

>> No.18972827

>what is the etiquette on bringing your own seasoning to restaurants? it's my meal that I paid for I should be able to enjoy it how I want
low class, usually

I was in line at some pancake restaurant at some place in uhh, Newport RI, and some woman got my attention for being like a bodybuilder, kind of unusual and she had a shaker jar of Sazon Goya, and couldn't eat her eggs without it, and I was apalled it was that necessary.

>> No.18972900

>doesn't even shake one particulate onto the food
why are people this hard up for internet attention?

>> No.18972961 [DELETED] 

Chinese people unironically believe they invented spice

>> No.18973079 [DELETED] 
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I’m going to let all of you anons in here in on a little secret. Did you know that when niggers talk about “seasoning” they are exclusively referring to “Lawry’s Seasoned Salt?”
I’m not joking, it’s an honest to God fact. Next time you get on the subject of cooking while chatting with a nigger ask him what his favorite seasonings are to use while cooking. He’ll stare at you mouth agape before mumbling out some incoherent nigger speak like

“mufuggah ion no not mufuggin gorton ramsay nigga nah mean I’m just usin seasoning nigga”

Niggers really have no concept of seasoning, they honestly think all flavor is derived from lawry’s seasoning salt. One time I was invited to my nigger neighbor’s 4th of July bbq. I could hardly contain my excitement because I was finally about to be enlightened by the fabled nigger BBQ, or so I thought.

Imagine my disappointment when I arrived and was greeted with the following
>chicken rubbed with lawry’s seasoned salt
>ribs with dry rub of lawry’s seasoned salt
>mashed potatoes loaded with lawry’s seasoned salt
>salad garnished with lawry’s seasoned salt
>asparagus coated in so much lawry’s seasoned salt that it was entirely crystallized by the time it was done grilling
>every table had a bottle of lawry’s seasoned salt on it “to add some extra seasoning”
It was absolutely unreal. Do you know how many times I was asked to “pass the seasoning” that night? It can’t be counted on both hands. Describing the situation as Lynchian is too kind.

If you ever find yourself dating a nigger and want to impress her grill up some chicken and rub it with enough lawry’s seasoned salt to cure an entire calf. You will be amazed at her eyes light up as she takes her first bite and she showers you with compliments for “cookin’ with soul”

>> No.18973208

Surprised Rooftop Americans let her in.

>> No.18973260

If you are one of those crazy hot sauce guys it's ok to bring your own hot sauce but that's it
Why the fuck are you bringing paprika to a restaurant when they have paprika at the kitchen?
I know why it is to act smug about how you know better by putting fucking paprika on beef as if it was some sort of culinary skill
If the lady was white the entire internet would be making fun of her fir this

>> No.18973282 [DELETED] 

>Recipe calls for 1/4 bunch of parsley
>Buy a bunch of parsley
>Leave the rest on a glass of water
>Slowly watch it wither and day over the course of weeks
>Get depressed and don't leave my bed for days
Fuck using fresh herbs

>> No.18973334

I worked off site for a month and my black boss ordered mcdonalds coffee with 10 creams and 10 sugars. I've heard of this but never witnessed it in person before that.

>> No.18973432

what an insufferable cunt

>> No.18973441

I bring my own superfine pepper.

don't give a fuck if they don't allow it.

I even bring my own taco sauce if the restaurants is not very good.

>> No.18973454

Not even slants want to clean your nasty Lawrys off their grill

>> No.18973515

She's doing it purely to insult the ethnicity and culture of the restaurant. Imagine if someone brought HP sauce to an Nigerian restaurant and started filming themselves mocking them. You can be charged for a hate crime if you're white.

>> No.18973566

seething muttcel

>> No.18973567
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once me and my friend pinched some kimchi from our restaurant, a wannabe michilin modern french restaurant (that sold kimchi), and snuck it into a Korean restaurant we liked that generally had good food, but their kimchi was always shit. we got caught the third time and the waiter asked us what we were doing and to please put our container away, and i had to apologise but told him their kimchi sucked, needed salt and was half-raw, and he actually apologised to us and said they'd been short staffed and fallen behind on production.

>> No.18973643 [DELETED] 

New copypasta just dropped, I'm posting you on reddit.

>> No.18973645

Continental Africans are based. Fuck off OP

>> No.18973656

At restaurants no and I give the side eye to my fat fucking aunt who will ask for more sauce on pasta or cheese or shit. But at home I add seasonings and put peanut butter in my pad thai takeout.

>> No.18973659
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i've seen this twice and both times it was just somebody trying to make their food more spicy, which i'm completely on board with, because i worked at the restaurants, always added some hot sauce or spicy seasoning to my food too.
the first was at a seafood place, she had a bottle of pic related and i asked if i could try it and she was more than happy to give me some. very good but the bottle i bought from amazon went stale and weak fairly quickly.
the next time it was a guy who grew his own peppers, made hot sauce, made enough money to hire people to do it for him, and his wife carries a bottle of each around in her purse. he gave me a bottle for free because i did a shot of his spiciest one and loved it.

>> No.18973662

er pic is semi related. it was the bon cabe 50 not 30

>> No.18973668 [DELETED] 


>> No.18973710 [DELETED] 

I saw a white dude bring bbq hot sauce to a sushi place.

>> No.18973726 [DELETED] 


>> No.18973736

Thai here
I once bought my own sauce for dipping meat in to an Authentic Korean grills once
The guy was like oh yeah we loved that and leave us be after they saw us with the sauce bottle
Anyway, turn out those sweeten marinated kabi/bulgogi doesn't go well with Thai sauce
So we never bring our own sauce ever again for kbbq
Just use their salted sasame oil

>> No.18973737 [DELETED] 

Paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.18973771

Cringe moment

>> No.18973788 [DELETED] 

Now I like sugar and I like tea, but I don't like NIGGERS...no siree! There's two known things that'll make me puke: a hog eatin' slops and big black SPOOK!

You know it, cuz I show it! Like a barnyard rooster I crow it! And that N-double A-CP would sure like to get ahold of NIGGER-HATIN' ME!!!

>> No.18973792 [DELETED] 

Johnny Rebel would approve of those dubs.

>> No.18973860 [DELETED] 

The only thing new here is you.

>> No.18973942

peanut butter doesn't go in pad thai you creepy little retard

>> No.18973953

>pay for ingredients
>Cook then yourself
>Add own seasoning
Why are you even going out at all

>> No.18973994
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>go out to grill with coworkers
>someone invites a few negresses from kitchen
>express in unequivocal terms that i bought my own steak and it is this one hear and i will be cooking it
>go off to hang by the river with friends
>kitchen negresses have started cooking my steak
>there's shit like brown sugar and chili powder on it
>its overdone
>"sorry anon you know i gotta do my thing on it"
i eat your shit cooking three meals a day five days a week. leave my steak alone, kitchen nigs.

>> No.18974022
File: 28 KB, 679x516, 1594039028441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed this trend a LOT recently, especially on reddit.
Any time someone points out something that would have like 95% of reasonable and common sense people agree, that makes PoC(or to a lesser extent, women) look bad, its framed by idiots as some conspiracy to rile up hatred. Why the fuck is that? Why are we all just told to ignore these instances? Like come the fuck on, if you go to subreddits that are about people acting out like idiots(publicfreakouts, actualpublicfreakout) it only takes a few posts to notice certain folks get a LOT of representation there(less-so in publicfreakouts since now the mods deliberately censor shit when its overwhelmingly negatively looking for PoC)
Like whats the reasonable person suppose to think about this shit when theres always some virtue signalling tool who tries to shut this shit down? It only works if people only go to the parts of the internet you have influence over, btw... Cause outside of those spots they'll still see PLENTY of examples of uppity black women acting like entitled cunts, or indian men being sex perverts towards women on their own, or aboriginal people getting wasted and shitting in public areas... Unless you are going to babysit the entire internet, everyone else will still form the obvious opinion on these people.

>> No.18974098

that post was sarcastic
>if you go to subreddits
you should go back there

>> No.18974106

Liberals aren't ready to admit that the worst and most hated cultures on the planet are responsible for most misery. Blacks commit crimes, asians pollute, etc. They feel the same kneejerk rationality to point out how awful they are, but because they've been taught that these normal feelings are hateful they have to construct this wild idea that trolls are just making these people look bad. Don't get me wrong, this is a racebait thread designed to fish for (you)s, but it doesn't change why people are so quick to screech at it instead of just laughing together at how awful these people are.

>> No.18974126

what about asking for fork in some asian meme restaurant?

has anyone ever been refused a fork?

>> No.18974132

>bring sodium filled seasoning to dump on your restaurant food that is already loaded with salt
wtf why do my people have higher instances of heart disease

>> No.18974152 [DELETED] 

Second ingredient of salt should not be sugar, fuck Lawry's

>> No.18974161 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 1231x507, 1655694264674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having sugar in it sounds gross
and I hate the amerigoblin labeling that doesn't even let you find out exactly how much is in it

>> No.18974174

not that anon but I made a reddit account about 4 months ago, because 4chan is overrun with third world zoomer ESL retards who do nothing but spout memes and try as hard as possible. I'm on my like 10th one now from being perma suspended but there are some fairly based communities if you know how to use the internet. Although I am right back here now on a 3 day suspension.

>> No.18974176

What a painfully East Asian response from him, but it makes me feel kinda bad for him. I bet he already knew full well the kimchi was shit

>> No.18974201 [DELETED] 


>> No.18974216
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>> No.18974615

>it has sugar
>literally the second most common ingredient at that
what the fuck why are mutts like this