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19273231 No.19273231 [Reply] [Original]

Post them

>> No.19273292

I liked satisfries more than their regular fries.

>> No.19273301

remember back in 2005 when amerigoblins tried to change the name of french fries to freedom fries?

those motherfuckers are odd but funny at times

>> No.19273344

why are crinkle cut fries a popular home cook from frozen option, but not a popular fast food option?

>> No.19273359

Kys boomer

>> No.19273420
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it's just nasty and only npcs eat it.

>> No.19273428

>crinkle cut fries a popular home cook from frozen option
...and other lies you've told yourself as cope for eating fucking stupid shit.

>> No.19273886

Dumb bastard.

>> No.19273899

mayo isn't a flop considering it's in like a million things

>> No.19273917

>a popular home cook from frozen option

Maybe, but normal cut are probably a popular option too. The real question is if crinkle cut are MORE popular.

And I don't know where to find that data Lol.

I know some restaurants actually cut up their own potatoes fresh and fry them on site, (as opposed to getting them bagged and frozen), so in terms of actual restaurants NOT offering crinkle cut, it might have to do with how efficiently they can be made.
(like basically it's easier for an employee to make non-crinkle cut with whatever equipment they have)

as opposed to a factory producing the frozen stuff where they can build like a $30,000 machine that just crinkle cuts potatoes in mass quantities.

>> No.19273933


Also it's really weird how people's perceptions and stereotypes work.

Like if somehow overtime, crinkle cut became associated with "cheap" and "frozen" food then the consumer won't appreciate when they go to a restaurant and are served "cheap french fries" despite them being identical to normal fries just cut in a different way Lol.

Like for some reason I associate crinkle cut with concession stands at baseball or other school games when I was a kid. Like I'm going to order a sno-cone with it, nacho cheese and maybe a snickers bar. Or cheap soft pretzel.

That's just my experience, and if enough people share that experience then a stereotype forms.

>> No.19273947
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People were panic buying over a pandemic and still wouldn't touch it.

>> No.19274141

crinkle cut fries are better than fries

>> No.19274181

Nobody asked

>> No.19274184

>identical to normal fries just cut in a different way Lol.
They have an objectively different texture.

>> No.19274192

>I don’t like something that millions of people enjoy and have been enjoying for one hundred years so much so that that it comes by default on most sandwiches or burgers
>they must all be wrong not me
Kys you picky eater whiny little faggot bitch

>> No.19274193

the higher surface area means you get more crispy areas and a different "mouthfeel" from the shape, but it's still just fucking potato sticks

>> No.19274284
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Wendy's is currently having a fucking identity crisis meltdown over their own fries. Latest thing is replacing their replacement fries with "natural cut sea salt" fries. They suck. They also have some kind of ghost pepper fries. They just need to go back to the classic fries that you could dip in your frosty.

>> No.19274290

wendy's has had the worst fries of any major fast food chain since they switched to the natural cut - though that was like 15 years ago. i don't even remember what the old fries were like other than that they were better.

>> No.19274383

I liked the first switch to the natural cut but the recent recipe change sucks.

>> No.19274404
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Burger King also ruined their fries in the late 90's or early 00's by switching to some kind of weird "crispy" fries that are double-battered in potato starch. They're fucking awful. Why did every chain decide they needed distinctive meme fries when McDonald's rapes their mouths and assholes with just basic fast food fries done right?

>> No.19274418

Fuck Mayofaggots

>> No.19274458

>the higher surface area means you get more crispy areas and a different "mouthfeel" from the shape
Okay thats what I said

>> No.19274491

The only time i've ever cared about them have been in americanized gyros

>> No.19274507

>why are crinkle cut fries a popular home cook from frozen option, but not a popular fast food option?
Because fast food restaurants literally have their own sub-genre of fries that they're known for. You can get great crinkle cut fries, but you have to go to places like hot dog stands, street food vendors, and such. Most decent bbq places serve crinkle cuts. Some seafood resteraunts since people like to cover them in vinegar. The "fast food style" fries are just better with burgers and shakes, or at leas were better until most of the places started fucking with them for no good reason.

>> No.19274512

>natural cut sea salt

I mean that sounds good. Why do they suck

>> No.19274515

>Some seafood resteraunts since people like to cover them in vinegar.

How are they better for that. They soak up more somehow??

>> No.19274520
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How about Duke's? DELICIOUS!

>> No.19274529

The same malt vinegar you put on fried seafood. You don't soak them. It's sort of like hot sauce, but not hot.

There's basically an entire generation that knows no other Wendy's but shitty nuWendy's but the original fries are supposedly easier to dip and some freaks like to dip fries in chocolate frosties. They also fucked up the ye olde fashioned decor and the taco salads and some other things around the same time and people just got pissed I think.

>> No.19274530

> until most of the places started fucking with them for no good reason
Fucking seriously WHY?

>> No.19274533

>basic fast food fries done right

You eat them plain or add ketchup or what?

>> No.19274537

>The same malt vinegar you put on fried seafood

Right but im saying why are crinkles better for that?

>> No.19274549

McDonald's fucked with their fries too but practically nobody noticed. They changed from beef tallow to vegetable oil and added more sugar to the salt mix and didn't miss a beat. I think it was one of those gay taste test failures like what happened during the cola wars of the 80's that caused Coca-Cola to fuck up their formula. Only the fast food faggots never went back to their old fries. They realized they were never going to beat McDonald's fries but they could do what Checkers did and just nope the fuck out altogether and have unique fries only they just made them weird enough to be annoying.

Because they don't get soggy as easily.

>> No.19274576

Guess I have to try McD's fries again because I remember them being acceptably good...but still mass produced fast food restaurant tier.

Wheras a place like Five Guys uses real potatoes and cuts them up...they just taste more real in general Lol.

Maybe I'm just crazy though idk.

>> No.19274594

Dice guys is in another league, and current McDonald’s fries are...ok, but they NEED to be hot or they turn into rancid paste

>> No.19274609

>Guess I have to try McD's fries again because I remember them being acceptably good...but still mass produced fast food restaurant tier.
They're arguably the best but extremely fickle. If they're not fresh out of the fryer they basically instantly go to shit. Five Guys sadly don't give you nearly as much as they used to but are still good quality fries.

>> No.19274746
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Yeah, current Wendy's and Hardee's have the worst fries. I miss getting curly fries at Hardee's.

>> No.19274750
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That's not mayonaisse, that's soy you dumb fuck.

>> No.19274751

French are way way worse for getting upset about what things get called

>> No.19274754
File: 50 KB, 620x387, ortolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French are upset about everything, especially when bringing up the way they eat little birds.

>> No.19274756

I'd like to try that though.

>> No.19274757

I think the French put hoods or covers over their heads so God doesn't see them crunching down on little birds, the fucking hypocrites.

>> No.19274758

It's just an animal. Like eating ribs. If you want to talk about ethics then you should talk about force-feeding and that the birds are drowned in brandy.

>> No.19274759

you forgot to add that they also remove their eyes

>> No.19274763

It's not ethics at all, it's trying to hide and failing miserably. Eating an ortolan but putting a hood over your head to hide it, yeah that not ethics, that's the french.

>> No.19274764

Mayo is great base for a dressing or a sauce.

>> No.19274766

I am not French but I'd guess they hide their faces to hide the mess they'll inevitably make while eating a whole bird, filled with brandy, in one bite.

>> No.19274772

Those Frenchies are a mess, remember DSK, Dominic Strauss Khan. He was going to go far but decided to deficate on an airplane dolly. Classy French manouver.

>> No.19274776

It's scary to think of what that fuck DSK got away with on French jets, he only got caught becuase it was an American plane and we don't take shit like that, that cunt even tried to claim diplomatic immunity, hahahaah!

>> No.19274778



>> No.19274782

Lots of fast food places have thin fries to copy McD's fries, so you can't crinkle cut those because they are too thin.

>> No.19274908

The switch from tallow was decades ago and there is no sugar in their fries. You are a clown.

>> No.19274922

The bird's or their own?

>> No.19274998

>the npcs get angry when you spotlight their mind control serum

>> No.19276121

Honestly, it sounds fucking tasty.

>> No.19276283

I mean have you seen the price of these ?

>> No.19276647
File: 1.10 MB, 1140x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Crispy" processed industrial fries are garbage. Mashed potatoes turned in potato sticks. Hey, american retards, if you wanna call french fries something else, use that, potato sticks. They fucking suck.

THIS (pic related) is good fries.

>> No.19276846

You have to be 18 years old to post here and if you can't taste the sugar then you have worse problems then being a zoomer.

>> No.19277367

>burned unsalted trash
>retard thinks American french fries are processed and reconstituted
You are a smug foreign faggot who is beyond coping because you're irrelevant and you know it

>> No.19277475

This is sliced potatoes, the real deal.

>> No.19277496
File: 141 KB, 500x725, 1673848088421789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your belief is that American "french fries" are not sliced potatoes? The cope of irrelevant worldpoors is far worse than was thought.

>> No.19277543

I you just figured out why I hate crinkle cut fries for me. I've always hated crinkle cut but never could figure out why.
They are almost always associated with school lunches and other dumb shit.

>> No.19277546

>Food flops
Coke 2
Tins of corned beef without keys/can openers being available anywhere
Kosher pork bacon
Pringles with ridges (why?)

>> No.19277551

>Tins of corned beef without keys/can openers being available anywhere
This is literally why every can from every manufacturer includes a key (although it wouldn't hurt for them to have a pulloff lid as well; keep the key for nostalgia purposes and shit)