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19277264 No.19277264 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 losing 7 billion dollars in less than a month
>500million thrown to the garbage bin every day

>> No.19277268

there are no bigger snowflakes in the US than white male conservatives

>> No.19277272

mexican here, everyone in my extended family stopped drinking this crap lol

>> No.19277274

Except for every other demographic of course

But besides all them, yeah its those evil white men

>> No.19277277
File: 300 KB, 2000x2000, Yuengling+Bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem

>> No.19277279

I see this as a win-win. Bud is a shitty beer, them losing market share and money is fine by me and the people upset about it have lost something they clearly cared deeply about. Positives all around.

>> No.19277281

lmao triggered

>> No.19277287

42% of trans people win fabulous prizes

>> No.19277289

They didn't even change their cans right? AFAIK they just had some rando make a faggy can as an art piece marketing thing and people lost their shit. Bud fuckin sucks anyways.

>> No.19277303

>t. fuming
Did you know that european grannies are gathering to boycott anheuser busch products overseas? The fact that you have politicians actively denouncing this speaks volumes.

>> No.19277449
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>> No.19277461

It would be funny if sales of Bud Light had been on the decline for years before this incident and AB intentionally ran this stupid campaign to bring attention to their flagging sales, and to try to get people to buy more of the beer.
It's like Coke 2 all over again.

>> No.19277480

Bud Light was always a beer for fags.

>> No.19277513

kek this.

it was stupid for bud light to try and reach out to the trannies, but it was giga dumb to insult their main demographic afterwards

>> No.19277526


interesting! I did not know people gave this much of a shit about this! very cool!

>> No.19277535

>it was giga dumb to insult their main demographic afterwards

>> No.19277561

https://nypost . com/2023/04/21/bud-light-replaces-marketing-exec-behind-dylan-mulvaney-partnership-report/
I can't find everything but basically she said the marketing and implying the previous customers were out of touch

>Alissa Heinerscheid, vice president of marketing for the popular beer, will be replaced by Budweiser global marketing VP Todd Allen, AdAge reported on Friday.

>she discussed her work in transforming the Bud Light brand from its “fratty” and “out of touch” humor to a beer company that embraces inclusivity.

>She said she brought “belief” to the brand that to evolve and elevate means to incorporate “inclusivity, it means shifting the tone, it means having a campaign that’s truly inclusive, and feels lighter and brighter and different, and appeals to women and to men.”

>She also disparaged the work of Bud Light’s past branding.

>“We had this hangover, I mean Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out-of-touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach,” she said.

You actually might be onto something
From the same article:

“I’m a businesswoman, I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light,‘” Heinerscheid said.

>> No.19277563

>bud light zoomer management decided to have a crossdressing man printed in their cans on the grounds of "inclusivity"
>sales drop so drastically that in an effort to safe face, bud light has decided to openly cut relationships with said crossdressing man
>now faggots (just as conservatives) hate bud light for dishonoring the inclusive campaign and dismissing the degenerate printed on their cans

Literally braindead marketing people due to intense HRT

>> No.19277570

kys with those conservatives you /pol/ chud. u too stupid to see they pitting you against each other

>> No.19277585

>Yuang Ling
I don't drink Chinese beer

>> No.19277591

the sent the tranny a can, i don't think the cans were ever in stores. they made it just for them, the outrage is over literally nothing.

>> No.19277632

>the outrage is over literally nothing.
How many cocks can you stick up your ass at once?

>> No.19277634

From what I can tell for most people it's just a meme, a good way to get a laugh at the bar is to make fun of Bud Light or insult your friends by saying they drink it. No one is actually seething about it other than trannies and political creeps like Ben Shapiro. People participate in the boycott because it's funny and Bud Light is such a boring drink any other light beer replaces it easily.
If there's anything Bud Light actually did wrong it was the timing of the whole thing with the tranny mass shooting. Trannies are one of the few groups capable of being patted on the back after one of their own commits an atrocity, that might make people take it more seriously if the timing makes it seem like BL is "siding" with trannies after one kills a bunch of kids.

>> No.19277660

>it was stupid for bud light to try and reach out to the trannies
It's because younger drinking-age people are drinking less than everyone else did before them. They tried to win them over with this move, but it backfired badly.
Though to be fair, there's always been a meme that Bud Light is for fags and women. Along with any other light beer.

>> No.19277680

everyone but white men love crossdressing aids infested trannies

>> No.19277688

Yeah they barely lost any sales at all and anbev shares are still trading close to 52 week highs. Nonsense culture war bullshit for the kind of people paying 8 dollars a month for Twitter and drinking rice beer. If you care at all you already lost

>> No.19277694

imagine being a jew. imagine ww3 where face skinning videos are normal. imagine talking about corporate shares facing a ditch full of jews with half their head missing.

>> No.19277706

Is there anything you're happy about that isn't imaginary?

>> No.19277708

It’s over

>> No.19277711

heh silly kike you're gonna see your whole lineage erased like the dodo. the only viruses in biolabs are gonna be the ones that kill any kike that is born.

>> No.19277723

i'd buy bud light if it was stronger. i think he's cute but retarded, like all women.

>> No.19277733


What the fuck are you talking about man. I just drink quality beer and cook tasty food. LGBT people love to drink, big alcohol companies were the first to market to them specifically, doesn't really impact my life at all. If I saw a tranny drinking Bud Light I would simply keep walking or offer them a better lager like Tiger. Love Tiger, top Asian lager.

>> No.19277734

and thats a coors light because bud light dont pay me nothing

>> No.19277736

okay you will die in a ditch you stupid faggot. drink your beer while you can LOL

>> No.19277746

if i saw a tranny i would call them a faggot and if there wasn't police i would hang them for molesting children

>> No.19277751


Who exactly is going to put me in this mass grave you're fantasizing about? Even in deep red shithole states like Missouri it's not that bad for queers. Are you gonna pick up a rifle and lead the right wing death squads, Mr. 4chan poster losing his mind about a tranny drinking cheap beer?

>> No.19277758

>Who exactly is going to put me in this mass grav
LOL it's not who it's a single bullet through your faggot brain

>> No.19277767

shut the fuck up about your anal sex and stay away from kids you sick faggots or you will reap what you sow

>> No.19277777

i'm also not from america so here some faggot kiddie diddler who disappears people light a candle of thanks

>> No.19277784


Kids need sex ed to prevent their youth pastors and hillbilly uncles from molesting them. The reason right wingers are against sex ed is to protect pedophiles who are overwhelmingly adult cisgender heterosexual men.

You're the one frothing at the mouth about anal sex, I didn't bring it up lmao. You just can't stop thinking about gay shit can you?

>> No.19277795

shut the fuck up faggot stay away from kids or you will hang i promise LOL

>> No.19277803

homosexual pedophiles are overwhelmingly adult homosexual men there's no fucking argument about it you fucking liar. it's how homosexuals reproduce. you will definitely hang you kiddie diddling piece of shit.

>> No.19277811

>it's how homosexuals reproduce.
so how did the first homosexual appear
check and mate

>> No.19277818


cope and seethe I'm literally a schoolteacher, all my students know I'm gay because there's literally nothing wrong with it and I don't have anything to hide. The only death threats I get are from impotent image board trolls like yourself, IRL the parents, students, and staff love me. I'm proud that kids see me and know it's fine if they grow up to be gay, I can't change anyone's sexuality but I can show them it's okay to grow up to be whoever they truly are. The world is changing for the better and you can cry about it like the baby brained reactionary you are :^)

>> No.19277821

Here's why they did it
>ESG Money
>Appeal to zoomers
and most importantly
>Right wingers are lazy, apathetic, and ultimately care more about saving money than any moral principles, so this will be completely forgotten before long.

>> No.19277825

i know you're trying to troll but seriously all kiddie diddling faggots will hang and wannabe faggots like you too. kill yourself tonight.

>> No.19277828


Cishet right-wing retards are fighting to keep child marriage legal in their shitholes, that's not a gay issue honey

>> No.19277836

oh yes it's normal people that are fighting to marry kids are the problem. kill yourself.

>> No.19277838

It wasn't even the faggot ad campaign, it was the public disdain for their customer base.

>> No.19277842


You wish I was trolling lmao. I teach grade 6 math and science at a Catholic school, yes, a Catholic school. I'm protected by anti-discrimination laws, and the admins don't care about my personal life anyway because I'm a good teacher. I just happen to be gay and if the students ask about it, I'm not gonna lie to them about something as normal as being queer. I'm also better at cooking than you are, because homophobes generally have no taste or appreciation for art.

>> No.19277853

so the simple solution just tie a rope around your neck and kill yourself. there's also no such thing as a homophobe no one is phobic of homos it's a made up term from the 60s. i'm a homocidalist if you will

>> No.19277862

>Entire customer base is people who tie their idea of masculinity to how much their beer tastes like piss and who are terrified of ever doing anything that might make them seem gay
>Launch a marketing campaign where you plaster gay flags all over the product
>Why sales go down?

>> No.19277865

just to be clear i will have no remorse to murder any homosexuals that molests kids and i endorse homosexuals to kill themselves

>> No.19277867


Aww you're so angy! Surely the tide is going to turn, and the based trad zoomers will rise up to reverse all of the progress towards LGBT acceptance over the last 50 years.. any day now.. you definitely haven't lost this culture war, no way.. just don't look up the statistics on what the next generations think of your ideology, surely the tradpilled based conservatives will win.. I saw it on fox news..

>> No.19277870

>What went wrong
>Implying there's such a thing as bad press
Never heard so much talk about Crud Lite in my entire life. The campaign must have been successful

>> No.19277877

>and ultimately care more about saving money than any moral principles
lmao do you seriously think bud light is the only cheap garbage beer for retards that exists? They'll just start drinking whatever cheap trash doesn't have a pride flag on it

>> No.19277878

You signed a moral turpitude clause in your contract and they can fire you at the drop of a hat
Groomer fuck
Also they're going after child predators now, they literally pay bounties to families that turn them in

>> No.19277880

naw fag you gonna hang LOL don't give a shit about statistics i could tie my shoelace around your neck and lift you a foot off the ground i'll be seeing you. wont be able to talk much about tides then LOL

>> No.19277881

Their sales are down like 30%. The campaign didn't just fail to sell beer, it managed to fail so hard it unsold beer.

>> No.19277891


As a lay employee not involved in teaching anything to do with Catholicism, I am protected by federal anti-discrimination laws. And even without those laws the headmaster loves me, he knows we have gay and trans students and keeping some gay teachers around makes the school a safer place for them. And he's a crusty old Republican Catholic, lol

>> No.19277896

I assume whatever genius came up with the idea thought "yeah we'll probably lose some boomers and right wingers, but we'll gain market share with young people so it'll be a good move in the long term" but failed to consider that the young people they thought were gonna but bud fucking light because there's a rainbow on the can are either drinking exclusively hopgasmic queerlabs intersectionality IPA brews or white claws.

>> No.19277897

keep your ass fucking quiet and stay away from kids and you won't be hanged simple as

>> No.19277908

This thread is why I hate alcoholics

>> No.19277911

it speaks that you don't hate kiddie diddling faggots

>> No.19277915


"You gonna hang fag!"
Okay uh when? Who is going to do this? I have a loving boyfriend who teaches me to cook delicious Filipino food, a job I love that pays the bills, friends and family who love me. I live in a safe dark blue state with robust protections in place and minimal hate crimes. I'm not the slightest bit afraid of losers like you. I'm getting married in a few months and I'll be adopting kids soon after.

Hope your life is going well too! I'm sure the hate in your heart isn't alienating at all!

>> No.19277924

wait for it.

>> No.19277928

i understand you're shitty lazy troll but the world is not america and people take these things seriously.

>> No.19277930

Jesus Christ you faggots fuck off nobody cares how much you want to suck each others' dicks, this thread is about how retarded bud's marketing team is.

>> No.19277934

shut the fuck up faggot suck my dick bitch. who actually gives a shit about budweiser light?

>> No.19277944


I've taught overseas too, in Europe and Asia. Always been very obviously gay, never had a problem! The world is a big place and most people are decent :)

>> No.19277945

>republican catholic

If you're going to larp faggot, at least have some knowledge of what your talking about.

>> No.19277946

Nobody, that's the point. They're retarded and we're laughing at them, go back to /pol/ and obsess about trannies there

>> No.19277949


I actually met my bf while teaching in Malaysia, a conservative Muslim country. There's not much of a gay scene there but I had 0 issues, I just followed the local laws against PDA because I respect other cultures too :)

>> No.19277951


He told me he voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020, he's registered with the GOP. Not everyone is the same, faggot!

>> No.19277953

>Nobody, that's the point
obviously you. why would i go to pol no idea whatever nigger attacking a white woman they are spazzing about now? i'm here laughing at you for being a faggot about homosexual sex in a cooking board

>> No.19277956

The catholic church is one of the biggest harborer and employers of gay child abusers in the world. The gay boy touchers are in firm control of the church and have been for decades.

>> No.19277959

cool but this is a cooking board nobody cares that you get fucked in the ass around the world

>> No.19277968

>Obsessing over one fag who decided to mention his boyfriend in the thread
>The person telling me to shut the fuck up about it is the one obsessed with homos, not me

Talk about the retarded beer company or fuck off

>> No.19277969

which one?

>> No.19277972

>who actually gives a shit about budweiser light?
-man who deliberately entered a thread about budweiser light to talk about gay sex

>> No.19277984

isn't it supposed to be for fagots tho? i'm gonna go to the projects for a bag of crack i'll be back

>> No.19277988

just a dubski i gotta work tomorrow

>> No.19278004

This, I was trying to figure out how they convinced super-straights to drink it in the first place

>> No.19278012

>Americans are all one stereotype fed to me by my social media apps
gay people are so unbelievably retarded lol

>> No.19278020

This isn't even half of it. They pulled this shit right after that troon shot up the Christian school. A few days later Biden's muppet started going on about how brave troons are. People were literally seething when Bud Light pulled this shit then that bitch went on camera laaa ta da tee da it's your fault for being frat boys.

Biggest self-own in corporate history. So far. We all know these people are so fucking deluded their going to keep doing shit like this thinking they're morally superior for being complete assholes to everyone.

>> No.19278032

Bud Lite and Budweiser were always really bad. They also tasted so syrupy to me and I stopped drinking them when I turned 21 and could be picky about beer. Even Coors is just so much better than Bud.

>> No.19278095

I would rather suck Tiffany's cock than drink another bottke of that piss. Even Coor's looks good next to a bottle of Yingling.

>> No.19278121

Budweiser is alright for what its worth. As decent as beer gets, no good no bad.
Bud light on the other hand is just the objectively worst light beer, which is already cheap and bad.
If you want a good beer with less than 5% and cheap, just stick with Pabst

>> No.19278144

Sales analyst here (in an unrelated industry industry) who has access to all POS data from every retailer in the US.

I ran the numbers on this in my spare time. Bud Light sales declined about 16% YOY in April 2023 (compared to declining by about 1% YOY in March). The declines were most noticable in the South and Midwest (where declines grew by around 20% or more) and less pronounced on the coasts (where the declines grew by about 8-10 percent). Declines started around April 5th-6th (a few days after the tranny beer ad started trrending on social media) and have accelerated ever since. Overall, Bud Light YOY sales dropped by about 30 million dollars in the month of April.

All signs point to Bud Light alienating conservatives (and even some moderates) with the tranny beer marketing campaign, causing a massive drop in sales. Meanwhile, they failed to pick up the millenials and zoomers they were aiming for.

The tranny beer campaign will likely have major ramifications for Anheiser-Busch for years to come, not just because of their loss of sales, but also because they've almost certainly pissed off every beer distributor and retailer by tanking their sales so spectacularly. This may affect Anheiser-Busch through losing shelf space, losing promotional deals, etc... that may result in millions of dollars more in future lost sales.

>> No.19278182

They alienated normal people and that's who buys their brands.

>> No.19278194

You’re not supposed to taste these beers. Ur spose to drink and stfu like a man.

>> No.19278211

And who owns most of those brands? Also AB could respond by just reducing prices, if you think a broke redneck alcoholic isn't eventually going to grab the cheapest shit in the cooler you don't know any broke redneck alcoholics.

>> No.19278228

>voted for Biden

So you and your boss are child molesters. I feel bad for your students. Hopefully they'll wake up and do the right thing.