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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19411381 No.19411381 [Reply] [Original]

Why is American food so much better than British "food"?

>> No.19411388

I don't have a bone in this fight, but Americans are really fat and ugly and stupid.

>> No.19411391

Come on now, you literally come here for american minds

>> No.19411409

Not all British food is bad, but sometimes it feels like a lot of British cooking is just digging their heels in and refusing to accept that a lot of it is blander than it has to be.

I once told a Brit, jokingly, "you can't just boil everything and call it a day" and they got extremely offended.

American food is way more varied. The country is much larger, and has a variety of cultural influences. Is there some boring, unimpressive food? Yes. But there's so much variety that for any lackluster meal option, there's plenty of better ones to make up for it.

>> No.19411495

Could it be that they had almost no influence from other countries beeing on an island? Thats why they sperg out so much about curry

>> No.19411499

Japan had even fewer countries that they were in contact with for longer, and their cuisine is so much more distinct and good than Britain's.

>> No.19411505

because Cajuns exist
I still like British food though so please don't bully them

>> No.19411521

BUT also pretty bland

>> No.19411531

Because every food is so much better than British food. American food isn't special in that way.

>> No.19411541
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No BONE in this fight?Is that a thing where you're from?

>> No.19411575

America has no food. Anything "American" was concocted by immigrants from Mexico, Germany, France etc or British settlers

>> No.19411586

Bongs and Amerimexicans have to stand together to defend our trashy but delicious food.

>> No.19411676
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>could it be that they had almost no influence from other countries being on an island?
No, you fucking moron.

>> No.19411699

Whats the reason for their absolute dog shit cuisine then?

>> No.19411769
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it's not

>> No.19411890

We are a nation of immigrants, true.
But native Americans were making popcorn and peanut butter long before the euros arrived.
They were also growing potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and more, which Europe has adopted as staple ingredients.
In modern times, we've invented lots of foods: eggs benedict, egg foo young, fortune cookies, chocolate chip cookies, new england clam chowder, manhatten clam chowder, lobster rolls, hot dogs, spam, too many more to count.
We're the world capitol of BBQ, and have at least a half dozen regional sauces.

>> No.19411901

Nothing to do with food, but gotta ask: what does this map even mean?
What do the red countries have in common?

>> No.19411904

why dont you start by posting a picture of food

>> No.19411907

nta im coming here for the bantz and esl is the worst meme because it implies that burgers can formulate correct sentences in their native language

>> No.19411910

so no actual food at all

>> No.19411930


>> No.19411931

It's all the countries that Britain colonized. That "little, isolated island" had the largest empire in human history just over a century ago. Usually when a culture travels the oceans or lies on a trade route they trade and intermingle with other cultures, and that's where virtually every food you like came from. Somehow the bongs managed to take over a quarter of the planet, but when it came to food they were like, "nah, we're good with our mushy peas and faggots" or whatever. They're just incredibly boorish and obstinate. If you've ever seen a bong abroad the first thing they typically do is locate a bong expat bar where they can get a proper ale and talk with other bongs while watching soccer.

>> No.19411976

>It's all the countries that Britain colonized.
Except the US?
>watching soccer.
I've tried that. Seems like a good way to fall asleep.

>> No.19411984

>everything is brown
wow it's just like bri'ish food

>> No.19411989

all of that is burned

>> No.19411991

Technically, the US was never colonized by the British. And that's a map of the British empire at it's height, which was after the American revolution.

>> No.19411999 [DELETED] 

Gimme Suma dat Chiken n waffles with goyslop syrup fo real

>> No.19412001

because Americans are better at everything. /thread

>> No.19412018

>Technically, the US was never colonized by the British
It most certainly was.
>map of the British empire at it's height
That makes more sense.

>> No.19412021

>Chiken n waffles
Hell yeah!

[fuck me, opinion discarded]

>> No.19412030
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This is factual.
True American cuisine has it's roots deep in English,French and German foods--Then a while later, Spanish and Mexican foods. I think it can be safely said that this "National" claim to foods for the last 50 years is a farce. It's ALL become a mishmash of sloppa and toxic goyslop, especially in the last 30 years, and the main 6 food companies turning out this toxic, (But Engineered to be delicious and addictive,) crap have homogenized consumer foods across the board.
If you get away from that, and eat locally prepared, traditional foods, made from raw materials grown in the area by conscientious farmers and ranchers, you'll find that every region has both good,(to your taste,) and bad,(NOT to your taste,) dishes.
Any serious chef will tell you the same. While I personally wouldn't make something like Haggis or Menudo my first choice; prepared well, either of these can taste great.
Another thing English food has over us,(Amerilardland,) is the fact they are not nearly as mogged by AG subsidies and some of the "Food Additives" that we are.
The other main contributor of GARBAGE foods is the ridiculous amount of "Ad recipes" that the big food companies ran throughout the 60s all the way up to the early 90s.
That, however was fairly universal throughout the "developed" world.

>> No.19412032

The US has never been colonized.

>> No.19412060 [DELETED] 
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>american """food"""
American country cuisine is just british cuisine. Apple pies are british. Fried chicken is british. Chitterlings are british
However americans prefer to LARP as other nations and cultures and ignore their british roots
>food that isn't covered with tonnes of soulless spices is... LE BAD
ESL spic detected
No it wasn't
The USA was founded by british people and split off from britain in a civil war that most people refer to as the "american revolution"

>> No.19412088

Lol. Someone who's never spent any time around bongs might think this is satire, but this is a really good encapsulation of how they actually think.

>> No.19412108

>I once told a Brit, jokingly, "you can't just boil everything and call it a day" and they got extremely offended.
If you're American, you cannot criticize the Bong. They will cry, howl, and attack to deflect their shortcomings.

>> No.19412115 [DELETED] 
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your ancestors weren't in america when it was founded

>> No.19412117

You forgot the Dutch. That's where it really went tits up, very early. Dutch unbridled Protestant greed, Calvinism in particular.

>> No.19412122
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>Dutch unbridled Protestant greed, Calvinism in particular.
I suppose I did..But they certainly have Frites nailed down to perfection.

>> No.19412124

My ancestors got here in 1725 and they were Irish lol.

>> No.19412158 [DELETED] 

Irish catholics in america were rare before the 1840s
Chances are they were protestant ulster scots but you're LARPing as an irish catholic

>> No.19412164

They were probably the FIRST slaves. While A lot of Irish food gets the reputation of EVERYTHING being boiled, that's not really true either.
Some really great foods come outta Ireland.
Smoked salmon, Boxty and Soda bread with coddle are just a few.
Hearty foods for a working people.

>> No.19412176

Their parents were catholic but they joined the church of england for gibs and then came here and immediately bought slaves.

>> No.19412229

Don’t forget that ice cream cones were invented in the states. Plus a million other unmentioned variations on dishes from other countries, as though many dishes are wholly original anyway.

>> No.19412237

My mother’s ancestors were, actually. They came over from Ireland, and were one of the first families to settle in what would later become West Virginia.

>> No.19412263

I dont get statements like this.
Things like egg benedict are literaly poched eggs (wich was already done before America was even discovered) and Hollandaise sauce wich was first made in France.
You never made anything new or did anything that hasnt been done before.

>> No.19412264

>sloppa and toxic goyslop
Fuck's sake, next time just start your post with these words, so I know nor to bother reading your nonsense,

>> No.19412270

>The US has never been colonized.
America is full of colonist descendants.

>> No.19412300

I think they're trying to say that the land where the US is was absolutely colonized. But that after being formed as a proper government, the United States has not been colonized.

>> No.19412331

>The USA was founded by british people and split off from britain
How is that not "colonized"?

>> No.19412344

People have been smoking fish everywhere since prehistory you can't call smoked salmon an Irish dish lmao

>> No.19412352

High fructose corn syrup.

>> No.19412362

>They were probably the FIRST slaves.
The Irish (half my ancestry) were never slaves. When will this ignorant meme die?
>Things like egg benedict
Google that shit, white nigger.
"Oh noes! somebody just made a brand new thing nobody had ever thought of before! That's not inventing anything!"
Did we not invent airplanes just because birds already had wings?
Shame your mother didn't strangle you in the crib.

>> No.19412364

Easy there gravy seal

>> No.19412368

>after being formed as a proper government
So AFTER being colonizers, we rebelled, and therefore colonization never happened?
Fuck the captcha, there should be an IQ test for posting here.

>> No.19412374

I DO like me some gravy.
But I'm not wrong.

>> No.19412562

That's just my interpretation of their weird, sticking argument. Most everywhere in the world was colonized by someone at some point. Except, I guess, wherever humanity first came up.

Though, there is at least some historical precedent for already existing countries being invaded by colonizers, so some distinction exists. It's just a weird think to want to argue about. Sometimes I'm ashamed at my fellow Americans for how much they puff out their chests.

>> No.19412637

Funny up until this post I thought you were talking about the US having colonial past as something we were victims of, not something we perpetrated on others. Fuck this nonsense that people should feel guilty for moving somewhere lol, by the same logic every indian and mexican that moves to the first world is a colonizer, or at least every african and arab that moves to europe if you are going to try and get technical on me. You are more /pol/ than you think, fuck horseshoe theory it is more like 2 sides of the same coin theory.

>> No.19412734

>It's just a weird think to want to argue about.
If you have a point to make, then MAKE IT.
America WAS colonized by the British, the Spanish, etc.
Tell me how it wasn't.
The map shows Canada as being colonized, and I don't know how America would be different.

>> No.19412808
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every time i watch british reality TV, it just seems like the whole country is dark and gloomy and soulless. i think that is reflected in their food. if you look up "british food", then the only thing you will be shown is a full english breakfast because that is probably the only dish there that looks appetizing. otherwise, you will be met with mushy peas and beans with gravy dumped onto it. horrific.

>> No.19412834

You got a REALLY strange view of reality.
Sure hope your handlers don't trust you with sharp scissors.

>> No.19412847

>all of that is burned
No, that's what potatoes roasted in beef dripping rather than seed oil waste products look like

>> No.19412872

Distinction between geographical North America and political entity the United States of America.

>> No.19412977

they have black people food

>> No.19413088

being above literal rock bottom is not really an achievement.

>> No.19413115

>But native Americans were making popcorn and peanut butter
You make peanut butter every time you eat a peanut you stupid fuck

>> No.19413122

>entire world view formed by reality TV
America moment.

>> No.19413127

I make nut butter every time I see your whore mom.

>> No.19413168

That's true of India as well you retard. There was no India beforehand, there were a thousand kingdoms, republics, confederacies, etc. just like the native american kingdoms, republics, and confederacies of the Americas. The map is incorrect no matter which way your anti-factual neuroticism compels you to stim.

>> No.19413171

I have a logically consistent view of reality homie, I hope one day you understand that matters

>> No.19413181

Nah, you have a scatalingual analingus view of reality. Hyperemotional and spectrally defined, tismally warped.

>> No.19413193

Massive cope. That is the only cultural media that comes out of the UK. Global culture is defined by American artists, the UK produces no good television, novels, etc. The UK is like Australia in that regard, all they can make is reality TV and knockoffs of sherlock holmes starring inbred looking protagonists.

>> No.19413198


Retarded take. I can tell you only consume pop culture if you think the United Kingdom does not produce any good literature.

As usual, the American opens his mouth and lets everyone know what a retard he is. Many such cases.

>> No.19413199
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American's have an erroneous view of British people being classier and more intelligent than our American counterparts, that we have a more refined culture. Most of England is as culturally barren as any fly-over state and the inhabitants are easily as ignorant, self-absorbed and low-iq.

>> No.19413204

I'll let you debate that with other tertiary nations, I'm off to consume world (American) media. I might tune into some top of the line UK media later, meaning reality TV shows and the Daily Mail. While I have a "scone" and some "full English breakfast" lmao

>> No.19413205 [DELETED] 

you get like 1400 calories from it too. Fill yourself up on it, then sip tea and eat biscuits for the rest of the day. Nothing much to look forward too.

>> No.19413219

>Massive cope.
Your entire response itself is cope for the fact you get all your information from TV.

>> No.19413232

The rationing system of WW2 was a disaster for Brits, it went on for a long time after the war as well
An entire generation growing up with rationed meals being all they knew
Also Americans were always spoilt in their food choices

>> No.19413270

japs are literally just the bongs with better pr.
>drink tea
>drive on the wrong side of the road
>all they eat is fish, plain vegetables, and carbs
>only seasoning they know is vinegar
>love curry because it actually tastes like something

seeing the eternal anglo brag about their "empire" is always a laugh, especially when they even include a map showing that it was entirely uninhabitable wastelands and niggerdoms.

>> No.19414119
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>there should be an IQ test for posting here
You would most likely fail it. Go back and reread the original post saying the US has never been colonized.
It's a very straightforward, off-handed comment about how "the US" (not America) has never been colonized, but that's irrelevant to the map posted because that only shows the colonies when the British empire was at it's largest, which was long after the American revolution. This is really basic shit. Stay in school.

>> No.19414186

>especially when they even include a map showing that it was entirely uninhabitable wastelands and niggerdoms
Jesus christ. You don't understand anything about anything, do you? Do you at least know when the new school year starts? Is it September? That sounds right. I think I'm going to take a long nap until then. I'm getting way too old to sift through comments by literal children.

>> No.19414240

if canada wasn't uninhabitable then why do over 75% of canadians live within 100 miles of the us border? I don't think I even have to explain australia. alexander conquered the persians. the mongols founded the yuan dynasty. caesar invaded your island, realized it was a dreary shithole, and immediately went back home. meanwhile here we have the modern anglo bursting with pride for having owned "gems" like sudan and pakistan.

>> No.19414303
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I feel a sense of comraderie with bongs. Our country's foods are equally maligned by the ignorant denizens of the internet.

>> No.19414315

>I don't have a bone in this fight
everybody in the world has reasons to hate on or love America. It comes with the territory of being the most culturally influential country in the world atm. Unless you're sentinelese, no one's unbiased towards the US.

>> No.19414330

Friendly reminder that there's a good chance Burgers were invented in America despite the name
Also reminder that if you go far enough back in a country's history, the majority of its dishes almost always come from somewhere else and it's just more obvious in the US since it's only 200 years old and we didn't inherit indigenous american culture to the extent central and south americans did

>> No.19414465

the amount of american cultural artifacts im consuming is shrinking every year because less and less worthwhile is coming from there

>> No.19414686

The earliest found recipe for a burger is in a British cook book

>> No.19414697

>they even include a map showing that it was entirely uninhabitable wastelands
Literally turned an entire continent-worth of wasteland into one of the most developed countries on the planet in the space of less than 100 years you pathetic coping shitskin

>> No.19414742

STILL not hearing how I'm not descended from British colonists who founded the USA.
Just give up and move on to shit up some other thread, Jesus.

>> No.19414745

>I have a logically consistent view of reality homie
I'm sure it seems that way to _you_, "homie".
If that were real, you could explain your point of view, but you haven't.

>> No.19414754

>Our country's foods are equally maligned
Why do so many Anon's say shit like this without telling us what country they mean?

>> No.19414914

>what is cooking everything in butter and fat

>> No.19415047
File: 327 KB, 970x1687, 78D946B7-B2C7-4AE8-8E2C-B3EDFA703FA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cus America
Now get off our internet, no bongs allowed after the sun rises… on AMERICAAA

>> No.19415156
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