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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 165 KB, 1155x648, honey-1296x728-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19605562 No.19605562 [Reply] [Original]

Is this shit God's gift to mankind? Why don't more people eat it religiously?

>> No.19605572

I just had severe protein cravings at 01:00 AM in the morning and boiled 3 eggs, which I peeled and topped with a dab of honey and ate whole. I can cry from how good it tastes. I audibly savored it. It's fucking insane.

>> No.19605582

It's expensive compared to other sweeteners. It's my favorite though.

>> No.19605599

imagine eating insect vomit

>> No.19605604

imagine eating animal products instead of corpoglobohomo processed sweetener #4230-AB (found by state of california to cause cancer)

>> No.19605625

jesus on a pogo stick, are you pregante?

>> No.19605631

Honey is chemically identical to high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.19605637

Then why doesn't it taste like corn syrup? Check mate steinberggoldblattenstein

>> No.19605647

listen, kid.
Don't eat honey.

>> No.19605650

If I want to make something sweet, I use walmart aspartame. Nothing even comes close. Stuff is amazing.

>> No.19605656

Tell me that irl faggot. I live in Columbus Ohio.

>> No.19605665

No but I only ate 1 meal, which included a lot of rice but only 1 piece of salmon, all day and had insane hunger and cravings for protein at night

>> No.19605719
File: 149 KB, 1635x854, Ketoschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19605887

thanks but I'm still going to eat meat

>> No.19606094

Way too sweet. It's like eating melted down Jolly Ranchers

>> No.19606147

I like it mixed into milk. Or on pancakes instead of syrup. You could also dilute it with water and add lemon for a tasty beverage. It's too concentrated to eat straight except for in very tiny amounts.

>> No.19606177

pollenated honey similar to picrel cured my allergies

>> No.19606180

I want to attempt a lane change on a busy interstate while we’re experiencing heavy morning snowfall and in doing this I spin around into the wrong lane going 90 mph and cause a 50 car pile up and also I’m drunk

>> No.19606188

I use it to sweeten green tea.

>> No.19606219

That's good too. Normally I drink coffee without sugar but tea tastes great with honey.

>> No.19606242

I want to get tortured by a sadistic little shop of horrors esque dentist who pours acid all over my face and mouth and then pulls out the rotting teeth and sticks them in my eyes

>> No.19606256

I drink milk, it's the nature's water.

>> No.19606287

it's the ketoschizo. i guess he branched out from /fit/. good to see his weak ass getting bullied every where he goes

>> No.19606291

I'm outside your house bitch, watching you post on 4channel. Come out

>> No.19606300

Dude, just admit you're drunk. The excuses are as lame as a bad toupee

>> No.19606316

while your outside his house; i am fucking your Mom at your house.
hope you enjoy pussy stank

>> No.19606631

Because it is far too sweet.

>> No.19606633

It's just sugar with floral flavours dude.
It's good, sure, but not something to lose your shit about, I say this as someone with something like a total of 30 litres of honey stored in my house.

>> No.19606679

>30 litres of honey stored in my house.
r u a b

>> No.19606701

I particularly like honeydew honey (yes, I know what it's made of), and canola honey.
I've tried orange flower honey, but I can't really tell the difference from other floral honeys. I think it's mostly marketing.

>> No.19606706

Not everyone likes sweets

>> No.19606758
File: 59 KB, 425x425, Gummy-Sour_Sharks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but you're just a sour puss!
Neener Neener, chomp chomp.

>> No.19606766
File: 178 KB, 1500x1125, Honees-Original-Honey_Candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like these Honees.

>> No.19607556
File: 407 KB, 600x600, inspirationbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslim here, pic related

>> No.19607567


>> No.19608151
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19609108

I’ve started going to local farmer markets on Sundays and found my niche is collecting honey. I’ve got this one that tastes of warm cinnamon, with a strong spicy smell. Another that is as light as a feather, tastes of sweet flower and smells lightly or grapes on a vine. Then some standard Costco honey, because I don’t want to waste my stash on a standard peanut butter sandwich.

But not always…

>> No.19609200

Dumb goat fucker cult stay out of my country

>> No.19609504

When are Christian retards going to figure out that you have more in common with Muslims than Jews?

>> No.19609512

I find its particularily good on something like yogurt. icecram even. but in stuff like tea or a baked good I find its kinda wasted because its spread across the whole thing, rather than marbled into the thing so you can taste it straight and contrasting with the rest of the thing.

>> No.19609538

Show was mid
But I wanna lick honey off her breasts

>> No.19609542

we need to destroy all foreign invaders and not (find commonality with them). also most Mud slimes and kikes are pedos, rapists and inbreeders

>> No.19609689

Nah he's right. Enjoy your goyslop faggot

>> No.19610681
File: 84 KB, 675x675, D2D5A31D-D5AC-47CF-AF94-548DDB254261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s the humble peanut butter and honey sandwich

I also live in Columbus, Ohio

>> No.19610763

Honey tastes like flowers, and not in a good way

>> No.19610838

Literally because china exists. My cunt hast the best honey in the world, a lot of different types. But chinks started to mass sell fake honey to mix in the orginal product. Nowadays if you don't know personally the beekeeper you're playing a russian roulette.

>> No.19610842

I eat flowers and I love honey

>> No.19610851

Natural products are goyslop now? Amazing

>> No.19610854

depends, protestantism is literally modern judaism but for goyim.
That being said, modern judaism is an answer/opposition to Christianity (from before schism), so naturally it was created after it.

>> No.19610892

>also most Mud slimes and kikes are pedos, rapists and inbreeders
this but for catholics

>> No.19612000

>Is honey god's gift to mankind
I mean it was literally pointed out as a feature of the promised land. The land of milk and honey.

>> No.19613821

based lotus eater