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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19731882 No.19731882 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to give up one (and all of its derivatives) completely?

>> No.19731886

Beef without question

>> No.19731890

seafood easily. tuna is the only seafood I eat

>> No.19731898

Beef, and it's not even close.

1. Linked to cancer
2. They release fuckloads of methane
3. Unhealthy as fuck unless you jump through a bunch of hoops

Yeah it would suck not to have milk, cheese and ice cream, but I could survive by substituting goat milk. Hamburgers aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway, chicken and fish burgers are superior.

>> No.19731902

Seafood. Seabugs are absolutely disgusting.

>> No.19731907

I don't have to I'm a Christian living in America

>> No.19731909

I NEED milk, eggs and aquaponics.

>> No.19731941

Beef, easy as fuck.
Goat is the GOAT ruminant anyway.

>> No.19731949

Fish, fucking obviously

>> No.19731962

I love beef but it’s one animal, and pork gives me bacon grease which I cook everything in. Beef it is

>> No.19731979

tastelets are out in strength today

>> No.19731992

I eat plenty of pork but it’s easily the one I’d miss the least. Besides slow smoked pulled pork (the ass, funny enough), I tend to only really enjoy cured pig meat. Pork chops are fucking vile and I don’t understand how people can eat them

>> No.19732010

pork butt isn't actually from the butt at all, it's the shoulder. the singular bone in it is the shoulder blade
I've seen two possible reasons for why it's called the butt. the first is using butt like the butt of a gun, it's the cut that's at the butt of the leg. that doesn't explain why it's called the boston butt though. the other explanation does, and that's that it was an unpopular cut of meat so it was packed into butts, a term for wooden casks, and used as salt pork and it was apparently popularly done in boston. that also seems iffy to me
but still, ham is the closest cut of pig people eat from the butt

>> No.19732018

>cleanest livestock animal
>only land one that’s good semi-raw
Nah beef is great. For me it would probably be pork. I like pulled pork, pork chops, pork ribs, and I’d probably miss bacon the most, but I think pork is the least important of the 4.

>> No.19732027

i dropped all of those in the 90s, was easy

>> No.19732028

pork I guess, it's always felt like a secondary meat to me even if I'll miss bacon and pulled pork

>> No.19732035

seafood, no contest. i hate fish, do like lobster ,squid, octopus and shrimp but i can live without them.

harder choice would be if you could only keep one. id probably go beef cuz thats where you get dairy products

>> No.19732039

>dairy from beef

>> No.19732055

>give up beef
I would lose hamburgers, unacceptable
>give up chicken
I would lose fried chicken strips, unacceptable
>give up seafood
I would lose fried calamari rings, unacceptable
>give up pork
I would lose bacon, tenderloin, and carnitas, which is a tragic, but ultimately acceptable loss

>> No.19732061

Beef. The only good beef is steak. The other three have infinitely more versatility

>> No.19732063

>beef comes from cows
>female cows produce milk
>from milk comes cheese, butter, ice cream, etc.
This is presumably the point that (and all of its derivatives) is trying to get to in the OP.

>> No.19732113

op said and all of its derivatives which im interpeting as "and all the other stuff you get from em"

>> No.19732116

I already hate seafood so this is easy.

>> No.19732121

post body

>> No.19732170

I'm not stupid enough to post a picture of myself on the internet, but I will tell you that I'm 6' and 165 lb

>> No.19732234

Beef ez. Just eat lamb instead

>> No.19732250

Pork easily, I’d miss bacon and ham but that’s about it

>> No.19732264

beef. it's mad overrated

>> No.19732302

Chicken. boring as heck. only thing chicken does better is maybe fried. grilled, raw, bbq'd roasted pork and beef do better

>> No.19732329


I eat a lot of chicken and love pork and seafood too much but realistically the strategic option would be to give up seafood because even though i like it more than beef i actually rarely have it and would be a handicap to not get access to beef anymore. I do eat a lot of ground beef.

>> No.19732346

I’ll give up both beef and pork

>> No.19732361


>> No.19732470

>I'm not stupid enough to post a picture of myself on the internet
He said "post body" not "post face with your ID and credit card information". What the fuck are you so paranoid about fatass?

>> No.19732477
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I do like fried shrimp.
But seafood has to go.

>> No.19732478

>he doesn't obsessively glean details on a person from background objects and match body characteristics to publicly available Facebook pictures to identify strangers over the internet

>> No.19733266
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the amount of people choosing beef, and therefore milk/cream/ice cream, is astounding. I'm dropping Pork. Can't even remember the last time I had it.

>> No.19733299

Because you can get all of those same products from goats, you fucking dumbass. Cows are just larger and easier to get huge amounts of dairy product from.

>> No.19733322

Pork - beef is a decent meat for when I can afford it, but the derivative products (i.e., milk and whey) are staples in my diet. I could get them elsewhere, but the cost would likely be absurd (goat and sheep meat isn't available near me). Poultry and seafood are my default proteins since they're cheap and lean. Pork I rarely eat, and the industry is ruining the Carolinas as we speak, so I'd happily chuck it in the bin.

>> No.19733397

You raise a good point about livestock byproducts.
If you remove cows, you also remove dairy and all its derivatives and foods that require it: cheese, yogurt, chocolate, cake frosting, ice cream, breakfast cereal, etc
If you remove chickens (and turkey and duck for that matter, but that's another subject) you also remove eggs and all the bread, pastry, and confectionary recipes that require it: custard, pie crust, cookies, cakes, fruit bars, etc
Marine flora and fauna is too wildly varied and useful in its own right to be discarded wholecloth; for example, you probably wouldn't consider seaweed as "seafood", but it produces the critical binding agent algin responsible for too many culinary uses to count.
Swine provide no positive material value outside of their meat, only the negative material value of waste disposal.

>> No.19733567

if "le science" turns out to be right about red meat and cancer ill start reducing red meat consumption around age 30

give up pork first, beef as well if i really have to

>> No.19733572

Beef comes from steer, dairy comes from cows

>> No.19733627

Beef. I prefer lamb and game meat anyway. I’d miss some cheeses but I don’t use most cow dairy anyway and goat and sheep products are comparable if not better in some cases.

>> No.19733642

Goats and sheep actually produce 3x the amount of milk by weight compared to cows. For smaller scale farming they are a much better resource animal.

>> No.19733647


>> No.19733653


>> No.19733659


>> No.19733673


I love ham too much.

>> No.19733688

Poultry, as much as I like chicken and turkey it'd be really hard to go without burgers, sausage, and fish

>> No.19733694


seafood > poultry > beef > pork

>> No.19733702

I'm allergic to (most) sea food so it's an easy choice.

>> No.19733753

no you aren't allergies are fake and gay

>> No.19734542

>Beef comes from steer, dairy comes from cows
You don't want to drink the milk from steers?

>> No.19734667

I get rid of the other 3 for more beef.

>> No.19734674

Already gave up pork by way of my wife. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything

>> No.19734692

Seafood. I don't like it, and I'm even allergic to some of it.

>> No.19734743

Poultry is the right answer

>> No.19734770

I'm cocktose intolerant

>> No.19734786

Choco milk cannot be made with goat milk, it's disgusting

>> No.19734918

pork. I'd miss the occasional piece of bacon, but that's it.

>> No.19734921


>> No.19734964

I only need poultry so what bonus do I get for dropping two more shit tier meats?

>> No.19734982

Seaford. I left New England and live in the southwest, so I haven't had much seafood anyway. No loss

>> No.19734986

easy pick, seafood

>> No.19734991

Seafood without question, and it's not even close. I used to be amicable toward seafood, but after cooking it a handful of times about 5 years ago and suffering the agonizing day after where my entire apartment became filled with the repulsive smell of rotting death and decay I had such a visceral reaction of disgust to the smell of fish that I vowed to never cook it again.
This doesn't happen with any other meat. When I cook myself a steak, my entire kitchen smells fucking delicious all night and the next day.

>> No.19734995

oh look it's another thinly veiled (((anti beef))) thread

>> No.19734999

>muh seabugs
The only tastelet here is you