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File: 589 KB, 665x837, homemade-tortilla-chips-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19934267 No.19934267 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they always shaped like this?

>> No.19934272

It's the ideal shape for cramming

>> No.19934274

Triangles are the strongest shape

>> No.19934291

Its the tastiest shape

Prove me wrong

>> No.19934297

which would make sense if they were actually triangles.

>> No.19934309

Tortullas are round so when you are frying them it just makes sense to cut them like a pizza

>> No.19934314

They were designed by the rothschild clan to strategically lacerate the roof of your mouth. It's a subtle nod to the fact that jews have no home.

>> No.19934318
File: 132 KB, 1500x1000, Simply-Recipes-Homemade-Tortilla-Chips-METHOD-2-1b9a5b4c8605493d9dc22d66f055f561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm about to blow your mind!

>> No.19934324

Traditionally they're supposed to "point" like arrows towards Rome, they were originally for a religious festival.

>> No.19934364

Why are tortillas always that shape?
Why are mass produced tortillas chips still triangles?

>> No.19934506

>Why are tortillas always that shape?
because ancient mexicans mass produced tortillas quickly by rolling the dough into a ball and then flattening it in a press.

guess what shape a sphere makes when you flatten it.

>> No.19934512

A triangel?

>> No.19934590

Could make any shape really... were they just lazy?

>> No.19934654

exactly! now you're getting it.

>> No.19934761

they are triangles..

>> No.19934778

how to prevent them from puffing up like mad? maybe poke holes in them before frying? they all turned into balloons last time i made my own

>> No.19934832
File: 735 KB, 600x595, 1688619820168204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so that's why they're called tortilla chips. I now understand everything.

>> No.19934863

If a triangle has a rounded side then it's technically an impossible shape that can't exist, according to physics. It's not a triangle.

>> No.19934889

huh alright. i didn't remember them needing to be straight edges, but ok

>> No.19935037

I like how Mexicans took Catholicism and were like "this shit isnt crazy enough" and then added even more spicy pagan shit from their dirt worshiping pre Columbian past.

>> No.19935323

Most Mexican food is inspired by Lebanese and Spanish food.

>> No.19935331


>> No.19935359

their angles need to equal 360 degrees retard

>> No.19935360

i did...now what

>> No.19935434

I really love authentic Spanish tacos in a European corn tortilla

>> No.19935441

Ribbed for Her Pleasure

>> No.19935766

wait corn chips are made from tortilla?

>> No.19935793

God damn I really don’t know if you’re joking or not. What has this world become lol

>> No.19935803

no im not burger we don't consume corn on the regular
wtf that's really wild tho

>> No.19935810

Oh, my mistake. Where are you from?

>> No.19935821


>> No.19935887

Based pretend conspiracy schizo

>> No.19935911

To cut your mouth and kill you, to replace you with a mexican.

>> No.19936241

you dont know much at all do you. corn flour is mostly a south and central american thing. but of course burgerland has it too.
also most tortillas wypeepo eat are wheat flour

>> No.19936282
File: 277 B, 179x282, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i hope im not the only one that sees him in there

>> No.19936325

indeed, three angels fused into one

>> No.19936458

primitive edible arrow head
You will adapt or be replaced by a maize muncher.

>> No.19936467

No not at all. Fritos are corn chips and were never tortillas. Tortilla chips were tortillas.

>> No.19936482

now that you pointed it out, I do. But it doesn't look like an ai-generated image, there are no inconsistencies.

>> No.19936487
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-4240523400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because ancient mexicans mass produced tortillas quickly by rolling the dough into a ball and then flattening it in a press.
fake as fuck, the traditional method is shaping them like that using your hands, there were no press or anything like that, the tortilla press has only been around for like 100 years for mass producing purpose. in fact there's an old saying in latam that a woman is not a woman unless she can make perfect tortillas with her hands.

>> No.19936488

Freaking mathematicians and physicists I swear to god.
In real life we use something called “approximation”. If something kind of looks like a triangle then it IS a triangle. Normal people don’t give a shit if it actually is or isn’t one.
If you take a freaking tool to measure the angles to prove that it isn’t actually a triangle people will just think that you have autism or something.

>> No.19936489

Cringe and woolpilled

>> No.19936520

>in fact there's an old saying in latam that a woman is not a woman unless she can make perfect tortillas with her hands.

This is ONLY for flour tortillas.

>> No.19936542

the triangle is the simplest 2d shape. 2 points would be a line, a 1d shape. any three points and its a triangle. tetrahedron is next, iirc

>> No.19936546


>> No.19937302
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2210994081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have no idea what you guys call flour tortillas, I know real tortillas have always been made since ancient times using masa, which is finely grounded corn, when I hear flour I imagine the white powder made from wheat gringos usually use to make bread. making a tortilla using flour made of wheat is just round flat breads, not tortillas.

>> No.19937317

>An impossible shape
>literally exists in a form you can eat

Shut the fuck up, nobody is impressed, faggot.

>> No.19937320
File: 21 KB, 686x204, flour tortilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the famous GRINGOS known as "Spaniards" - not at all the forefathers of your "people". Why do mexicans have such a lack of knowledge of their own claims to cuisine (which are not ever theirs, by the way).

>> No.19937337

there's literally thousands of years old tombs with petrified tortillas, spanish didn't invent tortillas, they invented the word, I don't know the aztec or mayan word for tortilla, but the original MEXICAN AND LATINO tortillas are made of maiz, not wheat.

>> No.19937341

It's too bad that the original MEXICAN AND LATINO people are made of Spaniards.

>> No.19937394


>> No.19937402

Yeah but they probably spoiled centuries ago.

>> No.19937636

Just say corn. Corn is a grain.

>> No.19937639

That’s their natural shape. Tortilla chips are originally petals harvested from the corn flower. Today manufactured corn chips are cut to mimic the shape.

>> No.19937643

A ball makes a pizza you retarded nigger

>> No.19937648

Ok wheat is superior tho to your hfcs slop beaner

>> No.19937919
File: 1.57 MB, 640x640, 1586838295994.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authentic Mexican food is superior to texmex
also Mexicans

>> No.19938068
File: 112 KB, 680x1231, 3f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19938181

Tapas and manakish?

>> No.19938208

>a tortilla chip can't exists according to physics
trust the science they say...

>> No.19938215

I agree that texmex is superior but it's not their fault that guy ordered them plain here

>> No.19938250
File: 293 KB, 654x600, 1659299334909016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What scared the tortillas that badly?

>> No.19938658

fucking kek

>> No.19938679
File: 5 KB, 657x503, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are taught that this is a triangle
It explains a lot, really.

>> No.19938684

Post moon landing

>> No.19938697
File: 1.31 MB, 1248x702, hero-image.fill.size_1248x702.v1691437637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19938735

>actual mexicans dont eat flour tortas and refried beans
I really don't understand this meme.

>> No.19938772
File: 212 KB, 397x192, 1573198352824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, i can see it

>> No.19938853

People love pointy food

e.g. diagonally cut sandwiches

>> No.19938883

congrats you're dumb as fuck

>> No.19939897

i didnt say that, just that most tortillas white people eat are flour ones

>> No.19939900 [DELETED] 

Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year. Tens of thousands of children are being aborted completely legally in 2023 in deep red USA states.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states and almost nobody is talking about it. The pro life movement is a controlled opposition and not your fren. Please watch this approximately 15 minute long YouTube video on abortion please whether you be pro choice or already pro life https://youtu.be/XGPv66ZqlEQ?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]

Over 6 billion (yes) Chickens are tortured to death every single year in the United States alone in factory farms. And no your Canada Australia or EU country isn't much better. Billions of animals are being tortured to death in factory farms every single year and it's (partially) your fault! Please watch at least the first five minutes of this YouTube video . In it he explains that people who regularly purchase chicken for years straight will almost certainly cause the torturing and murder of hundreds of extra chickens. That blood is all on your hands and would NOT have been shed had you instead decided to boycott animal products / go vegan ! https://youtu.be/brKhhZlUoOc?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open] [Open]

What are the conditions like in factory farms where over 96% of all animal products in western nations come from? They are mutilated without anesthetic, crammed in dirty, uncomfortable, and crowded conditions, they are artificially inseminated / raped and jacked off, they are slaughtered. Here is a free approximately 2 hours long documentary about factory farming please watch it thank you https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared jfff

>> No.19940138


>> No.19940503

lowest quality post possible

>> No.19940566

It’s the jews. You can make the jew star with two chips.

>> No.19940596
File: 1.87 MB, 400x398, bec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit haven't laughed this hard in a long time

>> No.19940958

I know it's just meant to be an illustrative picture, but seeing someone cut individual tortillas like that makes my blood boil.