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20084822 No.20084822 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/ I seriously need your help. I'm new to the United Kingdom and every beer I can find at the grocery store tastes like watered down piss. Picrel is the best I could find, but I'm still looking for something better. what do people actually drink here?

>> No.20084826

you go to the pub on the corner and drink what's on tap

>> No.20084829

Why do you post at 4am...
Anyway just drink any, stella artois is pretty shit though.
>What do people actually drink here

>> No.20084833

Fosters of course

>> No.20084840

Do they not sell vodka or whiskey in England?
Honestly, if you're trying to get smashed at 4 in the morning like an ugly American, the least you could do is chug a fifth of vodka, strip naked, and run around town like a /pol/tard

>> No.20084845

Every country drinks piss, mate. Gotta find what you like. I drink ciders.

>> No.20084855

just got back from spending Christmas with family and I'm still jet lagged, feels like 10 pm. anyways if you mention stella to anyone here They start making fun of you, something tells me the Brits are hiding something better that I just don't know about yet

>> No.20084868
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>> No.20084874

Oh, I really like samuel smith's oatmeal stout, that's a UK beer

>> No.20084877

>something tells me the Brits are hiding something better that I just don't know about yet
You mean like vodka?
Are you fucking retarded or just drunk at 4 in the morning?

>> No.20084880

fpbp. this is the only answer

>> No.20084895

stella or asahi, my two favourite lagers. they are both so good.

>> No.20085059

Very good, I buy this whenever I can find it here in Canada. One of the stores near me started carrying more UK stuff, I'll try Abbot Ale next time

>> No.20085080

Drink cider instead

Or gin

Or ale

>> No.20085716

Nope, this tastes like heaven. Pretty much every lighter beer from bavaria is amazing

>> No.20085726
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>> No.20085782

stella's nickname in the UK is 'wifebeater'

>> No.20085792

the lager sucks, get pretty much any ale it's readily available. a lot of it's in glass bottles.

>> No.20085798

gen any cask ale in a pub if you like warm and flat beer

>> No.20085803
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Kronens are nice but try these if you want something stronger. Carlsberg is a solid beer option

>> No.20085807

Go to a Wetherspoons, they always have various local things on tap. Also check nearby supermarkets or even Co-op because they'll probably have a shelf for local ales and ciders too.

>> No.20085822

my favorite bongoloid beers that I can get in america are newcastle brown, samuel smith, and st. peter's. how are they regarded there?

>> No.20085837

We honestly prefer other Euro beers to our own usually

>> No.20085838

a lot of them are regional products and you don't necessarily get them that often all over the country, unless you're going to specialty shops/pubs. so they don't have as much of a reputation.
newky brown is available everywhere though it's pretty nice. samuel smith i've had a couple of times i enjoyed it. st peter's, i think i had their christmas one or something once. seems like a bretty good selection

>> No.20085843
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If you're a retard student, poof, chav or alcoholic, maybe. All the proper geezers I know like Jail Ale from Princetown Brewery, which is a half hour's drive from my house, and it's Dartmoor Legend on tap at the geezer yachting club I visit. Doom Bar is really big here in Devon too.

>> No.20085847

Luv some doom bar me. That's my mum's favourite.

>> No.20085849

sounds like you really aren't into beer
When and if you find one _type_ that you do like, you buy it repeatedly. Duh? Start with styles, first up is top vs bottom fermented ale, then move onto lager, then IPAs, then brown, then porters, then stout, then sours. Why is this so hard? There are dry ciders, and ciders made from other fruit. England isn't as known for craft beers and variety as other countries, that's for sure, but it does exist. You should drink just to pair with food. Does beer break up the fatty heaviness, or cleanse the palate? Then you are doing it right. You are likely to find the same 5-6 choices at an ordinary public house or restaurant. I like some of the Samuel Smiths choices. I'd start with that.

>> No.20085853

Which county are you in? I'm interested in how far Doom Bar has travelled. I personally never order it if there's an alternative since they've been bought out by Coors, but I won't pretend that it isn't really good.

>> No.20085864

Leicestershire, you can get it in any little tesco here, and sometimes on tap. I think Sharps have pretty wide distribution now, they graduated to cans at least.

>> No.20085879

you can get Doom Bar nationwide afaik. I'm in Oldham, so north west and hardly a metropolis, both my local Sainbury's and Tesco sell it

>> No.20085882

oh nice. Well, I would say that answers OP's question pretty well.

>> No.20085891

If you come here with that princess attitute you wont get far. just drink it, get drunk and shut up. Nothing wrong with the main brands, just because they arnt triple hop chocolate fuck me in the arse, doesnt mean they arnt just standard easy drinking lagers. You just know when someone calls something piss water they are a little fairy princess. Youll drink whats on offer and be happy about it or fuck off back to where you came from.

>> No.20085895

get some buckfast tonic wine

>> No.20085896

Old Crafty Hen is better. Shit's like rocket fuel. There's also a banana bread flavour ale some places sell, sounds like gimmicky Christmas shit but is actually delicious.

>> No.20085901

>when someone calls something piss water they are a little fairy princess
That or you just handed them a pint of Budweiser.

>> No.20085904

beer is haram in england. Drink some tea and smoke shisha mashallah

>> No.20085905

>banana bread flavour ale
I love that shit, they stopped fucking stocking it

>> No.20085910

One thing the Brits do very well is cider, my local has Rattler on draught even though we're nowhere near Cornwall and its delicious
If I was going to go for beer I'd have Neck Oil or Asahi, or whatever local beers are available

>> No.20085913

>just drink it, get drunk and shut up
nah i want to enjoy my visit. dumb poster

>> No.20085957

Cloudwater, Azvex, DEYA, Northern Monk, Verdant, Floc., Track, Beak, Vocation...

>> No.20085991

kronenbourg is pretty much the best beer you can buy in shops here, unless you want something stronger.

>> No.20085997

I was playing Deep Rock Galactic while drinking Kronenbourg a couple years ago and got to talking with the French guy in the game about beer. He said his dad was a researcher at the Kronenbourg brewery which I thought was pretty neat. I told him I'm a Kronenbourg researcher too. At first he was amazed, then I told him I'm researching 4 cans right now and he got the joke.

>> No.20086253

Just stick to buying beer that comes in 500ml bottles. That will be your ales and bitters. Or something stronger try the bottled ciders. Henry Weston's Vintage is a favourite of mine.

In the pub just go with anything from the brewery.

>> No.20086372

I'm a finnfag and I love St Peter's, both their winter warmer and their cream stout. Both are very thicc and complex brews though and you wouldn't necessarily want them on a stifling hot summer afternoon.

>> No.20086418

stella's like an old trusty friend. i drink it in the shower to get rid of bad hangovers. reliable. always looks after me. but estrella, staropramen, urquell, san miguel, heineken, and peroni if they have nothing better on tap. my mates drink neck oil but it's not for me.

>> No.20086423

yeh this, never drink budweiser. budvar's nice though.

>> No.20086447

The little paki shops don't have any good beer. Try going to a supermarket. (Or , if you have one, a speciality shop that actually sells decent beer)

>> No.20086451

What kind of beer would you drink back home?

>> No.20086505

This. And if you find yourself in Innsmouth, do try the Shoggoth's Old Peculiar, it's quite lovely.

>> No.20086530

this, beer hasn't been legal here since the 1950s

>> No.20086656

I lived in Leicestershire for 8 years, avoid Everards beer, it’s awful.

>> No.20086718

doom bar is nationwide now. probably in large part thanks to wetherspoons. i regularly see it sold out in morrisons

>> No.20086796

How much does a pack of pints like that cost in England?

>> No.20086805

literally drinking this right now. the cloudy cider is shit though

>> No.20086870

About 6 quid for a four pack.

>> No.20086875

Not fucking fair. I hate america

>> No.20086923

I am more of an Ale and Cider drinker myself, I live in Cider Country (Somerset) . Not as cheap as Fosters (which is the default in England) but 1664 is quite well rounded, as Lagers go.

TL;DR 1664 Is a good pint of Lager.

>> No.20086953

Why would anyone voluntarily move to the UK in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty four? Are you trying to lower your quality of life on purpose as a joke?

>> No.20087041

Your spirits are way cheaper

>> No.20087074

Drinking culture in any of the infested cities in the UK is terrible thanks to shitskins. Go North or go to the countryside for the good stuff.

>> No.20087106

They own quite a few of the pubs near me - they opened a big beer hall/cafe setup since you left, it sucks.
I think Old Original is pretty good but not really a fan of Tiger.

>> No.20087124

Newcastle Brown is well known, and sells a low rate in many places. Pretty good for a larger brewery.
Samuel Smith is a reasonable brewer. You didn't say which one of theirs.
Don't know St Peters at all.
But most of the best stuff is really local. It's the nature of brewing: much easier to produce great beer in small quantities.

>> No.20087134

I know that Newky brown is considered an old fashioned treasure here, lots of people including myself drink it, young and old.
It's rather dark, weighty and complex and so is a popular drink to enjoy in the colder rainier months. Lads here will switch to the pale stuff like Stella, Fosters and Carling in the summer when it's roasting.

>> No.20087266
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Ale you gimp, only underclasses and deanoa drink largguh

>> No.20087269
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>Neck oil

>> No.20087284

Newbie brown is seriously one of the tastiest ales I've ever tried.
Hobgoblin is also a good choice desu

>> No.20087459

based joke teller

>> No.20087616

Newcastle is hot garbage in the states. Maybe it's different there, but honestly the worst brown ale and one of the worst beers I've ever drank

That being said, fullers ESB is one of my favorite beers around, OP. Try that, or any bitter. That style is damn good in general and goes down real easy.

>> No.20087672

>You just know when someone calls something piss water they are a little fairy princess
Apart from Carling of course which is literally canned piss.

>> No.20088914

Most UK-brewed lagers are shite desu, if you insist on lager then you can get Krombacher or Warsteiner in most supermarkets, or hell even Aldi's own brand stuff is decent
Otherwise look for ales. Theakston's Old Peculier, St Austell Proper Job, Hobgoblin etc you will find pretty much anywhere in supermarkets

>> No.20089039

the polish beers are fucking great, get a load of different beers with polish names and see which ones you like. i recommend Warka.

>> No.20089094
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idk the best one but i can tell you do not drink pic related, one of the worst beers ive ever had
im not really a fan of most british beers ive had but newcastle is pretty good. much prefer ciders