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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20086670 No.20086670 [Reply] [Original]

Are you prepared for the future of food, /ck/?

>> No.20086675

Lasagnabros won

>> No.20086686

Definition of slop. Not sloppa, slop.

>> No.20086688

3d printing in general is awesome for more creative endeavors but it will never make sense in that stupid dystopian "3d printed nutriblock" landscape you keep envisioning

>> No.20086696

i know you want me to rage over this ragebait OP, but i will not. in fact i will be closing this thread after i post

>> No.20086708

this will only be useful when bakers are adding chocolate or candy tesseracts to their creations

>> No.20086715

>im going to design a robot to squirt colored oil triangles in layers and call it "cooking a cake with seven ingredients"

>> No.20086754

Didn't you notice the part where the sintering laser turned on and sorta tried to cook the top of it for a few seconds?

>> No.20087071

>"future food" is extruded through a plastic tube scraping moar plastic into the food in the process
>it's also sloppily made
>and lazy
the fuck is the point of this?
i like cooking and i don't trust machines
people are going to hack these for fun by the way
i don't want an entire cake forced through plastic tubing.
enjoy your slop

>> No.20087073

>3D printed food

>> No.20087075

you know if you type "sage" without the quotes in the Options box it doesn't bump the fucking thread

>> No.20087098


>> No.20087104
File: 2.48 MB, 2940x2430, Hostess-Cupcake-Whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I can't wrap my head around is that this seems like a huge step backwards from conventional industrial food preparation methods that have been virtually perfected for decades. If Hostess is making their chocolate cupcake things, they first have a robotic arm squirt the correct amount of batter into a bunch of round cake trays on a conveyor belt. Then those trays of batter go into an oven to cook. Once they've been cooked another robotic arm creampies them all with the pilling, squiggles the icing on the top, and the end product is something that resembles a cupcake.
For this 3D printing food shit to work you have to literally reinvent not just the ingredients used, but also the basic structure of the very food you're trying to imitate. This is never going to go anywhere, it's a waste of time.

>> No.20087123

>this seems like a huge step backwards from conventional industrial food preparation methods that have been virtually perfected for decades
it is!
also I don't eat that junk either, but yeah...
until they create variables in the tools and timings used and pair them with other robotics, this is a dead end
I'd rather be happy preparing my own food and living my life instead of toiling at a job I hate with no time for myself
*point is, if automation / "automated robotics" are going to work they have to be applied to the correct work sectors in the correct way
if the ultimate goal of things is to eliminat3e the *need* for us to work and toil, then apply them to the areas of life we hate most
not cooking
we already figured out efficient cooking and general food prep assembly a LONG time ago

>> No.20087139


>> No.20087176

does it take good?

>> No.20087181


>> No.20087196

that someone would want to avoid bumping this highly important thread about the future of /ck/

>> No.20087201

>we already figured out efficient cooking and general food prep assembly a LONG time ago
We figured those things out with humans involved. Now we can get rid of wagies and just rely on an occasional robot repair technician.

It's sort of like that pizza topping robot a few years ago that the manufacturer pretended could be used to let retards work in kitchens. Well, why not buy the robot and skip the retard entirely?

>> No.20087208

I kneel

>> No.20087210

I didn't want to 下げ the thread

>> No.20087242

someone bumped the thread seconds after I posted
and it upset me because I chose not to bump, and this is a pattern
I am always syncing up with someone else posting right after me
some would think it's bots, but I am nearly certain it's mere synchronicity of events
it's still annoying though.
we figured them out with mass automation in factories too
that was the point, and now we are taking steps backwards in our progress to make the same thing on a less efficient, smaller scale
I am not saying the idea of home automation will not grow into something useful over time. it will, but for now I will pass on it.
I do not want to eat a cake which has been forced through plastic tubing and made in a haphazard, sloppy manner
>Now we can get rid of wagies and just rely on an occasional robot repair technician
in the future maybe
not now. it does not exist. *yet
(I hope you get the point, because people seem to think we are already 20 years further into the future than we really are
these things are being worked on, but they are not complete *yet*
and mass assembly in factories is still easier
a Man's hands are still better for repairs and his mind better at understanding than a machines processors


>> No.20087377

>it upset me because I chose not to bump

>> No.20087388

Don't do that, you won't be able to see me calling you a huge faggot if you leave!

>> No.20087405

>>20087377 digits thoughever
>reading the post this incorrectly
you have to be 18+ to post here :|

>> No.20087449

I'm not eating something the cure with fucking UV to solidify it

>> No.20087455

also you have to put noko in the email

>> No.20087465

>nearly 20 years ago
that changed sometimes before mootykins left, no?
I remember Options used to be the email slot, but idk
that was a long time ago nowe lolol

>> No.20087482
File: 387 KB, 491x502, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could be printing anime girl pancakes
>prints stupid shit instead

>> No.20087484

times have changed, anon

>> No.20087489
File: 51 KB, 452x678, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's curing foods with infrared.

>> No.20087501

but thats boring :(

>> No.20087505

no kidding?
that's what I just said lol!
I like it. no complaints other than janny removing character text options and such
taking that away has made this place far more sterile and boring
no trifocring
no text based images
no fun allowed :(

>> No.20087507

prease understan cant risk the advertisers

>> No.20087522

yeah there's really no reason for them to take away bold or italic text. they should also add redtext like some other places have

>> No.20087546

lol. lmao.
>>20087522 checked //22//
or [zalgo]...
I can still do some tricks without the options, but this place is worse without them natively here
I mean, boards such as >>>/b/ and >>>/s4sa/ should have all the options
most other boards *should* at least have some
they took a lot of fun away
and I want to post character based text art again
h̶i̶ a̶n̶o̶n̶!̶
test it𝘢lics
U͇n͇d͇e͇r͇l͇i͇n͇e͇ U͟n͟d͟e͟r͟l͟i͟n͟e͟
oh well. if I owned 4chan things would be different, but this place is going to go weird ways int he future if it hangs around

>> No.20087643

The people who design this stuff are evil

>> No.20087655

It might be good for chocolates and candies, but probably too inefficient compared to molds.

>> No.20087679

Mass production bakeries are already automatized, there's no actual need for this. It's a cool novelty, but this wont replace anything

>> No.20088636

Bump for interest

>> No.20088647

You will eat your 7 different bug paste cake and you will be happy

>> No.20088659
File: 19 KB, 828x306, 1685120532622307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20088663

actual abomination

>> No.20088669

Can't wait till robots replace all /ck/ooks in kitchen. People finally be able to spend their lives for something meaningful, than cooking.

>> No.20088698
File: 752 KB, 400x400, 1704050063240075.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one can't wait to see what new dishes our robros are gonna be cooking up for us.

>> No.20088709

1; it looks like shit
2; cakes and cookies are already mass produced in factories and look way better than this slop

All this 3D printed nonsense is just assholes trying to justify their worthless degrees. 3D printing has its uses, but cakes and steaks ain't it.

>> No.20088710


>> No.20088714

Why do these pop-culture corporations always hire fat Asian chicks and effeminate Gay white guys.

>> No.20088722

Did I do it right?

>> No.20088758


>> No.20088891

This looks like absolute trash. I would rather eat cat food

>> No.20088902

the microplastics in your brain caused you to post this

>> No.20088920

3D printed dino bug nuggies is the future, deal with it. try throwing your shoes into your phone if you hate it so much.

>> No.20089163


>> No.20089184

Isn't this just a shittier and more expensive form of automated baking? Like how does this beat out a machine filling a mold and then conveyoring the batter into an oven.

>> No.20089194

Hell yeah, don't want no kitchen goblins touching my food. Yeah I see you not even wearing gloves you drug addled piece of shit.

>> No.20089445

>40x speed

>> No.20089480

They know who buys their shit.

>> No.20090216

>the fuck is the point of this?
getting more "research" money for the (((investors)))

>> No.20090291

Is that a joke?

>> No.20090415

Why indeed? Who nose.

>> No.20090451
File: 104 KB, 477x640, weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cake of such quality is worth the wait, anon

>> No.20090457

looks like what you squirt out of a cockroach bait/poison tube

>> No.20091477

bullshit and your curse failed. fuck off.

>> No.20091478

But you can now individualize and personalize things. Imagine being able to fire your cake decorator and just 3D printing "Happy Birfday Shawaneesha!" instead.

>> No.20091490

Log shaped

>> No.20091781

Watching the chinks roll out 3D houses is pretty fucking neato. The machines that do it are amazing to watch. If they could figure out a way to make it not feel like living in a concrete coffin while being super efficient and cheap I wouldn't mind living in one.

>> No.20091796

Why would anyone want to print tranime cartoons?

>> No.20092116

mmm sloppacake

>> No.20092119

The people who design this stuff are snake oil salesmen that prey on ignorant middle management.
>Hey man, buy a ton of our expensive equipment and you'll save a ton of money on staffing, just think of the bonus you'll earn!

>> No.20092546

To feed them to his GF to boost boob growth