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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.18 MB, 2642x2480, pizza_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20176279 No.20176279 [Reply] [Original]

r8 my pizzas

>> No.20176280
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>> No.20176283
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>> No.20176286
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>> No.20176287

Looks good. A little more green for me please :D

>> No.20176291

do you just crumble mozzarella or is there more to the cheese game?

>> No.20176293

Noice. Still working on getting my dough recipe right. But them be pretty 'zas.

>> No.20176295

got a layer of parmigiano-reggiano below

>> No.20176307

this calculator and the videos of the guy who hosts this website absolutely changed ny pizza game. would recommend

>> No.20176324

You can get better blisters if you keep the top of the dough balls the top of the pizzas.
Calbal is better imo.

>> No.20176325

I literally can't fully rate it, cause yours is a "classic" pizza, and I've never ever had one of those

so pls, r8 it 4 me

>> No.20176327

1 gets top score for being the most loyal to the classic pizza

>> No.20176331
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>> No.20176343

need more basil and fresh tomatoes.

>> No.20176344

thanks for the tip
will consider
i'd give myself a 7/10. it's good, very good even, however there's still room for improvement (see >>20176331)

>> No.20176348

>fresh tomatoes on pidser

>> No.20176387

drunk af right now but would eat pizza #2, overall 7/10

>> No.20176609

they all look awesome op
>xe will never know the joy of having delicious sweet heirloom cherry tomatoes slightly charred on the pizza

>> No.20176637
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They are really good on pizza

>> No.20176815

Those are some nice pizzas anon do you make them in a regular oven? I'd love to be able to make something similar at home.

>> No.20176827

usually for a neapolitan style pizza like that you need a wood fired oven, it needs crazy fuckin high heat. something like >650°F, most home ovens only get to ~550°F

>> No.20176883

Deck temps in Neapolitan pizza ovens are 800f or more, air temp is 900 or more, what you said is far too low.

>> No.20176905

while this does look like a wood or gas-fired oven, you can get some great results by using a baking steel and baking it over two or three times and adding toppings halfway through baking.

Unironic shill incoming, Ken Forkish' Elements of Pizza is great if you want to learn some nice techniques for baking at home

>> No.20177231

damn. guess i should stick to the totinos

will keep this in mind for after i am not broke and about to enter uni in august

>> No.20177464


>> No.20177466

What kinda oven you use brudda?

>> No.20177604

The bigger of the two pizzaparty gas ovens.

>> No.20177659

very nice anon. It's not so common to see a good pizza on /ck/, the americans must be sleeping
The last one is slightly undercooked and it looks like you are really afraid of basil to cook, you wated too much time before putting it on pizza. The basil has to blend with the pizza a little bit

You shold post the cross section of the crust

>> No.20177714

great job obviously dickhead. What kind of oven are you using? If it’s a normal oven and you’re getting these results you need to fill us in

>> No.20177735

nvm saw your reply it wasn’t there earlier. do you think you could get similar results from a Gozney roccbox?

>> No.20177860

Motherfucker now I'm hungry

>> No.20177874

Some of the crust is flat and burnt
Not enough tomato
The best one, although could be cooked for a few more seconds

>> No.20178096


Are you supposed to eat the parts that are burnt? I went to an expensive pizza place recently and they looked like that but I didn't eat the burnt parts

>> No.20178114
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>> No.20178129

that would bother me if i wasn't anonymous

>> No.20178164
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Yes, you eat it.

>> No.20178183

but it's burnt...

>> No.20178185
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>> No.20178197

Is it like a custom or something

>> No.20178211

Do you eat smoked food or let foods get brown/black at all?
What do you think is going on there when there is any color change?

>> No.20178212

maillard reaction is not the same as burnt

>> No.20178229

What exactly do you think both of those things are on the chemical level?

>> No.20178659


>> No.20178669
File: 2.29 MB, 3272x1816, 20220827_182352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its actually delicious

pic related was me getting distracted while cooking
but i ate it anyway out of spite. it was in fact delicious - but yeah this is over the line, a bit loo much begins to taste burnt - but not so much as to not be delicious.

>> No.20178691
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very nice but you get much more flavor when you bury the basil leaves under a mix of olive oil (use greek, never italian), mozzarella and parmesan before cooking.
putting the leaves on top after cooking is like not browning your meat. or even worse: burning the basil because you were too lazy to cover it in oil/cheese. even most italian restaurants fuck this up

>> No.20178892
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x1688, 08WTE-pizza1-kfhb-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burnt shit
>no cheese
Here's what a proper pizza should look like you imbeciles.

>> No.20178940

thats a no flavor cardboard crust nuked cheese pizza fail. fren

>> No.20179024

How long do you proof them?

>> No.20179185
File: 283 KB, 1500x2000, pan pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do pan pidzer

>> No.20179558

That looks far worse than anything else in this thread, also niggers.

>> No.20180681

based retard

>> No.20181153
File: 3.43 MB, 706x720, pizza good.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza good

>> No.20181280

It took you 3 pizzas before you figured out you can put on toppings?

>> No.20181847

3/10 good job mate.

>> No.20181848

Gay bullshit to steal money from dumb liberals

>> No.20181850

Look at those disgusting fat arms what a slob

>> No.20181878

>if you keep the top of the dough balls the top of the pizzas
what does this mean?

>> No.20182518

When you have a dough ball one side is facing the air, not the surface it rests on.
While stretching the dough you make sure that the top side of the dough ball is the side of the dough you put your sauce and toppings on.
How is this not evident by the sentence to you is beyond me.

>> No.20183040

not being able to write nor communicate clearly is no excuse to be an asshole, asshole.

also, meh tier advice.

>> No.20183067

looks gud

>> No.20183667 [DELETED] 

>Oh God, the grease pooling on top, the burnt under carriage, the dirty brown Sicilians hand
>It even has burnt roaches on top
truly the best New York has to offer

>> No.20183676
File: 359 KB, 220x220, patrick-bateman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh God, the grease pooling on top, the burnt under carriage, the dirty brown Sicilians hand
>It even has burnt roaches on top
truly the best New York has to offer

>> No.20184295
File: 3.59 MB, 706x720, good pizza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pizza

>> No.20184388

>keep the top of the dough ball the top of the pizza
>too hard to grasp
You are retarded and the advice comes from Italian pizza makers, whom likely know more about you than the subject.

>> No.20184418

What dough recipe do you guys use? Mine never comes out fluffy and chewy. It always ends up more like frozen pizza crust.

>> No.20184634

tsmt, haters will say it's bad but this is the best composition. Could use a bit more cheese though.

>> No.20184673

bro if you cant write because ESL, its ok.
i speak a little italian so you can try again.

>> No.20184710
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pizza out of the APO, how’s it look?

>> No.20184732

samefag, I know the crust should’ve been done more I will move my oven rack up next time. I don’t have a baking steel for it yet so it was just done in a cast iron. Overall I was really impressed, I don’t think I’ll be buying a pizza oven as this is good enough for me (err, it will be once I dial it in). I know I won’t get leoparding like from a 900F oven, but for now that’s fine. Maybe if/when I’m a homeowner I can dabble in such luxuries

>> No.20184736

Ken forkish’s

>> No.20184751

ken's got like a whole pizza book of recipes

>> No.20184806

yeah, and?

>> No.20184812

theyre all different.
was i speaking italian?

>> No.20184881

god i wish i had a pizza oven to make the crust nice and crispy crusty like that

>> No.20184913

550 home oven with a steel or a ceramic works p darn good. heat the oven up to 550 (high as mine goes). once its at temp, start gettign the ingredients together. turn the broiler on for a bit to give the stone extra heat while shaping the pie. Add sauce only and slide in the oven, setting the heat about 535F. Cook til the pie is easy to slide around, less than 5 minutes maybe? pull out, set the broiler on, add toppings and put the whole thing under the broiler til the flour smells cooked and like delicious popcorn and youve got the color you want. this allows you to cook the crust well without nuking the cheese to shit. works pretty darn good. sunds like an effort, but its not. its just that you have to pay attention while youre cooking for say 8 minutes or whatever.
of course ye, maybe ill get a pizza oven but for now this works

>> No.20184921

Did you run out of cheese or something and why did you put leaves on it? Was this baked outside during the fall season?

>> No.20184923

three bananas out of four stars

>> No.20184927


>> No.20185004

>highest rating for topping density, not taking into account OP's very poor pie rotating skills

>> No.20185479

Made for Big Architect Cock

>> No.20185580

a little more generosity with your sauce, and these are stellar pizzas anon

>> No.20185594

>tfw no plump spoiled brat jewish food lover gf
why live

>> No.20185598
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a little arm chub is sexy on a woman, sorry that you dont get it

>> No.20185729

salt, water, flour, yeast. like 210 grams of water to 300g flour. also maybe throw like 15g olive oil in there. maybe you are just making your dough too thin, or is your oven not hot enough??
i think it looks fucking good despite the crust. really doesnt look like you coooked it in cast iron, you should do the same recipe but bring the cheese and everything all the way to the edge and make it a true pan pizza

>> No.20186002

I could try making the dough a bit thicker and the oven is as hot as it gets at 550.

>> No.20186191

Honestly the crust looks really nice and soft. How does it feel?

>> No.20186205
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Nice try op, but it looks bland as fuck

>> No.20186215

>that feel when i finally found a good gluten free crust.
I missed pizza so much....

>> No.20186250

italian cook here. they look great. just don't fall into the meme of thinking neapolitan pizza is the best as even here in italy it's a meme outside of napoli

>> No.20186268

neapolitan pizza crust is objectively the best. whatever toppings you choose is a different subject but the crust (dough) makes the pizza and neapolitan is like two tiers above everything else

>> No.20186294

you can use the same hydrated dough for pizza in teglia. which is better imho

>> No.20186491

I was having trouble flipping the pizza into the pan. I was just using floured cardboard since my friend has my peel. But we’re not friends anymore so it’d be weird to ask for it back, and I don’t want to buy another one when I already have one. When my steel gets here it’ll look better

>> No.20186522

Nah, pizza is better up north. Particularly in and around Verona. Avoid the tourist traps obviously.

>> No.20186538

looking real bussin', 10/10 would devour

>> No.20186542

American pizza is fucking disgusting. Here in sweden american pizza has never taken off since nobody likes it, it's always worse than the local option.

>> No.20186579
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You swedes couldn't handle the Pizza Hut Cheeseburger stuffed pizza

>> No.20186685

>we all know which one tastes better
>picture is fucking domino's

>> No.20187539

It felt amazing. It was the best pizza I’d had in a long time. Btw it was a pesto cream sauce, mozz, prosciutto, goat cheese and berry jam (the latter two applied after the oven). Normally we use momma lils peppers too

>> No.20187740

Well, feel free to read some and find one that suits you. Is that so hard? They all work well

>> No.20187800

someone please r8

>> No.20187830
File: 641 KB, 550x720, eat pizza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat pizza

>> No.20188302

wow your mom really raised you poorly

>> No.20188582

This goes for all your pictures, they all look really good. Kinda look like artisan pizzeria pictures trying to emulate Italian pizzas. Really good anon, I would definitely try.

>> No.20188880

what are you flipping it into the pan for? i just put my dough ball into my pan and spread it out from there. oil the pan first though

>> No.20188914

sauce on this tasty gourmande?

>> No.20189165

double pan crust, son

>> No.20189185

Quick pizza q, if I have a gas oven with a grill option, would I be better cooking at gas mark 8 (around 400f) or setting the grill to max and closing the door?

>> No.20189194

a little charring is good but that is ruined

>> No.20189201

bottom is burnt, looks terrible tbqh.
I'm generally not a fan of OP's style of doing cheese and sauce but the dough and cooking is far superior to your pic.

>> No.20189218

rate my roni' zza

i use a baking stone and the dough has been resting for a day
don't feel like buying pizza outside anymore desu, making the dough isn't even that much work

>> No.20189226

Is cheese very expensive in your country?

>> No.20189233
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>> No.20189240

Very nice

>> No.20189247

I mean the mozzarella I imported (Fior di Latte) cost about 9 bucks for half a kilo. Neither expensive nor cheap. Neapolitan pizza just doesn't have that much cheese on it.

>> No.20189271

Looks great but you can see that the tomato sauce reduced during cooking and it's missing in some spots
Solution number 1: put more sauce
Solution number 2: cook the sauce before putting it on pizza so it's already reduced

>> No.20189422
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I got a new baking steel the other day after my pizza stone broke in half, before doing a 'zza with fresh dough I decided to do a trial run with a frozen pizza just to see how things reacted compared to my pizza stone I was previously using and used to.

First attempt using identical cooking settings to what I would use on my pizza stone (550F preheat for 1 hour, bake at 400F for 15 minutes) ended up burnt, not massively, but a bit.
So I did a second attempt for lunch today but went for a 500F preheat for 1 hour, 400F bake for 13 minutes, and then 2-3 minutes with the Broiler on to brown the cheese and crisp the pepps at the end. This second attempt was much better, no burnt bottom.

>> No.20189426
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Here is the 2nd attempt pic

>> No.20190126

Right looks like it has cancer.

>> No.20190242
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>> No.20190593

I just got a pizza steel & was planning to make pizza for the first time but I'm a bit overwhelmed when it comes to the dough recipes, first off is it worth going out of my way to get special flour (either bread flour or even 00 flour) over all purpose and what is the best dough recipe for a classic light topping thin crust pizza for home cooks?

Do I just go with the calbal calculator some other anon recommended earlier?

>> No.20190636

the most important thing when it comes to pizza flour is the protein %. it shouldn't be less than 12%. ideally 13% or more and it should be type 00 flour at the same time but none of this will matter that much for your first pizza because it won't be perfect by means anyway so it depends how much you want to spend to practice. high protein is easier to work with though

>> No.20190694

I was asking because if all purpose flour is 99% of the way there, it doesn't make sense to have another bag of flour knocking around in a cupboard. I can't imagine it'll be drastically more expensive unless I have to order it online or god forbid even import it

I live in a pretty small Canadian town so might be kind of hard if the flour isn't carried pretty universally but I'll keep an eye on the protein percentage, thanks anon

>> No.20190779

I'm not sure if the protein % will be written on the package like it is in europe but if it is check out all the flour at your store. sometimes even cheap flour has lots of protein, it's just not type 00.

I wouldn't worry about it too much as a beginner but the good flour is definitely easier to work with especially at higher hydration %. don't aim too high on your first attempts, it will be more difficult to handle the dough.
if you meant this calculator yea it's really helpful

>> No.20190868
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someone posted that one here >>20176307 and someone suggested calbal as a better option here >>20176324
I found it through google
It apparently has some "master recipes" that have some stats prefilled which is nice

I'm pretty much as beginner as it goes, I'm just going off what other anons ITT said

>> No.20190937

its says 'distracted while cooking ate it anyway'
still delicious.
deal with it.

>> No.20191287

Calbal is primarily for high temp ovens, so keep that in mind.
Honestly if you're just learning please check out pizzamaking.com, it's a great resource no matter what type of pizza you want to make.

>> No.20191359
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my gf wouldn’t let it cook longer

>> No.20191429

Good home made stuff
Pretty good. I make pizzas at home too. I cook them in the American style, I might do neapolitan style one day.
The dough is a bit raw. It seems you are going for the no burn and "aldente" style. Maybe 5 to 10 more minutes in the oven, it might not be "aldente" though.
Unironically, a home made neapolitan pizza by an anon is more satisfying than a mcpizza.
>the crust (dough) makes the pizza
My dad would say this
I like your pizzas guys I havent photographed any of my pizzas. I really want to show you mine.
This reminds me of dad trying to make pizza for me, the first time was soaked in tasty cheese oil so the base was semi fried. It was a mess but the taste was so good, I can still remember that taste. He improved his pizza over the years and I would be so happy when my dad would make me a pizza.
The cheese is definitely mozzarella. Looks like chicken, pepperoni, capsicum, red/spanish onion and jalapenos. I never tried a chicken and pepperoni pizza, chicken and bacon yes. Interesting.
Prosciutto, fetta cheese, mozzerella and...pesto? Just put it in the oven bro a little longer. Is she trying to make a supermarket pizza?

>> No.20191595

Yeah, if you like a floppy, chewy mess. Don't get me wrong, Neopolitan is okay if it's done right. But, it gets absolutely BTFO'd by really good NY, NJ or new haven pizza. It's not even a competition.

>> No.20191616

imagine writing all this just to try to make your dad mad

>> No.20191618

next time ask her to mansplain her rational to you for undercooking the crust.

>> No.20191627

He found the first pizza attempt funny because while it was messy it was quite delicious. We still joked about it.

>> No.20192079

>Calbal is primarily for high temp ovens, so keep that in mind.
>Honestly if you're just learning please check out pizzamaking.com, it's a great resource no matter what type of pizza you want to make.
aite I'll give that a shot then

It's honestly crazy to me how many calculators there are for this, while looking into calbal I came across this thread https://www.pizzamaking.com/forum/index.php?topic=59104.0

>> No.20192846

looks delish anon. would take this over dominos / pizza hut any day of th week

>> No.20192860

Pretentious redditslop, like all non-American style pizza.

>> No.20192885

What about it is pretentious? The ingredients you need? Sorry for not having high fructose corn syrup in my sauce you lardass. Also, I don't like over excessive grease on my food. I genuinely think it tastes better.
Don't get me wrong NY Pizza is great 'n all but the Neapolitans are simply doing it better.

>> No.20192890

>it's better because it's light and authentic!
Pure reddit. Post a picture of your wrist.

>> No.20192891

>Everything I don't like is reddit

>> No.20192894

Everything pretentious is.

>> No.20192921

Pls be joking

>> No.20192933

>traditionalist pizza eaters like eating charcoal
There you have it, folks. They're tasteless bourgeois queers.

>> No.20192942
File: 2.23 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230517_230612111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizzamaking is a great website, that's where I learned how to make pizza from myself actually.

>> No.20192975
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, 20240210_195016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate mine

>> No.20192993

There are no burnt bits there.
This is burnt.

>> No.20193067

Is there a specific recipe you would recommend for a starter? Do I just go with Lehmann's?

>> No.20193083

Ah yes ultraprocessed poison, that's the good stuff

>> No.20193200

The culinary aspect of your life must be horrendously depressing if you consider a basic homemade pizza pretentious.

>> No.20193240

if you don't want to eat the crust then it's bad/10

>> No.20193317

oh, what's the difference? they both look the same just one has more wide spread black

>> No.20193413

leoparding is normal, half the pizza being one giant black spot is not normal

>> No.20193419

I had no idea

I now understand why people got mad at me, thanks so much!!! I thought any black meant burnt

>> No.20193425

I have an outdoor oven for pizza, I havent tried their ny style recipes, but I have looked at many of them, I think it would be fine to try what you linked.

>> No.20193471

good pizzerias cut off burnt bits on the sides when it's a little too much but this is not salvageable

>> No.20194106
File: 2.24 MB, 4096x3072, IMG20230721185323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very similar to my 'za

>> No.20194212

bad crust/10 - fr looks too dense and not well cooked

looks fantastic

>> No.20194221

its not 'restaurant salvage' yeah it burnt - but it was still delicious!!
its very clearly different - sections are burnt vs a slight peppering of bits being over cooked while getting the whole to just the right color and crispness

>> No.20194224

dont be silly of course there is - just not enough to impact flavor or presentation

>> No.20194517
File: 757 KB, 1000x800, 20240210_193359 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my neapolitan take

>> No.20194528

what the fuck anon these are amzing

I would eat the everloving shit out of 1 and 2

>> No.20194725

Based. Americans perfected pizza.

>> No.20195138

looking good, but try putting on less toppings next time around.

>> No.20195172
File: 54 KB, 500x400, 1350347268158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/10 - Buy a fucking grater and stop burning your shit. Then you can figure out toppings.

4/10 - you can use a fork to prevent bubbling


4/10 - burnt to shit, inexperienced with how much crust rises, dried out precut pepperoni

Disqualifying this one entirely.

0/10 - straight in the trash

9/10 - not my preferred toppings

You need supervision.

8/10 - I think you need a little oil in your dough or at least coat it lightly when rising.

>preheat at 550 to bake at 400
You also need supervision.


I would report you for this if mods were better.



1/10 - Simultaneously not done and burnt.

>> No.20195178

>You also need supervision.
It's a precooked frozen pizza, with fresh dough I'd be cooking at 550f the whole time, there would be no need to turn it down.

>> No.20195183

thank you for the elaboration of your irrelevance

>> No.20195247

Why is there cheese only covering only part of the pizza? Almost any pizza from delivery or a restaurant will cover the whole pizza in cheese, although I don’t know if you have to order the pizza with extra cheese to get it fully covered. It looks good, well cooked and seasoned, and I also only like cheese on my pizzas, it’a the way I’ve had it since I was a young boy and I tend to stick to the tried and true traditional recipes, but I would take the spinach off the pizza if you gave me a slice. But you did a really good job cooking it and not adding too many toppings.

>> No.20195306

>I would take the spinach off the pizza if you gave me a slice
your level of italianpizzapilled is subzerous,
1. know that's basil
2. know that basil + tomato and cheese is a match made in heaven
3. try a caresce salad some day when you spot a proper italian place
4. try red pesto/pesto rosso

>> No.20195307

>4. try red pesto/pesto rosso
* disclaimer, store bought pesto rosso is not it, that's trash
>3. try a caresce salad
* capresce

>> No.20195382 [DELETED] 

Italian food literally looks like a open wound and worms how on earth do people enjoy this jewish cusine

>> No.20195464

Is it bad to use filtered tap water for pizza dough? Tap water here is pretty bad, so I installed a filter and drink that exclusively, I'm not sure if that messes with the ph values or the mineral content of the water which would result in a worse pizza. Gonna get some bottled water for my first try but was wondering if I should bother for the next times

>> No.20195466

Hmm well that’s unexpected. I was convinced it was spinach haha, regardless I don’t like vegetables or meats of any kind on my pizzas or the stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut. I am all for the traditional recipes, but when I say traditional, I mean traditional to what I’ve eaten, not necessarily another cultures traditional recipes, because I believe that our taste in food has a genetic basis. What might taste good to an Italian or a person of Italian heritage likely won’t taste good to me, a person of largely German and British ancestry. Now because my mother and father would purchase pizzas for family dinners on Friday nights occasionally, I have grown to enjoy the taste of a good plain cheese pizza with sauce, and an added ingredient to make it taste more like my mothers cooking: a small amount of black pepper. But I have not adapted to the Italian cuisine so much that I would enjoy Italian vegetables and herbs like basil and red pesto.

>> No.20195470

Looks excellent but I prefer a bit more tomato sauce

>> No.20195471

I hate vegetables too, anon
basil on pizza is pretty good, don't blast it till you try it

>> No.20195480

Well no pizza place that my family had ordered from ever places any kind of Italian basil on their plain cheese pizza. Perhaps if I were to ever live in Italy I would be able to try it and understand the Italian traditional recipes.

>> No.20195494

fair enough, I wouldn't go out of your way to buy it to put on the pizza to try it yourself, I'm just saying if you ever went to an Italian place & it's on there, give it a try before you take it off

>> No.20195511

any water that doesn't inhibit the yeast is fine. the biggest 'problem' with tap water is chlorine, but even then it works fine.

>> No.20195517

Very good! You might want to brush the crust in butter to help prevent the burning. The cheese distribution is a bit rough. Overall, tasty, would eat.

>> No.20195521

When I went to Rome, no one put fresh basil on their pizzas. Maybe I only went to weird places, but it seemed like the new margherita pizza is like a neo-traditionalist thing

>> No.20195539

It is very surprising to see people playing with the traditional recipe of a cheese pizza. I may only be 25 years old but my parents and I ate at a variety of pizza restaurants growing up and still do occasionally and never have I seen what is considered a traditional cheese pizza have an extra ingredient to make it more “traditional” supposedly.

>> No.20195548

You will most likely need to go to Naples to have OP's style of pizza. Even in other parts of Italy, the American kind of pizza is more popular

>> No.20195559

basil is somehow similar to a spice 2bh, I recommend you to try it some day

>> No.20195565

Your pizza looks worse than most of the ones you rated.

>> No.20195597

Found the American

>> No.20195618

Ah, I suppose that makes sense

>> No.20195628

Is there a name for this type of pizza aside from ‘classic’? I’m not sure how to ask for it or how to look it up near me.

>> No.20195633
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op here. made some more pies
put some basil on before cooking now
more sauce
bit more cheese
crust still isnt perfect. still new to this style of pizza

>> No.20195638
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>> No.20195642
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>> No.20195646

What inspired you to put this basil on the pizza and have less cheese than normal on the pizza if I can ask?

>> No.20195651

it's referred to as neapolitan pizza

>> No.20195674

i don't see this as "less cheese", it's pretty much perfect for this style of pizza. i feel like many pizza places put on too much cheese. to a point where you can't appreciate the other parts that make a pizza
the basil gives it a really fresh and herby taste, which i like.

>> No.20195695

>put some basil on before cooking now
you forgot the most important part>>20178691

>> No.20195699


>> No.20195705

oh yeah. covered the leafs in olive oil but forgot the parmesan. oh well, will do that next week i guess

>> No.20195835

OP, your pizzas are looking good.
I'm not surprised at all that the amerimutts on this board don't understand what a pizza actually looks like
I'd be happy to turn up to a friend's house and eat that pizza

>> No.20195894


>> No.20195986

me & gf making some dough for the first time to make a piz tomorrow, we think it looks great anon

How do you do the cheese for pizzas like these by the way, I imagine if you just grate it all over you end up with a more NY style, do you use softer cheese so you can tear off pieces & spread them around like this or do you just break off chunks of the low moisture as well?

>> No.20195990


>> No.20196008

i used a special low moisture mozzarella i had imported from italy (fior di latte). it's made of cow's milk and is best use for pizza. i do not tear it apart but rather cut it into small cubes. if you tear it apart, it'll look like kind of bad. but that's a personal preference of mine.

>> No.20196022

it'll look kind of bad*

>> No.20196319

looks tasty anon, now i'm craving some za

>> No.20196400

get me pregnant

>> No.20196505

can you get pregnant?

>> No.20196621

That's a lot of shit opinions for someone who didn't post their own pizza.

>> No.20196654

for those pizzas I can

>> No.20196730


yuck, imagine contaminating your pizza with swine flesh

>> No.20196824

you give some space to taste the sauce - also some mozz is rather wet and you dont want moistur pooling - but most pizza shops use low moisture mozz, but still. and not every pie needs to be a cheese cluster fuck

>> No.20196833

Lombardis uses slices

>> No.20197311


>> No.20197746

Is there a name for neopolitan style crust pizza but with loaded up toppings like bbq chicken jalepeno? Thats the kinda stuff I like and what I make at home

>> No.20197970

just called it a neapolitan pie - the beauty of them, once the pizzalets' minds expand is the beauty of each individual part and how they come together.

>> No.20198094
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i do a few pies maybe once a month with friend who only like plain. They come out pretty darn good. maybe its time to invest in a pizza oven. I tend to go for a more rustic vibe. maybe i should up the moisture in my dough? crust comes out great, i just like some color on it.

>> No.20198603
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try making a basil herb oil. its easy just basil with stems and oil in a blender then strained. looks really bright and beautiful and really brightens the flavor and look of anything

>> No.20198691
File: 2.52 MB, 3264x1840, pizza 26-03-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this but with hemp.
No, I'm not a dude weeder. I just like the way it smells and tastes and it grows by itself out back because there are hemp seeds in the food I buy for my birds. I assume it's low THC because those seeds would be from plants cultivated for seeds rather than for getting high.

>> No.20198883

yeah you absolutely do not want to smoke ditch weed. pizza looks great btw

>> No.20199622

will you be my friend? i dont have any. i can make pizza too!

>> No.20200637
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Rate my first pizza attempt, anons

>> No.20200640
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>> No.20200647

hows the crust when you bite it? is the outside thin and crispy or thick ?

overall loks good - but slightly overcooked on the cheese for my taste

>> No.20200659
File: 62 KB, 288x152, tPrmjOj[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bottom is thin and the outside is airy & a little chewy, I think it's nice.
Has a few large bubbles which you can't really see in this pic but hey

>overall loks good - but slightly overcooked on the cheese for my taste
It was hard to look through the oven door, I opened it too much early on & didn't want to open it too much after so it was hard to keep an eye on it.

>> No.20200758

looks like good eats m8

>> No.20200770

would, but then again im the kind of guy who eats the pizza crusts people leave inside the box

>> No.20200777

Girlfriend said she used to go around in school cafeteria & ask people for the crusts they didn't eat

>> No.20200781

shes a keeper

>> No.20200792

shes the one

>> No.20200798
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>> No.20200801

Are you eating a salad my guy?

>> No.20200856
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I've made maybe 300 over 8 years.

>> No.20200882

- 1 +3/4 C water microwave 1 minute
Pour in bowl with
- 1-2TBSP yeast, (buy the large package not the individual; should last a year)
- 1TBSP sugar
Leave 10 minutes, should foam some but doesn't matter if it doesn't seem to.
- 4TBSP of oil
- 1-2 TBSP basil/oregano
- 1 tsp garlic powder/onion powder
- 1/2 C whole milk
Stir in 1C flour.
Stir in 2nd 1C flour.
Stir in 3rd 1C flour.
- Stir in flour until you can reasonably handle dough without it all sticking to you more than itself, should be around another 1C +- 1/2. I don't actually measure any of these ingredients when I do it.
- Fold dough from outsides into center going around in circles until you get rid of all the floury feel and lumps.
- Drizzle small amount of oil over dough, roll around bowl to coat it, cover with damp hand towel.
- Come back in an hour and punch it all down to get rid of air bubbles.
- After at least 1/2 an hour preheat oven to 480F.
- Cut dough in half, store half in closed container in fridge. (I usually use it a week later)
- Put dough ball into 14" round baking sheet and spread to edges. (This is difficult to fuck up with a baking sheet)
- Poke with fork just enough to prevent large air pockets ballooning and displacing ingredients
- Add sauce.
- Slice pepperoni thin and cover entire surface.
- Grate 1/2 lb pizza mozzarella over the pizza, spread out to sides (should be easy with pepperoni layer and it not all stuck in sauce). Keep it thinner toward the middle as it will tend to concentrate there when melting.
- Bake for 13-14 minutes.
- Remove from baking sheet onto paper towels or cardboard to prevent becoming soggy. I use a metal spatula to get it off the baking sheet as it may stick a bit. If you do not put oil in the dough it will stick a lot and be a huge pain in the ass.

Absolutely do not under any circumstances use pre-grated cheese. Pre-cut pepperoni is also garbage but I understand people are lazy. Dry out overly wet ingredients before use, like pineapple.

>> No.20200937

stop using cups/spoons & use grams like a civilized person

also no salt in dough? Whenever I've had anything made from dough without salt, it tastes really off, like soapy

>> No.20201066

i use cups, tbspn, tsp

this recipe is weird af

>> No.20201452

This thread is full of faggot pizzas. I know for a fact I could kick the shit out of any of you just based on the queerboy pizzas you make with your faggoty little leaves on top.

>> No.20201614
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>pizza in teglia
Holy shit bro.
I need to get in on this.

>> No.20201651
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>> No.20201680

mine didnt have any
also your girlfriends pussy is loose.

>> No.20201693

post body lardass

>> No.20201706


this guy uses milk too!

>> No.20201720

the only good advice from this shit recipe is drying out the wet toppings

>> No.20201772

The best way to do this with a regular home oven is cast iron + broiler. It will not be exactly the same but it's the closest you can get without a pizza oven. Preheat your cast iron in the oven first for a solid 45 minutes at max temp. It needs to be screaming hot. This will make the dough spring and bubble up. Load your pizza onto the cast iron and straight under the hot broiler at max temp, which will give you the charring.

>> No.20201874

you don't think adding sauce is a good idea?

>> No.20201949

are you making fun of his recipe or are you saying that telling someone to add sauce counts as advice

>> No.20203485

anyone else a milk user?

>> No.20204827


>> No.20205844

cuz tht weird recipe uses milk and the italians in the video link also used milk in their doughs

>> No.20205851

What video link?

>> No.20205865

god help you

>> No.20207250
File: 549 KB, 1173x1280, IMG_0239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost like 10kg just by eating neopolitan almost every day. Doesent make you tired and thirsty like American style.

>> No.20207255
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>> No.20207269

only detroit and chicago can be made faithfully at home but you need to buy special pans that run 60 bucks at cheapest

>> No.20207361

That looks amazing Anon. Did you make it yourself?

>> No.20208216

looks great! what kinda oven?

>> No.20208243
File: 1.95 MB, 3024x3433, IMG_0266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I use this. It’s breville in the USA and sage in the eu. Got it for 500€ worth every penny for me. Pretty low maintenance too if you don’t spill anything in it. But putting too much flour on your pizza shovel can mess it up tho. Also I gotta mention that it needs reheating after every pizza. Depending on how fast your launch is of course 3-5 if you mess up bad 15 min. So it’s good if you aren’t into gas. If gas is a non issue than go for a gas oven. It has less mechanical parts and will last longer. I don’t have access to gas so electrical it is for me :D. Yeah don’t get it if you are gonna throw huge pizza parties. It’s sufficient for myself and when the family comes over tho.

>> No.20208449

hmmm fancy oven but maybe now is the time to invest

>> No.20208780
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Attempt 2
bit more cheese & sauce this time with dough from the same batch (so older)

>> No.20210268

wow you must have a unique and creative mind to come up with a potentially new formula for the traditional recipe of the cheese pizza. There may be history being made folks wow what a thrill. I will have to tell the folks about this new traditional cheese pizza and try and whip one up for them, soon enough every restaurant may be selling these new cheese pizzas! good job with your creativity and i wish you luck in the future, please post your new pizza designs on /ck/ 4chan so that we can see them all please!

>> No.20210302

u gay

>> No.20210310
File: 189 KB, 1569x1875, bread free pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got my recipe for KETO PEPPERONI PIZZA
It's just regular pepperoni pizza but without the base!
Just scoop it into a bowl and eat it like a pizza soup!
Remember to add more water to the sauce, you want it like a thick soup.

>> No.20210604
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rate this one (/10)

>> No.20211254

how the fuck did you manage to cut that so poorly

>> No.20211604

I'd break into OP's house and eat its pizza.

>> No.20211610

would. all of them in one sitting.

>> No.20213323

3" dia. kids meal?

>> No.20213814

shitty gas station pizza from BP here in NZ. It's like $10USD