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File: 547 KB, 2333x2336, carnivore-diet-variety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20359294 No.20359294 [Reply] [Original]

>carnivore diet
Based or meme ?

They are saying that fruits and veggies are bad for you now...

What's the real truth ?

>> No.20359300
File: 18 KB, 640x591, waow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carnivore diet

>> No.20359304

The real truth is that humans are adapted to deriving their nutrition from meat. Fruits and vegetables are unnecessary, and many people find that they can be inflammatory, and by removing them from the diet, their health improves.

We started eating more plant matter because a lot of the megafauna we subsisted on died out and we needed a regular supply of food for our dense populations.

We are carnivores who can tolerate some amount of plant matter

>> No.20359307

why is eating a balanced diet so difficult for some people?

>> No.20359310

>fruits and veggies are bad for you now
Modern fruits are bad because cultivated fruits are basically sugar bombs at this point, you may as well stuff your face with candies. Veggies are bad because of their poor macro profiles and too much fiber which leads to bloating. That said you can eat all of it in moderation.

>> No.20359312

this anon has gout.

>> No.20359315

Misinformation, see the post above you. People will read this crap and take it at face value.

>> No.20359325

Oh look another shill thread. Wonder how much they get paid to promote this shit daily.

>> No.20359330

>Modern fruits are bad because cultivated fruits are basically sugar bombs at this point
because their fiber volume has been dwindling

>too much fiber which leads to bloating.
is this a fucking bot???

>> No.20359337

Because a balanced diet doesn't make sense in the context of a species diet. Humans have never had access to all the variety of foods that would make a modern balanced diet, other than today with modern conveniences.

The good thing is you don't have to take anything at face value. You can be your OWN scientist and experiment with diet on yourself, rather than following the WHO/national guidelines that have no vested interest in you being at optimal health.

>> No.20359368

the carnivore diet is awesome but people who treat it like a religion are retarded. im not going to cry myself to sleep at night for eating a slice of pizza.

>> No.20359373

There are retards everywhere, most carnivores don't care if you're half carnivore or whatever. It's your health, make your own decisions.

>> No.20359382
File: 26 KB, 434x252, leading-meet-processors-profitability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just another fad diet. There's a new one every year or so. On a side note:
You VILL buy ze garloid-fed, no dihydration monoxide, no phospholipid, extra chi crystal enhanced, shooting range raised, high-T BASED-BEEF! And you VILL pay $13.44/pound! And you VILL LIKE it!

>> No.20359386
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20240112-130056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portion control and you can eat what you want. Also you need to understand that you're supposed to feel hunger at times, you're not supposed to be bloated and stuffed 24/7

>> No.20359389

Did you type this during your two hour long poop you have once a week?

>> No.20359408

>Humans have never had access to all the variety of foods that would make a modern balanced diet, other than today with modern conveniences.
that's true, with meat being the biggest food most didn't have access to on a regular basis. for much of civilization, meat was a delicacy.

>> No.20359468
File: 3.23 MB, 626x9919, Meat and Potatoes - Eat Meat. Not too Little. Mostly Fat_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the real truth ?
heres the real truth.

>> No.20359470

Less than you spend on a avocado bagel fuck you America

>> No.20359489

is that that connor guy that went insane and lost his hair?

>> No.20359497
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, Amber-OHearn-YouTube-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its this woman

>> No.20359560

I don't get it ?
Sounds like some faggot that's lost in the sauce
Is the carnivore diet healthy or not ?

>> No.20359574
File: 202 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240401-021607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of commission” as in I was in so much pain that I took opiates and stayed in bed for a week straight, going in and out of drug-induced nightmares, punctuated by explosive trips to the bathroom.
>Then I started losing my eyesight
>I was unhelpfully informed that I had steatorrhea
> I could not leave my hotel room that day due to diarrhea every twenty minutes.
Is the carnivore diet healthy or not? Try it yourself and see. Im not your dad lmao.

>> No.20359832

i've done carnivore keto for 1 week. was pretty easy and lost 5 pounds. but it's just too boring.. your brain want a little carbs, keto feels like punishing your brain. although i was amazed by feeling no urge at all to snack. only primary meals, no craving for snacks at all.

i think keto/carnivore with a little bit of carbs every day is the best. maybe even intermittent fasting. but when i smoke a joint i get the munchies and break the fast 100%

>> No.20359841

>the real truth is some shit i pulled out of my ass
>implying human digestive systems are the same as 50,000+ years ago

>> No.20359842

The only benefit I really noticed from doing carnivore is that vitamins and minerals are more bioavailable in animal products than plant products. After eating shellfish and liver I feel better. I have a lot of health problems and suffer from deficiencies though.

There is some truth that modern varieties of fruits and vegetables can be less nutritious and higher in sugar. I don't think it makes them bad for us. It could just be better. The same is true of animal products though. Grass-fed beef and milk is healthier than grain-fed. Wild caught fish is better than farmed. Pastured eggs are healthier than eggs from chickens being fed corn and soy.

It seems like it's becoming more of a concern for people that their food supply isn't as nutritious as it could be. I suppose that's normal when for a lot of people scarcity is no longer an issue. Now we need quality instead of just quantity.

>> No.20359848

Carnivore diets are not feasible. Meat is too god damn expensive.

>> No.20359963

You know who THEY are don't you? THEY want you dead and your children's genitals chopped off.

>> No.20359988

No. Anyone who says otherwise is a retard with no understanding of the actual research and science informing the position

>> No.20360415

>Animal kingdom only

>> No.20360425
File: 184 KB, 360x640, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.20360435

I don't endorse vegetarianism (you should at least also eat fish with vegetables) but you picked the one absolutely not bad aspect of being a vegetarian which is its impact on inflammation. If you get all your nutrition from plants your inflammatory markers will be as low as possible from dietary factors. Meat in contrast is heavily associated with inflammation (fish less so).

>> No.20360462

Tyson Foods Inc. has transfered $0.25 into your bank account.

>> No.20360494

>literal opposite of a s0yb0y
>uses a s0yjak

>> No.20361199

Source: a chiropractor on YouTube

>> No.20361317
File: 3.18 MB, 400x300, 1689301621600096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80% meat / eggs / cheese
>15% vegetables
>5% treats

There I solved all your diet problems

>> No.20361600

>eating only one thing autistically is great
Yeah its not

>> No.20361712

>many people find that they can be inflammatory
Yeah ok

>> No.20361718

Humans also didn't live to be 80 years old, so having a balanced diet didn't matter back then.

>> No.20361723
File: 33 KB, 932x273, 1684173805175873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20361729

Normal people eat when they're hungry
Obese people eat when they're not full.

>> No.20361884

Keto is legit carnivore is a weird fad diet.

>> No.20361940

Yes, Skittles are bad. Being worse than blueberries does not excuse blueberries from also being bad.

>> No.20361944

Blueberries are not bad and you won't be able to produce a shred of evidence that they are.