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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20363329 No.20363329 [Reply] [Original]

What's your go to craft soda? I have some local state favorites but for something that's available for most, I love a good sprecher

>> No.20363349

>craft soda
Nigga shut the fuck up and get me a coca-cola

>> No.20363374

>craft soda
No one likes you

>> No.20363398

I try not to drink much sugary soda anymore but when I do get a craving I really like the Sprecher cream soda

>> No.20363404

>drinking soda
post wrist.

>> No.20363426

how does one thicken one's wrist
mine is ghoulishly gaunt

>> No.20363447

I just can't ever justify non-diet soda. If I want hundreds of liquid calories I may as well be drinking beer or something.

>> No.20363494

Pretty sure diet sodas are barely better for you if at all. Unless you like the muted taste

>> No.20363567

Sprecher switched to corn syrup.

>> No.20363644

>craft soda
now I understand why people make fun of me for being an IPA guy

>> No.20363652

But there isn't an off brand Dr Pepper that even comes close to the real thing

>> No.20363749

its unfair how good that stuff is. that honey really does it. i think cherry cola is my favorite.

>> No.20364120

Was the bird always wearing a medical mask or is that a pandemic cuck thing

>> No.20364136

had a sprecher cream soda yesterday
it was good

>> No.20364161

Does it count if I mix my own soda using seltzer and homemade syrups?
Temperance shops/soda fountains are on the rise. I've mentioned it before, but I paid of brother's I know opened an early 20th century style soda fountain and it's so hugely popular that they're more millionaires in their own right (although, to be fair, the opened the place with daddy's money). The employees wear period attire. The dudes look like bellhops from old movies with the bowtie and everything and they're not allowed to use clip ons; they have to learn to properly tie a bowtie.
It's nifty.
Their shop is a few 'hoods away but in my immediate area, there are two soda fountains, one of which has been in business for decades.
idk how they did it, but those brothers managed to get Dr Pepper sugar syrup rather than the corn syrup one. Something having to do with one Dr Pepper factory (in Texas, iinm) somehow staying independent from the rest of production due to some contact or some shit and they never switched over to corn syrup. All the drinks are mixed by hand so they have the Dr Pepper syrup in an antique, period appropriate glass bottle. All the other syrups are, too. The only name brand syrups they have are that, Coke and 7up. Again, no idea how they manage to get sugar versions.

>> No.20364705

being this retarded must be painful
use your fucking head for once in your life, look at the name of the product, and then try to put two and two together

>> No.20364715

I think the guy who made Achewood does craft sodas now. I haven't tried them.

>> No.20364820

I have a drinkmate to get sparkling water from the tap. I don't drink sugar.

>> No.20365564

Are you genuinely retarded

>> No.20366474

Had their hard root beer in the past it was awful.

>> No.20366504

I get it. It's because Germans are cucks.

>> No.20366515

You're one of most stupid people on the board. Which is an achievement of sorts.

>> No.20366550

>try to put two and two together


>> No.20366871

It looks incredibly out of place and clashes with the art style of the rest of the logo. I don't think it's out of the question that it might have been added later to encourage people to wear a mask

>> No.20366879

you have terminal brain worms. im sorry to be the bearer of bad news

>> No.20366893

You're not going to convince me masks are normal, give it up, I've never seen a doctor wearing one of these outside of the couple years the covid scam was live

>> No.20366899

> I've never seen a doctor wearing one of these
have you never seen a surgeon, you fucking troglodyte? most asians have been wearing them out and about for decades even without being sick

>> No.20366908

>the asians are doing it so you should too!!
If the asians lived in an ant colony and watched cartoons all day would you do that too? Oh wait...explains a lot.

>have you never seen a surgeon, you fucking troglodyte?
Every meeting I've ever had with a surgeon he wasn't wearing a mask, he was talking to me with his mouth like a real person not a maskbot

>> No.20366927

You're a fucking idiot. You should be seeing a doctor. To sort out your shit for brains

>> No.20366949

please shut up

>> No.20366969

Lol dumb dumb I just told you I saw doctors and they don't wear the cuck mask

>> No.20366976

They're more properly called surgeon masks, because surgeons wear them while doing surgery, which is why the general public was discouraged from using them when it could have inhibited the supply of them to surgeons.

>> No.20366984

The surgeon general doesn't do surgery dumbass it's just a figger of speech it means doctor

>> No.20367009

Fastest way to shut me up is to poop your dick in my mouth, Daddy :3

>> No.20367010
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Not even a juggalo or from Michigan.

>> No.20367021

rock n rye is the best flavor. moon mist is a close 2nd and red pop is good in floats. also the cream soda is ok. all of the other flavors are like drinking liquid candy and kind of off putting. Haven't had one in like 10 years since I left Michigan though.

>> No.20367029

I'm more of a sub but thanks for the offer

>> No.20367099

Soda selection is why amerilards will always dunk on us europoors.

>> No.20367165

I would bottom you so hard tho

>> No.20367419

Surgeons wear masks because they work under the skin which is a primary pathogen defense, not because of covid.

>> No.20367964

>Creates a simple thread to talk about everyone's favorite non name brand soda
>Schizos decide to foam at the mouth as soon as they see a cartoon of a bird doctor wearing a mask

Go be retarded somewhere else please

>> No.20367977

The stethoscope is the traditional image of the "doctor". (You) are the one with anal worms infecting your brain, and I'm afraid that suicide is the only cure.

>> No.20367984

You have Reddit to be a retarded faggot with intellectual pretensions in. (You) are the one who has to go back. Try to kys on the way, will you?

>> No.20368052

>being smart is retarded

>> No.20368169
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>craft soda

>> No.20368458
File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, 81C4BC45-F742-41DD-A440-0EAF72438AD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the topic of doctors, mcgillicuddys for me please

>> No.20368677

ignore the faggots they're just malding about falling for cuck muzzle compliance theatre

>> No.20368731

You literally can't. The section of the wrist bone is one where muscle doesn't grow, since it only attaches higher on the forearm and in the hand. So if you are a wristlet like me, it's literally over.

>> No.20369014

Masking saved millions of lives tard

>> No.20369068

But Saint Fauchi said masks have no effect.

>> No.20369142

He was right

>> No.20369847

>Anon, no one likes you
>um actually
Thanks for proving my point

>> No.20369977

diet cucks are delusional as always

>> No.20370114

It doesn't match the illustration at all, looks like it was stuck on at some point after.

>> No.20370126
File: 404 KB, 762x785, 1621620256206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craft soda

>> No.20370336


>> No.20370439
File: 956 B, 125x112, 1657721881276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craft soda
Do Burgers really?

>> No.20370469

ive been drinking the blood orange san pellegrinos lately. expensive but they’re a nice treat to have a couple times per week

>> No.20370588

>trust the science drink corn syrup it's good for you

>> No.20371228

alcohol is degenerate

>> No.20371343

are you retarded, retard-kun?

>> No.20371350

>n-no, y-you!

>> No.20371399

oh dear. the poor lass is retarded : (
would you like some cake?

>> No.20371601

Spring Grove is my favorite pop

>> No.20371607

How do you drink it when you're wearing your face diaper?

>> No.20371616

i dont know what you mean :(

>> No.20372424

The mask mandated

>> No.20372430

i love hank's soda

>> No.20372449

for pride week or month or whatever they should release a flavor called fago and have it taste like shit.

>> No.20372475

its 2024 tho....

>> No.20372478

It all tastes like watered-down sugar piss.

>> No.20372489
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>> No.20372654

People still wear them

>> No.20372657

And did in 2010, also. Some people care about their community.

>> No.20372818

The mask mandated come back new variant

>> No.20373359

Oh they're for good people who care about their community, right, now I'm starting to feel bad, I've got to start being more considerate.

Do you wear one friend?

>> No.20373366

>M-m-mask... I-i-i was b-b-b-brave
Nobody cares about your pissy little obsession. This isn't therapy. Shitty little bores like yourself should just fuck off and converse with yourself in your head because nobody wants to deal with your lack of personality. Incredibly boring

>> No.20373463

Obsession? With what? Your comment was incoherent.