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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 300x225, MADE IN USA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4149141 No.4149141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can the USA be considered a first-world country when a significant portion of its population can't afford nutritive food? (not: ramen/mdconalds/mechanically separated/etc) Everyone told me that food prices are a lot lower here but it turns out it's only nutrient-free garbage, anything actually sustaining costs a fortune, why? The poor in Europe have the social aid not to live off of oreos, white bread, etc. so why don't they here?

>> No.4149154

You can't legislate against stupid people. Idiots make bad decisions and the government gives them cash for doing so. They then continue to make bad decisions like spend all their obamabucks on McDonalds.

Why learn to cook and work for yourself if you can sit at home smoking dope eating mcdoubles all day.

>> No.4149161

I always say this when someone brings up obesity being the biggest problem in America. It is mostly due to healthy food costing a fortune and crap being cheap and filling.

>> No.4149166


>> No.4149167

I feel like it is the other way around. I jsut went to the store and got a box of cheezits, it was 3 bucks. for the same price I could have gotten a pound of apples, a pound of grapes and an orange.

probably just as filling as a box of cheezits but way more nutritious

>> No.4149169

in most places you can't spend food stamps on fast food, just stuff from the grocery store. people are just too lazy to learn to shop and cook properly. you can have a nutritious, filling meal for much less than a few things off the dollar menu at mc d but people really don't give a shit.

>> No.4149173

My Fiance and I eat 80/20 Paleo so lots of lean proteins, lots of veggies and no white carbs. We have no money and shit jobs and yet we still manage to eat good foods.

You need to have some level of intelligence to eat right and cheaply. If you have a local farmer's market near by, your veggies will cost far less than at Wal-Mart or what ever mega store you have near you.

>> No.4149176
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It really doesn't cost a fortune. People are just too fucking lazy to cook or plan their meals, and every day is built around timing and convenience.

A "significant" amount of the population will always walk to the nearest EBT convenience store for chips and cigarettes, and spend every dime of actually earned income on weed and whatever calorie-dense junk-food they didn't get from their "free monies".

Let's not pretend we're the only ones with problems. Unemployment, poverty, obesity, and trash culture have been rampant in Europe as well. Let's not even get started on human rights in Asia.

>> No.4149177

This. Everyone talks about how expensive healthy food is. I call BS on that, at least in the suburban area I live in. I can get a week's worth of fresh vegetables for maybe the same price as a McDonalds meal. Also, beans and rice are produced just as industrially as everything else here, so you could get a complete protein source with a reasonable carb and fat balance for cheap that way too.

If you must blame the government, blame corn subsidies. Corn syrup is a filler ingredient because the government pays big bucks to corn growers because of some old-ass farming law that no one strikes down because the huge lobby for it starts screaming "SO YOU HATE FARMERS NOW? YOU HATE FREEDOM? YOU HATE AMERICA!"

>> No.4149183

A lot of it has to do with area. If you live in the midwest it is hard to get to a store which stocks super fresh foods. Not a lot of big cities around.

>> No.4149185

I eat oatmeal every day for breakfast. Cheap as shit, healthy, and lets me "splurge" on higher cost healthy food for other meals.

>> No.4149189

>not: ramen/mdconalds/mechanically separated/etc
The people that eat that kind of stuff all day are either a broke college kid, white trash or busy laborers/office jockies/etc that don't have enough time to really prepare their own meals.

>crap cheap and filling
Not for me. Homemade meals are always more filling than shit you can get at mickey-dee's/a chain or from the freezer aisle.

>> No.4149190

ill bet there is as much or more calories in the cheezit box than there is in all the fruit. possibly a lot more. fruit is, afterall, mostly water. and fruit isnt a good example of health food anyway

>> No.4149195

Woah woah woah... Fruit isn't healthy, but according to your logic Cheez-Its are? Yeah, heavily processed Carbs and "Dairy" is SOOOO much better than Fiber, unprocessed carbs and amazing flavors.

>> No.4149197

More calories. But not as filling. Hense why all the obese black women. Not trying to be racist or anything, but they're going to eat that whole fucking box in a day and get fat. They're not starving. They're not too poor to eat better.

>> No.4149202

Boohoo, healthy food isn't crazy calorie-dense.

>> No.4149212

take it easy my friend. my reasoning is that poor people need to worry about calories to dollar ratio. calories are what keeps you alive, keeps you on your feet. furthermore, cheezits contain at least two of the three macro nutrients, carbohydrates and fat, where fruit only contains carbs.

fiber is of little concern in the conversation, since it is actually of no use to your body. what role it plays in overall health is complex to say the least, probably still a lot of which we do not know.

anyway, i'm talking about giving people the most bang for their buck. because they need energy to work, live etc. if someone has a demanding job they may need 3000 calories a day. they're going to spend a lot of money if they're getting any significant portion of that from fruit.

>> No.4149213

When I lived in Japan fruit was godawful expensive and vegetables seemed scarce. While I loved the food there, I really liked not having to spend an arm and leg for an apple or a watermelon. Hell, bananas were really all that was reasonable.

Though I admit their carrots were godly. They're huge. American carrots are mangey looking and thin.

>> No.4149216
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>poor people need to eat more calories
Do you even obesity?

>> No.4149220

yeah, which is why it is expensive. a tbs of butter on a piece of white bread gives you 150 cals for mere pennies. 150 cals of broccoli would cost you over a dollar, im sure.

>> No.4149223

>their carrots were godly. They're huge.

Hooray, genetic modification!

>> No.4149228

The whole fucking problem with poor people being supposedly reduced to eating McDonald's and other over-processed garbage every day is that it's very calorie-dense and lacking in good micronutrients.

>> No.4149235

i don't think i said that anywhere. i don't know anything about obesity. if you are obese, obviously access to food is not a problem. if access to food is not a problem, what are we talking about? im talking about poor people where access to food is a problem. and im telling you buying fresh fruit and vegetables is not cost effective in that situation. in that situation, maybe heavy fat laden, calorie dense fat food is a better option.

>> No.4149236

>anyway, i'm talking about giving people the most bang for their buck. because they need energy to work, live etc. if someone has a demanding job they may need 3000 calories a day. they're going to spend a lot of money if they're getting any significant portion of that from fruit.
Most of these "fat Americans" don't work a full timed job. Many seriously obese individuals work at deskjobs. We're not talking about husky dockworkers, we're talking about the pulsating maggots that eat garbage with their welfare checks and the disgusting adipose golems that consume three omelets at breakfast during a company trip.

Poor people are by no means starving in America.

>> No.4149250

have you ever been poor? i have, i didn't eat mcdonalds everyday, thats for damn sure, in fact i didnt eat mcdonalds ever. i ate sphagetti and butter, potatoes, white bread, beans, that kind of shit.

although i will say, as soon as i did get just a little bit of money, i went to mcdonalds all the time. it was glorious. so maybe the problem isnt the real poor people, its the poor people that used to be poor, and just got a little bit of money.

>> No.4149269

I've been poor and I did go to mcdonalds once in a while. Maybe once a month. Usually got a double and a chicken sandwich. Never spent more than $3 for a meal there.

The great state of Kalifornia posted the calorie counts and it was something like 600 calories for 2 sandwiches. More than enough for a lunch.

Keep in mind people order big macs, large fries, and a gallon of coke for $8 giving a cool 1100+ calories.

>> No.4149272

>Keep in mind people order big macs, large fries, and a gallon of coke for $8 giving a cool 1100+ calories.
thats shit. you can get two dozen eggs for less than half that, but its actually more calories. eight dollars worth of pancake mix is a shit load more calories than that. eight dollars worth of oil or butter, astronomically more calories than that.

>> No.4149281

correct, but you'd have to cook the eggs, maybe mix in water to the pancake mix and then cook them. And who even has time for that. Might as well drive a mile to the nearest mcdonalds, wait in line or drive-thru, order, pay, then munch on that double quarter pounder with cheese and bacon. Then refill the cup 3 times with cocacola.

Some of the convenience I understand, at work when I have 30 minutes to eat in my car, sometimes I don't want a cold sandwich or to microwave leftovers if i'm at the office. But again, you can't legislate away stupidity. Some people don't think about spending $10 on 1000+ calories of food that isn't particularly good for them.

>> No.4149285

It's a triumph of the power of narrative that people honestly think 'being poor' is an acceptable excuse for obesity.

>> No.4149304

being lower-class is correlated with obesity because it also correlates with low education and with mental illness. accordingly a lot of bad decisions are made and people get fat.

people who are actually POOR - as in, living paycheque-to-paycheque, always being on the verge of homelessness - or being ACTUALLY HOMELESS - these people generally do not have obesity issues. there are in fact starving children in the USA, so maybe cool it with all the Obama's Socialist Amerikkuh talk for a minute.

>> No.4149313
File: 67 KB, 500x541, hobby lobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4149316

>refill the cup 3 times

Wait what

>> No.4149319


but people in poor neighborhoods can't buy those apples, at least not in thier nieghborhood.

if you don't belive me , go to the hood and look for high quality produce. it is supriseingly rare.

>> No.4149323

there's obesity everywhere because children are being raised on shitty junk food? okay let's implement healthy school lunches that -

people are using their benefits on unhealthy food, let's restrict it such that -

all the restaurant food is made of corn syrup and everyone's getting fat, let's ban transfats and regulate salt levels and post nutritional information and -

can I at least send my wife out to teach kids about the food pyramid, maybe -

damned if you do, damned if you don't, black president

>> No.4149324

So let me get this straight. Cigarettes are punitively taxed, and cigarette companies are taken to trial for the effect they have on the health of the public. Yet McDonald's isn't legally liable for the billions of dollars of health care cost they inflict on the poor because...?

>> No.4149326

>pound of apples, a pound of grapes and an orange.

where the fuck are you shopping? There's no way you could get that much food for $3

>> No.4149334

> let's ban X

Let's not


>Nobody will let the president help people because he is black

I'm so fucking tired of this excuse. There's no fucking racist KKK boogeyman holding back the public from letting Obama ban fucking trans fats or save Darfur or put his pants on or whatever shit you think he should be doing, and when somebody doesn't like something he does you can't just say "Well it's because he's black". Eat shit

>> No.4149337

>where the fuck are you shopping? There's no way you could get that much food for $3

In a free country where the price for healthy food isn't driven up the wall by the corporations cranking out processed shit to run out the competition.

>> No.4149340

yes, thats right. and when someone tries to address the problem, such as with michelle obama's probably poorly implemented school cafeteria overhaul, there is an outcry against it. i didn't like what she did, but at least she tried to do something. we need a complete cultural shift, and that will be much harder to accomplish, because it starts with the individual.

>> No.4149343

I recently moved from the midwestern USA to Wales and everything is much more expensive across the board except for a handful of items

>> No.4149345

so you're shopping in Imaginaiton land

>> No.4149346

>wait in line or drive-thru

I guess you missed part of my post

>> No.4149347
File: 33 KB, 400x267, girlslauging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"there's no racism in america!"

>> No.4149350


Are you retarded?

Do you think that's what the post said?

>> No.4149352

you guys really think all those vegetables you get at the supermarket are so healthy for you, don't you? they're certainly better options than fast food, no doubt about that, but remember that most have been through so much genetic modification that they barely even resemble the vegetable that people had eaten for centuries. they're modified to maximize volume, because it makes consumers feel like they're getting 'more'. they do get more volume, but substantially less vitamins. not to mention the factory monoculture farms they come from

>> No.4149356

oh nooooo, genetic modificatioooooon, oh nooo

>> No.4149360


Fuck off. There's nothing wrong with GMO anything. Even the waterheaded hippie voters in California who swallowed Silent Spring and The China Syndrome saw through that scare shit.

>> No.4149363

You're just going to keep moving the goal posts. How about we get the retards to start eating vegetables before we teach them about shit like the nutritional density of water bloated SuperTarget vegetables vs those grown with minimal aid in healthy soil.

>> No.4149364



>> No.4149368
File: 44 KB, 389x317, Kroger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kroger up in this bitch

>> No.4149379

but I get my vegetables from a local farm. I know the man who grows them (Farmer Carl), I know his methods, and I know where his seeds come from.

so jokes on you

>> No.4149422


Congrats on being the only non-retard here. America's shitty infrastructure plays a huge role in our obesity. But I'm pretty sure most of the posters have never even heard the term food desert nevermind actually lived in one.

>> No.4149440

>basically bumfuckistan

The majority of midwesterners still live in urban areas, and those that don't still don't live more than 20 minutes from a Super Wal-Mart.

>implying Wal-Mart produce is somehow tainted or any different than the produce at a regional supermarket
It's pretty hard to fuck up fruit and veg.

>> No.4149471

>population can't afford nutritive food
yeah, because mcdonald's and soda is so much more expensive than beans and water.

>> No.4149472


>> No.4149479


American education everybody!

>> No.4149480

>>implying Wal-Mart produce is somehow tainted or any different than the produce at a regional supermarket

But it is. It's the generic-est, nutrient-starved bred-for-volume GMO Frankenfood shit they can produce.

>> No.4149481

you usually need water to cook beans, and water is better for you than soda.

>> No.4149499
File: 53 KB, 426x304, 1246572208907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...What about Kroger?

>> No.4149501

>uses generic as an insult
>expects to be taken seriously

>> No.4149505

And that's any different than any grocery this side of Whole Paycheck, how?

>> No.4149515

fucking pedant. healthy/nutritive it's all in the same discussion

>> No.4149516

i don't know but wal-mart's heavy handed methods in dealing with local produce suppliers is enough reason not to shop there. they favor cost effective over health and environment effective.

>> No.4149527

>If you live in the midwest it is hard to get to a store which stocks super fresh foods

What? No it isn't. In fact I can probably get fresher food than you as there are a ton of local farms if you're willing to spend 5 minutes looking on the internet for one. I would say that midwesterners are more likely to have a garden on top of that.

What do you think the midwest is like exactly?

>> No.4149528

Prove to me that gmo food is less healthy.

>> No.4149535


Lol, back to /fit/ with ye. Here, have an energy bar. I made it myself, it's plenty calorie-dense from all the whey, egg yolk, multi-vites, supplements, steroids and lard I put in it. Stay healthy, my /fit/ friend!

>> No.4149540

>willing to spend 5 minutes looking
not everyone has that kind of time

>> No.4149545

apparently not

>> No.4149559


Shopping at Kroger makes me depressed. Whole Foods/Publix ftw.

>> No.4149561

its not a matter of /fit/ its a matter of sustaining yourself for as little money per day as possible.

for the record, buying cheezits or any name brand thing is noway to do it, but it likely has a better dollar to calorie ratio than fruit.

fyi the absolute best dollar to calorie ratio food available is white flour. its also so devoid of nutrition that when it first really started to enter the scene, people got sick. so they started adding a lot of shit to it, go ahead and look at the ingredients on a bag of flour.

>> No.4149563


Harvey's Supermarket, nig.

>> No.4149564



>> No.4149572


Never heard of it. I'm near Atl.

>> No.4149573

*so they started adding a lot of shit to it, so people wouldn't get sick. thats why the list of ingredients on a bag of white flower includes thyacin, reduced iron, monothyacin, nyacin etc. i dont even know if those are real things but its what the back of a package of white flour looks like.

>> No.4149574

if you don't like discussing calories or nutrition then perhaps you would be happier on some other board yourself.

>> No.4149598
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They're good stores, a mix of local produce and generic shit. Everything's pretty cheap, relative to Publix. It's like Ward's of Gainesville, by far the BEST grocery I've been to.

>> No.4149634
File: 69 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mf8nskJYgf1qh66wqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I became a poor I've been eating healthier than I ever have. I live off of $50 per week on groceries and I usually get 3 homecooked meals a day with lean meats (chicken breast is cheap), veggies, and whole grain (it's not hard to find whole grain bread for affordable prices). I can't afford to waste cash on junk food. Sometimes I go weeks without sweets.

I even applied for EBT and it's totally possible to live off of EBT and eat decent food. Even if you're a busy mom of like 3 frozen veggies and chicken breasts with some sauce isn't that hard to make.

I'm pretty convinced most of the country just doesn't know how to shop and cook.

>> No.4149646


That cat is so cute I want to quit my job and become a dirty hippie.

>> No.4149648

>Since I became a poor
>I live off of $50 per week on groceries
thats about what i would expect the middle to live off per week. 7$ a day for one person? no, you're not eating cheap. its good, but its average.

>> No.4149769

>The concept of the First World first originated during the Cold War, where it was used to describe countries that the United States was aligned with.
It is impossible to consider America anything but first world.
Sage for nationalist shitposting.

>> No.4149773

I dunno, I used to live where all the Mexican immigrants lived in a shitty apartment that did some Section 8 housing (though it was mostly not), and I had no problem finding fresh produce for cheap. Super Wal-Mart a block down the road, a Mexican grocer even closer than that. That was in Tennessee.

I'm in California staying with my mother for a little while and she's in one of the cheaper parts of San Diego, in El Cajon. She lives in an apartment connected to a fish market/restaurant. Right down the street is a market where I can get produce for dirt cheap; not the freshest produce, I want to use it the day I buy it, but I can get a bag of carrots for fifty cents.

I've never seen section 8 housing (or other project housing) that was more than 5 miles from a large and cheap grocery store. And while I appreciate that people in poverty probably can't afford to drive daily to get groceries, they should still be able to go after work.

I don't know what poverty areas you're living in, but the ones I've lived in all had access to fresh food for reasonably cheap prices. It's just that poor people are also generally lazy and/or handicapped. If they weren't, they wouldn't be poor for so damn long.

But I can guarantee you 1000000% that healthy food is WAY cheaper than junk food. It just takes prep work and you have to be willing to go to a grocery store a few times a month to stock up.

>> No.4149817

>healthy food is cheaper than junk food

But that's fucking wrong. That's dead fucking wrong. Healthy food is not cheaper.

>> No.4149827

Nigger, have you ever looked at a bottle of multi-vitamins? All of those things are essential vitamins and minerals. I agree it's better to get them from fruits and veggies, but basically you just have a few ground up multi-vitamins in your bag of flour. Stop acting like anything with a chemical-sounding name is bad for you and educate yourself.

I'm looking at my multi-vitamin and laughing at you right now. Are you also afraid of Ascorbic Acid? Acids are bad, you know.

>> No.4149841

You are a terrible shopper, then. I can get a bag of carrots, an onion, a bellpepper, a pound of ground beef, and a pound of rice for about $3.50. That will feed my family of 6 fried rice and still have extra uncooked rice at the end. Ground beef isn't the healthiest of meats, but this meal is a damn lot healthier nutrient-wise and more calories than a single Big Mac, which is about the same price.

If you eat more eggs, buy frozen chicken breast when it's on sale, you can get cheap meats that are healthier. But I'm saying that I can go out, right this second, and get those things for those prices.

Stop being a terrible shopper.

>> No.4149860

And because I know somebody is going to call me out on it.

Bag of carrots = $.50
Onion = $.25 roughly (I usually buy in bulk)
Bellpepper = $.25 roughly
Clove of garlic = $.04; thirty three cents for a head and there are usually at least 8 cloves on mine.
Egg = $.10 (I can get a dozen for about $1.20, on a bad day. In Tennessee they were $.88 most of the time)
Salt and Pepper = $.01 (negligible cost)
Ground beef = $1.40 a pound
Rice = $1 for a one pound bag.

In total $3.55 cents. And I'll have extra carrots as well as rice. The only ingredient I didn't mention was the cooking oil for the pan, which would maybe be another five cents, max? It's hard for me to even register stuff like that because you buy a bottle and it lasts you for a month or so, even if you use it every meal.

>> No.4149868

blacks spend their money/food stamps on stupid shit

my friend worked at a grocery store and told me that some black bitch bought an entire cart full of steaks, and as he scanned them and the total neared her allotment of stamps the children cheered her on

most of these people are seriously subhuman.

>> No.4149874

>All of those things are essential vitamins and minerals.
i know that, and i thought it was implied in my post. i was saying that flour, the cheapest food substance available, is so void of nutrition that by itself it was making people sick, because they weren't getting the nutrients they needed from their diet. they had to add the vitamins in afterward. im pointing out how devoid of nutrition cheap food is. yes the vitamins added later were enough to keep people from getting sick, but is it a very healthy part of one's diet? probably not.

>> No.4149882

It's not just black folks. I've got family (I come from a nice line of refined white trash) that will go and spend $40 at the Habeeb mart for 2 packs of cigarettes. In my experience, people evidently use food stamps as barter for drugs and to feed your family pork rinds and soda.

>> No.4149887

to each his own then, i come from white trash too

alabama white trash.

>> No.4149888

>no green vegetables anywhere in sight
we know you can eat cheap, but you cant eat cheap green vegetables included.

>> No.4149894


Which green vegetables do you like in your fried rice?

>> No.4149895

i know this. it was even worse because i worked at a convenience store, which made everything even more expensive than a supermarket chain. and no generic anything, everything name brand. nignogs, dumb white people too though don't get me wrong, would come in and buy fuckin lunchables and diet soda on ebt. so stupid.

>> No.4149897

ground beef
>$1.40 a pound
>$1 a pound

What the fuck Tennessee, I see double or triple the price where I am

>> No.4149901

Ams also from TN, I can confirm that that shit is not realistic here.

>> No.4149904

It is funny how the U.S. has such cheap subsidized food and a really high GDP... yet people can't seem to afford good quality whole foods.

Or they are too stupid and have retarded priorities to want good, healthy food.

>> No.4149905


Not that guy, but...

Depends on where you shop. Just today I noticed Publix (north side supermarket) sells ginger at 4.99 per pound, whereas Little India (south midtown) sells fresher ginger at 1.99 per pound. Asian markets, farmer's markets, locally owned groceries, and farm shops are your friend.

>> No.4149914

>implying bellpeppers aren't a green vegetable.

I also usually chop up some cabbage for mine, which would up the cost by another thirty cents and not really add much nutrient-wise, which is why I didn't mention it. Plus a little soy sauce for flavor because fuck bland food.

But sure, let's try this again.
1 bundle of spinach = $1.00 for a pretty good sized bundle
1 box of spaghetti or other pasta = $1.00
3-4 Roma tomatoes = $1.00
2 cloves garlic = $.08
Basil and Oregano = from my garden and free but let's pretend you're too much of a lazy fuck to garden and use dried. $.10
Salt and Pepper = $.02 (to make math easier)
Oil (preferably olive, but whatever will work if you're really poor.) = $.05

Cook the tomatoes with the garlic, oil, and herbs to make a sauce to serve over the pasta. Wilt the spinach to serve on the side. Probably enough food for 3-4 people for $3.25. I'd double the recipe for my family and it'd cost $6.50, which is still pretty damn cheap for the number of people you're feeding.

Stop being a terrible shopper.

>> No.4149916

Ginger isn't something I frequently use though. I'm aware of how shitty it is, but I also question the quality of some of the meats in those places. I by no means want any GI ailments in my household.. three people and two toilets doesn't add up.

>> No.4149919

I think you guys don't understand that for most people it isn't cost so much as time. There aren't a lot of meals you can prepare in the time it takes to hit up a drive-thru on the way home. It isn't laziness as much as it is people working too hard and not having any energy left to cook

>> No.4149921


O yea, I get my eggs free from a neighbor who lives <1 mile away, he's the Uni's ornothology professor. Nice guy. Needless to say, I eat a lot of eggs.

I also get my greens from an alternative high school in the southside, who has a gardening class, and occasionally rob the Salvation Army garden and the Uni's agricultural program's garden.

>> No.4149922

Right now at Meijer (upper Midwest chain) in west Michigan, apples are $0.99 a pound, pears are $1.18 a pound, milk is $2.59 a gallon, ground round is $2.99 a pound, and pork shoulder is $1.67 a pound. You can get 10 lbs of russet potatoes for $2.49. Clementine Mandarin oranges are less than a dollar a pound right now there too, and large avocados are $1.20 each. There are plenty of healthful foods at low prices in America. Beans and Rice are always cheap here, and if your intake is deficient of vitamins and minerals, multivitamin supplements are damn cheap if you buy them in bulk.

>> No.4149926

This is actually in San Diego; I have the cheapest fucking market across the street from my mom's house and it's amazing. In Tennessee I have to shop around pretty hard and buy in bulk to get prices like that, but I can still do it. I actually found frozen ground turkey logs for $1.00 for awhile, though the prices went up to $1.25 before I left state. This was at Wal-Mart and it's probably pink slime, but the Italian seasoned ones made good meatballs. I can get three cloves of garlic for a dollar any day of the week for those prices at Aldi.

If you don't shop at Aldi you're not doing poorfag right.

>> No.4149931


So pay more for your produce, it's as simple as that. But being a broke nigga, I find that Little India's 2.50/lb okra and cheap dry goods are safe and fresh. They don't sell meat... doh.

>> No.4149934

>I think you guys don't understand that for most people it isn't cost so much as time. There aren't a lot of meals you can prepare in the time it takes to hit up a drive-thru on the way home. It isn't laziness

Yes, it is laziness.

>> No.4149945

thats about half of the calories than in the previous meal.

>> No.4149947

When I'm working 55 hours a week, I don't have time to prepare healthful meals every meal. Sometimes you gotta cut corners.

And that's where supplmentation comes in

>> No.4149951

When I was in college (in the US), I primarily lived off of rice, beans, chicken thighs, and lentils. I spent less on food than my dumb ass roommates that ate shit like mac & cheese, frozen waffles, and beer for 3 meals a day.

The obesity problem in the US isn't because healthy food costs more, it's because of "food deserts" where people don't have access to a proper supermarket where they can buy produce, and because lots of people are just too lazy and stupid to learn how to cook. I think other issues are people passing on bad eating habits to their children, and also, there seems to be a cultural attitude toward cooking in America that if you cook something, it needs to be some big deal that takes hours to make and has to be exquisite, rather than just something that is simple, nutritious, and decent.

Honestly, I don't think that these problems are specific to America, either. I spent some time in Scotland a couple of years ago and *man* those motherfuckers are fat...

>> No.4149952

and thats what im getting at. you have choices, you can buy a dollar worth of hamburger, or a dollar worth of spinach. the spinach is probably a couple hundred worth of calories, the hamburger is maybe 800-1000.

>> No.4149955

Fuck it. I'll go to the Aldi tomorrow and dick around in there to see what they have. I mostly just fucking hate having to thaw shit out because by the time SO gets home I wanna have shit made to gtfo.

>> No.4149956

>I don't have time
Yes, you do. You just think going on 4chan and dicking around is more important than making healthy food.

The whole "no time, gotta eat fast food" myth is such bullshit.

>> No.4149959

Pretty much this. If you're really a poorfag and you're not content to stay a poorfag, then you're going to buy the cheap produce even if you KNOW it's shit tier stuff that you have to use that day, all so you can start putting money back so you're not poor forever.

Hispanic markets are great for cheap peppers and tomatoes. No, they're not bright red and shiny and still on the vine, and will probably spoil within the week. But they're $.75 a pound and still better for you than anything else for the price, so you're going to take your poor ass to the store and buy them.

>> No.4149965

>there seems to be a cultural attitude toward cooking in America that if you cook something, it needs to be some big deal that takes hours to make and has to be exquisite, rather than just something that is simple, nutritious, and decent.
oh man totally. people do not have a very open mind when it comes to food. and you only eat things because of the taste. if someone see you eating a plain bowl of oatmeal, that is like the weirdest thing ever why would you eat just that it doesn't even have any flavor etc. etc.

>> No.4149970

TBH, I'm usually so fucking angry and jittery from being hungry at the end of the day that I just want something to fill the void sometimes.
inb4--lawl dick jokes.

>> No.4149978

So you mix it up. Some days you have the fried-rice meals that are calorie rich but not nutrient rich. And some days you have the nutrient rich meals that are less calorie rich. If you supplement that meal with slices of white bread and butter, you get more calories for just a few more pennies, and since the rest of the meal has a lot of vegetables, you can get away with including an element that is less healthy.

Also I mentioned that there were only half the number of servings. Did you notice that?

>> No.4149980

>dumb fat broads that think eating some simple veggies or grain is a worse fate than being a dumb fat broad

>> No.4149983

Yeah, but any sane person is going to do both; hamburger one night and spinach another. The hamburger is calorie rich and the spinach is nutrient rich. You need both to have a healthy diet. Even poor people can't live off hamburger alone.

I mean, seriously. It's like you think it's one or the other and you can't have both.

>> No.4149993

Shut up cunt, is that same proportion of the population that's on crack, meth, pcp, or heroin, or are otherwise fucked in the head? They'll always be like that and the fact is, that's also the demographic that usually pumps out the most kids, so for them, they just have to clear there heads for a minute or two, the food is there. We take care of ourselves you fucking cunt... now go back to your socialist agenda. A lot of us don't want to pay for that or your fucking socialist agenda, I bet you pray to marx and algore every night before you sleep?

>> No.4149994

Microwave thawing, my friend. I forget to thaw stuff out all the time, but my microwave does a pretty decent job in just 15 minutes or so, depending on the size of the thing I'm thawing.

I'm not just poor in wallet, I'm poor on time.

And trust me, Aldi is amazing. This was the very rare exception and the expiration date was the next day, but I once got a gallon of skim milk for $.99 cents there. Fuck I love Aldi. I get my milk, eggs, frozen means, and shelf-stable items from there. The produce... sometimes. Like, the garlic is good and if I'm gonna use it within the next day or two I can buy whatever. But I don't usually get bags of potatoes there as they usually spoil before I can use them and rotten potatoes smell like devil's spawn.

>> No.4149997

>sorry kids you wont be able to play at recess tomorrow because you'll be anemic from eating half as many calories as you should have yesterday

>> No.4149999

Did you sneak over here from /x/? It kinda sounds like you missed your dose of Depakote.

>> No.4150007


There has never and will never be a worse fate than being a dumb, fat broad. Never. Fucking 10th ring of hell.

>> No.4150011

>mfw fat people think you will go anemic and not be able to move if you don't eat a lot for one day

>> No.4150015

What is you a retaaaaaad? Just put whatever that you're trying to thaw in some water, it thaws really quick that way.