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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 194x259, bacongrease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4284946 No.4284946 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you use bacon grease ck?

It makes everything better I promise. I fry my veggies in bacon grease, I fry my potatoes in bacon grease. Fish, all kinds of shit.

I use it instead of shortening when I bake. Basically anywhere you see butter use bacon grease instead.

>> No.4284949

How fat are you if I may ask?

>> No.4284963

Honestly, there's not much of a difference, at least calorie-wise, between butter and bacon grease. It's all fat. If you eat too much pure fat it's going to impact you negatively, whether it's butter, lard, Crisco, or margarine.

>> No.4284966

Can't you just use oil?

>> No.4284968

Nah, he wants to be disgusting while being disgusting.

>> No.4284969

Kill yourself, OP.

>> No.4284976

Are there people seriously arguing against use bacon fat? Its the best thing to fry with

>> No.4284978

You're from the south aren't you.

>> No.4284984

It's no more unhealthy than butter you guys are silly.

>> No.4284989

becuz I dont require such a high calorie diet OP
also, i've never been a huge fan of bacon, and the new fad of it didnt help either. Low quality bacon in everything !!!!!

>> No.4284991

Well if you're not a bacon fan then you don't really belong in this thread.

I have bacon a few times a week with my eggs. some mornings no breakfast, some mornings cereal.

>> No.4284994

1. never said i wasnt a fan of bacon.
2. OP is asking why

>> No.4285001

My grandma dislikes bacon. But she fries some up almost morning and either gives it to us if we stop by her house or just tosses it just so she can collect the bacon grease to use in her cooking

>> No.4285005

that is awesome actually

>> No.4285008

I don't because for some reason I get massive outbreaks of acne when eating pork.

This sucks at 35.

>> No.4285013

this thing is saturated fat, it deposits in your veins as hell.

>> No.4285024

It's not any less healthy than butter and you actually use less bacon grease than butter.

Get over it?

>> No.4285026

>people don't like it

I guess it's like that on every board nowadays.

My family came from a farm in the northwest and they used to keep bacon grease in a jar. I have to admit that it's very tasty, but research says it's bad for you.

I don't put it in a jar, but I do like to use it for one meal specifically. I'll fry some bacon and use the grease in the pan to fry my eggs. Saves me having to put butter/oil in the pan and it tastes a lot better too.

>> No.4285029

>research says it's bad for you.

Would love to see any research NOT put out by the dairy industry. I've been doing this all my life, I'm very healthy.

Well not very but nothing connected to my cooking oil anyway.

>> No.4285044

just becuz the research or study was funded by dairy industries doesnt mean the study was invalid. Read the study and check for validity before being a lil hipster that just has partial knowledge and thinks they know every thing

>> No.4285050

No, biased studies are pretty fucking invalid.

>> No.4285053
File: 185 KB, 250x250, 1340311102558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not visiting other bοards

>> No.4285054

>No one realising this same thread was posted last week.

>> No.4285058

That's the essence of 4chan.

>> No.4285060

Fag you didn't even post anything. Stop being gay near me.

>> No.4285106

The only thing I would use bacon grease/lard for, is to braise pork belly with in the oven.
If you want to make the perfect schnitzel for instance, you might want to try a 1:1 ratio of fry-oil to clarified butter, and lightly swish the crumbed pork/veal scallop in the pan which should have enough fat to almost cover the meat, and flip once when a darker shade of golden brown.

>> No.4285453

Bacon grease was the preferred cooking fat till they invented fucking Crisco.

The health risks of bacon and bacon fat are from Sodium Nitrite and can be completely ignored if you aren't a fool and get proper bacon from your butcher instead of the thin pink chemical strips you get from the supermarket.

>> No.4285457

Why not ck?

>> No.4285464

>chemical strips

Water is a chemical too

>> No.4285484

How the fuck do you not understand what sage does?

>> No.4285559

why are you saging this? Op here, I cook with bacon grease. What's the fucking problem??

What is YOUR problem? It is just as healthy as butter is.

really. Really really.

>> No.4285586


He's pointing out that the "wet pack" bacon you get at the supermarket is not smoked and cured like proper bacon is. Instead it's injected with a flavoring solution containing chemical preservatives. Proper bacon is not injected with anything. It is simply pork belly that is rubbed with spices and smoked.

>> No.4285589

Love it! It works for bed games too!

>> No.4285590

I saged my own post to prevent it from bumping the thread because it was off topic. I can't believe how butthurt you are. How do people still not know what sage does?
It's not a down vote
It in no way expresses one's approval or disapproval of the thread
It simply let's you post without bumping the thread

>> No.4285601

I use bacon fat for many, many things.
I don't use it for everything, though, because I don't want everything I cook to taste like bacon.
Some unusual things to use it for:
>making the roux for mac and cheese
>making the roux for many other sauces, such as cajun cream sauce, for example
>greasing the waffle maker
>as the fat in savory breads and muffins

>> No.4285607

Because I have Peking duck, duckfat

>> No.4285628

studies funded by diary industries doesnt mean the studies themselves are biased. if you know anything about how to design a proper study you know how to beat that and be scientific. if its clearly bad other researchers in your field with point it out and make you lose credibility.

>> No.4285666

I use bacon grease all the time, but my favorite use is to season my cast iron skillet.

>> No.4285823

>bacon roux for mac and chese
Fuck yes man, I do that too. The resulting macaroni is fucking deliciouis.

>> No.4285875

>implying you or the media critically examine the methodology and results beyond skimming through the abstract or the press release

>> No.4285880

>if its clearly bad other researchers in your field with point it out and make you lose credibility.
This is not actually true. You can have a flawless study design and simply cherry pick or falsify your data. No one would every know and, if on the rare occasion someone replicated your experiment, you could easily explain away discrepancies without losing credibility.

>> No.4286599

> just becuz the research or study was funded by dairy industries doesnt mean the study was invalid. Read the study and check for validity

There is a reason why studies are repeated and peer reviewed to verify them. Suppose I design a study about whether or not a flipped coin will land heads or tails. I could run 30 studies which test 5 consecutive flips. One of those studies may come up 4:1 or 5:0 heads. I could publish those individual studies, or I could discard the erratic ones and instead consolidate the remaining and see that it is a 50:50 average or very close.

Which method do you think a public relations group will use? Which results would they publish?

Is it possible to score some bacon grease without having to fool around with bacon? I don't care for it, but there are a few dishes that are fantastic when you use the grease.

>> No.4286667

>Which method do you think a public relations group will use? Which results would they publish?
This. People really are naive when it comes to published research. They don't understand the games behind everything.

I know of researchers, both well-respected and not so much, who tweak impact factors of journals they are editors of, stamp their names on all papers coming out of their labs, play with their H-index, cherry pick data and exclude conflicting results, fast forward papers coming from friends or sending to journals where they are good friends with the editors/reviewers and know they will have less critical criticism, etc.

You know how small people who do nothing can be really egotistical? Give someone prone to that behavior a PhD, a research grant, lots of stress to produce, and respect and students.

>> No.4286684
File: 33 KB, 410x303, 1336672177424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage has always been used to express disapproval on 4chan. Always.

>> No.4286703
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1342057563334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4286729

What is calorie counting?

>> No.4286787

Newfriend detected.

Sage was used correctly for many years until the big boards started using it as an insult. No we have retards screaming "fuck this thread, get sage'd faggot." It's still used correctly on many of the smaller boards.

Polite sage for off-topic.

>> No.4286844
File: 12 KB, 240x264, sagebomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only newfriend here is you, sage rage has always been a thing, chump.

>> No.4286849

Whatever, pal. Go ahead and continue to get upset when someone uses sage the right way, it's no skin off my nose.

>> No.4286857

he's right you know...
seriously saying polite sage or sage for unrelated is such shit. Because everyone now thinks
>you're sageing me that means you're attacking my threat or my post.

I guess the less competent boards always find their way here eventually.

>> No.4286860


Because I don't make enough bacon to have it on hand.

Typically, if I make bacon, I go ahead and use the grease for gravy.

It honestly is good though. I don't get all of the disgust over it. It seriously isn't that different than Crisco. It has a better taste, but that's it.