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File: 172 KB, 570x430, milk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4348637 No.4348637 [Reply] [Original]

Summoning all lactose-intolerants, vegans, or people who just embrace Milk 2.0 simply because it kicks ass.

Soy, almond, rice, coconut, hemp, oat, what is your weapon of choice for cereal or recipes?

>> No.4348642

Blue Diamond almond milk. Unsweetened.

>> No.4348652

For cereal Rice Dream vanilla wins me over. So smooth, like drinking nectar of the gods. For recipes, Silk's soy milk since the consistency works better for baked goods. For chai tea vanilla hemp milk is divine.

>> No.4348668

Same here. I also enjoy the sweetened though, but typically I do buy the unsweetened kind. I pretty much like all of it. Silk makes an amazing dark chocolate almond milk.

I also looooove Westsoy's chocolate peppermint stick soy milk. God, it's heavenly.

Soy milk isn't bad either, I think it depends on the brand. But I use soy milk too from time to time. Almond is definitely my favorite though. So yummy.

In baking, I love to use coconut milk though. It gives cupcakes an amazing texture. Mm. Use it in this recipe: http://chefchloe.com/sweets/chocolate-strawberry-shortcake-cupcakes.html

I use the cans of coconut milk though, not sure if it's different from a box. Full fat I think is best, but others work great too.

>> No.4348667

Soy milk at the Asian markets. Taste vastly different and better. Silk and the others are doing it wrong.

>> No.4348669

I just bought this. Excited to try it out tomorrow now.

>> No.4348675

blue diamond vanilla almond milk
horizon lactose free

>> No.4348676


Coconut milk in cans is much thicker and richer, used for things like curries and recipes. The kind in the cartons is more liquid and designed to be used for cereal and such.

Coconut milk (can) in beverages is the bomb. At Thai restaurants try ordring their Thai iced tea with coconut milk in place of condensed milk, so good.

>> No.4348708

do you even milk?

>> No.4348710
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>> No.4348719

almond milk, either unsweetened vanilla or sweetened chocolate

shit is bomb, much healthier than milk and tastes better imo

>> No.4348773


Have any brand names for Asian soy milk?

>> No.4348787


>> No.4348801



Silk Dark Chocolate tastes exactly like Rocky Road ice cream to me

>> No.4348804


What's flax milk like? Never even heard of this, but I love flax seed oil and seeds so sounds promising.

>> No.4348858


I really love coconut milk. Almond is okay, but it's kinda weird.

>> No.4348860

Almond milk for less sweet cereals, rice milk for sweeter cereals, chocolate silk soymilk for drinking as a guilty pleasure. I don't cook with them.

>> No.4348862

They're good, but man it costs out the ass for a quart of whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.4348870
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>> No.4348872

>Silk Dark Chocolate tastes exactly like Rocky Road ice cream

Now I know what I'm buying next time I go to the store.

>> No.4348890


I like this set up. What types of cereal do you use almond milk for? Sounds like it might go nice with granola.

>> No.4348900

I drink real milk and pop enzyme pills because fuck you they're sold in bulk and I want to drink the mammary secretions of animals that are not my mother. Because, milk is fucking delicious!

Also because lactose-free milk usually has substitute sugars and that's weird, man. No matter what ratio they're in it's gonna taste different. Not necessarily bad, but different. And it's hard to find organic brands.

I try not to think of nut and grain beverages as "substitute milk products" because some of them have merits and uses all of their own.

Also, soy is gross.

>> No.4348939

soy is also bad for you it cause all kinds of problems

it also makes you

>> No.4348954

Soy has many pros and cons, but most people have no problem with it. It's not the only food that contains goitrogens, but the media likes to exaggerate things a lot to get people scared (and interested).

>> No.4348955

There's a lot of things I want to say right now.
1. Why the fuck are there so many strange and incomplete posts on 4chan today? Did the internet just get a whole lot dumber or what?
2. I don't give a shit about what people think is healthy or unhealthy because they always turn out to be wrong later and as far as I can tell the best diet is no diet at all eating whatever the fuck you want and just staying away from chemicals.
3. Soy is fucking gross, I don't need you telling me why I ought to hate it. It's gross, I don't need any other reason. It's bad for you? Whatever, I'm not eating it anyway, but I bet eating a little bit of it won't fucking kill you or anything if you did.

>> No.4348957

i like vanilla unsweetened almond milk (not particular about the brand), and vanilla unsweetened coconut milk (so delicious has one of the creamier coconut milks i've tasted)

>> No.4349001

I was curious enough to buy a bottle of lactose free milk and it was fucking horrible.

Tasted like fake chocolate milk with no chocolate.

Soy and almond milk 4 lyf

>> No.4349029
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Does anybody use this? Should I just stick to regular Lactaid?

>> No.4349031

Not to be a hippie, but have you tried organic milk? I find that it's easier to digest for some reason.

>> No.4349037

I must have. My case's bad. I'll shit myself 90% after drinking milk.

It's so delicious though. I don't like soy/almond milk, but 2 quartz of Lactaid is damn expensive.

>> No.4349047

Try goat's milk.

>> No.4349048

My girlfriend takes 24-hour lactaid and loves it, but I use the immediate one because I don't have much dairy (allergic toa hormone in cow milk)

Almond milk is my shit

>> No.4349072

Oat milk is comforting and can make your boobs nice.
Soy milk creamer is great in tea, coconut milk in quarts is always watery to me.
Almond milk is dangerously good, I don't buy it often or I'll over engulf.

>> No.4349989


Oat milk = nicer boobs? What?

All this talk about almond milk makes me think I should be adventurous and give it another try.

>> No.4350018

I always go with unsweetened almond milk. Rarely drink it by itself, but it's good for cereal or making mashed potatoes

>> No.4350027

Rice Dream organic vanilla rice milk

I could drink this shit for days. Only natural simple sugars from broken down starch.

Rice Krispies + Vanilla rice milk = Ricegasm

>> No.4350030

I stopped drinking soy milk after learning that soy is linked to cancer and hormone imbalance. Almond milk all the way, haven't tried hemp or oat milk though

>> No.4350047

Soy poses no increased cancer risk, and phytoestrogens BALANCE your estrogen.

They pretend to be estrogen when you have too much, causing your body to stop producing so much, or they can act as it when you have too little.

>> No.4350059
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>> No.4350063


I'm a guy

>> No.4350068

So? Guys need estrogen too. Girls need testosterone. They aren't restricted to a gender, they're just more prevalent in their respective gender.

>> No.4350087


100 times this. Never ceases to amaze me how many people believe the bs that soy will make you girly or is bad for you. Wouldn't be surprised if the National Dairy Council was behind that mud slinging.

Soy is nature's golden protein. Drink up, biaches.

>> No.4350107


You realize soy doesn't just have phytoestrogens for no reason, right? It's an evolved defense mechanism designed to disrupt the sexual potency of its predators

>> No.4350123


You do realize how hormones work, right? How their half-life is miserably short, so unless you are constantly taking more and more of them throughout the day there will be no effect?

Sure, soy estrogens might affect you if you were eating large amounts of soy products constantly throughout the day (as in every 2 hours or so), but won't have any effect at all if you consume them in moderation.

The proof is empirical. If soy really was that bad for you, then why isn't all of Asia and all the hippie soy-veggie-tards growing massive boobs? Why aren't there soy-based breast enhancement pills that actually work? Because it doesn't have any of the effects that people claim it does!

>> No.4350128
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Do things like almond milk whipped cream exist yet, or is it just soy whipped cream? Not that I don't love soy whipped cream, but would be nice to see the diversity we have in milk alternatives in other dairy-products too.

>> No.4350137


>If soy really was that bad for you, then why isn't all of Asia and all the hippie soy-veggie-tards growing massive boobs?

Well let me point out that Asia does not eat regular soy like we do. The only soy commonly eaten in Asia are Soy Sauce and Natto, which are both fermented and thus cancel out the harmful effects of soy. The top soy consumer in the world is the United States. And have you ever seen a manly hippie before?

>> No.4350150

>And have you ever seen a manly hippie before?

One of my buddies in college was a beast on the Stanford gymnastics team, and used soy isolate for most of his protein. We're talking like 100g a day. Dude was ripped as hell. I would kill for a body like that.

>> No.4350151


Yes, quite a few.

>> No.4350160
File: 21 KB, 241x260, silkChocolate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's have less talk about muscular hippies and more talk about the beauty that is dairy-free milk.

I bought the Silk chocolate soy milk this morning after seeing it posted here. Best decision of my week. Brings me back to the joys of chocolate milk in childhood, oh sweet nostalgia.

>> No.4350187

Soy products are very unhealthy, especially for males, look it up.

>> No.4350203


I have looked it up. For hours. And all the research that says soy is unhealthy are pretty much bullshit studies that are contradicted by all the better studies.

You can find research out there saying practically anything. You have to know how to sort out the crap from the truth. Look at the actual studies themselves, their methodology rather than the sensationalist headlines you see in magazines. Soy is awesome. Period.

If you're worried about soy, then don't consume it, just don't spout false science at the people who are enjoying their chocolate soy milk, bro.

>> No.4350232

Oats are a galactagogue.
Almond milk is nice, too.
I'll get banned, this is a work safe board!
But they are much more responsive and firm.

>> No.4350236

So the fact that there are compounds in soy products that mimic estrogen is false? I would like this proven to me or I'm going to assume you're brainwashed by the "but the asians eat soy all the time!" media,

>> No.4350275


Soy contained isoflavones. It will not make you grow breasts or more feminine. It will not decrease your testosterone. Plenty of studies have showed isoflavones having health benefits such as fighting cancer risk. In the upcoming decades we'll have more information, but based on all current knowledge soy is 100% safe for humans.

The most comprehensive meta-analysis of soy shows that it has zero affects on manliness, but may help against prostate cancer. So if anything, eat up soy if you want to preserve your man badge.

>> No.4350460
File: 158 KB, 500x750, Almond-Milk-9691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade almond milk is the creme de la creme.


>> No.4350467

Used this on my cereal this morning. Was good.

>> No.4350468

If you're worried about phytoestrogen:
1. Soy isn't the only food that contains it.
2. Eat some mushrooms, or other foods that lower estrogen levels.
3. Don't eat soy...who cares.

But for the record, vegans have higher levels of testosterone. If you're worried about soy you should be more worried about the dioxins in your animal products.

>> No.4350469

Plus you're really a dude.

>> No.4350474

Vegans do not have higher testosterone.In fact rat studies have shown the opposite.

>> No.4350475

almond milk or soy for me. coconut milk is too watery [the boxed kind, i mean, not the canned kind]. but i just bought some hemp milk for the first time so i'll have to report back on that later. shit was expensive but whatever, it's worth satisfying my curiosity.

>> No.4350480

"The study measured testosterone levels in 696
Oxford University men. Of the study participants,
233 were vegan (ate no animal products) and 237
were vegetarian (ate milk and dairy products).
The remaining 237 subjects were men who ate meat
on most days of the week...vegans had higher
testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat

British Journal of Cancer, 83(1), July 2000

>> No.4350512
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That's some pretty nice milk you got Thur

>> No.4350513
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No, just really not confident about my body yet.
I kind of ignored it for most of my young adult life and it feels good to celebrate what it can do for me now. I can do anything!

>> No.4350530

I'm not a man, but higher levels of estrogen can be bad for anyone. You're claiming there's a lot of studies but citing nothing.

>> No.4350589
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RESULTS: No significant effects of soy protein or isoflavone intake on T, SHBG, free T, or FAI were detected regardless of statistical model.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in me

>> No.4351062


It's surprisingly simple too. Can't beat fresh and homemade.

>> No.4351516


i love most kinds of milk

>> No.4351519

organic soy milk is the only way

>> No.4351647

Hemp and coconut milk are god-tier.

>> No.4351659

Almond and hemp only, Fuck soy...raw vegan master race reporting in. enjoy your cholesterol milk 1.0 users...

>> No.4352147
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I would worry more about growing udders drinking Milk 1.0 than soy milk. Nom nom artificial growth hormones.

>> No.4352151

is that artist retarded? The udders are the breast of the cow, not random additions across the stomach

>> No.4352165
File: 79 KB, 450x450, BlueDiamondAlmondCoconutMilkVanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond milk is my favorite.
Coconut milk is also great.
Pic related, what I'm drinking now.

>> No.4352173

>thinking hippy wont be retarded

>> No.4352268


This way looks better visually, since you get the stomach fat to resemble the udder.

>> No.4352278


Almond milk. And if you want a cereal without all the sugar and salt that many have just make a granola and throw in extra oats/buckwheat chunks/whatever you want for a base. Makes for a better crunch, it's cheaper to make in bulk, and you have creative freedom

>> No.4352284
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it's a comic strip, not a realistic representation of real life

>> No.4352333
File: 30 KB, 300x300, granola-sl-259083-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Granola is the perfect companion to Milk 2.0

Add some fruit and you have yourself perfection.

>> No.4352346


Agreed, or if you're not feeling like cereal but still consume dairy just substitue the milk with greek yogurt. Hell, throw chocolate in with the granola and fruit and you have yourself a fantastic desert.

Regardless, unless you are really wed to a specific cereal I'd say start making your own stuff, OP. It's cheap, it'll last awhile, can be made into granola bars or cookies if you want to, and is almost always better than what you find in stores.

>> No.4352350

I really can't stand the taste of almond or soy milk. I haven't tried the others and coconut milk is just so...sweet and thick. I just avoid all dairy for the most part. I should give rice a shot.

>> No.4352366


Definitely give rice a chance. It's the most liquid of all the milk alternatives, complete opposite of coconut milk in taste and texture.

>> No.4352391


Where do you source the granola from? The granola in the bulk bins at grocery stores in my experience is usually stale and crappy, which is why I go with prepackaged granola.

>> No.4352412

water because milk substitutes ruin the whole point of not drinking milk

>> No.4352464


What is the whole point of not drinking milk for you?