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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 500x374, kyuushoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4437781 No.4437781 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy who used to work at elemetary/middle/ and high school cafeterias for 2 years anything

>> No.4437784

did you ever get hit on

>> No.4437789

What percentage of meals would you say weren't pre-packaged?

>> No.4437807

yes, i had an earring back then which made me automatically cool(from the viewpoint of teens)

For elementary, 100% was prepackaged, for middle school and high school we cooked little pizzas and also had a deep fryer to fry chicken tenders and the like.

>> No.4437810

forgot to mention that aside from the pizza and chicken most everything else was prepackaged. we also did prepare salads and subs

>> No.4437812

do you have any stories?

>> No.4437813

what would you do with leftovers?

>> No.4437818

How did you feel about your job? Do you have any opinions on menu selection?

Did the food taste okay?

>> No.4437819

what were the most popular meals you served?

>> No.4437830

What country/state did you work in

who actually supplies the food? What company?

Do you actually cook anything or is it just reheating what they send you?

>> No.4437838

one time I was setting up my cashier station and we had a basket of bags of chips for impulse buys, and I found a dead mouse in it. We threw out everything so it was alright.
One time at the elementary school a janitor got in a huge argument with some fat ass kid who wouldnt take his required vegetables.

at the elementary school, there were almost no leftovers because of pricise counting system.
middle school and high school we would use them throughout the week and at the end of the week we would throw them out and staff could eat some too.

It was alright, I didnt really like working at a school though, because I always hated school growing up so I always felt bad for the kids.
Menu selection wise I would say all our bakery items are very good, I especially loved the cookies, and for whatever reason I have always loved school tacos.
Most food tasted ok, except for the hamburgers, absolutely disgusting.

pizza and fries and chicken tenders and fries.
for elementary school it was pizza day and tacos were also very popular

>> No.4437839

What's stopping you from making fresh food?

>> No.4437841

Did you give the cute little girls free treats? Please respond.

>> No.4437858

I worked in midwest, USA
A region local supplier supplied us with most of our food.
sorry i cant be more specific but i still am in a related job(not cafeteria) so i would rather not specify my location on a place like 4chan
For the most part it was just reheating and mixing things, if you ever seen the leaked applebees menu on here, then it was kind of like that.

thats a question you should ask the government.

no, I gave nobody any free anything

>> No.4437864

could you be more specific about the supplier? I really curious who actually makes this food.

When worked in my college's cafeteria it was this multinational called Sodexho

>> No.4437865
File: 8 KB, 645x773, 1315042102078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that pic

instant nostalgia

>> No.4437870

I forgot about how depressing school food was for a while.
Did you serve actual meat hamburgers? We had soyburgers only at our school. They actually tasted fine to me.

>> No.4437893

What did you do for the kids with free or reduced lunch? Ever instances of kids shitting on kids with free or reduced lunch?

Because I remember it happening to me. ;_;

>> No.4437902

sorry man, i just can not say it, because it is very region based(in the state i am in)
but it is all gmo, processed food though, just like every other mass school food provider.

they werent soyburgers, to call the meat they used actual meat though would be bit of an understatement though...the burgers tasted worst than mcdonalds burgers

our system was set up so there was no way other students would know if someone was a free or reduced lunch. I never heard anyone make fun of somebody for being on a reduced or free lunch.

>> No.4437908

Where can I get a slice of that pizza? It was absolute shit, but nostalgia.

>> No.4437918

>leaked applebees menu on here
can you post that please?

>> No.4437932
File: 69 KB, 960x720, milk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the school you worked at ever use these things? My middle school had them for a bit, but had to stop using them because students were using them as water balloons.

>> No.4437937
File: 16 KB, 353x400, ShockedMedusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in god's name am I looking at?

>> No.4437941

Milk in a bag

>> No.4437943


Milk in a bag. My school used to have milk bags back in the day. Then we switched to cartons

>> No.4437944

Water sac
These where life savers

>> No.4437946

Sorry difnt open picture its a milk sac

>> No.4437953

so looking at the picture, you're literally supposed to stab the center with your straw and drink it that way?

>> No.4437956

> bagged milk
Is this Canada now?

>> No.4437959


>> No.4437962

i remember reading on /ck/(i think) someone asking the same thing and they posted a link to a company that makes them for schools/companies/etc. and they also sold them to individuals in bulk. i totatlly forgot the name but im sure if you look it up enough you could find it

I was there when the topic was actually posted, but unfortunately didnt save any pictures. Maybe another user did, because I have seen that topic mentioned here quite a few times before.

no way, i have never even seen something like that in my life. thats actually really interesting though i havent seen bagged milk like that before

>> No.4437965

My school used to have fights on fried chicken day. Any shit like that ever happen to you?

>> No.4437977

So did you flirt back?
We know you did.

>> No.4437979
File: 227 KB, 450x1877, NahWr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this it?

>> No.4437981

Are you a pedophile, OP?

>> No.4437984

why do you hate children

>> No.4438021

no way, our school district was very strict and if anyone tried that they would get suspended right away

i havent seen that picture before, but the one i am talking about the cook actually took pictures of the menu at work and uploaded it here

no i am not

i dont hate children

>> No.4438027

>no way, our school district was very strict and if anyone tried that they would get suspended right away
Same with my school, the kids just didn't give a shit.

>> No.4438039
File: 725 KB, 3264x1840, applebees onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen a photocopied applebees "recipe" and cooking instruction book on here.

>> No.4438048

Are you sure? Little girls are really cute and like having an older guy to look up to.

>> No.4438053

Did you ever do any "international appreciation week" things?

My poor was in an area full of people from all over and we did that. We had Samoan spaghetti and banh mi.

Except they used the wrong loaves, used shitty mayo, just shredded carrots, lunchmeat ham and that was it. Ever do something like that?

>> No.4438077

that is some of the pictures i am talking about.

keep in mind they werent little as in elementary they were usually 12-14 year olds, which I have no interest in. My girlfriend is 15 years older than me, to give you an idea of the ageframe of women I like.

Every tuesday we had asian day which was just fried rice, popcorn chicken, steamed vegetables and your choice of various kinds of sauce for dipping your chicken in.
it was actually pretty good tasting.

>> No.4438082

That's disgusting.

>> No.4438104

Not OP, but my years in High School, I gave my Free lunch away to people less fortunate than me. I didn't care for the food, and I'd much rather starve, but it sure was nice giving it to someone that needed it.

>> No.4438113

i guess depending on your tastes it might be disgusting, i always liked it though

thats very nice of you, now a days though if you cant afford lunch than you will for sure get a free or reduced meal. there are still the kids that pocket the money their parents give them for lunch and beg other students to give them food. i fuckin hate those kids

>> No.4438119

Same here, I don't like doing kind things for those that abuse it. But I waited it out to see if they really didn't have lunch, then I'd approach and offer them mine. Lunch at my High School was $4.00. That is quite expensive to pay everyday in a middle-class High School.

>> No.4438124

did you or your colleages spit or jizz over the food

>> No.4438149

more like this?

>> No.4438162

the district i worked at was middle class too, thats nice of you to give kids your meal though. there are some kids that obviously didnt get much meals at home and their school meal was their main meal

I actually loled for real when reading this.
of course no one did that. we all got paid $9.60 an hour and our supervisers were(sometimes) nice so none of that stuff ever happened.

well I had a good time reading this thread. If this thread is still alive tommorow and if I got time maybe I will be able to respond to any responses after that. thanks for all the questions guys.

>> No.4438212

in grade school/middle school me and my friends always envied the kids who got free lunch.
>why the hell do YOU get free/reduced lunch?!
>iunno my mommy/daddy just signed some papers
>proceed to bitch at my parents for not jumping on this glorious free-food band wagon

oh to be young and naive again.

>> No.4438228

Oh god how do you make the cheap pigs in a blanket aka the hotdog with the kinda tough bread wrapped around it ive been craving it for years but have no idea what kind of shitty bread to use

>> No.4438296

It was the opposite for me. I was incredibly poor and naive. School lunch was difficult because at the time, it was incredibly difficult to see who had free or reduced lunch and who did not. I was always teased for it. I remember one day I begged my mom to give me money for lunch so I wouldn't be teased at school.

God fucking damn.

>> No.4438302

Jebus that looks exactly like what I used to eat 20 years ago... God it was that long since I started school?

>> No.4438305

My high school had the best Chocolate Chip cookies I ever had. I wish to fucking god I could eat one of them again. Never again...

>> No.4438308
File: 751 KB, 2048x1536, 1367288978610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4438309

Me too man. Me too. God I miss those cookies.

>> No.4438310

My highschool's blueberry muffins were the best. Their chocolate chip cookies were okay, but damn those muffins were good.

>> No.4438323

Looks like 'more'.

>> No.4438327


>japanese food
>implying that isn't for an entire family of 5'3 midget betas
>1% protein 99% carb

>> No.4438328

My mom is a lunch lady, I get a care package of those cookies, and all the other goodies those kids get!

>> No.4438330

Did the schools ever have the kids do work in the cafeteria.

I remember once in 5th grade they made us rotate who would help out in the cafeterias kitchen. I had to wear a hair net, and gloves. One of your typical lunch ladies(big arms, fatty, etc) flipped shit because I blew into a glove to open it.

>> No.4438331

Skool Lunch did the stuff for my state, UT

>> No.4438333

My high school had a really good cafeteria. Fresh, healthy food everyday. And they'd have parfaits and yogurt and cookies and stuff for dessert. The ladies working there were really nice and everyone liked them.

I would always get the breaded chicken caesar wraps and a cup of yogurt. $4 for both so I would save the extra money and buy a video game each month.

>> No.4438338

Oh, and for breakfast they would always make eggs benedict. Best fucking eggs benedict ever.

>> No.4438340

Do the different classes have a weekly rotating cleaning duty which included the cafeteria?
Germanfag here.

>> No.4438383


You do know there are laws restricting what could be sold to students, right?
It's heavily regulated.

>> No.4438389

It tasted good because it was probably loaded with MSG.

>> No.4438392

i can't even look at OP's pic or read this thread without having some PTSD flashbacks

>> No.4438395

Quit being a pussy.

>> No.4438410

I want that fucking square pizza dammit

>> No.4438437


>> No.4438445

well sorry, you'll just have to eat some other vegetable.

>> No.4439120

The cookies at my high school were great, didn't know a single person who didn't like them. Also agree with you on the tacos, that's what my friends and I ate pretty much everyday for 4 years

>> No.4439147

That's a rectangle

>> No.4439338

It's a vegetable.

>> No.4439376

Did anyone else get orange juice in bags? I went to school in south florida and we always had these juice bags that I can't remember the name of for the life of me.

>> No.4439390

I miss freshly baked school cookies. Dat smell as you walked to class...

>> No.4439399

do you feel really old, if you could become a kid again and live life over, obviously to actually go to college this time, but also to just experience growing up again would you do it?

also do you feel in general the food choices at your school are the cheapest possible trash?

>> No.4439401

>thats a question you should ask the government.

I think we have our answer. It's because they hire people who are so lazy and worthless they don't even have what it takes to give an opinion on 4chan.

>> No.4439402

i hated that smell, the chocolate smelled burned, i'd rather have gone to school in Paris and smelled buttery croissants in the air

>> No.4439452

So how sharp were the straws? They'd have to be pretty damned sharp, otherwise you'd end up putting too much pressure on the bag and sending milk everywhere.

>> No.4439535

Have you ever had a Capri Sun? They're about the same.

>> No.4439552

The government provides the food, jackass. That's like asking your carrier why they don't deliver on Sundays...

>> No.4439583

who is the provider of the enchiladas.
god theyre so shitty but i loved them back when i was in school
i want to know who supplies them how do i get my hands on some

>> No.4439590

that one looks shitty

>> No.4439605

Pedophile, get out.

>> No.4439650

best thing was baked chicken (going back for seconds)

the french fries

the pizza

the cheesesticks

the little burgers in plastic bag (two of them)

the free accessory tuna sandwich they gave you with the normal lunch

fuck im hungry

>> No.4439671


fuck I remember the breakfast they served was good

should of eaten it more.


>> No.4440013

The least someone could do when they start a thread like this giving some type of opinion on why something is the way that it is. Obviously you wouldn't just ask a mailman why they don't deliver on Sundays, but if a mailman is bored enough to come on 4chan and ask people to ask him questions, I'm sure he could offer some insight on the situation.

>> No.4440158

I work in a prison kitchen, the pic looks the same as our menu. true story

>> No.4440171

kids would just be too slow, you have to work really fast cause the lines are long and kids only have 35 minutes to eat. maybe that is just a german thing, i havent really heard of that happening in USA.


i would like to go through childhood with the mindset I have now. I would not go to college though, waste of money.

well thats like asking a mcdonalds employee why they dont use fresh grass fed beef for their burgers. They have absolutely zero control over their supply.

>> No.4440179

Listen, you're clearly an idiot, so do everyone a favor and kill yourself.

>hey man what do you think of this thing?

You apathetic half-wit

>> No.4440187

>should of

Looks like your school didn't teach very well.

>> No.4440196

Really? I would assume there's more nutraloaf on prison menus.

>> No.4440208

>that pic

Where are vegetables? What is are the things besides the corn? Why is every a shade of brownish yellow? Is this normal in American schools? Looks scary.

>> No.4440240

ugh. Dat meatloaf. try mechanically separated chicken or turkey (which is in 95% of the menu) filled up with oats and dried out. oh and our food is one of the best compared to any near by prison. people come to our prison for the food

>> No.4440244

>Where are vegetables?
Its that big rectangle thing on the bottom right.

>> No.4440247

i read wrong, wtf is nutriloaf?

>> No.4440279

You're a fucking moron. Seriously.

>> No.4440301

>ask where are the vegetables
>then proceed to talk about the corn

>> No.4440310
File: 38 KB, 465x382, sass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all motherfuckers need jamie oliver or something

>> No.4440313


a cruel and unusual punishment

>> No.4440321
File: 45 KB, 500x559, Canadian-milk-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was it like being molested all those years by all those people? i think we have our answer. its because they molest people who are so stupid and worthless they just barely have what it takes to troll /ck/

>> No.4440595

Grains don't count.

>> No.4440603

You're a fucking moron

>> No.4440640

>being an autistic douchebag
Goodness, be careful you don't cut yourself with all that edge.

Also, that projecting.

>> No.4440681

My high school had these magical fucking chocolate chip muffins that were always warm and awesome. They came wrapped in cellophane so I'm pretty sure they ordered them from some company and then heated them in the oven.

They were god tier. Like eating cookie dough. I wish I knew what fucking company made them.

>> No.4440774


The pizza in case anyone was wondering.

>> No.4440784

When I was a lad we used to buy food from the Schwans folks, until one day their truck ran over our dog.

>> No.4440790

Is that food or home decor? Not really sure.

>> No.4440919

>people come to our prison for the food

>"Man, I'm starving. Let's grab some of that Prison food."


>> No.4440981
File: 388 KB, 1600x1200, 100_3166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public school lunches look... just... awful.
I borrowed a floppy disc Mavica from the school's photo lab for the day and took this picture of my lunch: chickpea, green bell pepper, red onion and avocado salad in lemon dressing in whole wheat pita. The pic is 13 years old.

>> No.4440984

inb4 vegetarian
I am not nor was I then a vegetarian. I do, however, rather enjoy chickpea salad.

>> No.4441035

>being this autismal

You fucking impassioned 15 year old, I can't wait until reality hits you in the face.

>> No.4441047

>reality hits you in the face
As your alcoholic father did to you and your mother? He was right: you both deserved it, especially that whore who birthed you, the cunt.

>> No.4441063

that honestly looks better than what my high school served. when you have to scrape for change to get a hot pocket because its better than the caffiteria food your screwed and hungry or broke and full one or two days a week

>> No.4441076

I'm sorry to hear. The only problem I have with private school lunches is that I'm often left out of the joke when people go on about how awful their school meals were.

I... I didn't know what a tater-tot was until Napoleon Dynamite came out.

>> No.4441081

Nigga, what?

>> No.4441090

Given you were a government employee and in a school: were you part of a union.

>> No.4441092

That doesn't look so bad, the lighting is shitty and I have no idea how well it was put together but it looks like it had a lot more thought put into it than the square pizzas and rubber pasta bakes of my high school.

>> No.4441093

Oh wait, I think I got the wrong end of your post, yeah state funded school lunches can suck
I'm in the uk and here for some reason public school means private school, I never understood it myself.

>> No.4441109
File: 368 KB, 1280x720, Gatto11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you always use "government school".